8 research outputs found

    The Discovery of Personal Development

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    Das Konzept der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung steht im Zentrum vieler Diskurse in der Philosophie, den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften und auch in der Psychotherapiewissenschaft. Der vorliegende Artikel ergründet, wann und wo die Idee entstand, dass die Persönlichkeit etwas im Prinzip Entwickelbares sei, und dass man die Richtung in einem „richtigen“ Sinne beeinflussen könne. Er legt dar, dass die Forderung an den Menschen, an seiner Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zu arbeiten, bereits in der Renaissance bestand. Beim Philosophen Pico della Mirandola ist er erstmals ausformuliert zu finden. Der Artikel untersucht außerdem, wie die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung mit innerpsychischen Entwicklungen zusammenhängt, wie solches Wandlungsgeschehen symbolisiert und parallelisiert werden, und in welche Richtungen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung idealtypisch gehen kann.The concept of personal development is steadily discussed in a number of different contexts in philosophy, cultural and social sciences and in the science of psychotherapy. This paper investigates when and where the idea that personality could and should be developed in a targeted way firstly was raised. It shows that this challenge of human development dates back to the age of Renaissance and philosopher Pico della Mirandola. The article furthermore describes inner-psychical aspects of personal development, possible symbolization of personal development on several levels and possible directions personal development can take

    Initial presenting manifestations in 16,486 patients with inborn errors of immunity include infections and noninfectious manifestations

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    none313siBackground: Inborn errors of immunity (IEI) are rare diseases, which makes diagnosis a challenge. A better description of the initial presenting manifestations should improve awareness and avoid diagnostic delay. Although increased infection susceptibility is a well-known initial IEI manifestation, less is known about the frequency of other presenting manifestations. Objective: We sought to analyze age-related initial presenting manifestations of IEI including different IEI disease cohorts. Methods: We analyzed data on 16,486 patients of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies Registry. Patients with autoinflammatory diseases were excluded because of the limited number registered. Results: Overall, 68% of patients initially presented with infections only, 9% with immune dysregulation only, and 9% with a combination of both. Syndromic features were the presenting feature in 12%, 4% had laboratory abnormalities only, 1.5% were diagnosed because of family history only, and 0.8% presented with malignancy. Two-third of patients with IEI presented before the age of 6 years, but a quarter of patients developed initial symptoms only as adults. Immune dysregulation was most frequently recognized as an initial IEI manifestation between age 6 and 25 years, with male predominance until age 10 years, shifting to female predominance after age 40 years. Infections were most prevalent as a first manifestation in patients presenting after age 30 years. Conclusions: An exclusive focus on infection-centered warning signs would have missed around 25% of patients with IEI who initially present with other manifestations.noneThalhammer J.; Kindle G.; Nieters A.; Rusch S.; Seppanen M.R.J.; Fischer A.; Grimbacher B.; Edgar D.; Buckland M.; Mahlaoui N.; Ehl S.; Boztug K.; Brunner J.; Demel U.F.; Forster-Waldl E.; Gasteiger L.M.; Goschl L.; Kojic M.; Schroll A.; Seidel M.G.; Wintergerst U.; Wisgrill L.; Sharapova S.O.; Goffard J.-C.; Kerre T.; Meyts I.; Roosens F.; Smet J.; Haerynck F.; Eric Z.P.; Milenova V.; Gagro A.; Richter D.; Chovancova Z.; Hlavackova E.; Litzman J.; Milota T.; Sediva A.; Elaziz D.A.; Alkady R.S.; El Sayed El Hawary R.; Eldash A.S.; Galal N.; Lotfy S.; Meshaal S.S.; Reda S.M.; Sobh A.; Elmarsafy A.; Brosselin P.; Courteille V.; De Vergnes N.; Kracker S.; Pergent M.; Randrianomenjanahary P.; Ahrenstorf G.; Albert M.H.; Ankermann T.; Atschekzei F.; Baumann U.; Becker B.C.; Behrends U.; Belohradsky B.H.; Biegner A.-K.; Binder N.; Bode S.F.N.; Boesecke C.; Boetticher B.; Borte M.; Borte S.; Classen C.F.; Dirks J.; Duckers G.; El-Helou S.; Ernst D.; Fasshauer M.; Fecker G.; Felgentreff K.; Foell D.; Ghosh S.; Girschick H.J.; Goldacker S.; Graf N.; Graf D.; Greil J.; Hanitsch L.G.; Hauck F.; Heeg M.; Heine S.I.; Henes J.C.; Hoenig M.; Holzer U.; Holzinger D.; Horneff G.; Hundsdoerfer P.; Jablonka A.; Jakoby D.; Joean O.; Kaiser-Labusch P.; Klemann C.; Kobbe R.; Korholz J.; Kramm C.M.; Kruger R.; Landwehr-Kenzel S.; Lehmberg K.; Liese J.G.; Lippert C.F.; Maccari M.E.; Masjosthusmann K.; Meinhardt A.; Metzler M.; Morbach H.; Muller I.; Naumann-Bartsch N.; Neubert J.; Niehues T.; Peter H.-H.; Rieber N.; Ritterbusch H.; Rockstroh J.K.; Roesler J.; Schauer U.; Scheible R.; Schmalzing M.; Schmidt R.E.; Schneider D.T.; Schreiber S.; Schuetz C.; Schulz A.; Schulze-Koops H.; Schulze-Sturm U.; Schuster V.; Schwaneck E.C.; Schwarz K.; Schwarze-Zander C.; Sirin M.; Skapenko A.; Sogkas G.; Sparber-Sauer M.; Speckmann C.; Steinmann S.; Stiehler S.; Tenbrock K.; von Bernuth H.; Warnatz K.; Wasmuth J.-C.; Weiss M.; Witte T.; Wittke K.; Wittkowski H.; Zeuner R.A.; Farmaki E.; Hatzistilianou M.N.; Kakkas I.; Kanariou M.G.; Kapousouzi A.; Liatsis E.; Maggina P.; Papadopoulou-Alataki E.; Raptaki M.; Speletas M.; Tantou S.; Goda V.; Krivan G.; Marodi L.; Abolhassani H.; Aghamohammadi A.; Rezaei N.; Feighery C.; Leahy T.R.; Ryan P.; Batzir N.A.; Garty B.Z.; Tamary H.; Aiuti A.; Amodio D.; Azzari C.; Barzaghi F.; Baselli L.A.; Cancrini C.; Carrabba M.; Cazzaniga M.; Cesaro S.; Chinello M.; Danieli M.G.; Dellepiane R.M.; Fabio G.; Gambineri E.; Lodi L.; Lougaris V.; Marasco C.; Martire B.; Marzollo A.; Milito C.; Moschese V.; Pignata C.; Plebani A.; Porta F.; Quinti I.; Ricci S.; Soresina A.; Tommasini A.; Vacca A.; Vanessa C.; Blaziene A.; Sitkauskiene B.; Gowin E.; Heropolitanska-Pliszka E.; Pietrucha B.; Szaflarska A.; Wiesik-Szewczyk E.; Wolska-Kusnierz B.; Esteves I.; Faria E.; Marques L.H.; Neves J.F.; Silva S.L.; Teixeira C.; Pereira da Silva S.; Capilna B.R.; Guseva M.N.; Shcherbina A.; Bobcakova A.; Ciznar P.; Gabzdilova J.; Jesenak M.; Kapustova L.; Orosova J.; Petrovicova O.; Raffac S.; Kopac P.; Allende L.M.; Antoli A.; Blanch G.R.; Carbone J.; Dieli-Crimi R.; Garcia-Prat M.; Gil-Herrera J.; Gonzalez-Granado L.I.; Agullo P.L.; Olbrich P.; Parra-Martinez A.; Paz-Artal E.; Pleguezuelo D.E.; Rodriguez N.S.; Sanchez-Ramon S.; Santos-Perez J.L.; Solanich X.; Soler-Palacin P.; Gonzalez-Amores M.; Ekwall O.; Fasth A.; Bitzenhofer-Gruber M.; Candotti F.; Dimitriou F.; Heininger U.; Holbro A.; Jandus P.; Kolios A.G.A.; Marschall K.; Schmid J.P.; Posfay-Barbe K.M.; Prader S.; Reichenbach J.; Steiner U.C.; Truck J.; Bredius R.G.; de Kruijf- Bazen S.; de Vries E.; Henriet S.S.V.; Kuijpers T.W.; Potjewijd J.; Rutgers A.; Stol K.; van Aerde K.J.; Van den Berg J.M.; van de Ven A.A.J.M.; Montfrans J.; Aydemir S.; Baris S.; Dogu F.; Ikinciogullari A.; Karakoc-Aydiner E.; Kilic S.S.; Kiykim A.; Kokcu Karadag S.I.; Kutukculer N.; Ocak S.; UNAL E.; Boyarchuk O.; Hilfanova A.; Kostyuchenko L.V.; Alachkar H.; Arkwright P.D.; Baxendale H.E.; Bernatoniene J.; Coulter T.I.; Garcez T.; Goddard S.; Gompels M.M.; Grigoriadou S.; Herriot R.; Herwadkar A.; Huissoon A.; Ibberson L.; Nademi Z.; Noorani S.; Parvin S.; Steele C.L.; Thomas M.; Waruiru C.; Yong P.F.K.; Bourne H.Thalhammer, J.; Kindle, G.; Nieters, A.; Rusch, S.; Seppanen, M. R. J.; Fischer, A.; Grimbacher, B.; Edgar, D.; Buckland, M.; Mahlaoui, N.; Ehl, S.; Boztug, K.; Brunner, J.; Demel, U. F.; Forster-Waldl, E.; Gasteiger, L. M.; Goschl, L.; Kojic, M.; Schroll, A.; Seidel, M. G.; Wintergerst, U.; Wisgrill, L.; Sharapova, S. O.; Goffard, J. -C.; Kerre, T.; Meyts, I.; Roosens, F.; Smet, J.; Haerynck, F.; Eric, Z. P.; Milenova, V.; Gagro, A.; Richter, D.; Chovancova, Z.; Hlavackova, E.; Litzman, J.; Milota, T.; Sediva, A.; Elaziz, D. A.; Alkady, R. S.; El Sayed El Hawary, R.; Eldash, A. S.; Galal, N.; Lotfy, S.; Meshaal, S. S.; Reda, S. M.; Sobh, A.; Elmarsafy, A.; Brosselin, P.; Courteille, V.; De Vergnes, N.; Kracker, S.; Pergent, M.; Randrianomenjanahary, P.; Ahrenstorf, G.; Albert, M. H.; Ankermann, T.; Atschekzei, F.; Baumann, U.; Becker, B. C.; Behrends, U.; Belohradsky, B. H.; Biegner, A. -K.; Binder, N.; Bode, S. F. N.; Boesecke, C.; Boetticher, B.; Borte, M.; Borte, S.; Classen, C. F.; Dirks, J.; Duckers, G.; El-Helou, S.; Ernst, D.; Fasshauer, M.; Fecker, G.; Felgentreff, K.; Foell, D.; Ghosh, S.; Girschick, H. J.; Goldacker, S.; Graf, N.; Graf, D.; Greil, J.; Hanitsch, L. G.; Hauck, F.; Heeg, M.; Heine, S. I.; Henes, J. C.; Hoenig, M.; Holzer, U.; Holzinger, D.; Horneff, G.; Hundsdoerfer, P.; Jablonka, A.; Jakoby, D.; Joean, O.; Kaiser-Labusch, P.; Klemann, C.; Kobbe, R.; Korholz, J.; Kramm, C. M.; Kruger, R.; Landwehr-Kenzel, S.; Lehmberg, K.; Liese, J. G.; Lippert, C. F.; Maccari, M. E.; Masjosthusmann, K.; Meinhardt, A.; Metzler, M.; Morbach, H.; Muller, I.; Naumann-Bartsch, N.; Neubert, J.; Niehues, T.; Peter, H. -H.; Rieber, N.; Ritterbusch, H.; Rockstroh, J. K.; Roesler, J.; Schauer, U.; Scheible, R.; Schmalzing, M.; Schmidt, R. E.; Schneider, D. T.; Schreiber, S.; Schuetz, C.; Schulz, A.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Schulze-Sturm, U.; Schuster, V.; Schwaneck, E. C.; Schwarz, K.; Schwarze-Zander, C.; Sirin, M.; Skapenko, A.; Sogkas, G.; Sparber-Sauer, M.; Speckmann, C.; Steinmann, S.; Stiehler, S.; Tenbrock, K.; von Bernuth, H.; Warnatz, K.; Wasmuth, J. -C.; Weiss, M.; Witte, T.; Wittke, K.; Wittkowski, H.; Zeuner, R. A.; Farmaki, E.; Hatzistilianou, M. N.; Kakkas, I.; Kanariou, M. G.; Kapousouzi, A.; Liatsis, E.; Maggina, P.; Papadopoulou-Alataki, E.; Raptaki, M.; Speletas, M.; Tantou, S.; Goda, V.; Krivan, G.; Marodi, L.; Abolhassani, H.; Aghamohammadi, A.; Rezaei, N.; Feighery, C.; Leahy, T. R.; Ryan, P.; Batzir, N. A.; Garty, B. Z.; Tamary, H.; Aiuti, A.; Amodio, D.; Azzari, C.; Barzaghi, F.; Baselli, L. A.; Cancrini, C.; Carrabba, M.; Cazzaniga, M.; Cesaro, S.; Chinello, M.; Danieli, M. G.; Dellepiane, R. M.; Fabio, G.; Gambineri, E.; Lodi, L.; Lougaris, V.; Marasco, C.; Martire, B.; Marzollo, A.; Milito, C.; Moschese, V.; Pignata, C.; Plebani, A.; Porta, F.; Quinti, I.; Ricci, S.; Soresina, A.; Tommasini, A.; Vacca, A.; Vanessa, C.; Blaziene, A.; Sitkauskiene, B.; Gowin, E.; Heropolitanska-Pliszka, E.; Pietrucha, B.; Szaflarska, A.; Wiesik-Szewczyk, E.; Wolska-Kusnierz, B.; Esteves, I.; Faria, E.; Marques, L. H.; Neves, J. F.; Silva, S. L.; Teixeira, C.; Pereira da Silva, S.; Capilna, B. R.; Guseva, M. N.; Shcherbina, A.; Bobcakova, A.; Ciznar, P.; Gabzdilova, J.; Jesenak, M.; Kapustova, L.; Orosova, J.; Petrovicova, O.; Raffac, S.; Kopac, P.; Allende, L. M.; Antoli, A.; Blanch, G. R.; Carbone, J.; Dieli-Crimi, R.; Garcia-Prat, M.; Gil-Herrera, J.; Gonzalez-Granado, L. I.; Agullo, P. L.; Olbrich, P.; Parra-Martinez, A.; Paz-Artal, E.; Pleguezuelo, D. E.; Rodriguez, N. S.; Sanchez-Ramon, S.; Santos-Perez, J. L.; Solanich, X.; Soler-Palacin, P.; Gonzalez-Amores, M.; Ekwall, O.; Fasth, A.; Bitzenhofer-Gruber, M.; Candotti, F.; Dimitriou, F.; Heininger, U.; Holbro, A.; Jandus, P.; Kolios, A. G. A.; Marschall, K.; Schmid, J. P.; Posfay-Barbe, K. M.; Prader, S.; Reichenbach, J.; Steiner, U. C.; Truck, J.; Bredius, R. G.; de Kruijf- Bazen, S.; de Vries, E.; Henriet, S. S. V.; Kuijpers, T. W.; Potjewijd, J.; Rutgers, A.; Stol, K.; van Aerde, K. J.; Van den Berg, J. M.; van de Ven, A. A. J. M.; Montfrans, J.; Aydemir, S.; Baris, S.; Dogu, F.; Ikinciogullari, A.; Karakoc-Aydiner, E.; Kilic, S. S.; Kiykim, A.; Kokcu Karadag, S. I.; Kutukculer, N.; Ocak, S.; Unal, E.; Boyarchuk, O.; Hilfanova, A.; Kostyuchenko, L. V.; Alachkar, H.; Arkwright, P. D.; Baxendale, H. E.; Bernatoniene, J.; Coulter, T. I.; Garcez, T.; Goddard, S.; Gompels, M. M.; Grigoriadou, S.; Herriot, R.; Herwadkar, A.; Huissoon, A.; Ibberson, L.; Nademi, Z.; Noorani, S.; Parvin, S.; Steele, C. L.; Thomas, M.; Waruiru, C.; Yong, P. F. K.; Bourne, H

    Initial presenting manifestations in 16,486 patients with inborn errors of immunity include infections and noninfectious manifestations

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    Background: Inborn errors of immunity (IEI) are rare diseases, which makes diagnosis a challenge. A better description of the initial presenting manifestations should improve awareness and avoid diagnostic delay. Although increased infection susceptibility is a well-known initial IEI manifestation, less is known about the frequency of other presenting manifestations. Objective: We sought to analyze age-related initial presenting manifestations of IEI including different IEI disease cohorts. Methods: We analyzed data on 16,486 patients of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies Registry. Patients with autoinflammatory diseases were excluded because of the limited number registered. Results: Overall, 68% of patients initially presented with infections only, 9% with immune dysregulation only, and 9% with a combination of both. Syndromic features were the presenting feature in 12%, 4% had laboratory abnormalities only, 1.5% were diagnosed because of family history only, and 0.8% presented with malignancy. Two-third of patients with IEI presented before the age of 6 years, but a quarter of patients developed initial symptoms only as adults. Immune dysregulation was most frequently recognized as an initial IEI manifestation between age 6 and 25 years, with male predominance until age 10 years, shifting to female predominance after age 40 years. Infections were most prevalent as a first manifestation in patients presenting after age 30 years. Conclusions: An exclusive focus on infection-centered warning signs would have missed around 25% of patients with IEI who initially present with other manifestations. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2021;148:1332-41.