1 research outputs found

    Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en adultos j贸venes de un centro penitenciario

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    ABSTRACT Background: The quantification of the cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in a population of young adults, allows to identify their vulnerabilities and contributes to focus on prevention strategies in a group more susceptible of changing their behavior and establishing healthier daily habits. The objectives of this work were to describe the main CVRF and estimate the risk through different models. Methods: Observational, descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional study. All of the population of the centre of both genders, who were admitted and their age span from 18 to 35 as of the 15 September 2017, are included. Sociodemographic, anthropometric and clinical variables were gathered. A descriptive and a gender comparative analysis took place using classical statistical techniques and binary logistic regression analysis. It was determined that cardiovascular risk using Framingham鈥檚 equation, REGICOR, SCORE, DORICA, and Q-RISK 2017 version. All of the patients who participated gave their authorizations and consent. The project was approved by a Committee of Ethics in Clinical Research. Results: The targeted population were 211 young adults, 6 members could not be contacted so the study held had a population of 205: 170 men (82.9%) and 35 women (17.1%). The average age is 29.9 (IC 95%: 29.3-30.5). The mean stay is 13.3 months. CVRF underlines: genetics 46.3%, sedentariness 38.0%; familiar backgrounds 17.6%; Triglyceridemic 16.6%; obesity 13.2%. Others: psychological 79.5%, eating disorders 72.2%, cocaine consumption 58.0%. Cardiovascular risk by Framingham: low 85.9%, light 12.9%, moderate 1.2%. DORICA: low 87.6%, light 11.8%, moderate 0.6%. REGICOR: low 98.8%, light 1.2%. Conclusions: The identified risk factors were high toxic consumption, influence of sedentary lifestyle and psychological and alimentary factors.RESUMEN Fundamentos: La cuantificaci贸n de factores de riesgo cardiovascular (FRCV) en una poblaci贸n de adultos j贸venes permite identificar su vulnerabilidad y contribuye a focalizar estrategias de prevenci贸n en un grupo m谩s susceptible de cambiar conductas y establecer h谩bitos de vida m谩s saludables. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir los principales FRCV y estimar el riesgo mediante distintos modelos. M茅todos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, anal铆tico y transversal. Se incluy贸 toda la poblaci贸n de ambos sexos ingresada en el centro, cuyas edades estuviesen comprendidas entre los 18 y 35 a帽os a 15 de septiembre de 2017. Se recogieron variables sociodemogr谩ficas, antropom茅tricas, y cl铆nicas. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis descriptivo y comparativo por sexo mediante t茅cnicas estad铆sticas cl谩sicas y modelos de regresi贸n log铆stica binaria. Se determin贸 riesgo cardiovascular mediante ecuaciones de Framingham, REGICOR, SCORE, DORICA y Q-RISK versi贸n 2017. Todos los pacientes participantes dieron consentimiento autorizado. El proyecto fue aprobado por un Comit茅 de 脡tica en Investigaci贸n Cl铆nica. Resultados: La poblaci贸n diana fue de 211 adultos j贸venes, no se pudo contactar con 6. La cohorte final fue de 205 sujetos: hombres 170 (82,9%), mujeres 35 (17,1%). Media de edad 29,9 (IC 95%: 29,3-30,5). Estancia mediana 13,3 meses. FRCV mayores: Tabaquismo 82,0%; Dislipidemia 21,5%; Hipertensi贸n 15,1%; Diabetes 2,0%. FRCV predisponentes: gen茅ticos 46,3%; sedentarismo 38,0%; antecedentes familiares 17,6%; Trigliceridemia 16,6%; obesidad 13,2%. Otros: psicol贸gicos 79,5%, alimentarios 72,2%; consumo coca铆na 58,0%. Riesgo cardiovascular seg煤n Framingham: bajo 85,9%, ligero 12,9% moderado 1,2%. DORICA: bajo 87,6%, ligero 11,8%, moderado 0,6%. REGICOR: bajo 98,8% ligero 1,2%. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo identificados fueron un alto consumo de t贸xicos, la influencia de sedentarismo y los factores psicol贸gicos y alimentarios