15 research outputs found

    Pressure Effect on the Antiferromagnetic Compound Ce2Ni3Ge5

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    In this study, the electrical resistivity and magnetization of a single crystal of Ce2Ni3Ge5 heavy fermion compound were performed under pressure. The resistivity and magnetization showed two antiferromagnetic transitions at ambient pressure. On applying pressure, the transitions merged at 1 GPa. At higher pressures, the antiferromagnetic transition temperature decreases, and disappears. It is suggesting that the critical pressure of Ce2Ni3Ge5 was 4.1 GPa

    Pressure-induced structural phase transition and new superconducting phase in UTe2

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    We report on the crystal structure and electronic properties of the heavy fermion superconductor UTe2 at high pressure up to 11 GPa, as investigated by X-ray diffraction and electrical resistivity experiments. The X-ray diffraction measurements under high pressure using a synchrotron light source reveal anisotropic linear compressibility of the unit cell up to 3.5 GPa, while a pressure-induced structural phase transition is observed above 3.5-4GPa at room temperature, where the body-centered orthorhombic crystal structure with the space group Immm changes into a body-centered tetragonal structure with the space group I4/mmm. The molar volume drops abruptly at the critical pressure, while the distance between the first-nearest neighbor of U atoms increases, implying a switch from the heavy electronic states to the weakly correlated electronic states. Surprisingly, a new superconducting phase at pressures higher than 7 GPa was detected at Tsc above 2K with a relatively low upper-critical field, Hc2(0). The resistivity above 3.5GPa, thus, in the high-pressure tetragonal phase, shows a large drop below 230 K, which may also be related to a considerable change from the heavy electronic states to the weakly correlated electronic states.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Quantum Criticality in YbCu4Ni

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    We report on the quantum criticality of YbCu4_4Ni as revealed by our combined micro- and macro-measurements. We determine the crystal structure of YbCu4_4Ni with site mixing by neutron diffraction measurements, which suggests the possible presence of Kondo disorder. However, decreasing the local spin susceptibility distribution and the development of spin fluctuations below 10 K at ambient pressure by muon spin rotation and relaxation measurements suggests that YbCu4Ni exhibits quantum criticality. Therefore, our experimental results indicate that YbCu4Ni is a new material that exhibits quantum criticality under a zero magnetic field and ambient pressure.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Pressure-induced unconventional quantum phase transition with fractionalization in the coupled ladder antiferromagnet C9H18N2CuBr4

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    We present a comprehensive study of the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the magnetic structure and spin dynamics in the spin-1/2 coupled ladder compound C9_9H18_{18}N2_2CuBr4_4. The applied pressure is demonstrated as a parameter to effectively tune the exchange interactions in the spin Hamiltonian without inducing a structural transition. The single-crystal heat capacity and neutron diffraction measurements reveal that the Neˊ\rm \acute{e}el ordered state breaks down at and above a critical pressure PcP_{\rm c}\sim1.0 GPa through a continuous quantum phase transition. The thorough analysis of the critical exponents indicates that such transition with a large anomalous exponent η\eta into a quantum-disordered state cannot be described by the classic Landau's paradigm. Using inelastic neutron scattering and quantum Monte Carlo methods, the high-pressure regime is proposed as a Z2Z_2 quantum spin liquid phase in terms of characteristic fully gapped vison-like and fractionalized excitations in distinct scattering channels.Comment: 6 pages and 4 figures in the main text. The Supplementary Material is available upon the reques

    Structural Phase Transition and Possible Valence Instability of Ce4f-4f Electron Induced by Pressure in CeCoSi

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    X-ray powder diffraction and electrical resistivity measurements were performed on the tetragonal compound CeCoSi under pressure to elucidate the phase boundary of the pressure-induced structural transition and the change in the 4ff electronic state. The temperature-pressure phase diagram has been determined from the shift of the Bragg peaks and from the anomaly in the resistivity. The critical pressure, PsP_{\rm s} \sim 4.9 GPa at 300 K, decreases to PsP_{\rm s} \sim 3.6 GPa at 10 K. The decrease of PsP_{\rm s} is due not only to the decrease in volume of the unit cell but also to an anisotropic shrinkage by cooling. When crossing the boundary to the high-pressure phase, the resistivity shows a significant drop to exhibit a metallic temperature dependence. The results of this study strongly suggest that the structural phase transition can be ascribed to valence instability of Ce-4f4f electron.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Magnetic and transport properties of single crystalline RCoxSn2 (R = Ce and La)

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    In this study, single crystals of CeCo0.39Sn2 and LaCo0.43Sn2 were grown by the Czochralski pulling method for the first time. These compounds crystallize to the orthorhombic CeNiSi2 type structure with the space group Cmcm. The inverse magnetic susceptibility χ−1 of CeCo0.39Sn2 obeys a Curie-Weiss law above 100 K. The effective magnetic moment is close to the value expected for the Ce3+ ion, indicating that the Ce 4f electrons in CeCo0.39Sn2 are well localized. No magnetic transition is observed down to 2 K. However, the specific heat exhibits an upturn upon cooling below 8 K, suggesting that a magnetic order would occur below 2 K