425 research outputs found

    Niche sharing reflects a poorly understood biodiversity phenomenon

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    Eucalyptus spp. are susceptible to a large number of foliar pathogens, some of which can cause serious defoliation and die-back. In this study, a single leaf spot on a Eucalyptus leaf collected in Madagascar revealed an unusual association of microfungi with disease symptoms. Initial observations indicated that the leaf spot was associated with Mycosphaerella marksii, a common pathogen of eucalypts. However, more intensive scrutiny showed the presence of several other microfungi co-occurring in this, and other leaf spots on the leaf. A total of 41 single conidial propagules were subsequently obtained from a single lesion for morphological study and DNA sequence comparisons. Based on these data, 11 members of the Capnodiales, including one species of Pestalotiopsis (Xylariales), were observed. Of the capnodialean taxa, nine could be cultivated, which revealed one known species, M. marksii, two taxa in the Cladosporium cladosporioides species complex that were not treated here, and six new species, including Passalora intermedia, Pseudocercospora madagascariensis, Teratosphaeria hortaea, Toxicocladosporium chlamydosporum, T. rubrigenum and T. veloxum. Results of this study highlight a remarkable fungal biodiversity that can occur within a very specific niche. Furthermore, the results emphasise the importance of verifying the identity of fungal isolates in culture, as many taxa, especially those of the Capnodiales, frequently co-occur in the same niche, lesion or leaf spo

    The enigma of Calonectria species occurring on leaves of Ilex aquifolium in Europe

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    Species of Calonectria are common saprobes and plant pathogens on a wide range of hosts occurring in subtropical to tropical regions of the world. The aim of the present study was to resolve the status of new Calonectria collections obtained on Ilex leaves from France. Based on DNA sequence data of their b-tubulin and histone gene regions, as well as morphology, the new collections matched the ex-type strain of Cylindrocladium ilicicola. On the host and in culture, yellow to brownish-yellow perithecia were observed that did not strain red in 3 % KOH. Based on these results, C. ilicicola and its purported teleomorph, Ca. pyrochroa, were shown to represent two distinct species, as the latter has bright red perithecia that strain purple in KOH. A new combination, Ca. lauri, based on Tetracytum lauri, is subsequently proposed for C. ilicicola. Calonectria lauri is distinct from Ca. ilicicola, a pathogen commonly associated with Cylindrocladium black rot of peanut. Finally, Ca. canadiana is proposed asnew name for Cy. canadiense, which is a nursery pathogen involved with root rot of several tree genera in Quebec, Canada

    Mycosphaerella podagrariae - a necrotrophic phytopathogen forming a special cellular interaction with its host Aegopodium podagraria

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    We present a new kind of cellular interaction found between Mycosphaerella podagrariae and Aegopodium podagraria, which is remarkably different to the interaction type of the obligate biotrophic fungus Cymadothea trifolii, another member of the Mycosphaerellaceae (Capnodiales, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) which we have described earlier. Observations are based on both conventional and cryofixed material and show that some features of this particular interaction are better discernable after chemical fixation. We were also able to generate sequences for nuclear ribosomal DNA (complete SSU, 5.8 S and flanking ITS-regions, D1–D3 region of the LSU) confirming the position of M. podagrariae within Mycosphaerellacea

    Cymadothea trifolii, an obligate biotrophic leaf parasite of Trifolium, belongs to Mycosphaerellaceae as shown by nuclear ribosomal DNA analyses

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    The ascomycete Cymadothea trifolii, a member of the Dothideomycetes, is unique among obligate biotrophic fungi in its capability to only partially degrade the host cell wall and in forming an astonishingly intricate interaction apparatus (IA) in its own hyphae, while the attacked host plant cell is triggered to produce a membranous bubble opposite the IA. However, no sequence data are currently available for this species. Based on molecular phylogenetic results obtained from complete SSU and partial LSU data, we show that the genus Cymadothea belongs to the Mycosphaerellaceae (Capnodiales, Dothideomycetes). This is the first report of sequences obtained for an obligate biotrophic member of Mycosphaerellaceae

    Systematic reappraisal of species in Phoma section Paraphoma, Pyrenochaeta and Pleurophoma

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    Sequence data from the 18S nrDNA (SSU) and 28S nrDNA (LSU) regions of isolates of Phoma section Paraphoma were compared with those of representative isolates of the morphologically similar anamorph genera Pleurophoma and Pyrenochaeta and of the type species of Phoma sections Phoma, Pilosa and Plenodomus. Phoma section Paraphoma was found to be highly polyphyletic within the Pleosporales and only distantly related to Phoma section Phoma. The genus Paraphoma, which is based on Paraphoma radicina, is reintroduced in the Phaeosphaeriaceae with two additional taxa. The new genera Setophoma and Neosetophoma, type species Setophoma terrestris comb. nov. and Neosetophoma samarorum comb. nov., are introduced and represent species that are closely related to Paraphoma but differ based on morphological characters and molecular phylogeny. Phoma coonsii is transferred to genus Chaetosphaeronema that also belongs to the Phaeosphaeriaceae. Pyrenochaetopsis gen. nov. is introduced to accommodate the type species Pyrenochaetopsis leptospora comb. nov., as well as several other species formerly accommodated in Phoma and Pyrenochaeta. Pyrenochaetopsis is closely related to Pyrenochaeta and classified in the Cucurbitariaceae. Pleurophoma cava is transferred to genus Pyrenochaeta. The new genera elucidate the confusing taxonomy of species in genera Phoma, Pyrenochaeta and Pleurophoma and recognize monophyletic genera with distinct teleomorph affinities

    Myrtaceae, a cache of fungal biodiversity

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    Twenty-six species of microfungi are treated, the majority of which are associated with leaf spots of Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Syzygium spp. (Myrtaceae). The treated species include three new genera, Bagadiella, Foliocryphia and Pseudoramichloridium, 20 new species and one new combination. Novelties on Eucalyptus include: Antennariella placitae, Bagadiella lunata, Cladoriella rubrigena, C. paleospora, Cyphellophora eucalypti, Elsinoë eucalypticola, Foliocryphia eucalypti, Leptoxyphium madagascariense, Neofabraea eucalypti, Polyscytalum algarvense, Quambalaria simpsonii, Selenophoma australiensis, Sphaceloma tectificae, Strelitziana australiensis and Zeloasperisporium eucalyptorum. Stylaspergillus synanamorphs are reported for two species of Parasympodiella, P. eucalypti sp. nov. and P. elongata, while Blastacervulus eucalypti, Minimedusa obcoronata and Sydowia eucalypti are described from culture. Furthermore, Penidiella corymbia and Pseudoramichloridium henryi are newly described on Corymbia, Pseudocercospora palleobrunnea on Syzygium and Rachicladosporium americanum on leaf litter. To facilitate species identification, as well as determine phylogenetic relationships, DNA sequence data were generated from the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1, 5.8S nrDNA, ITS2) and the 28S nrDNA (LSU) regions of all taxa studie

    Foliicolous microfungi occurring on Encephalartos

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    Species of Encephalartos, commonly known as bread trees, bread palms or cycads are native to Africa; the genus encompasses more than 60 species and represents an important component of the indigenous African flora. Recently, a leaf blight disease was noted on several E. altensteinii plants growing at the foot of Table Mountain in the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens of South Africa. Preliminary isolations from dead and dying leaves of E. alten-steinii, E. lebomboensis and E. princeps, collected from South Africa, revealed the presence of several novel microfungi on this host. Novelties include Phaeomoniella capensis, Saccharata kirstenboschensis, Teratosphaeria altensteinii and T. encephalarti. New host records of species previously only known to occur on Proteaceae include Cladophialophora proteae and Catenulostroma microsporum, as well as a hyperparasite, Dactylaria leptosphaeriicola, occurring on ascomata of T. encephalarti

    Host specificity and speciation of Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria species associated with leaf spots of Proteaceae

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    Species of Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria represent important foliicolous pathogens of Proteaceae. Presently approximately 40 members of these genera (incl. anamorphs) have been recorded from Proteaceae, though the majority are not known from culture, and have never been subjected to DNA sequence analysis. During the course of this study, epitypes were designated for several important species, namely Batcheloromyces leucadendri, B. proteae, Catenulostroma macowanii, Mycosphaerella marksii, Teratosphaeria bellula, T. jonkershoekensis, T. parva, and T. proteae-arboreae. Several species were also newly described, namely Batcheloromyces sedgefieldii, Catenulostroma wingfieldii, Dissoconium proteae, Teratosphaeria persoonii, T. knoxdavesii, and T. marasasii. Although accepted as being highly host specific, some species were shown to have wider host ranges, such as M. communis (Eucalyptus, Protea), M. konae (Leucospermum, Eucalyptus), M. marksii (Eucalyptus, Leucadendron), T. associata (Eucalyptus, Protea), and T. parva (Eucalyptus, Protea), which in most cases were found to co-occur with other species of Mycosphaerella or Teratosphaeria on Proteaceae. Furthermore, earlier records of T. jonkershoekensis on Proteaceae in Australia were shown to be representative of two recently described species, T. associata and T. maxii. A phenomenon of underdeveloped, or micro-ascospores was also newly observed in asci of T. maculiformis and T. proteae-arboreae. The exact purpose of asci with two distinct types of ascospores remains to be clarified, as both types were observed to germinate on agar

    Pseudocercospora opuntiae sp. nov., the causal organism of cactus leaf spot in Mexico.

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    Pseudocercospora opuntiae is newly described from Opuntia spp. from Mexico, where it causes a serious disease of this host. Although P. opuntiae is morphologically similar to other members of the genus with pigmented conidia and conidiophores, and unthickened, not darkened conidiogenous scars, DNA sequence data of the ITS region revealed that it clusters distant from other species of Pseudocercospora within Mycosphaerella. These data support the assumption that Pseudocereospora is paraphyletic within Mycosphaerella

    New foliicolous species of Cladosporium from South America

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    Two new species of Cladosporium found on necrotic needles of Pinus ponderosa trees in Patagonia, Argentina, are described as C. chubutense and C. pini-ponderosae. An additional isolate from dead leaves of Cortaderia collected in Colombia, which is a sister taxon to the species occurring on Pinus, is described as Cladosporium colombiae. These species are phylogenetically closely related, but differ from each other and other known species by multilocus sequence data, phenetic characters and culture characteristics