53 research outputs found

    Preliminary investigation of interplanetary shock structure: Quasi-parallel shocks

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    Pioneer 9's magnetic field and plasma data were studied to develop arguments for or against the observation of oblique interplanetary shocks. Structural classifications are defined, and the justification for seeking these classifications in the solar wind are presented

    Research study of space plasma boundary processes

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    Representation of the Earth's bow shock and magnetopause and their geometrically determined macrostructure was investigated. Computer graphic depictions of the global distributions of bow shock structures and elementary animation of the dynamics of those distributions in the changing solar wind were developed. The shock-foreshock boundary and subcritical bow shocks as observed by ISEE 1 and 2 are discussed

    Real time animation of space plasma phenomena

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    In pursuit of real time animation of computer simulated space plasma phenomena, the code was rewritten for the Massively Parallel Processor (MPP). The program creates a dynamic representation of the global bowshock which is based on actual spacecraft data and designed for three dimensional graphic output. This output consists of time slice sequences which make up the frames of the animation. With the MPP, 16384, 512 or 4 frames can be calculated simultaneously depending upon which characteristic is being computed. The run time was greatly reduced which promotes the rapid sequence of images and makes real time animation a foreseeable goal. The addition of more complex phenomenology in the constructed computer images is now possible and work proceeds to generate these images

    Study of the relation between Pc 3 micropulsations and magnetosheath fluctuations and for the multisatellite multimeasurement investigation of earths bow shock

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    Hourly averages of HEOS A interplanetary field and plasma parameters are compared with micropulsation spectrograms taken by auroral zone stations. Visual evaluation of tungsten induction coil records and a statistical summary indicate a class of pulsations sometimes in the Pc 3, sometimes in the Pc 4 range, whose appearance correlates with solar wind field flow alignment. It is concluded that there is a pulsation phenomenon of variable period strongly associated with certain interplanetary field directions

    Ongoing data reduction, theoretical studies, and supporting research in magnetospheric physics

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    The investigators published a very large number of space science research papers, and in almost all cases these papers involved correlative multi-spacecraft studies. A tabulation of these research papers is provided. Quarterly progress reports for the second contractual period are included

    ICE/ISEE plasma wave data analysis

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    The interval reported on, from Jan. 1990 to Dec. 1991, has been one of continued processing and archiving of ICE plasma wave (pw) data and transition from analysis of ISEE 3 and ICE cometary data to ICE data taken along its cruise trajectory, where coronal mass ejections are the focus of attention. We have continued to examine with great interest the last year of ISEE 3's precomet phase, when it spent considerable time far downwind from Earth, recording conditions upstream, downstream, and across the very weak, distant flank bow shock. Among other motivations was the apparent similarity of some shock and post shock structures to the signatures of the bow wave surrounding comet Giacobini-Zinner, whose ICE-phase data was revisited. While pursuing detailed, second-order scientific inquiries still pending from the late ISEE 3 recordings, we have also sought to position ourselves for study of CME's by instituting a data processing format new to the ISEE 3/ICE pw detector. Processed detector output has always been summarized and archived in 24-hour segments, with all pw channels individually plotted and stacked one above the next down in frequency, with each channel calibrated separately to keep all data patterns equally visible in the plots, regardless of gross differences in energy content at the various frequencies. Since CME's, with their preceding and following solar wind plasmas, can take more than one day to pass by the spacecraft, a more condensed synoptic view of the pw data is required to identify, let alone assess, CME characteristics than has been afforded by the traditional routines. This requirement is addressed in a major new processing initiative in the past two years. Besides our own ongoing and fresh investigations, we have cooperated, within our resources, with studies conducted extramurally by distant colleagues irrespective of the phase of the ISEE 3/ICE mission under scrutiny. The remainder of this report summarizes our processing activities, our investigations, both internal and cooperative, our scientific results, and our publication activity

    Study of relation between Pc 3 micropulsations and magnetosheath fluctuations, and multisatellite investigation of earth's bow shock

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    The validity is investigated of a suggested model according to which Pc 3 and/or Pc 4 micropulsations are excited by magnetosheath field (and plasma) fluctuations arising in the quasi-parallel structure of the subsolar bow shock. The influence of solar wind plasma parameters on local shock structure and on the configuration of the entire bow shock system is included. Simultaneous data from two or more spacecraft and from multiple diagnostics is used to evaluate the geometrical factor, field-to-shock normal angle, or its B-X equivalent, and the principal plasma parameters. Results are presented and discussed

    Scale lengths in quasi-parallel shocks

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    Examples of an interplanetary and the bow shock illustrate the small relative size of the electrostatic layer relative to the scale of the magnetic fluctuations in quasi-parallel shocks. While both examples are supercritical, the interplanetary example is marginally so, showing a thickness in absolute and convected ion larmor radii units that is thicker (approximately 13 U/omega sub ci) than at the bow shock (approximately omega sub ci). The fluid speed changes abruptly in the quasi-parallel shock on this shorter scale. The increase in electron and ion random energies also is clearly seen on this shorter scale. In the interplanetary example the scale of the electric layer is certainly less than 1/60th that of the up or downstreams magnetic fluctuations. The thickness of the earth's bow shock deceleration layer is dramatically narrower than any domain of upstream waves as controlled by reflected, intermediate, or diffuse ions

    ICE/ISEE plasma wave data analysis

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    This report is one of the final processing of ICE plasma wave (pw) data and analysis of late ISEE 3, ICE cometary, and ICE cruise trajectory data, where coronal mass ejections (CME's) were the first locus of attention. Interest in CME's inspired an effort to represent our pw data in a condensed spectrogram format that facilitated rapid digestion of interplanetary phenomena on long (greater than 1 day) time scales. The format serendipitously allowed us to also examine earth-orbiting data from a new perspective, invigorating older areas of investigation in Earth's immediate environment. We, therefore, continued to examine with great interest the last year of ISEE 3's precomet phase, when it spent considerable time far downwind from Earth, recording for days on end conditions upstream, downstream, and across the very weak, distant flank bow shock. Among other motivations has been the apparent similarity of some shock and post shock structures to the signatures of the bow wave surrounding comet Giacobini-Zinner, whose ICE-phase data we revisited

    La théorie variation des rayons complexes pour le calcul des vibrations moyennes fréquences

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    A new approach named the "Variational Theory of Complex Rays" is introduced for computing the vibrations of elastic structures weakly damped in the medium frequency range. Emphasis has been placed here on the most fundamental aspects. The effective quantities (elastic energy, vibration intensity ...) are evaluated after computing a small system of equations which does not derive from a finite element dicretization of the structure. Numerical examples related to plates show the interest and the possibilities ofthe VTRC