58 research outputs found

    Transcription of individual tRNA<SUP>Gly</SUP><SUB>1</SUB> genes from within a multigene family is regulated by transcription factor TFIIIB

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    Members of a tRNA1Gly multigene family from the silkworm Bombyx mori have been classified based on their transcriptions in homologous nuclear extracts, into three groups of highly, moderately and poorly transcribed genes. Because all these gene copies have identical coding sequences and consequently identical promoter elements (the A and B boxes), the flanking sequences modulate their expression levels. Here we demonstrate the interaction of transcription factor TFIIIB with these genes and its role in regulating differential transcriptions. The binding of TFIIIB to the poorly transcribed gene tRNA1Gly-6,7 was less stable compared with binding of TFIIIB to the highly expressed copy, tRNA1Gly-1. The presence of a 5' upstream TATA sequence closer to the coding region in tRNA1Gly-6,7 suggested that the initial binding of TFIIIC to the A and B boxes sterically hindered anchoring of TFIIIB via direct interactions, leading to lower stability of TFIIIC-B-DNA complexes. Also, the multiple TATATAA sequences present in the flanking regions of this poorly transcribed gene successfully competed for TFIIIB reducing transcription. The transcription level could be enhanced to some extent by supplementation of TFIIIB but not by TATA box binding protein. The poor transcription of tRNA1Gly-6,7 was thus attributed both to the formation of a less stable transcription complex and the sequestration of TFIIIB. Availability of the transcription factor TFIIIB in excess could serve as a general mechanism to initiate transcription from all the individual members of the gene family as per the developmental needs within the tissue

    Characterization of late gene expression factors lef-9 and lef-8 from Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus

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    Late gene expression factors, LEF-4, LEF-8, LEF-9 and P47 constitute the primary components of the Autographa californica multinucleocapsid polyhedrovirus (AcMNPV)-encoded RNA polymerase, which initiates transcription from late and very late promoters. Here, characterization of lef-9 and lef-8, which encode their corresponding counterparts, from Bombyx mori NPV is reported. Transcription of lef-9 initiated at two independent sites : from a GCACT sequence located at N38 nt and a CTCTT sequence located at N50 nt, with respect to the M1 ATG of the open reading frame. The 3' end of the transcript was mapped to a site 17 nt downstream of a canonical polyadenylation signal located 7 nt downstream of the first of the two tandem translational termination codons. Maximum synthesis of LEF-9 was seen from 36 h post-infection (p.i.). The transcription of lef-8 initiated early in infection from a GTGCAAT sequence that differed in the corresponding region from its AcMNPV counterpart (GCGCAGT), with consequent elimination of the consensus early transcription start site motif (underlined). Peak levels of lef-8 transcripts were attained by 24 h p.i. Immunocopurification analyses suggested that there was an association between LEF-8 and LEF-9 in vivo

    Heat shock response in mulberry silkworm races with different thermotolerances

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    The thermal sensitivity and heat shock response of the different races of the mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori have been analysed. The multivoltine race, strains C. Nichi and Pure Mysore showed better survival rates than the bivoltine race, strain NB4D2 exposed to 41°C and above. In general, the fifth instar larvae and the pupae exhibited maximum tolerance compared to the early larval instars, adult moths or the eggs. Exposure up to 39°C for 1 or 2 h was tolerated equally whereas temperatures above 43°C proved to be lethal for all. Treatment of larvae at 41°C for 1 h resulted in a variety of physiological alterations including increased heart beat rates, differential haemocyte counts, enlargement of granulocytes and the presence of additional protein species in the tissues and haemolymph. The appearance of a 93 kDa protein in the haemolymph, fat bodies and cuticle, following the heat shocking of larvae in vivo was a characteristic feature in all the three strains examined although the kinetics of their appearance itself was different. In haemolymph, the protein appeared immediately in response to heat shock in C. Nichi reaching the maximal levels in 2-4 h whereas its presence was noticeable only after 2-4 h recovery time in Pure Mysore and bivoltine races. The fat body from both C. Nichi and NB4D2 showed the presence of 93 kDa, 89 kDa and 70 kDa proteins on heat shock. The haemocytes, on the other hand, expressed only a 70 kDa protein consequent to heat shock. The 93 kDa protein in the haemolymph, therefore could have arisen from some other tissue, possibly the fat body. The 93 kDa protein was detected after heat shock in pupae and adult moths as well, although the presence ofan additional (56 kDa) protein was also apparent in the adults. The presence of 46 kDa and 28 kDa bands in addition to the 93 kDa band in the cuticular proteins immediately following heat shock was clearly discernible. The 70 kDa band did not show much changes in the cuticular proteins on heat shock. In contrast to the changes in protein profiles seen in tissues and haemolymph following heat shock in vivo, the heat treatment of isolated fat body or haemolymph in vitro resulted in protein degradation

    Lysozyme-sensitive bioemulsifier for immiscible organophosphorus pesticides

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    Two Bacillus strains capable of emulsifying immiscible organophosphorus pesticides were isolated by enrichment methods. The emulsifying factor produced by Bacillus strain FE-2 has a high molecular weight, is Iysozyme sensitive and thermostable, and can be precipitated with trichloroacetic acid or ammonium sulfate; it may be a glycolipopeptide. It is specific for immiscible organophosphorus pesticides and is secreted during growth in the presence of such pesticides

    Characterization of a local isolate of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus

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    Polyhedral bodies of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus, BmNPV (BGL) isolated from infected silkworms around Bangalore were propagated either in the cultured B. mori cell line, BmN or through infection of larvae. Electron microscopic (EM) observations of the polyhedra revealed an average length of 2 μm and a height of 0.5 μm. The purified polyhedra derived virions (PDV) showed several bands in sucrose gradient centrifugation, indicating the multiple nucleocapsid nature of BmNPV. Electron microscopic studies of PDV revealed a cylindrical, rod-shaped nucleocapsid with an average length of 300 nm and a diameter of 35 nm. The genomic DNA from the PDV was characterized by extensive restriction analysis and the genome size was estimated to be 132 kb. The restriction pattern of BmNPV (BGL) resembled that of the prototype strain BmNPV-T3. Distinct differences due to polymorphic sites for restriction enzyme HindIII were apparent between BmNPV (BGL) and the virus isolated from a different part of Karnataka (Dharwad area), BmNPV (DHR)

    Lepidopteran wing scales contain abundant cross-linked film-forming histidine-rich cuticular proteins

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    Scales are symbolic characteristic of Lepidoptera; however, nothing is known about the contribution of cuticular proteins (CPs) to the complex patterning of lepidopteran scales. This is because scales are resistant to solubilization, thus hindering molecular studies. Here we succeeded in dissolving developing wing scales from Bombyx mori, allowing analysis of their protein composition. We identified a distinctive class of histidine rich (His-rich) CPs (6%–45%) from developing lepidopteran scales by LC-MS/MS. Functional studies using RNAi revealed CPs with different histidine content play distinct and critical roles in constructing the microstructure of the scale surface. Moreover, we successfully synthesized films in vitro by crosslinking a 45% His-rich CP (BmorCPR152) with laccase2 using N-acetyl- dopamine or N-β-alanyl-dopamine as the substrate. This molecular study of scales provides fundamental information about how such a fine microstructure is constructed and insights into the potential application of CPs as new biomaterials

    A Comprehensive Analysis of the Chorion Locus in Silkmoth

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    Despite more than 40 years of intense study, essential features of the silkmoth chorion (eggshell) are still not fully understood. To determine the precise structure of the chorion locus, we performed extensive EST analysis, constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig, and obtained a continuous genomic sequence of 871,711 base pairs. We annotated 127 chorion genes in two segments interrupted by a 164 kb region with 5 non-chorion genes, orthologs of which were on chorion bearing scaffolds in 4 ditrysian families. Detailed transcriptome analysis revealed expression throughout choriogenesis of most chorion genes originally categorized as “middle”, and evidence for diverse regulatory mechanisms including cis-elements, alternative splicing and promoter utilization, and antisense RNA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed multigene family associations and faster evolution of early chorion genes and transcriptionally active pseudogenes. Proteomics analysis identified 99 chorion proteins in the eggshell and micropyle localization of 1 early and 6 Hc chorion proteins

    Construction, Complete Sequence, and Annotation of a BAC Contig Covering the Silkworm Chorion Locus

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    The silkmoth chorion was studied extensively by F.C. Kafatos’ group for almost 40 years. However, the complete structure of the chorion locus was not obtained in the genome sequence of Bombyx mori published in 2008 due to repetitive sequences, resulting in gaps and an incomplete view of the locus. To obtain the complete sequence of the chorion locus, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from follicular epithelium cells were used as probes to screen a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. Seven BACs were selected to construct a contig which covered the whole chorion locus. By Sanger sequencing, we successfully obtained complete sequences of the chorion locus spanning 871,711 base pairs on chromosome 2, where we annotated 127 chorion genes. The dataset reported here will recruit more researchers to revisit one of the oldest model systems which has been used to study developmentally regulated gene expression. It also provides insights into egg development and fertilization mechanisms and is relevant to applications related to improvements in breeding procedures and transgenesis

    Expression map of a complete set of gustatory receptor genes in chemosensory organs of \u3cem\u3eBombyx mori\u3c/em\u3e

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    Most lepidopteran species are herbivores, and interaction with host plants affects their gene expression and behavior as well as their genome evolution. Gustatory receptors (Grs) are expected to mediate host plant selection, feeding, oviposition and courtship behavior. However, due to their high diversity, sequence divergence and extremely low level of expression it has been difficult to identify precisely a complete set of Grs in Lepidoptera. By manual annotation and BAC sequencing, we improved annotation of 43 gene sequences compared with previously reported Grs in the most studied lepidopteran model, the silkworm, Bombyx mori, and identified 7 new tandem copies of BmGr30 on chromosome 7, bringing the total number of BmGrs to 76. Among these, we mapped 68 genes to chromosomes in a newly constructed chromosome distribution map and 8 genes to scaffolds; we also found new evidence for large clusters of BmGrs, especially from the bitter receptor family. RNA-seq analysis of diverse BmGr expression patterns in chemosensory organs of larvae and adults enabled us to draw a precise organ specific map of BmGr expression. Interestingly, most of the clustered genes were expressed in the same tissues and more than half of the genes were expressed in larval maxillae, larval thoracic legs and adult legs. For example, BmGr63 showed high expression levels in all organs in both larval and adult stages. By contrast, some genes showed expression limited to specific developmental stages or organs and tissues. BmGr19 was highly expressed in larval chemosensory organs (especially antennae and thoracic legs), the single exon genes BmGr53 and BmGr67, were expressed exclusively in larval tissues, the BmGr27–BmGr31 gene cluster on chr7 displayed a high expression level limited to adult legs and the candidate CO2 receptor BmGr2 was highly expressed in adult antennae, where few other Grs were expressed. Transcriptional analysis of the Grs in B. mori provides a valuable new reference for finding genes involved in plant-insect interactions in Lepidoptera and establishing correlations between these genes and vital insect behaviors like host plant selection and courtship for mating

    Temporal expression profile of late gene expression factor 4 from Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus

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    Temporal expression profile of lef4, the gene encoding late gene expression factor 4 (LEF4) from the baculovirus, Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV), has been analysed. lef4 behaved like an early gene and the transcripts were detectable from 6 h post infection (hpi) which reached maximal levels by 18-24 hpi, and declined considerably at later times. The LEF4 open reading frame was bacterially expressed as a glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein which was solubilized from the inclusion bodies and purified by adsorption to the affinity matrix, GST-Sepharose. Using polyclonal antibodies raised against the bacterially expressed protein, the temporal profile of LEF4 synthesis in BmNPV-infected BmN cells was analysed. The LEF4 protein levels were also higher at 24 hpi compared to 12 or 36 hpi, correlating with the RNA patterns. The protein was predominantly localized to the nucleus of the infected BmN cell and only a small portion was present in the cytosolic fraction. Preliminary studies with antisense lef4 expression revealed substantial reduction in expression from the viral polyhedrin promoter without significantly affecting the viral DNA replication