3,539 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative renormalization of nonlocal quark bilinears for quasi-PDFs on the lattice using an auxiliary field

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    Quasi-PDFs provide a path toward an ab initio calculation of parton distribution functions (PDFs) using lattice QCD. One of the problems faced in calculations of quasi-PDFs is the renormalization of a nonlocal operator. By introducing an auxiliary field, we can replace the nonlocal operator with a pair of local operators in an extended theory. On the lattice, this is closely related to the static quark theory. In this approach, we show how to understand the pattern of mixing that is allowed by chiral symmetry breaking, and obtain a master formula for renormalizing the nonlocal operator that depends on three parameters. We present an approach for nonperturbatively determining these parameters and use perturbation theory to convert to the MS-bar scheme. Renormalization parameters are obtained for two lattice spacings using Wilson twisted mass fermions and for different discretizations of the Wilson line in the nonlocal operator. Using these parameters we show the effect of renormalization on nucleon matrix elements with pion mass approximately 370 MeV, and compare renormalized results for the two lattice spacings. The renormalized matrix elements are consistent among the different Wilson line discretizations and lattice spacings.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. v2: added perturbative matching to MS-bar and additional reference

    Extensions to the Estimation Calculus

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    Walther’s estimation calculus was designed to prove the termination of functional programs, and can also be used to solve the similar problem of proving the well-foundedness of induction rules. However, there are certain features of the goal formulae which are more common to the problem of induction rule well-foundedness than the problem of termination, and which the calculus cannot handle. We present a sound extension of the calculus that is capable of dealing with these features. The extension develops Walther’s concept of an argument bounded function in two ways: firstly, so that the function may be bounded below by its argument, and secondly, so that a bound may exist between two arguments of a predicate. Our calculus enables automatic proofs of the well-foundedness of a large class of induction rules not captured by the original calculus

    Behaviour of reinforced concrete deep beams

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    Twenty five model beams were progressively loaded to failure in order to investigate the influence of the following variables on the behaviour of reinforced concrete deep beams : i) Concrete compressive strength ii) Reinforcement iii) Geometry. The model beams were all of 1500mm span, with a depth of 750mm. This span to depth ratio of 2 corresponds to the upper limit, to which the recommendations for deep beam design applies, as provided by many current codes of practice. Methods currently in use for the design of reinforced concrete deep beams were reviewed and compared. The experimental results were compared with the predictions of these design methods. This comparison revealed a large lack of agreement in the predictions of the cracking and ultimate strengths of deep beams

    Towards extracting the timelike pion form factor on CLS two-flavour ensembles

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    Results are presented from an ongoing study of the ρ\rho resonance. The focus is on CLS 2-flavour ensembles generated using O(a)\mathcal{O}(a) improved Wilson fermions with pion masses ranging from 265265 to 437437 MeV\mathrm{MeV}. The energy levels are extracted by solving the GEVP of correlator matrices, created with the distillation approach involving ρ\rho and ππ\pi\pi interpolators. The study is done in the centre-of-mass frame and several moving frames. One aim of this work is to extract the timelike pion form factor after applying the L\"uscher formalism. We therefore plan to integrate this study with the existing Mainz programme for the calculation of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g2g-2.Comment: proceedings to conference: Lattice 2017, Granada, Spai

    Crafting Fame: Praise and Exclusion in Fifteenth Century Florence

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    This thesis examines the way that celebrated craftsmen from renaissance Florence were remembered selectively by fifteenth and sixteenth century chroniclers and biographers. With an emphasis on Filippo Brunelleschi, this study briefly explores Florence’s world of workshops, artisan contests, and patrons, before analysing comparative accounts of Brunelleschi’s social life and architectural accomplishments. The enquiry engages with historiographical scholarship concerning selfhood and individualism, and is developed through the related genres of biography, comedy, and apocryphal tale. It closes by arguing that when some men were praised others were excluded, and that fame and eminence were reinforced through humour and ridicule

    The Political Economy of the Special Relationship: British Development and American Power

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    Breaking from the traditional understanding of Anglo-American relations in terms of the cultural, diplomatic and military ‘Special Relationship’, this thesis explores the interdependent political-economic development of Britain and the United States. I argue that this interdependence has generated a specifically Anglo-American field of capitalist development that has been crucial to the transformation of the global political economy, particularly with regard to the creation and eventual undermining of the Bretton Woods monetary order. Reflecting the imbalance of power between Britain and the U.S., the thesis focuses principally upon the role of American power in shaping the transformation of Britain’s political economy and affecting Britain’s position within the global political economy. Moving away from the narrow preoccupation with decline that has dominated studies of British capitalism, I open up the study of British development within a broader transatlantic horizon that enables an alternative analysis which reveals important aspects of the politics of financial globalisation and the transformation of the U.S. political economy. I argue that the financial relationship between the two states and the key role of interaction between bankers in London and New York, in collaboration with their respective Treasuries and Central Banks, was crucial to the post-war transformation of the global political economy. The interactive development of Anglo-American finance was central to the development of financial globalisation, undermining the Bretton Woods order in the process. Anglo-American bankers alongside their respective Central Banks and Treasuries formed the basis of enduring economic orthodoxy within both states and presided over financial deregulation that critically undermined the basis of the Keynesian state in Britain. In the U.S., these transatlantic deregulatory dynamics eroded the basis of financial regulations that had been central to the politics of the New Deal. In both countries, the financial communities supported monetarism and the neoliberal central banking regimes of the Thatcher-Reagan era, which spurred a wider endorsement of the politics of price stability throughout the global political economy


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    The goal of this thesis is to create a manufacturing process that will be used to implement transonic compressor treatments in the form of grooves or passages beneath the endwall surface. The main goal of the treatments are to extend the stability margin of the gas turbine engine without significantly harming its efficiency. This is done by redirecting flow to the axial direction near stall or by hindering the formation of harmful flow features such as the tip leakage vortex. The specific geometries of the treatments are based on empirical and experimental data previously collected in other studies. Implementing treatments was done by casting the desired geometry into a layer of epoxy on the endwall surface, using molds and attachments made by additive manufacturing. It was found that using water soluble molds was a necessary feature of surface treatment molds in epoxy. The same material was used to mold internal passages that would be used to recirculate high pressure air from behind the rotor to the low pressure region upstream of the rotor. Fanno flow calculations provided a way to determine the mass flow rate through a single passage, and therefore how many passages of a specific size and shape would be needed to recirculate a certain percentage of mass flow through the compressor. By keeping the passages within the epoxy layer, the inner diameter of the casing was only increased by about 2 percent.Outstanding ThesisEnsign, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Marine Archaeology at the Western Australian Museum

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    The Museum Act (1969) gives legal protection to vessels wrecked or stranded before 1900. The Marine Archaeology Department has divided the wrecks into two historical groupings, the presettlement wrecks (1622 to 1829) and the colonial wrecks (1829 to 1900). This articles lists a number of the wrecks found, and describes the field work conducted on the sites to date