12 research outputs found

    Diffusion research in HCP Mg–Al–Sn ternary alloys

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    Diffusion behavior in the HCP Mg–Al–Sn ternary alloys was experimentally investigated at 673 K and 723 K by analyzing solid-state diffusion couples. From the composition profiles analytically represented by error function expansion, the inter- and impurity diffusion coefficients were extracted by the Whittle-Green and generalized Hall methods respectively, which enable to establish the diffusion properties of the HCP Mg–Al–Sn alloys. The present results, together with the binary diffusion data of Mg–Al and Mg–Sn binaries, reveal that the average value of the main interdiffusion coefficient ~DMgSnSn over the investigated compositions is 1.39 times larger than ~DMgAlAl at 673 K and 1.36 times at 723 K, respectively, implying Sn diffuses comparably faster than Al in the HCP Mg–Al–Sn alloys. The main interdiffusion coefficients ~DMgAlAl and ​~DMgSnSn and the impurity diffusion coefficient D*Sn(Mg-Al) increases with increasing the content of diffusing element, either Al or Sn, however, D*Al(Mg-Sn) increases first and then decreases as the Sn composition increases. The cross interdiffusion coefficients are scattering, their composition dependences are not very conclusive, however, a trend that ~DMgAlSn and ~DMgSnA become negligibly small or even negative was evidenced as the content of Al or Sn approaches 0.The authors would like to acknowledge National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51571113), Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Inorganic Function Composites, and Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institution (PAPD).Peer reviewe

    A “Seed-and-Soil” Radiomics Model Predicts Brain Metastasis Development in Lung Cancer: Implications for Risk-Stratified Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation

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    Introduction: Brain is a major site of metastasis for lung cancer, and effective therapy for developed brain metastasis (BM) is limited. Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) has been shown to reduce BM rate and improve survival in small cell lung cancer, but this result was not replicated in unselected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and had the risk of inducing neurocognitive dysfunctions. We aimed to develop a radiomics BM prediction model for BM risk stratification in NSCLC patients. Methods: 256 NSCLC patients with no BM at baseline brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were selected; 128 patients developed BM within three years after diagnosis and 128 remained BM-free. For radiomics analysis, both the BM and non-BM groups were randomly distributed into training and testing datasets at an 70%:30% ratio. Both brain MRI (representing the soil) and chest computed tomography (CT, representing the seed) radiomic features were extracted to develop the BM prediction models. We first developed the radiomic models using the training dataset (89 non-BM and 90 BM cases) and subsequently validated the models in the testing dataset (39 non-BM and 38 BM cases). A radiomics BM score (RadBM score) was generated, and BM-free survival were compared between RadBM score-high and RadBM score-low groups. Results: The radiomics model developed from baseline brain MRI features alone can predict BM development in NSCLC patients. A fusion model integrating brain MRI features with primary tumor CT features (seed-and-soil model) provided synergetic effect and was more efficient in predicting BM (areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve 0.84 (95% confidence interval: 0.80–0.89) and 0.80 (95% confidence interval: 0.71–0.88) in the training and testing datasets, respectively). BM-free survival was significantly shorter in the RadBM score-high group versus the RadBM score-low group (Log-rank, p < 0.001). Hazard ratios for BM were 1.056 (95% confidence interval: 1.044–1.068) per 0.01 increment in RadBM score. Cumulative BM rates at three years were 75.8% and 24.2% for the RadBM score-high and RadBM score-low groups, respectively. Only 1.2% (7/565) of the BM lesions were located within the hippocampal avoidance region. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that intrinsic features of a non-metastatic brain exert a significant impact on BM development, which is first-in-class in metastasis prediction studies. A radiomics BM prediction model utilizing both primary tumor and pre-metastatic brain features might provide a useful tool for individualized PCI administration in NSCLC patients more prone to develop BM

    Pyramid Structure, Investor Relations, and the Cost of Equity Capital

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    Identifying the Risk Factors of Allergic Rhinitis Based on Zhihu Comment Data Using a Topic-Enhanced Word-Embedding Model: Mixed Method Study and Cluster Analysis

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    BackgroundAllergic rhinitis (AR) is a chronic disease, and several risk factors predispose individuals to the condition in their daily lives, including exposure to allergens and inhalation irritants. Analyzing the potential risk factors that can trigger AR can provide reference material for individuals to use to reduce its occurrence in their daily lives. Nowadays, social media is a part of daily life, with an increasing number of people using at least 1 platform regularly. Social media enables users to share experiences among large groups of people who share the same interests and experience the same afflictions. Notably, these channels promote the ability to share health information. ObjectiveThis study aims to construct an intelligent method (TopicS-ClusterREV) for identifying the risk factors of AR based on these social media comments. The main questions were as follows: How many comments contained AR risk factor information? How many categories can these risk factors be summarized into? How do these risk factors trigger AR? MethodsThis study crawled all the data from May 2012 to May 2022 under the topic of allergic rhinitis on Zhihu, obtaining a total of 9628 posts and 33,747 comments. We improved the Skip-gram model to train topic-enhanced word vector representations (TopicS) and then vectorized annotated text items for training the risk factor classifier. Furthermore, cluster analysis enabled a closer look into the opinions expressed in the category, namely gaining insight into how risk factors trigger AR. ResultsOur classifier identified more comments containing risk factors than the other classification models, with an accuracy rate of 96.1% and a recall rate of 96.3%. In general, we clustered texts containing risk factors into 28 categories, with season, region, and mites being the most common risk factors. We gained insight into the risk factors expressed in each category; for example, seasonal changes and increased temperature differences between day and night can disrupt the body’s immune system and lead to the development of allergies. ConclusionsOur approach can handle the amount of data and extract risk factors effectively. Moreover, the summary of risk factors can serve as a reference for individuals to reduce AR in their daily lives. The experimental data also provide a potential pathway that triggers AR. This finding can guide the development of management plans and interventions for AR

    Identifying Active Rather than Total Methanotrophs Inhabiting Surface Soil Is Essential for the Microbial Prospection of Gas Reservoirs

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    Methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) have long been recognized as an important bioindicator for oil and gas exploration. However, due to their physiological and ecological diversity, the distribution of MOB in different habitats varies widely, making it challenging to authentically reflect the abundance of active MOB in the soil above oil and gas reservoirs using conventional methods. Here, we selected the Puguang gas field of the Sichuan Basin in Southwest China as a model system to study the ecological characteristics of methanotrophs using culture-independent molecular techniques. Initially, by comparing the abundance of the pmoA genes determined by quantitative PCR (qPCR), no significant difference was found between gas well and non-gas well soils, indicating that the abundance of total MOB may not necessarily reflect the distribution of the underlying gas reservoirs. 13C-DNA stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) in combination with high-throughput sequencing (HTS) furthermore revealed that type II methanotrophic Methylocystis was the absolutely predominant active MOB in the non-gas-field soils, whereas the niche vacated by Methylocystis was gradually filled with type I RPC-2 (rice paddy cluster-2) and Methylosarcina in the surface soils of gas reservoirs after geoscale acclimation to trace- and continuous-methane supply. The sum of the relative abundance of RPC-2 and Methylosarcina was then used as specific biotic index (BI) in the Puguang gas field. A microbial anomaly distribution map based on the BI values showed that the anomalous zones were highly consistent with geological and geophysical data, and known drilling results. Therefore, the active but not total methanotrophs successfully reflected the microseepage intensity of the underlying active hydrocarbon system, and can be used as an essential quantitative index to determine the existence and distribution of reservoirs. Our results suggest that molecular microbial techniques are powerful tools for oil and gas prospecting