5,731 research outputs found

    Guide to Recruiting Black Men as Mentors for Black Boys

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    Black men are uniquely positioned to help guide black male youth to educational success and a productive future and through the barriers that stand in their way. But there are almost always more black boys to be mentored than black men to mentor them in formal mentoring programs. This guide helps mentoring programs engage in a productive and inclusive recruitment campaign by: 1) addressing program readiness; and 2) providing guidance on an effective social marketing campaign

    The Immediate Effects of a Seated versus Supine Upper Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation Compared to Sham Manipulation in Individuals with Subacromial Pain Syndrome – A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Individuals with Subacromial Pain Syndrome (SPS) often present with a variety of contributing factors. It is possible that a subgroup exists within SPS that has primary impairments of scapular mobility and/or muscle strength. In an attempt to better identify scapular contributions in SPS, the Scapular Assistance Test (SAT) and Scapula Reposition Test (SRT) have been described. Additionally, thoracic spine thrust manipulation has been shown to be effective for shoulder pain. Problem Statement: It is currently unknown whether or not there are impairments in scapulothoracic muscle force generation or scapular mobility in individuals with SPS who have positive results on the SAT and SRT. It also remains unknown whether individuals with SPS respond differently in the immediate effects on scapular motion, scapulothoracic muscle force generation, pain, or function following different manipulation techniques. Methodology: Sixty subjects with shoulder pain were enrolled in the study. Baseline measures were obtained for scapular upward rotation and posterior tilt, scapulothoracic muscle force generation, pectoralis minor muscle length, pain, and function. Participants were randomized to receive a seated thrust manipulation, supine thrust manipulation, or sham manipulation. Measures were reassessed immediately after treatment and the Penn Shoulder Score (PSS) was reassessed at 48 hours. Results: The results indicated no significant differences in scapular upward rotation or posterior tilt, or muscle force generation based on the results of the SAT or SRT. There was a small but significant difference in pectoralis minor muscle length based on the result of the SAT. There were no significant between-group differences in scapular motion, muscle force generation, or pectoralis minor muscle length based on the treatment received. There were no significant differences in 48-hour improvement in pain, function, satisfaction, and total PSS scores. Small but significant within group changes existed on several measures. Discussion: The SAT and SRT may be ineffective in differentiating scapular movement associated impairments. Thoracic spine thrust manipulation resulted in no greater immediate improvements in scapular motion, strength, pectoralis minor muscle length, pain, or function compared to a sham treatment. The improvements in pain and function are likely not biomechanical in nature and are likely not derived from the manipulative thrust

    Microwave Absorption of Surface-State Electrons on Liquid 3^3He

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    We have investigated the intersubband transitions of surface state electrons (SSE) on liquid 3^3He induced by microwave radiation at temperatures from 1.1 K down to 0.01 K. Above 0.4 K, the transition linewidth is proportional to the density of 3^3He vapor atoms. This proportionality is explained well by Ando's theory, in which the linewidth is determined by the electron - vapor atom scattering. However, the linewidth is larger than the calculation by a factor of 2.1. This discrepancy strongly suggests that the theory underestimates the electron - vapor atom scattering rate. At lower temperatures, the absorption spectrum splits into several peaks. The multiple peak structure is partly attributed to the spatial inhomogeneity of the static holding electric field perpendicular to the electron sheet.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    The Impact of Racial Trauma: A Crucial Conversation in Rural Education

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    Coinciding with the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting global health crisis, George Floyd\u27s murder was broadcast on social media and popular news (The Marshall Project, 2021). While COVID-19 reports demonstrated the ways Communities of Color and rural communities were disproportionately disadvantaged in the U.S. healthcare system (Artiga et al., 2020; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021; Dandachi et al., 2021; Fortuna et al., 2020), marches and rallies for Black Lives Matter became emblematic of social discord and civic demand for social justice to upend a racist law enforcement and judicial system (Rickford, 2016). These recent examples of systemic racism are obvious and painful examples of national level issues; however, for many People of Color, everyday microaggressions and racial injustices in their communities, neighborhoods, and schools compound these national level incidents. Take, for instance, the students and families at Aledo High School in Texas where Students of Color were recently “traded” by White students in an online slave auction (Harvey, 2021). In this example, students’ first-hand experience of racial trauma in their educational experience compounds the racial trauma witnessed vicariously through the media

    Influence of retardation effects on 2D magnetoplasmon spectrum

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    Within dissipationless limit the magnetic field dependence of magnetoplasmon spectrum for unbounded 2DEG system found to intersect the cyclotron resonance line, and, then approaches the frequency given by light dispersion relation. Recent experiments done for macroscopic disc-shape 2DEG systems confirm theory expectations.Comment: 2 pages,2 figure

    Feedback in the local LBG Analog Haro 11 as probed by far-UV and X-ray observations

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    We have re-analyzed FUSE data and obtained new Chandra observations of Haro 11, a local (D_L=88 Mpc) UV luminous galaxy. Haro 11 has a similar far-UV luminosity (10^10.3 L_\odot), UV surface brightness (10^9.4 L_\odot kpc^-2), SFR, and metallicity to that observed in Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). We show that Haro 11 has extended, soft thermal (kT~0.68 keV) X-ray emission with a luminosity and size which scales with the physical properties (e.g. SFR, stellar mass) of the host galaxy. An enhanced alpha/Fe, ratio of ~4 relative to solar abundance suggests significant supernovae enrichment. These results are consistent with the X-ray emission being produced in a shock between a supernovae driven outflow and the ambient material. The FUV spectra show strong absorption lines similar to those observed in LBG spectra. A blueshifted absorption component is identified as a wind outflowing at ~200-280 km/s. OVI\lambda\lambda1032,1038 emission, the dominant cooling mechanism for coronal gas at T~10^5.5 K is also observed. If associated with the outflow, the luminosity of the OVI emission suggests that <20% of the total mechanical energy from the supernovae and solar winds is being radiated away. This implies that radiative cooling through OVI is not significantly inhibiting the growth of the outflowing gas. In contradiction to the findings of Bergvall et al 2006, we find no convincing evidence of Lyman continuum leakage in Haro 11. We conclude that the wind has not created a `tunnel' allowing the escape of a significant fraction of Lyman continuum photons and place a limit on the escape fraction of f_{esc}<2%. Overall, both Haro 11 and a previously observed LBG analogue VV 114, provide an invaluable insight into the X-ray and FUV properties of high redshift LBGs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 40 pages, 17 figure