30 research outputs found


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    Intense emigration of Slovenes to Australia, especially to Victoria State, commenced after WW I and reached its climax in the 1970s. The Slovenians in Australia are the fourth largest non-European immigrant community and they felt the need to organize their cultural and social life a long time ago. The article discusses one of the major and first organizations of the Slovene emigration: The Religious Centre of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Kew, Melbourne, which has for decades been providing shelter for many of the emigrants and their families. The article especially considers the educational role of the Franciscan priests. As they built a wide network of their educational activities soon after their arrival in 1955, the Centre surpassed the boundaries of a Catholic Franciscan “Mission”. Two of the most exposed goals of their religious, social and educational roles have been the preservation of the Slovene heritage and education aiming at integration of Slovene emigrants in Australian everyday’s life. Through activities of the Centre, the Slovene emigrant community managed to form an immanent and specific way in transmitting the ethnic particularities of the native country both to their younger generations and to the Australian social environment (through the monthly review “Misli”, Slovenian school, language classes, choirs, sporting and social activities, radio etc.). Finally, as the paper is a result of a case study research including direct involvement in the research, the author tries to answer the question whether the above mentioned educational activities have lead to an establishment of a more positive relationship between the majority (Australians) and minority (Australian Slovenes) communities.Izseljevanje Slovencev v Avstralijo, še posebej v državo Victoria, se je intenziviralo po II.svetovni vojni in doseglo svoj višek v 70.letih prejšnjega stoletja. Glede na dejstvo, da so Slovenci v Avstraliji četrta najštevilčnejša ne-evropska priseljenska skupnost, so le-ti že zgodaj začutili potrebo po organiziranosti tako na kulturni kot socialni ravni. Prispevek obravnava izobraževalno vlogo eno izmed ključnih in prvih organizacij slovenskih izseljencev: Versko središče Sv.bratov Cirila in Metoda v Kew, v Melbournu, ki je bilo (in še vedno je) desetletja zavetišče mnogim slovenskim družinam, s posebnim ozirom na izobraževalni vlogi frančiškanskih duhovnikov. Ko so le-ti takoj po svojem prihodu leta 1955 pričeli graditi široko mrežo svojih izobraževalnih in vzgojnih aktivnosti, je Središče preseglo meje svojega osnovnega poslanstva Katoliško- frančiškanskega misijona. Ob globalnem cilju uresničevanja njihove osnovne verske, družbene in izobraževalne vloge pa (je) Središče uresničuje(-valo) tudi ohranjanje slovenske dediščine z izobraževanjem za inkluzijo slovenskih priseljencev v vsakodnevno avstralsko življenje. Skozi zastavljene aktivnosti Središča je Slovenska skupnost uspela oblikovati imanenten in specifičen način transmisije narodnih in državljanskih značilnosti in posebnosti svojega avtohtonega okolja, tako svojim mladim potomcem kot tudi širšemu avstralskemu družbenemu okolju (z mesečnikom “Misli”, slovensko šolo, jezikovnimi razredi in jezikovnimi tečaji, pevskimi zbori, športnimi aktivnostmi, slovenskim radiom idr.). In, ne nazadnje, prispevek je rezultat avtoričinega aktivnega raziskovanja z neposredno udeležbo v raziskovanju izobraževalne vloge Slovenskega verskega središča v Kew, v širšem sklopu raziskovalnega programa “Vloga frančiškanskih duhovnikov v Avstraliji v ohranjanju slovenske identitete Slovencev v avstralski družbi”. Cilj avtoričinega raziskovanja je bil ugotoviti, ali so navedene izobraževalne in vzgojne aktivnosti prispevale k vzpostavitvi in utrjevanju pozitivnih odnosov med večinsko (avstralsko) in manjšinsko (slovensko) etnično skupnostjo (Avstralskih Slovencev)

    Sodelovanje med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki

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    Uvod: Dobro sodelovanje med zdravniki in medicinskimi sestrami omogoča višjo kakovost zdravstvene obravnave pacientov. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako odnose med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki ocenjujejo študenti zdravstvene nege in medicine. Metode: V neeksperimentalni kvantitativni raziskavi je bila uporabljena Jeffersonova lestvica za oceno sodelovanja med zdravniki in medicinskimi sestrami. V priložnostni vzorec je bilo zajetih 428 študentov. Od tega 235 (54,9 %) študentov zdravstvene nege in 193 (45,1 %) študentov medicine. Podatki so bili analizirani z bivariatno statistiko in t-testom. Rezultati: Ugotovitve kažejo statistično pomembne razlike glede na spol anketirancev, pri nekaterih trditvah pa tudi glede na vrsto študija.  Anketiranke so se v večji meri strinjale s trditvami. Največja razlika glede na spol anketiranih je bila pri trditvi, da bi morali biti študentje medicine in zdravstvene nege vključeni v timsko delo, da bi razumeli svoje vloge (t = 2,59, p = 0,010). Študentje zdravstvene nege so se večinoma bolj strinjali s trditvami kot študentje medicine. V primerjavi med vrstama študija je bila največja razlika glede strinjanja pri trditvi »Na medicinsko sestro je treba gledati kot na zdravnikovo sodelavko in kolegico in ne kot na pomočnico« (t = 15,24, p < 0,001). Diskusija in zaključek: Ugotovitve kažejo statistično pomembne razlike v oceni odnosov med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravniki glede na spol anketiranih ter vrsto študija. Razlike glede različnih pogledov študentov obeh fakultet ponujajo priložnost za načrtovanje obeh izobraževanih programov

    Some sociological, medical and legislative views on video game addiction

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    Millions of people worldwide play video gamesalso in Slovenian post-modern society. Most of them do it for enjoyment, yet a small number of individuals show traits associated with addictive behaviour when interacting with their games. The authors in the article point out that, compared to drug abuse, there exist some more approachable life-related activities that can lead to addiction. They stimulate the excretion of endorphins and lead to the transformation of consciousness. Addiction to video games is an ostensible attempt to satisfy the immanent human need for meaning. The economy of the Slovenian young consumer society inspires it and is based on "learning" of these alienated needs. The modern hyperpragmatic society makes it possible for young people to have a fragmented identity and places them under the pressure of constant choice of (formally open opportunities). The purpose of this paper is to familiarize the reader with possible causes, clinical signs and methods of treatment of this disorder in Slovenian post-modern society, and explain the reasons why currently no medical textbook in the world contains any information regarding video game addiction. We intend, further, to demonstrate that gaming has become a type of "sport" in certain countries and demonstrate how potentially devastating even this type of addiction can be. The authors present the results of a research, which was undertaken on a sample of 350 individuals, to determine the appearance of indicators of behavioural addiction to video games and their connection with some family factors. They determine that through addiction to video games, post-modern societies have developed an addictive identity

    Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na izbiro turistične dejavnosti med srebrnolasimi turisti

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    Demographic changes are visible in many areas of life, including tourism. Silver hair tourism is on the rise and this target group is becoming an increasingly important segment of the tourism market. The market for silver hair tourists is growing. They have high purchasing power, relatively higher than younger groups. Therefore, tourism needs to respond to new demographic challenges in society, such as population aging and active longevity, with new types and forms of tourism. The travel experience of silver hair tourists also has a significant impact on the quality and satisfaction of life in general. In many ways it adds value in the life of elderly adults, in the field of well-being, gaining new experiences, learning, expanding the social network, improving health and much more. Therefore, knowing the demographic characteristics of silver hair tourists is all the more important and necessary for the creation of good tourist offers. Within this paper we have conducted a survey among silver hair tourists aged between 65 and 75 years inclusive. Data was collected in Multigenerational Centres across Slovenia with a paper-pencil survey. We obtained 405 valid questionnaires. In the analysis of empirical data, we looked for statistically significant differences in five socio-demographic and economic variables. We found statistically significant differences between men and women and between the age groups of silver hair tourists regarding the choice of tourism activities. In terms of demographic factors such as education, income and assessment of health status, we find a connection between tourism activities and demography. Travel raises the quality of life of ‘silver hair tourists,’ so it is important to offer them programs that will be more tailored to them. This article provides some answers that can help us create programmes like that

    Education and precarious labour in Slovene science

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    The image of a woman in the present Slovene society is still linked to prejudice to set limits and makes her feel bad. Especially, because the environment\u27s opinion contains some certain activities how a woman is incapable of doing or is not able to do them good enough. One of the areas with this belief is the area of science. Different public researches and academic institutions are stimulating massive enrolling of women to higher education and science. This is showing significant gradual increase in the proportion of women in education and researching positions in Slovenia over past decades. One of the most important measures for encouraging women/mothers/housewives to pursue an academic/science career was the exclusion of maternity and her role in domestic work and later on also parental leave from the time set for elections to higher academic /scientific titles for women. The actual position of women in science and research in Slovenia is similar to those which have been observed all around the world: horizontal and vertical segregation, subtle discrimination and thus worse situation in regard to the male scientists, in spite of the quantitative prevalence of the women students at the graduate level. This is particularly the case, after the introduction of the paid (and excluded) one year leave of absence for a child, including parental (male) leave of absence. This also increased the number of birth rate among young scientists, although this was unfortunately counteracted in the past few years by their precarious work. The contemporary period is also characterized by the increased difficulty for women to get employed, especially younger, highly educated professionals, usually meaning the potential to have children and leaving for long maternity leave and, normally domestic work. Because of their domestic duties and household occupation top positions (at institutes, academia and industry) are not occupied by women to a greater than up to a few percent. This is also true for many other decision-making positions in Slovenia. The situation is slightly improving, but it seems how in order to get established at leading position, a woman in the field of science has to work harder than her male colleague, as confirmed by several recent studies. A men-like behavior is expected from a woman at leading position. However, the proportion of women at leading positions in scientific bodies has increased since the transition period, but a pay gap within scientific institutions still exists (women earning are ranging from 90% - 95% of mens gross earning). But, a closer look shows how the main source of these subtle differences comes from the differences at the leading positions scientist, where functional supplements and financial stimulation can vary up to 50 %. According to the available data of staff distribution, the vertical gender segregation does exist in world-known mode: women are concentrated in the lower professional strata as it shows the hierarchical order by the gender structure of leading staff in research projects and by the asymmetric participation of women and men in the scientific boards, creating science policy as well as in the top management of institutions of science. Our research aim was to study and research on the pattern of casual 206 women employed in science and in academic and research institutions the position of women in science and family environment in contemporary Slovene society according to educational influences. We were particularly concentrated on their present position which in great dimension is denoted by discrimination and inequalityespecially as her formal work is understood as her precarious work and her domestic work as invisible and unpaid, from love done work. All these areas are extremely important for the society, not to lose the intellectual potential of women, especially in the situation of active economic crises. Within the framework of this thesis our research determinated the position of women in the field of science and in her domestic environment as well. On the other hand, we have to consider the fact how in comparison with the past, women are nowadays allowed to take new roles and possibilities of public activities, but only when the traditional duties are preserved. That is why we can assert that women in science are sexually discriminated

    Ovire starejših pri aktivnostih v domovih za starejše

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    Raziskovalno vprašanje: Ali je zdravstveno stanje ključna dispozicijska ovira pri vključevanju anketiranih starejših v vseživljenjsko učenje v domu za starejše? Namen: Starejši se srečujejo v domovih za starejše z različnimi ovirami. Proučiti želimo, kako se soočajo z njimi. Metoda: Anketni podatki so analizirani z deskriptivno in kavzalno-eksperimentalno metodo empiričnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. Rezultati: Za starejše je v domovih za starejše veliko ovir (prostorskih in vsebinskih), a poglavitna med njimi je pogled na starejše – prepričanja, ki so se oblikovala ob stereotipni vlogi onemoglega človeka. Organizacija: Starejši naj se navkljub vsem oviram, s katerimi se srečujejo v tretjem in četrtem življenjskem obdobju, udeležujejo aktivnosti v domovih za starejše, ki so jim na voljo glede na njihove psihofizične sposobnosti. Družba: Starejši, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, se soočajo z določenimi omejitvami, katere so pogojene z njihovimi sposobnostmi (slabovidnost, gluhonemost, gibalna oviranost, različne vrste demence idr.). Seznaniti vse deležnike, da je temu potrebno pripisovati čedalje večji pomen. Originalnost: Tovrstna raziskava je prva doslej med starejšimi v domovih v slovenskem prostoru. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Anketni vprašalnik je bil namenjen starejšim v tretjem in četrtem življenjskem obdobju, ki bivajo v domovih za starejše, ne pa tudi vodstvenim delavcem, strokovnemu in tehničnemu osebju, ki veliko prispevajo h kakovostnemu življenju in počutju oskrbovancev. Zato bi veljalo raziskati tudi njihova mnenja in jih primerjati z dosedanjimi ugotovitvami

    Is education for using humour in nursing needed?

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    Introduction: Although there has been considerable discussion regarding the presence of therapeutic aspects of humour in the nurse educational programme and syllabus, little is known about the use of humour in the nurse - patient relationship and the needed topics in the Slovene educational system for nurses. From educational and medical perspectives, humour is anything that evokes laughter and it has been proven that laughter contributes to physical health. A sense of humour in nursing has a conformist, quantitative and productive importance which is manifested through the essential elements of humour: meta-communication sensitivity, personal affection for humour and emotional admissibility. As nurses spend a lot of time with patients, humour adds to the quality of their work as well as to the nurses’ satisfaction with their work with patients. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the significance of humour in nursing both for the employees and for the patients and to discuss humour within the framework of nursing profession in Slovenia. The specific objective of our study is to explore the attitudes of Slovenian nurses towards humour and their actual use of humour during their interaction with patients. Methods: For the purpose of this study, a quantitative research methodology was adopted. A questionnaire was used to collect data on the topic and a set of statistical analyses (frequency distribution method, the χ2 and Spearman rank correlation test) was performed on the data obtained. Results: Our study shows that Slovenian nurses are prone to the use of humour in their work and they welcome it as an integral part of their work with patients. We found that humour also enhances their sense of belonging to the nursing profession and serves as a tool for socialization. Discussion: Humour, employed in nursing can help overcome certain difficulties which nurses face in the workplace as they also try to fulfil some social objectives and get socialized via humour. These psychological-sociological features of humour stand out as cognitive and social benefits of the positive emotions of joy, the use of humour for social communication and their influence on the release of stress and coping, which draws from the ergonomics of humour as social interaction. Therefore, topics of humour in nurse education are required. Limitations: 279 Slovenian nurses with different levels of education participated in the study. Conclusions: Humour should be used by nurses since it is important in their professional interaction with patients. It can be used as a bridge between individuals and can serve as a means of individual\u27s integration into groups, cultures and, consequently, into the society as a whole

    Education of older people for combating their loneliness

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    The article discusses education of older people for combating their loneliness, the reasons for it, and its consequences. The current theoretical findings were the reason for the empirical study of the research problem by the authors. In the empirical part, some aspects of the life of older people regarding their residences were compared: among older people living with their relatives, alone, with a partner, or in a retirement home, with special regard to the reasons/causes for residence, and the feeling of loneliness and contacts with relatives. The obtained empirical results showed that older people living alone or in a retirement home are in a worse position compared to those living with relatives or with a partner. The most at risk are older people living alone