73 research outputs found


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    One-quarter of fish consumed in Europe comes from aquaculture and research has shown that consumers have a greater preference for wild fishes in comparison with farmed ones. As with other food choices, consumer decisions regarding farmed fish are a complex process involving multiple factors. The main objective of this study is to develop and validate a questionnaire that will measure consumer intentions in the consumption of farmed fish using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a theoretical framework. Based on the TPB model, the study also investigates the relationships between attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and intention to consume farmed fish. Data collection was performed through an online survey and a total of 118 valid questionnaires were analysed. Based on tests performed, results indicate that the tested scale for measuring TPB constructs is valid and reliable. Alpha coefficients for intention, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control were 0.898, 0.857, 0.748 and 0.953, respectively. Variables in the model explain 40% of the variation in farmed fish consumption intentions. Regression analysis confirmed that attitudes and subjective norms significantly influence intention to consume farmed fish, with the subjective norms being the strongest predictor, while perceived behavioural control does not have a significant impact on behavioural intention.Jedna četvrtina ribe konzumirane u Europi potječe iz uzgoja (akvakulture). Istraživanja su međutim pokazala da potroÅ”ači ipak preferiraju ribu iz ulova u usporedbi sa ribom iz uzgoja. Kao i kod odabira ostalih vrsta hrane, potroÅ”ačke odluke vezane uz ribu iz uzgoja složen su proces koji uključuje viÅ”e čimbenika. Glavni cilj ovog rada je razviti i validirati upitnik koji će mjeriti namjere potroÅ”ača da konzumiraju ribu iz uzgoja u okviru teorije planiranog ponaÅ”anja (TPP). Također, na temelju TPP modela istražen je odnos između stavova, subjektivnih normi, percipirane kontrole ponaÅ”anja i namjere konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja. Podaci su prikupljeni putem online ankete te je ukupno analizirano 118 valjanih upitnika. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju valjanost i pouzdanost testiranih ljestvica za mjerenje konstrukata u okviru TPP. Alfa koeficijenti za namjere, stavove, subjektivne norme i percipiranu kontrolu ponaÅ”anja iznosili su 0,898, 0,857, 0,748 te 0,953. Varijable u modelu objaÅ”njavaju 40% varijacija u namjerama konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja. Regresijska analiza potvrdila je da stavovi i subjektivne norme statistički značajno utječu na namjeru konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja, pri čemu su subjektivne norme najsnažniji prediktor, dok percipirana kontrola ponaÅ”anja nema statistički značajan utjecaj na namjeru ponaÅ”anja

    Polyphenols: Food Sources and Health Benefits

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    The current scientific knowledge on the relationship between diet and human health is greatly focused on the effects of phytochemicals, especially polyphenols, on chronic diseases, due to their preventive effect as shown by many epidemiological studies. Herbs, cocoa products, and darkly colored berries, such as black elderberries, chokeberries, and black currants, are the richest dietary sources that contribute to the average intake of polyphenols of about 1 g/day. Polyphenols that are the most common in the human diet are not necessarily the most active in the body because their beneficial effects depend on the plant matrix in which they are incorporated and on processing methods and endogenous factors such as microbiota and digestive enzymes. Polyphenol-rich foods are considered as being potential functional foods due to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, anticancer, vasodilating, and prebiotic-like properties. This review will outline findings on the preventive effects of polyphenols on chronic diseases, the factors affecting polyphenol bioavailability and bioaccessibility, and new trends in functional food production

    Milk and dairy products in hotel daily menue

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    Cilj rada je utvrditi udio mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda kao značajnih izvora energije, makronutrijenata, vitamina i minerala u prosječnoj hotelskoj menu ponudi. U tu svrhu izvrÅ”ena je nutritivna analiza 66 cjelodnevnih menu ponuda (doručak, ručak, večera). Rezultati su statistički obrađeni i uspoređeni sa preporukama, uz osvrt na potrebe gostiju srednje i starije životne dobi, oba spola. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da obroci nisu uravnoteženi, te da prevelik udio ukupne energijske vrijednosti potječe od masti (prosječno 47.95%) dok svega 37.57 % ukupne energije potječe iz ugljikohidratnih izvora. Ukupna energijska vrijednost obroka bila je viÅ”a od preporuka za sve analizirane skupine gostiju. Udio energijske vrijednosti porijeklom iz mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda je 11% Å”to se može smatrati zadovoljavajućim. NajčeŔće ponuđena namirnica iz ove skupine bilo je mlijeko, dok je sladoled na drugom mjestu. Neophodno je povećati ponudu jogurta i ostalih mliječno fermentiranih proizvoda, posebice u ponudi za goste starije životne dobi. Unosom mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda muÅ”karci i žene su zadovoljili 92% potreba za kalcijem obzirom na RDA preporuke, odnosno 61.80% potreba prema DRI preporukama za osobe starije životne dobi.The aim of this work was to determine the portion of milk and dairy products as a source of macronutrients, energy, vitamins and minerals in average hotel menus for some category of hotel guests. For this purpose the evaluation of 66 whole day meals (breakfast, lunch and supper) on daily menus was made. Meals were therefore mathematically and statistically analysed and compared with recommendations (RDA and DRI) for middle aged and elderly guests, both genders. The obtained results indicated that the meals should be balanced according to nutritional principles, because of too high energy share derived from fats (average 47.95%) while just about 37.57% of daily energy was from carbohydrates origin. The energy values were much higher than recommendations for both genders, respectively. The energy share from milk and dairy products origin was 11% of total energy what should be considered as a suitable. The most served dairy product was milk while the ice-cream took the second place. It is necessary to increase the yogurt and similar fermented products consumption, especially for the elderly guests. With milk and dairy products consumption males and females fulfill 92% RDA for calcium, and 61.80 % DRI for elderly, respectively

    Organic food in Croatia: production principles and outlook

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    The term ā€œorganic foodā€ denotes products that have been produced in accordance with the principles and practices of organic agriculture. Organic agriculture and food processing practices are wide ranging and overall seek to foster the development of a food production system that is socially, ecologically and economically sustainable. Organic food is increasingly attracting consumers who are confident that this food has higher nutritional quality, and is safer and more wholesome than conventional products. Scientific evidence of the nutritional superiority of organic food compared to food from conventional methods is limited. However, organic food has an important position within the concept of sustainable development. Since one of Croatiaā€™s goals should be to become a destination for environmentally and socially responsible travellers who in general tend to consume organic food, organic food should find its place within ecotourism and rural tourism. Due to its agro-ecological diversity and natural resources, Croatia possesses great potential for organic food production. Designing a tourism offering which includes organic food would not only contribute to the development of rural areas but would also help to raise the environmental awareness of tourists, thus fostering environmental sustainable development


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    Plava riba je nutritivno izrazito vrijedna, lako probavljiva namirnica koja je izvor bioloÅ”ki vrijednih bjelančevina, joda i selena dok istovremeno sadrži malo masti i ima niski sadržaj kolesterola. Vrijedan je izvor viÅ”estruko nezasićenih masnih kiselina kojima se pripisuju brojni pozitivni učinci na zdravlje. Međutim uz konzumaciju plavu ribu mogu biti vezani i određeni rizici, primjerice, histaminsko trovanje. Histaminsko trovanje morskom ribom uzrokuje 5% svih oboljenja vezanih za hranu kao i 37% trovanja vezanih za ribu podrijetlom iz mora ili oceana. Ova vrsta trovanja ribom je ujedno i najčeŔća u svijetu. Histamin se u ribi oblikuje post mortem bakterijskom dekarboksilacijom esencijalne aminokiseline histidina pod djelovanjem enzima histidin- dekarboksilaze. Za nastajanje velikih količina histamina presudna je u ribljem mesu prisutnost mikroorganizma (najčeŔće Morganella morganii, Klebsiella pneumoniae i Hafnia alvei) koji imaju sposobnost tvorbe enzima histidin-dekarboksilaze. Vrste riba koje sadrže visoku razinu slobodnog histidina, pa prema tome predstavljaju i rizik za histaminsko trovanje su: inćun, haringa, skuÅ”a, lokarda, srdela, papalina i tunjevina. Period inkubacije kod histaminskog trovanja traje od 5 minuta do sat vremena, a simptomi traju od nekoliko sati do 24 sata. U radu je uz prikaz nutritivnog značaja plave riba dan pregled dosadaÅ”njih saznanja o nastanku histamina, mehanizmu njegove difuzije u meso ribe te nastanku i sprječavanju trovanja histaminom podrijetlom iz ribe. Uz prikaz simptoma trovanja navedeni su podaci RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) za razdoblje od 1979. do 2010 godine te su prikazane studije slučaja histaminskog trovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj.Consumption of oily fish is highly recommended nowadays due to its nutritional composition characterissed with proteins of high biological value, natural sources of selenium and iodione and low amount of fats and cholesterol. This food is valuable source of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (from Ļ‰-3 classes) whose consumption is related to numeorous health-benefts. However, despite positive effects of cinsumption there are also some health-risks i.e. histamine posioning. Histamine fish poisoning causes 5% of food related illnesses and 37% of fish related food poisoning , and it is the most common fish-caused poisonong worldwide. Histamine in fish is formed post mortem due to the bacterial activity (Morganella morganii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Hafnia alvei) which convert aminoacid histidine into histamine. The fish species which contain high amounts of histidine and are dangerorus due to the histamine formation are anchovy, herring, mackerel, sardines, sprat and tuna. Incubation perod is from 5 minutes to 24 hours while the symptoms lasts several hours to one day. Beside nutritional benefits of oily fish consumption this review provides an overview of one of the helath risk of consumption, namely histamine poisoning, about formation and diffusion mechanism of histamine in muscle of fish and also about prevention of histamine fish poisoning. Notifications concerning histamine in fish products, from RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) database (1979- 2010) are discussed. The case studies of histamine fish poisonongs in Croatia are also described


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    Vegetarijanska prehrana karakterizirana sa obiljem žitarica, mahunarki, lisnatog povrća i voća koja osigurava izvor kompleksnh ugljikohidrata i prehrambenih vlakana, vitamina i vrlo ograničenu količinu masnoća opisuje upravo tip prehrane odraslih osoba koji je preporučen za prevenciju kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti danaÅ”njice koje se dovode u vezu sa prehranom (Position of the American Dietetic Association, 1993). U svijetu a i kod nas zamjetan je trend prihvaćanja nekog oblika prehrane restriktivnog na mesu, Å”to posljedično otvara nove mogućnosti i potrebe oblikovanja kvalitetne ponude koja bi zadovoljila i najzahtjevnijeg gosta

    Sustainable aquaculture from studentsā€™ perspectives

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    Due to its nutritional value and health benefits, regular consumption of fish should be encouraged at all stages of life. Considering the fact that the majority of the worldā€™s marine fish stocks are being exploited, aquaculture is the only way to ensure an adequate supply. Aquaculture production should be sustainable and it should integrate environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Students, as a valuable segment of consumers, are future decision-makers in society and can contribute to sustainable development as agents of change. In this study, 224 students from the University of Rijeka (68 males and 156 females) with an average age of 21.5Ā±1.4 years were included. The aim of this study was to obtain information about the most important aspects of sustainable aquaculture from their point of view. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the sample characteristics, while statistical significance difference between males and females was computed using an independent t-test and Pearsonā€™s chi-square test. The obtained results confirmed that the most important features of sustainable aquaculture were: minimal use of hormones and drugs, no environmental pollution, and production close to nature. Female participants consider more important protection of endangered species (p=0.04) and respect for fish welfare (p=0.01), while male participants are much more aware of supporting rural areas (p=0.04) and low technical level in production (p=0.04). Quality also emerged as an important component in an open-ended question, together with environmental factors. Furthermore, there is an opportunity to enhance studentsā€™ interest in eco-labels, since it did not receive very high importance among this student group (3.60 Ā± 1.20 and 3.82 Ā± 0.90). In the future, nutrition education provided by institutions could be an important tool in preparing future generations for sustainable society

    PonaŔanje potroŔača i motivi odabira mliječnih napitaka na području Kvarnera: pilot-studija

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    Since food choice is always a unique and personal experience, consumer behaviour is important for food manufacturers and marketers in term of product success. Due to the beneficial healthprotective effects of dairy beverages, this market segment is very innovative and fast-growing. The aim of this pilot-study was to examine the consumption patterns, purchasing behaviour and motives for selection of dairy beverages. The sample of this study included 114 participants (44 males and 70 females) which were interviewed face-to-face at the entrance of 5 shopping centres. The survey instrument consisted of closed questions regarding habits of consumption, purchasing habits and motives for selection of dairy beverages. Gender specific differences were tested. The results obtained have shown that females consumed more milk and milk drinks (p<0.001) and fermented milk drinks (p=0.002) than males. The consumption of whey-based beverages was sporadical in both genders. Females in higher percentage purchase low-fat dairy beverages (p=0.043), while males exhibited a higher level of loyalty to a certain product (p=0.034). Sensory appeals were the most important motivational factor for both genders. Brand was ranked second for males (p<0.001) and health aspect for females. The productsā€™ origin was ranked third, while price was ranked fifth for both genders. The results obtained could be useful to researchers and dairy market sector in developing and promoting a group of dairy beverage products based on innovations and health.S obzirom da je odabir hrane individualna značajka pojedinca, za uspjeh proizvoda na tržiÅ”tu nužno je da i proizvođači i prodavači poznaju ponaÅ”anja potroÅ”ača. Zahvaljujući pozitivnim učincima na zdravlje, mliječni napici predstavljaju inovativni i brzorastući tržiÅ”ni segment. Cilj ove pilot-studije bio je ispitati navike konzumacije, ponaÅ”anje pri kupovini i motive odabira među potroÅ”ačima mliječnih napitaka. Promatrana skupina uključivala je 114 ispitanika (44 muÅ”karca i 70 žena) koji su usmeno intervjuirani na ulazu pet trgovačkih centara. KoriÅ”teni upitnik sastojao se od zatvorenih pitanja koja su uključivala navike konzumacije, ponaÅ”anje pri kupovini i motive odabira mliječnih napitaka. Ispitivane su također razlike obzorom na spol. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da žene viÅ”e konzumiraju mlijeko i mliječne napitke (p<0,001) te fermentirane mliječne napitke (p=0,002). Konzumacija napitaka na bazi sirutke bila je sporadična kod oba spola. Žene u većem broju konzumiraju mliječne napitke sa smanjenim sadržajem masti (p=0,043), dok muÅ”karci pokazuju veću lojalnost pojedinom tipu proizvoda (p=0,034). Organoleptičke značajke predstavljaju za oba spola najvažniji motiv odabira. Na drugom mjestu je za muÅ”karce brend (p<0,001) a za žene učinci na zdravlje. Podrijetlo proizvoda je na trećem mjestu, dok je cijena na petom mjestu. Dobiveni rezultati mogu biti korisni za istraživače, ali i za sektor mliječne industrije kako u promociji postojećih tako i u razvoju novih mliječnih napitaka baziranih na inovativnosti i učincima na zdravlje
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