2,858 research outputs found

    Plantas Endémicas Medicnais de Cabo Verde

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    A quantidade de plantas medicinais do ArquipĂ©lago de Cabo Verde, actualmente, Ă© de 308 espĂ©cies, distribuĂ­das em 82 famĂ­lias pertencentes a PteridĂłfitas (5), GimnospĂ©rmicas (2) e AngiospĂ©rmicas (75). Constata-se, assim, uma evolução positiva dos nĂșmeros, trĂȘs vezes mais ao citado por Carvalho (1988), pelo que se confirma uma necessidade urgente em dar continuidade Ă s pesquisas, tanto no campo como no laboratĂłrio, para uma maior valorização da flora medicinal de Cabo Verde. Portanto, existe matĂ©ria-prima em quantidade (nĂșmero de espĂ©cies) para melhorar a farmacologia do PaĂ­s, o que permite intensificar os estudos da flora medicinal, nos aspectos quĂ­micos, farmacolĂłgicos, e clĂ­nicos, para o enriquecimento da matĂ©ria mĂ©dico-vegetal, bem como valorizar melhor os recursos locais nĂŁo utilizĂĄveis actualmente, incluindo as espĂ©cies que nĂŁo devem ser, na sua forma espontĂąnea, subtraĂ­das Ă  natureza, quer pela sua raridade, quer pelo seu carĂĄcter endĂ©mico. É urgente um estudo cientĂ­fico com a finalidade de justificar o seu uso em bases correctas, e generalizar o conhecimento de algumas espĂ©cies endĂ©micas medicinais num total de vinte e quatro espĂ©cies, existentes em Cabo Verde. Nesse Ăąmbito, o INIDA (ex-INIA), desde 1986, atravĂ©s do seu Departamento, Recursos Naturais RenovĂĄveis, hoje Departamento CiĂȘncias do Ambiente, vem recolhendo informaçÔes de campo atravĂ©s de inquĂ©ritos Ă  população local e publicaçÔes de algumas informaçÔes referentes a ecologia, distribuição por ilha e o uso tradicional das plantas. Actualmente, estes estudos estĂŁo a ser aprofundados, de modo a confirmar alguns aspectos fitoquĂ­micos dessas plantas, nomeadamente, para as endĂ©micas losna (Artemisia gorgonum) aipo-de-rocha (Lavandula rotundifolia)

    Plantas Endémicas Medicinais de cabo verde

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    A quantidade de plantas medicinais do ArquipĂ©lago de Cabo Verde, actualmente, Ă© de 308 espĂ©cies, distribuĂ­das em 82 famĂ­lias pertencentes a PteridĂłfitas (5), GimnospĂ©rmicas (2) e AngiospĂ©rmicas (75). Constata-se, assim, uma evolução positiva dos nĂșmeros, trĂȘs vezes mais ao citado por Carvalho (1988), pelo que se confirma uma necessidade urgente em dar continuidade Ă s pesquisas, tanto no campo como no laboratĂłrio, para uma maior valorização da flora medicinal de Cabo Verde. Portanto, existe matĂ©ria-prima em quantidade (nĂșmero de espĂ©cies) para melhorar a farmacologia do PaĂ­s, o que permite intensificar os estudos da flora medicinal, nos aspectos quĂ­micos, farmacolĂłgicos, e clĂ­nicos, para o enriquecimento da matĂ©ria mĂ©dico-vegetal, bem como valorizar melhor os recursos locais nĂŁo utilizĂĄveis actualmente, incluindo as espĂ©cies que nĂŁo devem ser, na sua forma espontĂąnea, subtraĂ­das Ă  natureza, quer pela sua raridade, quer pelo seu carĂĄcter endĂ©mico. É urgente um estudo cientĂ­fico com a finalidade de justificar o seu uso em bases correctas, e generalizar o conhecimento de algumas espĂ©cies endĂ©micas medicinais num total de vinte e quatro espĂ©cies, existentes em Cabo Verde. Nesse Ăąmbito, o INIDA (ex-INIA), desde 1986, atravĂ©s do seu Departamento, Recursos Naturais RenovĂĄveis, hoje Departamento CiĂȘncias do Ambiente, vem recolhendo informaçÔes de campo atravĂ©s de inquĂ©ritos Ă  população local e publicaçÔes de algumas informaçÔes referentes a ecologia, distribuição por ilha e o uso tradicional das plantas. Actualmente, estes estudos estĂŁo a ser aprofundados, de modo a confirmar alguns aspectos fitoquĂ­micos dessas plantas, nomeadamente, para as endĂ©micas losna (Artemisia gorgonum) aipo-de-rocha (Lavandula rotundifolia)

    Flora de Cabo Verde. Plantas Vasculares. 82. Orobanchaceae

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    clorofila, de cores variadas, mas nunca verdes. Caules erectos, com folhas escamiformes, geralmente carnudos, simples ou ramificados, glabros a piloso- -glandulares. InflorescĂȘncia um racemo terminal ou espiga, raramente solitaria ou pauciflora. Flores hermafroditas, zigomĂłrticas; brĂĄcteas escamiformes, com ‘ou sem bractt!olas. CĂĄlice tubuloso, sinsĂ©palo 2-Slobado, as vezes fencĂ­ido anterior e .posteriormente em duas partes livres. Corola simpĂ©tala, hipogĂ­nica, pentĂąmera, bilabiada, de pieĂ­loracĂŁo imbricativa. Estames geralmente 4, didinĂąmicos, inseridos no tubo da corola, anteras com Ibculos aos pares, dorsifixas, com deiscĂȘncia longitudinal, glabras a densamente lanosas. Ovario sĂșpero, 1-locular, 2 (3)carpelar; Ăłvulos numerosos; estilete simples, terminal, estigma capitado ou peltado, lobado ou nĂŁo. CĂĄpsula gcraimente 2-valve, globosa ou ovoide-elipsoidal com deiscĂȘncia loculicĂ­da; sementes pequenas, numerosas, com albĂșmen carnudo e embriĂŁo nĂŁo diferenciado. Familia com c. 17 generos e aproximadamente 150 especies, amplamente distribuidas no hemisferio norte, particularmente nas regides temperadas e subtropicais do Velho Mundo

    Integrated product relationships management : a model to enable concurrent product design and assembly sequence planning

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    The paper describes a novel approach to product relationships management in the context of concurrent engineering and product lifecycle management (PLM). Current industrial practices in product data management and manufacturing process management systems require better efficiency, flexibility, and sensitivity in managing product information at various levels of abstraction throughout its lifecycle. The aim of the proposed work is to manage vital yet complex and inherent product relationship information to enable concurrent product design and assembly sequence planning. Indeed, the definition of the product with its assembly sequence requires the management and the understanding of the numerous product relationships, ensuring consistency between the product and its components. This main objective stresses the relational design paradigm by focusing on product relationships along its lifecycle. This paper gives the detailed description of the background and models which highlight the need for a more efficient PLM approach. The proposed theoretical approach is then described in detail. A separate paper will focus on the implementation of the proposed approach in a PLM-based application, and an in-depth case study to evaluate the implementation of the novel approach will also be given

    The Effects of Longevity and Distortions on Education and Retirement

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    This article studies the impact of longevity and taxation on life-cycle decisions and long-run income. Individuals allocate optimally their total lifetime between education, working and retirement. They also decide at each moment how much to save or consume out of their income, and after entering the labor market how to divide their time between labor and leisure. The model incorporates experience-earnings profiles and the return-to-education function that follows evidence from the labor literature. In this setup, increases in longevity raises the investment in education - time in school - and retirement. The model is calibrated to the U.S. and is able to reproduce observed schooling levels and the increase in retirement, as the evidence shows. Simulations show that a country equal to the U.S. but with 20% smaller longevity will be 25% poorer. In this economy, labor taxes have a strong impact on the per capita income, as it decreases labor effort, time at school and retirement age, in addition to the general equilibrium impact on physical capital. We conclude that life-cycle effects are relevant in analyzing the aggregate outcome of taxation.


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    This paper analyzes ingliding ([ɛ]~[ɛɐ], [ɔ]~[ɔɐ]) in the Brazilian Portuguese spoken in Porto Alegre (RS) in order to examine both the variation pattern as well as the styles and social meanings associated with the variants of the process. To achieve this goal, two samples were analyzed quantitatively (variable rule analysis of the speech data, Cf. Labov (2008 [1972])) and qualitatively (stylistic practices analysis, considering the speakers’ declared practices). In this work, style is treated as a practice of persona construction (ECKERT, 2005, 2012), a notion related to lifestyle, a set of tastes, beliefs and practices typical of a certain class or class fraction (BOURDIEU, 2015 [1979/1982]). The results show that ingliding is favored by open-mid vowels and disfavored by labial and dorsal following segments. The centring diphthong, which arises from the nuclear vowel itself in the prominent segments of the intonational phrase, seems to occur in elements of longer intrinsic duration. Inglided vowels are mainly produced by men and people in an intermediate age group, those who have a higher level of education and those in a higher socioeconomic stratum. These findings, interpreted in light of Bourdieu's social theory, suggest that ingliding can be a stylistic practice that provides symbolic profit to people in the post-modern paradigm of the youth movement that occurred in the Bom Fim neighborhood in the 1980s, who can index freedom, innovation, youth and transgression to the centring diphthong. There are currently at least two lifestyles of which ingliding is a part in the city of Porto Alegre. These styles, though in different ways, are associated with cool and laid-back meanings, such that the centring diphthong can construct personae opposed to a formal, uptight or snobby elite. The freedom associated with ingliding embodies a lifestyle that is marked by relaxation

    Phoenix in the Cape Verde Islands

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    The African Republic of Cape Verde consists of nine inhabited and several uninhabited volcanic islands set out in the Atlantic Ocean, about 500 km off the most westerly point of the African mainland and 1500 km south of the Canary Islands @g. 2). Most are rugged and mountainous; three (Sal, Maio, and Boavista) are flat, desert islands with sand beaches. Precipitation is meagre and very erratic; indeed Cape Verde can be seen as an island extension of the arid Sahel zone. Three species of the genus Phoenix are recorded from the Cape Verde Islands, P. akzctyli&a L., P. canariensis Chabaud and P. atlantica A. Chev. While the former two species have almost certainly been introduced by man, the latter is said to be endemic to the islands. Perhaps because the Cape Verdes are a particularly isolated set of islands or because palms are notoriously awkward to collect, little is known about the taxonomy, origins and natural history of this species. Phoenix atlantica was described by the French botanist Auguste Chevalier (1935a) following field exploration in the Cape Verdes in 1934 (Chevalier 1934: 1153). Chevalier provided limited diagnostic characters, defining the species as a clustering palm with 2-6 trunks, 5-15 m in height with dark green leaves 2-3 m in length. He considered it to be most similar in form to P. &ctyZzjkra and P. canariensis, possessing characters of both (Chevalier 1935a). Chevalier’s description indicates that Phoenix atlantica can be distinguished easily from P. canariensis by its clustering growth form (P. canariensis always has a single, stout trunk) and its shorter, straighter leaves. However, the differences between P. atlantica and P. dactylzjkra appear much more subtle. For example, while P. dacfylifera is usually observed as single-stemmed, when left undisturbed for a number of years it becomes clustering like the Cape Verde Phoenix, so this character on its own is unreliable. Further alleged distinctions include acuminate (P. atlantica) versus rounded (P. dactylzjkra) petals in the male flowers (Chevalier 1935a, b, Greuter 1967: 249, and Brochmann et al. 1997), fruit 2 cm long (P. atlantica) versus fruit more than 2.5 cm long (P. dactyl&a) (Brochmann et al
