12 research outputs found

    The Potential of Heat Recovery from Wastewater Considering the Protection of Wastewater Treatment Plant Technology

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    Energy efficiency is extremely significant for industrial processes and technologies. Rising energy prices, depleting fossil fuels, as well as tightening regulations that impose the need to reduce GHG emissions incentivize companies to look for energy-efficient solutions. This also applies to wastewater treatment plants, which, on the one hand, are consumers of very large amounts of energy, and on the other hand, have significant potential to retrieve waste energy in the form of heat accumulated in wastewater. The authors of this publication have recognized the benefits of managing this heat. However, they have also pointed out several problems and difficulties associated with this process. By means of measured data, this publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the heat that can be recovered from wastewater treatment plants. As a result of the analyses, the locations of sites for collecting heat from wastewater have been determined, and potential technologies for this purpose have been identified. Moreover, the impact of the proposed heat recovery technology on the process of biological wastewater treatment has also been analyzed. As a result of the research, the authors developed generalized guidelines for selecting an optimal heat recovery site and the technological system designed for this purpose

    Rynek paliw gazowych w Polsce a koszty ko艅cowej energii cieplnej wytwarzanej w kot艂owni lokalnej

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    About 55% of over 14 million Polish households live in multi-family buildings. Cooperative or housing association buildings have a large share in this group. The heat is supplied from the district heating network or from local sources. With respect to facilities fed from gas boiler rooms, the signing and execution of fuel supply contracts is required. From October 1, 2017, the obligation to submit tariffs for gas trading set for all final customers (except for individual gas consumers in households) for approval to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office was lifted. Decisions regarding the choice of the supplier and the content of the concluded contract are made by the authorized bodies of the cooperative or housing association. The consequences of such decisions are borne by the owners and users of residential premises. Ensuring the continuity of a contract for the supply of gaseous fuel essentially comes down to establishing prices and rates in force for a given period. The right decision on the moment of signing the contract or the amendment, termination of the existing contract and signing a new one, or negotiation efficiency will result in financial profits for all users. The costs of heating and domestic hot water preparation are a significant component of the overall cost of the maintenance of flats in Poland. Therefore, it is even more important that the prices and rates agreed upon with the gas supplier are as favorable as possible to users. The high costs of heat are not only expenses for apartment owners. The attractiveness of flat on the rental market is also decreasing. The business activity carried out in facilities located in such buildings is also less competitive. The authors of the article analyzed gas prices on the Polish market over the last 3 years and presented the results of simulations of the effects of specific prices and rates set in the contract for the supply of fuel at the cost of heating from the point of view of a single apartment. As these are not large amounts per year, they do not motivate to optimize the terms of the gas purchase contract in this respect. The dynamics of changes in gas prices in Poland, although slightly different from world trends, is high. This makes it difficult for those responsible to make the decisions, and for residential users, it often means spending differences in subsequent years. One of the consequences of setting prices and rates significantly higher than obtainable may also be the reluctance of local communities to take measures to increase the energy efficiency of the heat supply system. From the point of view of heating costs, such decisions may distort the economic effect of thermo-modernization.Znaczna cz臋艣膰 (oko艂o 55%) z ponad 14 mln polskich gospodarstw domowych stanowi fragment budynk贸w wielorodzinnych. W tej grupie du偶y udzia艂 maj膮 budynki b臋d膮ce zasobami sp贸艂dzielni lub wsp贸lnot mieszkaniowych. Zaopatrzenie w ciep艂o odbywa si臋 z sieci ciep艂owniczej lub ze 藕r贸de艂 lokalnych. W odniesieniu do obiekt贸w, kt贸re s膮 zasilane z kot艂owni gazowych, konieczne jest podpisanie i realizacja um贸w na dostaw臋 gazu. Od 1 pa藕dziernika 2017 r. zosta艂 zniesiony obowi膮zek przedstawiania do zatwierdzenia Prezesowi Urz臋du Regulacji Energetyki taryf w zakresie obrotu gazem, z wyj膮tkiem odbiorc贸w w gospodarstwach domowych. Decyzje w zakresie wyboru dostawcy i tre艣ci zawieranej umowy podejmuj膮 uprawnione do tego organy sp贸艂dzielni lub wsp贸lnoty mieszkaniowej. Konsekwencje takich decyzji ponosz膮 u偶ytkownicy lokali mieszkalnych. Umowa na dostaw臋 paliwa gazowego ustala ceny i stawki obowi膮zuj膮ce w danym okresie. Trafno艣膰 decyzji o momencie zawarcia lub aneksowania umowy, wypowiedzenia dotychczasowych warunk贸w i podpisanie nowej umowy czy te偶 skuteczno艣膰 negocjacyjna skutkuj膮 obci膮偶eniem finansowym dla wszystkich u偶ytkownik贸w, a przecie偶 koszty ogrzewania pomieszcze艅 i przygotowania ciep艂ej wody u偶ytkowej stanowi膮 w Polsce znacz膮c膮 sk艂adow膮 og贸lnych koszt贸w utrzymania nieruchomo艣ci. Zbyt wysokie koszty zwi膮zane z zaopatrzeniem w ciep艂o to nie tylko dodatkowe wydatki dla w艂a艣cicieli mieszka艅. Zmniejsza si臋 r贸wnie偶 atrakcyjno艣膰 lokali mieszkalnych na rynku najmu. Prowadzona dzia艂alno艣膰 us艂ugowa w lokalach us艂ugowych zlokalizowanych w takich zasobach jest r贸wnie偶 mniej konkurencyjna. Autorzy artyku艂u przeanalizowali ceny gazu na polskim rynku w okresie ostatnich 3 lat i przedstawili wyniki symulacji skutk贸w okre艣lonych cen i stawek ustalonych w umowie na dostaw臋 paliwa na koszt ogrzewania z punktu widzenia pojedynczego lokalu. Poniewa偶 w skali roku nie s膮 to du偶e kwoty, nie motywuj膮 one do optymalizacji w tym zakresie warunk贸w umowy na zakup gazu. Dynamika zmian cen gazu w Polsce, mimo 偶e nieco odbiegaj膮ca od trend贸w 艣wiatowych, jest du偶a. Utrudnia to osobom odpowiedzialnym podejmowanie trafnych decyzji, a dla u偶ytkownik贸w lokali mieszkalnych cz臋sto oznacza r贸偶nice wydatk贸w w kolejnych latach. Jedn膮 z konsekwencji ustalenia cen i stawek istotnie wy偶szych od mo偶liwych do uzyskania mo偶e by膰 te偶 niech臋膰 lokalnych spo艂eczno艣ci do podejmowania dzia艂a艅 zwi臋kszaj膮cych efektywno艣膰 energetyczn膮 systemu zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o. Z punktu widzenia koszt贸w ogrzewania takie decyzje mog膮 bowiem wypaczy膰 efekt ekonomiczny termomodernizacji

    Forecasting the time interval of the day with the maximum boilers gas consumption

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    Dzia艂ania maj膮ce na celu popraw臋 efektywno艣ci energetycznej system贸w zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o wymagaj膮 korzystania z coraz bardziej z艂o偶onych metod. Podstawowe sposoby zmniejszenia zu偶ycia ciep艂a poprzez stosowanie lepszej izolacji cieplnej maj膮 coraz bardziej ograniczone mo偶liwo艣ci iwymagaj膮 stosunkowo du偶ych nak艂ad贸w finansowych. Dobre efekty mog膮 by膰 osi膮gane przez coraz lepsze dopasowanie rozwi膮za艅 technicznych, sposob贸w regulacji czy zasad eksploatacji 藕r贸d艂a ciep艂a do warunk贸w konkretnego obiektu zasilanego wciep艂o. Wymaga to jednak zar贸wno bada艅 identyfikuj膮cych skuteczno艣膰 takich metod, jak inarz臋dzi s艂u偶膮cych do opisu wybranych element贸w systemu czy jego ca艂o艣ci. Artyku艂 przedstawia wyniki bada艅 przeprowadzonych dla kot艂owni gazowej zasilaj膮cej w ciep艂o grup臋 budynk贸w mieszkalnych. Celem by艂o zbudowanie modelu, kt贸ry prognozowa艂by dla konkretnego dnia przedzia艂 czasowy, w kt贸rym wyst臋puje maksymalne zu偶ycie gazu. Dysponuj膮c pomiarami zu偶ycia gazu wkolejnych godzinach doby, zdecydowano si臋 zbudowa膰 model prognostyczny wyznaczaj膮cy t臋 cz臋艣膰 doby, w kt贸rej takie maksimum wyst膮pi. W opracowanym modelu zdecydowano si臋 zastosowa膰 procedur臋 las贸w losowych (random forest). Do utworzenia modelu zastosowano pakiet mlr (Kassambara), w kt贸rym przeprowadzono r贸wnie偶 strojenie hiperparametr贸w modelu na bazie danych historycznych. W oparciu o odr臋bne dane dla innego okresu dzia艂ania kot艂owni przedstawiono wyniki oceny jego jako艣ci. Uzyskano skuteczno艣膰 niemal 44%. Strojenie modelu wp艂yn臋艂o na popraw臋 jego zdolno艣ci predykcyjnych.The heat supply systems energy efficiency improvement requires the use of increasingly complex methods. The basic ways to reduce heat consumption is by using better thermal insulation, although they have more and more limited possibilities and need relatively large financial outlays. Good effects can be achieved by the better heat source adaptation to the conditions of aspecific facility supplied with heat. However, this requires research that identifies the effectiveness of such solutions as well as the tools used to describe selected elements of the system or its entirety. The article presents the results of tests carried out for agas boiler room supplying heat to agroup of residential buildings. The goal was to build amodel that would forecast the day range in which the maximum gas consumption occurs for agiven day. Having measurements of gas consumption in subsequent hours of the day, it was decided to build aforecasting model determining the part of the day in which such amaximum would occur. To create the model the random forest procedure was used along with the mlr (Kassambara) package. The model鈥檚 hyperparameters were tuned based on historical data. Based on data for another period of boilerroom operation, the results of the model鈥檚 quality assessment were presented. Close to 44% efficiency was achieved. Tuning the model improved its predictive ability

    The attractiveness of system district heating assessment based on specialist surveys

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    Artyku艂 prezentuje wyniki bada艅 ankietowych, kt贸rych celem by艂a ocena atrakcyjno艣ci scentralizowanych system贸w zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o w por贸wnaniu z innymi 藕r贸d艂ami ciep艂a. Dzia艂ania ukierunkowane na popraw臋 efektywno艣ci energetycznej budynk贸w wwarunkach klimatu Polski na razie jeszcze nie doprowadz膮 do wyeliminowania konieczno艣ci wyposa偶enia w 藕r贸d艂o ciep艂a instalacji ogrzewania czy uk艂adu przygotowania ciep艂ej wody u偶ytkowej. 殴r贸d艂o ciep艂a pozostaje zatem nadal istotnym elementem systemu zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o, warunkuj膮cym na wiele lat zar贸wno koszty ogrzewania, komfort, jak i oddzia艂ywanie na 艣rodowisko. Decyzja o wyborze sposobu zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o podejmowana jest zazwyczaj przez inwestora lub projektanta. Czasem udzia艂 w tej decyzji ma dostawca urz膮dze艅 czy wykonawca. Wp艂yw na ni膮 mo偶e mie膰 wiele r贸偶nych czynnik贸w, wynikaj膮cych r贸wnie偶 z konkretnej lokalizacji obiektu. Tylko cz臋艣ciowo warunkuje j膮 prawo lokalne w postaci miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Istotne s膮 r贸wnie偶 uwarunkowania techniczne (np. dost臋pno艣膰 sieci ciep艂owniczej lub gazowej), ekonomiczne ifinansowe, jak r贸wnie偶 czynniki du偶o bardziej subiektywne, jakim np. s膮 okre艣lone preferencja projektanta lub wykonawcy. Coraz cz臋艣ciej obserwowana jest niech臋膰 do korzystania z ciep艂a systemowego, nawet przy korzystnych warunkach lokalizacyjnych i mo偶liwo艣ci pod艂膮czenia budynku do sieci ciep艂owniczej. Jako 藕r贸d艂o ciep艂a wybierana jest kot艂ownia gazowa czy zasilane energi膮 elektryczn膮 pompy ciep艂a. Nasuwa si臋 wi臋c pytanie, czy s艂uszne s膮 takie decyzje i czym mog膮 by膰 uzasadniane. Jako metod臋 badawcz膮 wykorzystano ankiety, kt贸re przeprowadzono w艣r贸d os贸b, kt贸re ju偶 teraz maj膮 lub wnajbli偶szej przysz艂o艣ci b臋d膮 mie膰 wp艂yw na decyzje projektowe iinwestycyjne. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzi艂y du偶e zainteresowanie scentralizowanymi systemami zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o, docenienie ich zalet w zestawieniu z innymi sposobami wytwarzania energii ko艅cowej. Ankietowani mieli na uwadze r贸wnie偶 wady, kt贸re mog膮 sk艂oni膰 do korzystania zalternatywnego sposobu zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o.The article presents the results of surveys to assess the attractiveness of centralized heat supply systems in comparison with other heat sources. The heat source is an important element of the heat supply system which determines heating costs, comfort and environmental impact. The decision on the choice of the type of heat supply system is usually made by the investor or designer. Sometimes the equipment supplier or contractor has a part in this decision. The choice can be influenced by many different factors, also resulting from the specific location of the building. This is only partly determined by local law in the form of a local spatial development plan. The technical conditions (i.e. availability of heating or gas network), economic and financial, as well as much more subjective factors, such as the designer鈥檚 or contractor鈥檚 preference are also important. Aversion to district heating is growing, even when there are favorable conditions and the possibility of connecting the building to the heating network. Instead, a gas boiler or electrically powered heat pump is selected. This raises the question of whether such decisions are right and how they can be justified. As a research method, surveys were used, which were conducted among people who already have or will have an impact on design and investment decisions in the near future. The obtained results confirmed a large interest in district heating, appreciating their advantages in comparison with other methods of heat generation. The respondents also had the disadvantages that may lead to the use of an alternative methods of heat supplying in mind

    Possibility of reducing the costs of hot water distribution while maintaining the user's comfort

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    Residents of multi-storey buildings expect that the systems operating within the facility will function reliably and in a manner that ensures comfort. One of the systems that improves comfort is water circulation. Unfortunately, its operation is associated with significant costs, especially in the form of heat losses. Various attempts are being made to improve the energy efficiency of this system while maintaining high comfort for users. It seems that limiting the activities to the use of dedicated regulatory fittings is not enough. The use of other solutions, e.g. additional thermal insulation, may be impossible for organizational reasons. A separate issue is the financial matters and cost-effectiveness of such activities

    Possibilities of improving energy efficiency of heating systems with a gas boiler

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    Artyku艂 omawia problematyk臋 dotycz膮c膮 poprawy efektywno艣ci energetycznej system贸w zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o. Zwr贸cono uwag臋 na konieczno艣膰 podejmowania dzia艂a艅 nie tylko w przypadku du偶ych obiekt贸w i system贸w, ale r贸wnie偶 pojedynczych budynk贸w i kot艂owni lokalnych. Monitoring pracy systemu zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o pozwala na diagnozowanie najs艂abszych jego element贸w i podejmowanie decyzji prowadz膮cych do poprawy efektywno艣ci energetycznej. W przypadku kot艂owni, w kt贸rej prowadzono badania, wyniki takiego monitoringu przekona艂y do wyposa偶enia jej w dodatkowy uk艂ad automatycznej regulacji z algorytmem maj膮cym na celu ograniczenie liczby cykli w艂膮cze艅 i wy艂膮cze艅 palnik贸w. Ograniczenie liczby za艂膮cze艅 palnik贸w, podobnie jak w przypadku innych urz膮dze艅 spalinowych i elektrycznych, ma istotny wp艂yw na sprawno艣膰 energetyczn膮 ca艂ego uk艂adu. Dodatkowo zwi臋ksza r贸wnie偶 trwa艂o艣膰 urz膮dze艅, a tym samym zmniejsza koszty serwisu i napraw. Najprostsze algorytmy sterowania, cz臋sto stosowane w regulatorach instalowanych w jednostkach kot艂owych, nie zapewniaj膮 jednak optymalizacji w tym zakresie. Zastosowane urz膮dzenie zewn臋trzne pozwoli艂o ograniczy膰 liczb臋 cykl贸w w艂膮cze艅 i wy艂膮cze艅 palnik贸w przy zachowaniu jako艣ci dostawy ciep艂a do instalacji ogrzewania i uk艂adu przygotowania c.w.u. W materiale zarekomendowano r贸wnie偶 inne sposoby poprawy efektywno艣ci energetycznej systemu zaopatrzenia w ciep艂o istniej膮cych budynk贸w wielorodzinnych.The article discusses issues related to improving the energy efficiency of heat supply systems. It draws attention to the need to take action not only for large objects and systems, but also for individual buildings and their boiler plants. Heat supply system monitoring allows for the diagnosis of the weakest elements and making decisions leading to the improvement of energy efficiency. In the case of the boiler room where the research was carried out, the results of such monitoring convinced to equip boilers with an additional automatic control system, with an algorithm limiting the number of burner switching cycles and shutdowns. Limiting the number of switching on the burners, as in the case of other combustion and electric devices, has a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the entire system. In addition, it also increases the durability of the devices, and thus reduces costs of servicing and repairs. The simplest control algorithms, often used in controllers installed in the boiler units, do not provide optimization in this respect. The external device used has allowed the number of burners on and off cycles to be limited while maintaining the quality of the heat supply to the heating installation and the heat treatment system.The material also presents other ways to improve the energy efficiency of the heat supply system in existing multi-family buildings

    Energy Consumption by DHW System with a Circulation Loop as an Energy Efficiency Component, Based on an Example of a Residential Building

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    In the EU countries, almost 50% of the produced energy is used in residential buildings. More than 25% of this energy is used to produce domestic hot water, of which almost 80% is used to heat water in domestic hot water circulation systems. This is due to high expectations on the part of residents based on their comfort, in particular regarding the supply of heat for heating and domestic hot water. In the course of their long-term research conducted on real systems, the authors confirmed that the operation of domestic hot water distribution systems causes significant costs, mainly due to heat losses. Therefore, typical variants of energy optimization of such systems were analyzed. Tests have shown that selected solutions, such as the use of control automation, are not sufficient, and recommended additional thermal insulation may not be applicable due to technical reasons. With an aim of finding a solution to the problem, the publication analyzes operational data from an existing heat source and domestic hot water circulation system in a residential building. On the basis of these analyses, a solution was proposed to reduce energy consumption within the installation by means of its hydraulic optimization. The reduction of heat losses in domestic hot water installation by means of a method presented by the authors is estimated at approximately 20%

    Energy Consumption by DHW System with a Circulation Loop as an Energy Efficiency Component, Based on an Example of a Residential Building

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    In the EU countries, almost 50% of the produced energy is used in residential buildings. More than 25% of this energy is used to produce domestic hot water, of which almost 80% is used to heat water in domestic hot water circulation systems. This is due to high expectations on the part of residents based on their comfort, in particular regarding the supply of heat for heating and domestic hot water. In the course of their long-term research conducted on real systems, the authors confirmed that the operation of domestic hot water distribution systems causes significant costs, mainly due to heat losses. Therefore, typical variants of energy optimization of such systems were analyzed. Tests have shown that selected solutions, such as the use of control automation, are not sufficient, and recommended additional thermal insulation may not be applicable due to technical reasons. With an aim of finding a solution to the problem, the publication analyzes operational data from an existing heat source and domestic hot water circulation system in a residential building. On the basis of these analyses, a solution was proposed to reduce energy consumption within the installation by means of its hydraulic optimization. The reduction of heat losses in domestic hot water installation by means of a method presented by the authors is estimated at approximately 20%