Valutazione dei costi nella chirurgia dell’ernia inguinale. Day surgery e one day surgery versus ricovero ordinario


The authors have completed an analytic research about costs of hospitalization and treatment for inguinal hernioplasty and costs of anesthesiologic and surgical techniques and hospitalization regimen. The authors consider possible in about 50% of cases the tension-free hernioplasty carried out with local anesthesia and day or one day surgery regimen and they have estimated that it is very less costly then traditional herniorraphy carried out with general anesthesia and hospitalization: L. 1.056.075 versus L. 2.252.650. In Emilia-Romagna we could have a considerable cost-saving, even if only the 50% of patients treated for uncomplicated inguinal hernia every year (7.133 patients with mean hospital stay = 5,8 days and total hospitalization = 41.731 days during 1993) could benefit by treatment in one day surgery regimen. In fact, leaving out of account the advantage of the rapid return the patient to work, the costs of hospital stay, esteemed in L. 25.038.600.000, would be L. 8.558.700.000. A considerable increase of one day surgery hernioplasties should be expected by the hospital administration in budget planning

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