145 research outputs found

    The cholesterol depleting agent, (2-Hydroxypropyl)-ß-cyclodextrin, does not affect disease progression in SOD1G93A mice

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    Objective: Previously, we demonstrated that Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) contributes to pathology in the SOD1G93A mouse model of ALS and that genetic ablation of APP in SOD1G93A mice significantly improved multiple disease parameters, including muscle innervation and motor neuron survival. We also observed elevated levels of potentially neurotoxic Aß peptides that have been implicated in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) pathogenesis, within motor neurons and astrocytes in SOD1G93A mice. More recently, it has been shown that blocking Aß production improves outcome measures in SOD1G93A mice. The cyclodextrin, (2-Hydroxypropyl)-ß-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD), has previously been shown to deplete intraneuronal unesterified cholesterol, resulting in effective reduction of Aß production and amelioration of disease progression in mouse models of AD and Niemann Pick Type C (NPC) disease. Here, we tested whether HP-β-CD could also improve phenotypic progression in SOD1G93A mice. Methods: Pre-symptomatic male SOD1G93A mice were randomly assigned to the following treatment groups: HP-β-CD (4000mg/kg, n = 9) or vehicle (saline; n = 10), delivered by weekly subcutaneous injection, commencing at 67 days of age. Longitudinal grip-strength and body mass analysis was performed until late-stage disease (120 days of age), followed by in vivo bilateral isometric muscle tension analysis of tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles. Results: HP-β-CD administration had no effect on body mass or grip-strength compared to vehicle treated SOD1G93A mice. Similarly, HP-β-CD treatment had no effect on muscle force, contractile properties or motor unit number estimates (MUNE) at late-stage disease in SOD1G93A mice. Conclusion: This study shows that HP-β-CD does not confer any therapeutic benefit in SOD1G93A mice. However, the absence of detrimental effects is informative, given the common use of cyclodextrins as complexing agents for other pharmaceutical products, their standalone therapeutic potential and the emerging association between dyslipidaemia and ALS progression

    Mutant glycyl-tRNA synthetase (Gars) ameliorates SOD1G93A motor neuron degeneration phenotype but has little affect on Loa dynein heavy chain mutant mice

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    Background: In humans, mutations in the enzyme glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GARS) cause motor and sensory axon loss in the peripheral nervous system, and clinical phenotypes ranging from Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy to a severe infantile form of spinal muscular atrophy. GARS is ubiquitously expressed and may have functions in addition to its canonical role in protein synthesis through catalyzing the addition of glycine to cognate tRNAs. Methodology/Principal findings: We have recently described a new mouse model with a point mutation in the Gars gene resulting in a cysteine to arginine change at residue 201. Heterozygous Gars^{C201R/+} mice have locomotor and sensory deficits. In an investigation of genetic mutations that lead to death of motor and sensory neurons, we have crossed the Gars^{C201R/+} mice to two other mutants: the TgSOD1^{G93A} model of human amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the Legs at odd angles mouse (Dync1h1^{Loa}) which has a defect in the heavy chain of the dynein complex. We found the Dync1h1^{Loa/+}; Gars^{C201R/+} double heterozygous mice are more impaired than either parent, and this is may be an additive effect of both mutations. Surprisingly, the Gars^{C201R} mutation significantly delayed disease onset in the SOD1^{G93A}; Gars^{C201R/+} double heterozygous mutant mice and increased lifespan by 29% on the genetic background investigated. Conclusions/Significance: These findings raise intriguing possibilities for the study of pathogenetic mechanisms in all three mouse mutant strains

    Amplifying the Heat Shock Response Ameliorates ALS and FTD Pathology in Mouse and Human Models

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are now known as parts of a disease spectrum with common pathological features and genetic causes. However, as both conditions are clinically heterogeneous, patient groups may be phenotypically similar but pathogenically and genetically variable. Despite numerous clinical trials, there remains no effective therapy for these conditions, which, in part, may be due to challenges of therapy development in a heterogeneous patient population. Disruption to protein homeostasis is a key feature of different forms of ALS and FTD. Targeting the endogenous protein chaperone system, the heat shock response (HSR) may, therefore, be a potential therapeutic approach. We conducted a preclinical study of a known pharmacological amplifier of the HSR, called arimoclomol, in mice with a mutation in valosin-containing protein (VCP) which causes both ALS and FTD in patients. We demonstrate that amplification of the HSR ameliorates the ALS/FTD-like phenotype in the spinal cord and brain of mutant VCP mice and prevents neuronal loss, replicating our earlier findings in the SOD1 mouse model of ALS. Moreover, in human cell models, we demonstrate improvements in pathology upon arimoclomol treatment in mutant VCP patient fibroblasts and iPSC-derived motor neurons. Our findings suggest that targeting of the HSR may have therapeutic potential, not only in non-SOD1 ALS, but also for the treatment of FTD

    Expression of a pathogenic mutation of SOD1 sensitizes aprataxin-deficient cells and mice to oxidative stress and triggers hallmarks of premature ageing

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    Aprataxin (APTX) deficiency causes progressive cerebellar degeneration, ataxia and oculomotor apraxia in man. Cell free assays and crystal structure studies demonstrate a role for APTX in resolving 5'-adenylated nucleic acid breaks, however, APTX function in vertebrates remains unclear due to the lack of an appropriate model system. Here, we generated a murine model in which a pathogenic mutant of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1(G93A)) is expressed in an Aptx-/- mouse strain. We report a delayed population doubling and accelerated senescence in Aptx-/- primary mouse fibroblasts, which is not due to detectable telomere instability or cell cycle deregulation but is associated with a reduction in transcription recovery following oxidative stress. Expression of SOD1(G93A) uncovers a survival defect ex vivo in cultured cells and in vivo in tissues lacking Aptx. The surviving neurons feature numerous and deep nuclear envelope invaginations, a hallmark of cellular stress. Furthermore, they possess an elevated number of high-density nuclear regions and a concomitant increase in histone H3 K9 trimethylation, hallmarks of silenced chromatin. Finally, the accelerated cellular senescence was also observed at the organismal level as shown by down-regulation of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a hallmark of premature ageing. Together, this study demonstrates a protective role of Aptx in vivo and suggests that its loss results in progressive accumulation of DNA breaks in the nervous system, triggering hallmarks of premature ageing, systemically

    A Fully Implantable Opto-Electro Closed-Loop Neural Interface for Motor Neuron Disease Studies

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    This paper presents a fully implantable closed-loop device for use in freely moving rodents to investigate new treatments for motor neuron disease. The 0.18 µm CMOS integrated circuit comprises 4 stimulators, each featuring 16 channels for optical and electrical stimulation using arbitrary current waveforms at frequencies from 1.5 Hz to 50 kHz, and a bandwidth programmable front-end for neural recording. The implant uses a Qi wireless inductive link which can deliver >100 mW power at a maximum distance of 2 cm for a freely moving rodent. A backup rechargeable battery can support 10 mA continuous stimulation currents for 2.5 hours in the absence of an inductive power link. The implant is controlled by a graphic user interface with broad programmable parameters via a Bluetooth low energy bidirectional data telemetry link. The encapsulated implant is 40 mm × 20 mm × 10 mm. Measured results are presented showing the electrical performance of the electronics and the packaging method

    Neuromuscular junction formation in tissue-engineered skeletal muscle augments contractile function and improves cytoskeletal organization

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    Neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases are conditions that affect both motor neurons and the underlying skeletal muscle tissue. At present, the majority of neuromuscular research utilizes animal models and there is a growing need to develop novel methodologies that can be used to help understand and develop treatments for these diseases. Skeletal muscle tissue-engineered constructs exhibit many of the characteristics of the native tissue such as accurate fascicular structure and generation of active contractions. However, to date, there has been little consideration toward the integration of engineered skeletal muscle with motor neurons with the aim of neuromuscular junction (NMJ) formation, which would provide a model to investigate neuromuscular diseases and basic biology. In the present work we isolated primary embryonic motor neurons and neonatal myoblasts from Sprague-Dawley rats, and cocultured the two cell types in three-dimensional tissue-engineered fibrin hydrogels with the aim of NMJ formation. Immunohistochemistry revealed myotube formation in a fascicular arrangement and neurite outgrowth from motor neuron cell bodies toward the aligned myotubes. Furthermore, colocalization of pre- and postsynaptic proteins and chemical inhibition of spontaneous myotube twitch indicated the presence of NMJs in the innervated constructs. When electrical field stimulation was employed to evoke isometric contractions, maximal twitch and tetanic force were higher in the constructs cocultured with motor neurons, which may, in part, be explained by improved myotube cytoskeletal organization in these constructs. The fabrication of such constructs may be useful tools for investigating neuromuscular pharmaceuticals and improving the understanding of neuromuscular pathologies

    Microglial Expression of the Wnt Signaling Modulator DKK2 Differs between Human Alzheimer's Disease Brains and Mouse Neurodegeneration Models

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    Wnt signaling is crucial for synapse and cognitive function. Indeed, deficient Wnt signaling is causally related to increased expression of DKK1, an endogenous negative Wnt regulator, and synapse loss, both of which likely contribute to cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Increasingly, AD research efforts have probed the neuroinflammatory role of microglia, the resident immune cells of the CNS, which have furthermore been shown to be modulated by Wnt signaling. The DKK1 homolog DKK2 has been previously identified as an activated response and/or disease-associated microglia (DAM/ARM) gene in a mouse model of AD. Here, we performed a detailed analysis of DKK2 in mouse models of neurodegeneration, and in human AD brain. In APP/PS1 and APPNL-G-F AD mouse model brains as well as in SOD1G93A ALS mouse model spinal cords, but not in control littermates, we demonstrated significant microgliosis and microglial Dkk2 mRNA upregulation in a disease-stage-dependent manner. In the AD models, these DAM/ARM Dkk2+ microglia preferentially accumulated close to βAmyloid plaques. Furthermore, recombinant DKK2 treatment of rat hippocampal primary neurons blocked WNT7a-induced dendritic spine and synapse formation, indicative of an anti-synaptic effect similar to that of DKK1. In stark contrast, no such microglial DKK2 upregulation was detected in the postmortem human frontal cortex from individuals diagnosed with AD or pathologic aging. In summary, the difference in microglial expression of the DAM/ARM gene DKK2 between mouse models and human AD brain highlights the increasingly recognized limitations of using mouse models to recapitulate facets of human neurodegenerative disease.Significance StatementThe endogenous negative Wnt regulator Dkk2 is significantly upregulated at the mRNA level in microglia of Alzheimer's disease (AD) mouse models, implying that microglia derived Dkk2 protein may detrimentally contribute to a reduced Wnt signaling tone in the AD brain, a known pathophysiological manifestation. Indeed, recombinant DKK2 prevented Wnt-dependent synapse formation in cultured neurons. However, DKK2 upregulation was not recapitulated in postmortem human AD brains. The success of neurodegeneration animal models has relied on pathophysiology that for the most part correctly modelled human disease. Increasingly, however, limitations to the validity of mouse models to recapitulate human neurodegenerative disease have become apparent, as evidenced by the present study by the difference in microglial DKK2 expression between AD mouse models and human AD brain

    Behavioral and Other Phenotypes in a Cytoplasmic Dynein Light Intermediate Chain 1 Mutant Mouse

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    The cytoplasmic dynein complex is fundamentally important to all eukaryotic cells for transporting a variety of essential cargoes along microtubules within the cell. This complex also plays more specialized roles in neurons. The complex consists of 11 types of protein that interact with each other and with external adaptors, regulators and cargoes. Despite the importance of the cytoplasmic dynein complex, we know comparatively little of the roles of each component protein, and in mammals few mutants exist that allow us to explore the effects of defects in dynein-controlled processes in the context of the whole organism. Here we have taken a genotype-driven approach in mouse (Mus musculus) to analyze the role of one subunit, the dynein light intermediate chain 1 (Dync1li1). We find that, surprisingly, an N235Y point mutation in this protein results in altered neuronal development, as shown from in vivo studies in the developing cortex, and analyses of electrophysiological function. Moreover, mutant mice display increased anxiety, thus linking dynein functions to a behavioral phenotype in mammals for the first time. These results demonstrate the important role that dynein-controlled processes play in the correct development and function of the mammalian nervous system
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