158 research outputs found

    Building Australia through citizen science

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    BACKGROUND Citizen science brings scientists and the wider community together to work on important scientific projects. It has played a central and celebrated role in the advancement of global knowledge. From amateur astronomers tracking the transit of Venus in 1874 to the Audubon Society’s 114 year-old Christmas Bird Count, people with a passion for science have worked alongside scientists for the benefit of the community. Today, more than 130,000 Australians are active in over 90 citizen science projects, predominantly in environmental science fields. Many kinds of organisations are also involved, including universities, all levels of government, schools, industry groups, community groups and museums

    Social Licence for Marine Conservation Science

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    Marine environments are complex and dynamic social-ecological systems, where social perceptions of ocean stewardship are diverse, resource use is potentially unsustainable, and conservation efforts rely strongly on public support or acceptance. Decreasing trust in science in recent years has led to weakened social acceptance and approval of marine conservation science. Social licence is a concept that reflects informal, unwritten public expectations about the impacts and benefits of industry and government practises, including research, on natural resources, including the ocean. Working toward improving social licence may provide opportunity to bolster support for marine conservation, by allowing communities to engage with marine issues and marine science, and voice their concerns and views. Here, we argue that marine conservation requires social licence and we highlight science advocacy, accomplished through outreach, as a means to achieve this. We identify a role for marine conservation science to engage with the public through advocacy to improve understanding and perceptions of conservation. Drawing from the literature, we describe how science advocacy can enhance social licence for marine conservation research and outline four steps that can advise marine conservation scientists to achieve and promote social licence for their research and the wider marine conservation community

    An Assessment of How Australian Fisheries Management Plans Account for Climate Change Impacts

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    For Australian fisheries to remain productive and sustainable (environmentally and commercially), there is a need to incorporate climate change considerations into management and planning, and to implement planned climate adaptation options. Here, we determine the extent to which Australian state fisheries management documents consider issues relating to climate change, as well as how frequently climate change is considered a research funding priority within fisheries research in Australia. We conduct a content analysis of fisheries management documents investigating categories and themes relating to Australian state fisheries, climate, and environmental change. We also reviewed recent Research Priorities from the major fisheries research funding body for reference to climate change related themes, and the number of subsequently funded projects which considered climate change or related topics. Results show that commercial state fisheries management documents consider climate only to a limited degree in comparison to other topics, with less than one-quarter of all fisheries management documents having content relating to climate. However, we find that the south-east and south-west regions of the Australian coastline have the highest incorporation of “climate” and “environmental protection considerations” in their fisheries management documents, and that fisheries are more likely to have more “climate-related mentions” within their related management documents, if they (i) primarily target species with higher economic commercial catch values, (ii) commercial catch weights, or (iii) a greater number of commercial fish stocks existing. Only a small number of recently funded fisheries research projects considered climate change, representing only a small proportion of fisheries research investment. Given the extensive climate-driven impacts recently documented among key Australian fisheries species and associated ecosystems, we conclude that there is a clear need for fisheries management in Australia to consider longer-term climate adaptation strategies for Australian commercial state fisheries to remain sustainable into the future. We suggest that without additional climate-related fisheries research and funding, many Australian agencies and fisheries may not be prepared for the impacts and subsequent adaptation efforts required for sustainable fisheries under climate chang

    Population genetic signatures of a climate change driven marine range extension

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    Shifts in species distribution, or 'range shifts', are one of the most commonly documented responses to ocean warming, with important consequences for the function and structure of ecosystems, and for socio-economic activities. Understanding the genetic signatures of range shifts can help build our knowledge of the capacity of species to establish and persist in colonised areas. Here, seven microsatellite loci were used to examine the population connectivity, genetic structure and diversity of Octopus tetricus, which has extended its distribution several hundred kilometres polewards associated with the southwards extension of the warm East Australian Current along south-eastern Australia. The historical distribution and the range extension zones had significant genetic differences but levels of genetic diversity were comparable. The population in the range extension zone was sub-structured, contained relatively high levels of self-recruitment and was sourced by migrants from along the entire geographic distribution. Genetic bottlenecks and changes in population size were detected throughout the range extension axis. Persistent gene flow from throughout the historical zone and moderate genetic diversity may buffer the genetic bottlenecks and favour the range extension of O. tetricus. These characteristics may aid adaptation, establishment, and long-term persistence of the population in the range extension zone

    I need to implement a social and economic monitoring program for an area of marine estate.

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    Designing social and economic monitoring can seem like a daunting task. In this factsheet we provide a few key pointers to get you started, highlighting a systematic approach from objectives of monitoring to data

    I need to make a choice between potential management actions

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    Managers are sometimes faced with choosing between alternative management actions. For example, selecting between alternative sites for restoration or between alternative conservation strategies

    Understanding species responses in a changing world by examining the predatory behaviour of southern calamari to changes on temperature

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    Predator–prey interactions are key drivers in structuring communities, with the potential to substantially impact the whole ecosystem when important predators and prey are involved. Squid are voracious predators and also important prey for other top predators. To date, the available data suggests that under current and projected ocean warming, the behaviour of ectotherms could be modified (for example, through individual movement, predator avoidance and escape speed), yet little is known of the influence of temperature on the predatory behaviour of cephalopods. Here, the predatory behaviour of adult southern calamari (Sepioteuthis australis) under different thermal scenarios was examined demonstrating that squid exhibited different behaviour and performance capabilities across temperature treatments. Overall, attempts of squid to capture prey were faster and more persistent at higher temperature treatments (25°C), suggesting that individuals need to increase their food consumption rate, presumably associated with the higher energetic costs of living at elevated temperatures. However, we also observed a possible decrease in capture efficiency and increased prey handling time at higher temperatures suggesting that implications for energetic balance are not straightforward and that trade-offs need to be carefully explored. As cephalopods are ecologically important species acting as key links in food webs around the world, the results here could have important implications for the dynamics of many marine ecosystems in future

    Ocean warming hotspots provide early warning laboratories for climate change impacts

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    A growing literature describes a wide range of negative impacts of climate change on marine resources and the people and communities they support, including species range changes, changes in productivity of fisheries and declines in economic performance (Doney et al. 2012; Poloczanska et al. 2013). These impacts, many of which are projected to increase in future, are compounded by growing pressures on marine resources (Halpern et al. 2008; Maxwell et al. 2013). An estimated 260 million people are involved directly or indirectly in global marine fisheries (Teh and Sumaila 2013) with many of the resources for capture fisheries already fully (&57 % in 2009) or over exploited (30 %) (FAO 2012). Nevertheless, production of marine resources will need to increase to accommodate the demands of a growing population, and the impacts of climate change on food security will need to be minimised (FAO 2009). Identifying opportunities and threats, and developing adaptation options in response to climate change impacts in the marine realm, is essential for optimising the benefits that society can continue to derive from the goods and services provided by marine resources

    I need a shift to more pro-environmental behaviours

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    Managers are often faced with challenges arising from people's action or inaction impacting the marine estate. For example, how to encourage people to start, stop, recommence, or continue fishing in a particular zone or for a size/species of fish; slowing boats down due to dugong breeding; or taking responsibility for rubbish in and around waterways
