5 research outputs found

    Bend strength of alumina ceramics

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    Statistično smo ovrednotili 5100 eksperimentalnih vrednosti upogibnih trdnosti testnih vzorcev iz redne proizvodnje korundnih keramičnih izdelkov. Primerjali smo teoretično izračunano Weibullovo porazdelitev z dvema drugima pogosto uporabljenima dvoparametričnima porazdelitvama, normalno in log-normalno, da bi ugotovili, katera se najbolj sklada z meritvami. Za izračun ustreznih prostih parametrov smo uporabili metodo največje verjetnosti (maximum-likelihood method). Potem smo za primerjavo rezultatov uporabili Q–Q-diagrame. Potrdili smo domnevo, da se z eksperimentalnimi vrednostmi trdnosti najbolj ujema Weibullova porazdelitev.We have performed a statistical evaluation of 5100 experimental values of the bend strength of test pieces from a serial production of alumina products. The Weibull distribution was compared with two other commonly used 2-parametric distributions, i.e., normal and log-normal, in order to reveal which of them best matches the experiments. The maximum-likelihood method was used to evaluate the corresponding parameters, and then a Q–Q plot was used for all the statistics. We confirmed that the Weibull distribution describes the experimental strengths most accurately

    Effect of Polymer-Ceramic Fibre Interphase Design on Coupling Factor in Low Fibre Volume Content Piezoelectric Composites

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    In this work, we investigated different short molecule polymer coatings in piezoelectric ceramic-polymer composites with low fibre volume contents. Modifying the interphase between the piezoelectric PZT (lead zirconate titanate) fibre and the epoxy matrix thus enhances the electromechanical coupling factor for 1–3 ultrasound transducers with low fibre contents. It is known that the electromechanical coupling factor can be increased by precoating a ceramic fibre with a soft interlayer polymer [1-1-3]. In this paper, we investigate the so-called 1-1-1-3 composites composed of a ferroelectric ceramic fibre (core), a soft polymer layer (e.g., fatty acids, amides, waxes, or oils), an epoxy resin shell, and an epoxy resin matrix. Some soft polymer layers allowed the free movement of the ferroelectric fibres reducing blocking or clamping by the inactive polymeric matrix, resulting in higher electromechanical coupling factors (kt) for composites with low fibre volume contents. Using an oil-based interlayer, the dielectric constant can be significantly increased. The lowest fibre push-out stress could be achieved with the paraffin interlayer; however, no correlation with the coupling factor could be observed