24 research outputs found
Bone mineral density and biochemical indicators of bone remodeling in menopausal women
Uvod: Menopauza predstavlja razdoblje obilježeno velikim promjenama kod žena koje se oÄituju smanjenjem mineralne gustoÄe kosti, smanjenjem vrijednosti deoksipiridolina, vitamina D i alkalne fosfataze. Glavni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su utvrditi postoji li razlika u mineralnoj gustoÄi kosti kod žena koje nemaju menstruaciju manje od pet godina i kod žena koje nemaju menstruaciju dulje od pet godina i usporediti biokemijske pokazatelje koÅ”tane pregradnje kod obje skupine žena.
Ispitanici i metode: U ispitivanje je ukljuÄeno 37 žena koje su podijeljene u skupinu žene koje nemaju menstruaciju manje od pet godina (N=13 žena) i skupinu žena koje nemaju menstruaciju dulje odĀ pet godina (N=24 žena). Svim ispitanicama izvaÄena je krv iz koje su se odreÄivali alkalna fosfataza i vitamin D, dok se iz prikupljenog 24-satnog urina odreÄivala vrijednost deoksipiridinolina. Osim toga, svim ispitanicama je uÄinjena denzitometrijska analiza lumbalne kralježnice i vrata femura metodom dvoenergetske rendgenske apsorpciometrije.
Rezultati: Rezultati provedenog istraživanja pokazuju kako je doÅ”lo do znaÄajnog smanjena razine deoksipiridolina u urinu kod žena koje nemaju menstruaciju dulje od pet godina, dok se vrijednosti vitamina D i alkalne fosfataze nisu znaÄajno razlikovale izmeÄu obje skupine žena. Mineralna gustoÄa kostiju lumbalne kralježnice i lijevog femura znaÄajno je manja u skupini žena koje nemaju menstruaciju dulje od 5 godina.
ZakljuÄak: Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su kako su biokemijski pokazatelji koÅ”tane pregradnje poveÄani u prvih pet godina nakon menopauze te bi odreÄivanje ovih parametara u krvi i urinu moglo biti uÄinkovita metoda za odreÄivanje pacijenata s brzom pregradnjom kostiju nakon poÄetka menopauze.Introduction: Menopause is a period marked by major changes in women, manifested by a decrease in bone mineral density, deoxypyridinoline, vitamin D, and alkaline phosphatase levels. Therefore, the main objectives of this research were to determine whether there is a difference in bone mineral density in women who have been in menopause for less than 5 years and in women who have been in menopause for more than 5 years and to compare biochemical indicators of bone remodeling in both groups.Participants and methodsThe study included 37 women divided into a group of women who have been in menopause for less than 5 year (N=13 women) and a group of women who have been in menopause for more than 5 years (N=24 women). Serum alkaline phosphatase and vitamin D, and urinary deoxypyridinoline were measured. In addition, all women underwent bone density measurement of the lumbar spine and femoral neck using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry.Results: Results showed that there was a statistically significant decrease in the level of the deoxypyridinoline in urine, while the values of vitamin D and alkaline phosphatase obtained from the analysis of blood samples did not differ significantly in the two groups. Bone mineral density values for the lumbar spine and left femur were significantly lower in the group of women who have been in menopause for morethan 5 years.Conclusion: The results obtained showed that the biochemical indicators of bone remodeling increased in the first five years after menopause, and the determination of these parameters in blood and urine could be an effective method for determining patients with rapid bone remodeling after the onset of menopause
Immunohistochemical Analysis of the Human Psoas Major Muscle with Regards to the Body Side and Aging
The aim of our study was to explore the age related changes of the fibre type composition of the human psoas major muscle. Moreover, we wanted to compare the fibre type composition of the left and right muscle. Muscle samples were collected from 15 young and 15 old males. Type I, IIA and IIX muscle fibres were typed using myosin heavy chain identification. The serial transverse sections were analysed using a light microscope. Results of our study showed that the age-related atrophy affected all three fibre types. Type IIA fibres were affected most profoundly while type I fibres were affected most weakly. The percentage of the different fibre types did not change during aging. There were no differences in the fibre type composition between the left and right muscle. Human psoas major muscle undergoes normal aging changes with the atrophy of all three fibre types, whereas atrophy most profoundly affects type IIA fibres. No differences in the fibre type composition between the left and right muscle point to the equal engagement of both legs in normal everyday activities of human
Influence of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Myogenic Transcriptional Factors of Denervated Rat Muscle
The aim of this study was to determine whether hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) treatment influences the expression of transcriptional myogenic factors in denervated ratās extensor digitorum longus muscle. Thus, expressing regulatory myogenic factors MyoD and myogenin were analyzed in denervated muscles (up to 30 days). Second group of denervated rats were afterwards treated with HBO2. Normal, innervated muscles were used as controls. Western blot analysis showed a significant upregulation of MyoD and myogenin proteins in denervated muscle during this period. Denervated muscles of rats exposed to HBO2 treatment had also significant upregulation of both transcriptional factors but the treatment had not altered their expression. The immunohistochemical analysis showed MyoD and myogenin protein expression through this period in the denervated, untreated muscles and in denervated muscles of rats treated with HBO2, too. One month denervation caused a reduction in muscle fiber cross-sectional area. The treatment with HBO2 had not reduced the degree of atrophy. The protocol of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) applied in this study had no beneficial effect either on transcriptional myogenic factors or on atrophy of denervated rat muscle
Corticosteroids-induced diabetes mellitus: modern concepts and perspectives in the treatment
Kortikosteroidi izazivaju pojavu steroidnog oblika Å”eÄerne bolesti mnogobrojnim mehanizmima. Kortikosteroidi poveÄavaju otpornost na inzulin u stanicama jetre i stanicama drugih tkiva kao Å”to su masno i miÅ”iÄno tkivo. Imaju Å”tetno djelovanje na beta-stanice guÅ”teraÄe, smanjenja unosa glukoze u stanice i indukcije apoptoze. Äimbenici rizika za razvoj steroidne Å”eÄerne bolesti su doza i dugotrajnost primjene kortikosteroida, dob, obiteljska anamneza Å”eÄerne bolesti, debljina, rasa i prethodno postojanje Å”eÄerne bolesti. Pristup pacijentima sa steroidnom Å”eÄernom boleÅ”Äu je dijeta, tjelovježba i samokontrola glukoze u plazmi. Ako glikemija nataÅ”te ili nakon obroka naraste preko 11,1 mmol/l preporuÄena je primjena inzulina.The mechanism of corticosteroids-induced diabetes mellitus is multifactorial. Corticosteroids induce hepatic and extrahepatic insulin resistance. Corticosteroids have direct harmful effects on insulin-secreting beta cells of the pancreas, decreasing in glucose transport into the beta cells and inducing apoptosis. The risk of corticosteroids-induced diabetes increases with the corticosteroids dosage, duration of therapy, age, family history of diabetes mellitus, obesity, ethnicity and high blood glucose concentrations before corticosteroids therapy. Treatment of patients with corticosteroids-induced hyperglycaemia is diet, exercise and self-monitoring of blood glucose level. Patients with persistent fasting and daytime blood glucose concentrations over 11.1 mmol/L, the treatment with insulin is recommended
Reg IV Protein is Expressed in Normal Rat Tissue
The Reg IV gene has been documented in the colon, small intestine, stomach and pancreas of the human. Expression
of the Reg IV in different cell types has been associated with regeneration, cell growth and cell survival, cell adhesion and
resistance to apoptosis. It is unknown whether the Reg IV protein is present in the normal rat tissue. The aim of this
study was to reveal the expression of the Reg IV protein in the rat spleen and colon. Western blot analysis using antibody
specific for Reg IV protein were performed on rat spleen and colon extracts. Low level of Reg IV expression was found in
all examined colon samples. The expression of Reg IV protein in spleen tissue was significantly higher than in the colon.
Reg IV protein was immunohistochemically stained in a few epithelial cells in the basal portion of colon crypts and in a
large spleen cells which were scattered in the red pulp. Our results demonstrate for the first time the presence of the Reg
IV protein expression in the healthy spleen and colon tissue of the rat. Other members of the Reg family, Reg I and Reg III
proteins have been shown to act as a growth factors in gastrointestinal tract, but without further experiments we can only
assume the potential role of the Reg IV protein in spleen and colon cell growth
The Effects of Long-Term Experimental Diabetes Mellitus Type I on Skeletal Muscle Regeneration Capacity
Muscle fibers are dynamic structures capable of altering their phenotype under various pathological conditions. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of long-lasting diabetes mellitus on the process of muscle regeneration in the skeletal muscle. Wistar rats were made diabetic by a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ). The regeneration process in the skeletal muscle was induced in slow (m. soleus, SOL) and fast (m. extensor digitorum longus, EDL) muscles by injection of local anesthetic (bupivacaine). Skeletal muscles were analyzed 10 days, 4 and 8 weeks after bupivacaine treatment. Diabetes mellitus has changed morphological properties of both slow and fast skeletal muscles during the process of regeneration. These changes are evident in redistribution of muscle fibers and significant level of atrophy. All fiber types of diabetic fast muscles showed stronger atrophy than muscle fibers in slow muscles which have more oxidative metabolism. The changes of redistribution of muscle fibers depend on duration of diabetes and affect all types of muscle fibers
Expression of myogenic regulatory factors in rat skeletal muscles after denervation
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate expression of myogenic
regulatory factors MyoD and myogenin during denervation in fast and slow rat skeletal muscles of different rat strains (Wistar and Sprague-Dawely).
Material and Methods: Immunohistochemical andWestern blot analyses were performed on tibialis anterior and soleus muscles.
Results: Immunohistochemical analysis of tibialis anterior and soleus
muscles during denervation demonstrated that both myonuclei and satellite cells were activated.Western blot analysis showed a significant upregulation of MyoD and myogenin proteins in m. tibialis anterior at all time points of denervation, except on 60th day for MyoD. In m. soleus during denervation Western blot analysis showed upregulation of MyoD and myogenin in first 14 days, and there was no expression after that period.
Conclusion: Our results indicate that MyoD and myogenin protein expression during denervation is muscle type specific. The role of MyoD and myogenin in adult muscle is potentially also important in orchestrating an adaptive response of existing muscle fibers during denervation
Skeletal muscle regeneration and the role of regeneration genes
Skeletni miÅ”iÄ odraslog organizma je dinamiÄno tkivo koje ima iznimnu sposobnost regeneracije nakon ozljede. Radi se o sinkroniziranim procesima koji ukljuÄuju aktivaciju populacije miÅ”iÄnih prekursora koje nazivamo satelitskim stanicama. Nakon povrede skeletni miÅ”iÄ vrlo brzo zapoÄinje s opsežnim procesima reparacije s ciljem prevencije gubitka miÅ”iÄne mase. Inicijalna faza miÅ”iÄne regeneracije i reparacije karakterizirana je nekrozom oÅ”teÄenog tkiva i upalom. Gotovo istodobno aktiviraju se do tada mirne satelitske stanice, proliferiraju, diferenciraju i spajaju se kako bi nastalo multinuklearno miÅ”iÄno vlakno. U procesu miÅ”iÄne regeneracije znaÄajnu funkciju imaju i proteini regeneracijske (Reg) genske obitelji. Obitelj Reg gena ukljuÄena je u proces regeneracije tkiva, rast i proliferaciju razliÄitih stanica, staniÄnu adheziju i otpornost na apoptozu. Reg geni oÄituju se u ranim fazama ozljede, Å”to upuÄuje na njihovu ulogu reaktanta akutne faze upale i faktora rasta koji uzrokuje proliferaciju i rast satelitskih stanica u skeletnom miÅ”iÄu, odnosno proliferaciju i rast Schwannovih stanica u ozlijeÄenom perifernom živcu. BuduÄi da se Reg 3G pojavljuje odmah nakon ozljede miÅ”iÄa i živca, pretpostavlja se da ima ulogu posrednika u signaliranju izmeÄu ozlijeÄenog živca i miÅ”iÄa, a moguÄe i makrofaga.Adult skeletal muscle is an extremely dynamic tissue which has a tremendous ability of regeneration after muscle injury. These processes are highly synchronized involving the activation of well-defined population of muscle stem cells called satellite cells. After injury skeletal muscle initiate a rapid and extensive repair process preventing the loss of muscle mass. The initial phase of muscle regeneration and repair is characterized by necrosis of the damaged tissue and inflammation. Almost simultaneously previous quiescent satellite cells are activated, proliferate, differentiate and fuse to form multinucleated myofibers. The regenerating (Reg) protein family has important role in the process of muscle regeneration. Reg proteins play important roles in tissue regeneration, cell growth and proliferation, cell adhesion and resistance to apoptosis. A Reg3G gene is upregulated in the early phase of muscle injury and acts as acute phase reactants and growth factor for muscle satellite cells and injured Schwann cells. Since the induction and release of Reg3G appeared to readily respond to muscle and nerve injury, Reg3G may function as mediators of the injury signal among the injured nerve and muscle, and possibly macrophages