266 research outputs found

    A network landscape model: stability analysis and numerical tests

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    Versão dos autores para este artigo.A Network Landscape Model (NLM) for the evaluation of the ecological trend of an environmental system is here presented and investigated. The model consists in a network of dynamical systems, here each node represents a single Landscape Unit (LU), endowed by a system of ODEs for two variables relevant to the production of bio-energy and to the percentage of green areas, respectively. The main goal of the paper consists in testing the relevance of connectivity between the LUs. For this purpose we consider rst the Single LU Model (SLM) and investigate its equilibria and their stability, in terms of two bifurcation parameters. Then the network dynamics is theoretically investigated by means of a bifurcation analysis of a proper simpli ed di erential system, that allows to understand how the coupling between di erent LUs modi es the asymptotic scenarios for the single LU model. Numerical simulations of NLM are performed, with reference to an environmental system in Northern Italy, and results are discussed in connection with SLM.GNFM - INdAM; FC

    Development and testing of the Active Temperature, Ozone and Moisture Microwave Spectrometer (ATOMMS) cm and mm wavelength occultation instrument

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    We present initial results from testing a new remote sensing system called the Active Temperature, Ozone and Moisture Microwave Spectrometer (ATOMMS). ATOMMS is designed as a satellite-to-satellite occultation system for monitoring climate. We are developing the prototype instrument for an aircraft to aircraft occultation demonstration. Here we focus on field testing of the ATOMMS instrument, in particular the remote sensing of water by measuring the attenuation caused by the 22 GHz and 183 GHz water absorption lines. Our measurements of the 183 GHz line spectrum along an 820 m path revealed that the AM 6.2 spectroscopic model provdes a much better match to the observed spectrum than the MPM93 model. These comparisons also indicate that errors in the ATOMMS amplitude measurements are about 0.3%. Pressure sensitivity bodes well for ATOMMS as a climate instrument. Comparisons with a hygrometer revealed consistency at the 0.05 mb level, which is about 1% of the absolute humidity. Initial measurements of absorption by the 22 GHz line made along a 5.4 km path between two mountaintops captured a large increase in water vapor similar to that measured by several nearby hygrometers. A storm passage between the two instruments yielded our first measurements of extinction by rain and cloud droplets. Comparisons of ATOMMS 1.5 mm opacity measurements with measured visible opacity and backscatter from a weather radar revealed features simultaneously evident in all three datasets confirming the ATOMMS measurements. The combined ATOMMS, radar and visible information revealed the evolution of rain and cloud amounts along the signal path during the passage of the storm. The derived average cloud water content reached typical continental cloud amounts. These results demonstrated a significant portion of the information content of ATOMMS and its ability to penetrate through clouds and rain which is critical to its all-weather, climate monitoring capability

    Integrated heterodyne array receivers for submillimeter astronomy

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    The advent of large format (~100 pixel) spectroscopic imaging cameras at submillimeter wavelengths would fundamentally change the way in which astronomy is performed in this important wavelength regime. While the possibility of such instruments has been discussed for more than two decades, only recently have advances in mixer technology, device fabrication, micromachining, digital signal processing, and telescope design made the construction of such an instrument possible and economical. In our paper, we will present the design concept for a 10×10 heterodyne camera

    Electrode-dependent asymmetric conduction mechanisms in K0.5Na0.5NbO3 micro-capacitors

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    The ultimate performance of devices employing lead-free piezoelectrics is determined not only by the intrinsic properties of the piezo, but also by processes and materials employed to create the electric contacts. In this paper, we investigate the impact of different metallic electrodes with increasing chemical reactivity (Pt, Ni, Ti, Cr), on the asymmetric behavior of the leakage current in M/K0.5Na0.5NbO3/Pt(111) micro-capacitors, where M stands for the top metallic electrode. For all electrodes we found a marked leakage asymmetry that we ascribed to the presence of a Schottky-like rectifying junction at the M/K0.5Na0.5NbO3/Pt(111) bottom interface, while the corresponding junction at the top interface is deeply affected by the creation of oxygen vacancies due to oxygen scavenging during the growth of the top metallic electrodes, leading to an almost ohmic top contact. The leakage increases with the reactivity of the electrodes, while the asymmetry decreases, thus suggesting that the creation of the top metal/K0.5Na0.5NbO3 interface generates oxygen vacancies diffusing down to the bottom interface and impacting on the rectifying behavior of the Schottky-like junction. Noteworthy, this asymmetric conduction can reflect in an asymmetric piezoelectric and ferroelectric behavior, as a sizable portion of the applied voltage drops across the rectifying junction in reverse bias, thus hampering symmetric bipolar operation, especially in leaky materials

    A field-deployed 810 GHz receiver incorporating a superconducting mixer developed for Herschel space telescope and a SiGe low noise amplifier

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    We have constructed an 810 GHz receiver system incorporating a HIFI Band-3 superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixer developed for Herschel space observatory and a wide-band SiGe low noise amplifier (LNA) designed at Caltech. The instrument is currently installed at the RLT telescope (elevation 5500 m) in northern Chile. Hot/cold (280K/72K) load measurements performed at the telescope yield noise temperatures of 225 K (Y-factor = 1.7) including receiver optics. First-light observations indicate that the receiver is highly sensitive and functions stably. We present details of the receiver system, its performance at the telescope, and first-light observations with a Herschel mixer

    A LEKID-based CMB instrument design for large-scale observations in Greenland

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    We present the results of a feasibility study, which examined deployment of a ground-based millimeter-wave polarimeter, tailored for observing the cosmic microwave background (CMB), to Isi Station in Greenland. The instrument for this study is based on lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) and an F/2.4 catoptric, crossed-Dragone telescope with a 500 mm aperture. The telescope is mounted inside the receiver and cooled to <4<\,4 K by a closed-cycle 4^4He refrigerator to reduce background loading on the detectors. Linearly polarized signals from the sky are modulated with a metal-mesh half-wave plate that is rotated at the aperture stop of the telescope with a hollow-shaft motor based on a superconducting magnetic bearing. The modular detector array design includes at least 2300 LEKIDs, and it can be configured for spectral bands centered on 150~GHz or greater. Our study considered configurations for observing in spectral bands centered on 150, 210 and 267~GHz. The entire polarimeter is mounted on a commercial precision rotary air bearing, which allows fast azimuth scan speeds with negligible vibration and mechanical wear over time. A slip ring provides power to the instrument, enabling circular scans (360 degrees of continuous rotation). This mount, when combined with sky rotation and the latitude of the observation site, produces a hypotrochoid scan pattern, which yields excellent cross-linking and enables 34\% of the sky to be observed using a range of constant elevation scans. This scan pattern and sky coverage combined with the beam size (15~arcmin at 150~GHz) makes the instrument sensitive to 5<<10005 < \ell < 1000 in the angular power spectra

    Far-infrared array reciever (FAR) for SOFIA

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    In this paper, we present the design for a 16-channel heterodyne array receiver for use on SOFIA. The array will be capable of using either hot-electron bolometers or membrane mounted Schottky diodes in efficient, low-cost waveguide mounts. Focal plane arrays will be constructed to target astrophysically important lines between approximately 1.9 and 3 THz. Due to the prevailing physical conditions in the interstellar medium, this frequency range is one of the richest in the FIR portion of the spectrum. An array receiver designed for this wavelength range will make excellent use of the telescope and the available atmospheric transmission, and will provide a new perspective on stellar, chemical, and galaxy evolution in the present as well as past epochs. The proposed system uses the most sensitive detectors available in an efficient optical system