45 research outputs found

    Emozioni e malattia di Alzheimer: nuovi approfondimenti per uno studio pilota

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    In questo contributo, dopo una breve excursus sui principali studi dedicati alla produzione e comprensione delle emozioni in pazienti con malattia di Alzheimer, viene presentato il corpus da cui sono tratti i dialoghi esaminati e gli obiettivi del lavoro, che costituisce un ampliamento, sia metodologico sia del campione, di un precedente lavoro (Melone et al. 2020). Alle analisi qualitativa e quantitativa dei dialoghi qui considerati, seguono, infine, alcune riflessioni conclusive

    GoldThes: A Faceted Thesaurus for Goldsmith's Art in a Regional Context

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    In industrialized countries, the rapidity of development has not taken into account the fact that it would be opportune to formalize “niche” knowledge. There is an ever-growing need for a written formalization of Tacit knowledge. The aim of this activity consists in building specialized knowledge collections, which are useful to help and to guarantee the continuity of small and medium-sized business during successions and to guarantee staff training related to specific practices. To reach this aim this work presents the construction of a Faceted Thesaurus (GoldThes) for the domain of goldsmith handcraftsmanship, which tries to classify and organize domain extracted from a regional context. The use of this kind of system demonstrated how classifying and organizing information into multi-dimensional hierarchies is more accessible than using a single taxonomy that is a unique hierarchical dimensio

    Il domani del colecistectomizzato: veramente doloroso?

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    Cod. CNR P 0000237

    Chirurgia ginecologica in videolaparoscopia.

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    Valutazione dei costi nella chirurgia dell’ernia inguinale. Day surgery e one day surgery versus ricovero ordinario

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    The authors have completed an analytic research about costs of hospitalization and treatment for inguinal hernioplasty and costs of anesthesiologic and surgical techniques and hospitalization regimen. The authors consider possible in about 50% of cases the tension-free hernioplasty carried out with local anesthesia and day or one day surgery regimen and they have estimated that it is very less costly then traditional herniorraphy carried out with general anesthesia and hospitalization: L. 1.056.075 versus L. 2.252.650. In Emilia-Romagna we could have a considerable cost-saving, even if only the 50% of patients treated for uncomplicated inguinal hernia every year (7.133 patients with mean hospital stay = 5,8 days and total hospitalization = 41.731 days during 1993) could benefit by treatment in one day surgery regimen. In fact, leaving out of account the advantage of the rapid return the patient to work, the costs of hospital stay, esteemed in L. 25.038.600.000, would be L. 8.558.700.000. A considerable increase of one day surgery hernioplasties should be expected by the hospital administration in budget planning

    Costi della colecistectomia dopo l\u2019avvento della chirurgia videolaparoscopica

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    variazione del costo della cvolecistectomia dopo l'avvento e la diffusione della chirurgia mini-invasiv