Characterization of a local isolate of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus


Polyhedral bodies of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus, BmNPV (BGL) isolated from infected silkworms around Bangalore were propagated either in the cultured B. mori cell line, BmN or through infection of larvae. Electron microscopic (EM) observations of the polyhedra revealed an average length of 2 μm and a height of 0.5 μm. The purified polyhedra derived virions (PDV) showed several bands in sucrose gradient centrifugation, indicating the multiple nucleocapsid nature of BmNPV. Electron microscopic studies of PDV revealed a cylindrical, rod-shaped nucleocapsid with an average length of 300 nm and a diameter of 35 nm. The genomic DNA from the PDV was characterized by extensive restriction analysis and the genome size was estimated to be 132 kb. The restriction pattern of BmNPV (BGL) resembled that of the prototype strain BmNPV-T3. Distinct differences due to polymorphic sites for restriction enzyme HindIII were apparent between BmNPV (BGL) and the virus isolated from a different part of Karnataka (Dharwad area), BmNPV (DHR)

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