150 research outputs found

    Auswirkungen acker- und pflanzenbaulicher Massnahmen auf die arbuskuläre Mykorrhiza im Ökologischen Landbau

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    Der oekologische Landbau laesst aufgrund der systemeigenen spezifischen Fruchtfolgen, Duengemassnahmen und Bodenbearbeitung positive Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung d arbuskulaeren Mykorrhiza und die Kolonisierung der Kulturpflanzen erwarten. Diese positiven Auswirkungen wurden in vergleichenden Untersuchungen ueber die Auswirkungen einzelner Kulturmassnahmen auf die arbuskulaere Mykorrhiza in konventionell und nachhaltig bewirtschafteten Standorten nachgewiesen. Wenn in der Zukunft eine Verringerung des Eintrages an Agrochemikalien in die Kulturlandschaften angestrebt wird, muss der Bedeutung der arbuskulaeren Mykorrhiza eine hoehere Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden. Um die positiven Auswirkungen der arbuskulaeren Mykorrhiza in landwirtschaftlichen Produktionssystemen optimal zu nutzen, ist die Verwendung von geeigneten Duengemitteln in adaequater Menge, ein groesstmoeglicher Verzicht auf einen Pestizideinsatz und eine entsprechende Fruchtfolgegestaltung mit einem Minimum an Bodenbearbeitung und der Vermeidung von Schwarzbrache sicherzustellen. Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Optimierung der Lebensbedingungen und Leistungen der arbuskulaeren Mykorrhiza im oekologischen Landbau zur Optimierung des Pflanzenwachstums und der Sicherung der Ertraege. Dabei wird im Rahmen von Feldversuchen der Einfluss von acker- und pflanzenbaulichen Massnahmen (Fruchtfolge, Duengung, Bodenbearbeitung) sowie der Dauer der oekologischen Bewirtschaftung auf die arbuskulaere Mykorrhiza untersucht

    Monitoring der Umstellung auf den Ökologischen Landbau

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    A long term field monitoring concerning the development of organic farming is performed at the bio-farm "Rutzendorf" of the BVW GmbH in the Marchfeld region East of Vienna. It is an interdisciplinary project of eleven scientific institutes which started in 2003. The aims of the project are: examination of changes concerning soil and plant parameters with the conversion to organic farming; investigation of the effects of different organic fertilisation systems (green manure, communal green forage compost, farmyard manure) on soil properties and on the development of crops; analysis of existing biotops (hedges and field stripes) on the farm and planning and selective realization of new biotops with the aim of enhancing the biodiversity of the area

    Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Düngungssysteme im Ökologischen Landbau auf Bodenparameter und Entwicklung der Pflanzen

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    Auf dem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb Rutzendorf soll ein umfassendes Langzeitmonitoring zur Entwicklung des biologischen Landbaus eingerichtet werden. Ein wissenschaftliches Konzepts soll erarbeitet und zum Teil schon umgesetzt werden. Die Wirkungen der Umstellung auf Ökologischen Landbau auf Boden, Wasser, Flora und Fauna soll anhand ausgewählter Eigenschaften erfasst werden. Entsprechend der Konzeption des Betriebs (vgl. ¿Konzept Biobetrieb Rutzendorf¿, Bericht an das BMLFUW, IfÖL, BOKU, März 2002) sollen drei Düngungsvarianten verglichen werden. Die Bedeutung verschiedener vorhandener Biotope (Gehölzstreifen, Hecken, ...) soll charakterisiert und neue, ergänzende Biotope geplant und angelegt werden. Versuchsort und -gegenstand ist der landwirtschaftliche Betrieb Rutzendorf der Bundesversuchswirtschaft Ges.m.b.H. Durchgeführt wird ein Monitoring der Auswirkungen von Düngungsvarianten unter Beibehaltung der Fruchtfolge sowie der Umstellung des Betriebes auf die Umwelt, Produktion und Wirtschaftlichkei

    Ecology and biogeography of free-living nematodes associated with chemosynthetic environments in the deep sea: A review

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    Background: Here, insight is provided into the present knowledge on free-living nematodes associated with chemosynthetic environments in the deep sea. It was investigated if the same trends of high standing stock, low diversity, and the dominance of a specialized fauna, as observed for macro-invertebrates, are also present in the nematodes in both vents and seeps.Methodology: This review is based on existing literature, in combination with integrated analysis of datasets, obtained through the Census of Marine Life program on Biogeography of Deep-Water Chemosynthetic Ecosystems (ChEss).Findings: Nematodes are often thriving in the sulphidic sediments of deep cold seeps, with standing stock values ocassionaly exceeding largely the numbers at background sites. Vents seem not characterized by elevated densities. Both chemosynthetic driven ecosystems are showing low nematode diversity, and high dominance of single species. Genera richness seems inversely correlated to vent and seep fluid emissions, associated with distinct habitat types. Deep-sea cold seeps and hydrothermal vents are, however, highly dissimilar in terms of community composition and dominant taxa. There is no unique affinity of particular nematode taxa with seeps or vents.Conclusions: It seems that shallow water relatives, rather than typical deep-sea taxa, have successfully colonized the reduced sediments of seeps at large water depth. For vents, the taxonomic similarity with adjacent regular sediments is much higher, supporting rather the importance of local adaptation, than that of long distance distribution. Likely the ephemeral nature of vents, its long distance offshore and the absence of pelagic transport mechanisms, have prevented so far the establishment of a successful and typical vent nematode fauna. Some future perspectives in meiofauna research are provided in order to get a more integrated picture of vent and seep biological processes, including all components of the marine ecosystem

    Animal community dynamics at senescent and active vents at the 9° N East Pacific Rise after a volcanic eruption

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Gollner, S., Govenar, B., Arbizu, P. M., Mullineaux, L. S., Mills, S., Le Bris, N., Weinbauer, M., Shank, T. M., & Bright, M. Animal community dynamics at senescent and active vents at the 9° N East Pacific Rise after a volcanic eruption. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, (2020): 832, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00832.In 2005/2006, a major volcanic eruption buried faunal communities over a large area of the 9°N East Pacific Rise (EPR) vent field. In late 2006, we initiated colonization studies at several types of post eruption vent communities including those that either survived the eruption, re-established after the eruption, or arisen at new sites. Some of these vents were active whereas others appeared senescent. Although the spatial scale of non-paved (surviving) vent communities was small (several m2 compared to several km2 of total paved area), the remnant individuals at surviving active and senescent vent sites may be important for recolonization. A total of 46 meio- and macrofauna species were encountered at non-paved areas with 33 of those species detected were also present at new sites in 2006. The animals living at non-paved areas represent refuge populations that could act as source populations for new vent sites directly after disturbance. Remnants may be especially important for the meiofauna, where many taxa have limited or no larval dispersal. Meiofauna may reach new vent sites predominantly via migration from local refuge areas, where a reproductive and abundant meiofauna is thriving. These findings are important to consider in any potential future deep-sea mining scenario at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Within our 4-year study period, we regularly observed vent habitats with tubeworm assemblages that became senescent and died, as vent fluid emissions locally stopped at patches within active vent sites. Senescent vents harbored a species rich mix of typical vent species as well as rare yet undescribed species. The senescent vents contributed significantly to diversity at the 9°N EPR with 55 macrofaunal species (11 singletons) and 74 meiofaunal species (19 singletons). Of these 129 species associated with senescent vents, 60 have not been reported from active vents. Tubeworms and other vent megafauna not only act as foundation species when alive but provide habitat also when dead, sustaining abundant and diverse small sized fauna.We received funding from the Austrian FWF (GrantP20190-B17; MB), the U.S. National Science Foundation (OCE-0424953; to LM, D. McGillicuddy, A. Thurnherr, J. Ledwell, and W. Lavelle; and OCE-1356738 to LM), and the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the MIDAS project, Grant Agreement No. 603418. Ifremer and CNRS (France) supported NL cruise participation and sensor developments. BG was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at WHOI (United States). TS was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (OCE-0327261 to TS and OCE-0937395 to TS and BG)

    Gauge to simultaneously determine the electrical conductivity, the Hall constant, and the Seebeck coefficient up to 800 °C

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    A new high temperature gauge to simultaneously determine the electrical conductivity, the Hall constant, and the Seebeck coefficient has been developed. Screen-printed heating structures on a ceramic sample holder are used to generate temperatures up to 800 ∘C by Joule heating. The heating structures were designed using the finite element method (FEM) simulations and the temperature distribution was validated by thermal imaging. To measure the Seebeck coefficient, Au/Pt thermocouples with different geometries were investigated and successfully integrated into the gauge. Measurements on constantan, a typical Seebeck coefficient reference material with high electrical conductivity, high charge carrier concentration, and a known Seebeck coefficient, as well as on a well-described boron-doped silicon wafer confirm the functionality of the gauge up to 800 ∘C.</p

    Laser wakefield acceleration with mid-IR laser pulses

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    We report on the first results of laser plasma wakefield acceleration driven by ultrashort mid-infrared laser pulses (\lambda= 3.9 \mu m, 100 fs, 0.25 TW), which enable near- and above-critical density interactions with moderate-density gas jets. Relativistic electron acceleration up to ~12 MeV occurs when the jet width exceeds the threshold scale length for relativistic self-focusing. We present scaling trends in the accelerated beam profiles, charge and spectra, which are supported by particle-in-cell simulations and time-resolved images of the interaction. For similarly scaled conditions, we observe significant increases in accelerated charge compared to previous experiments with near-infrared (\lambda=800 nm) pulses

    Warehouse Commodity Classification from Fundamental Principles

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    Abstract In warehouse storage applications, it is important to classify the burning behavior of commodities and rank them according to their material flammability for early fire detection and suppression operations. In this study, a preliminary approach towards commodity classification is presented that models the early stage of large-scale warehouse fires by decoupling the problem into separate processes of heat and mass transfer. Two existing nondimensional parameters are used to represent the physical phenomena at the large-scale: a mass transfer number that directly incorporates the material properties of a fuel, and the soot yield of the fuel that controls the radiation observed in the large-scale. To facilitate modeling, a mass transfer number (or B-number) was experimentally obtained using mass-loss (burning rate) measurements from bench-scale tests, following from a procedure that was developed in Part I of this paper. Two fuels are considered: corrugated cardboard and polystyrene. Corrugated cardboard provides a source of flaming combustion in a warehouse and is usually the first item to ignite and sustain flame spread. Polystyrene is typically used as the most hazardous product in large-scale fire testing. The nondimensional mass transfer number was then used to model in-rack flame heights on 6.1 − 9.1 m (20 − 30 ft) stacks of &apos;C&apos; flute corrugated cardboard * Corresponding author Email address: [email protected] (K.J. Overholt) Preprint submitted to Fire Safety Journal January 11, 2011 boxes on rack-storage during the initial period of flame spread (involving flame spread over the corrugated cardboard face only). Good agreement was observed between the model and large-scale experiments during the initial stages of fire growth, and a comparison to previous correlations for in-rack flame heights is included

    Diversity of Meiofauna from the 9°50′N East Pacific Rise across a Gradient of Hydrothermal Fluid Emissions

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    Background: We studied the meiofauna community at deep-sea hydrothermal vents along a gradient of vent fluid emissions in the axial summit trought (AST) of the East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 50'N region. The gradient ranged from extreme high temperatures, high sulfide concentrations, and low pH at sulfide chimneys to ambient deep-sea water conditions on bare basalt. We explore meiofauna diversity and abundance, and discuss its possible underlying ecological and evolutionary processes. Methodology/Principal Findings: After sampling in five physico-chemically different habitats, the meiofauna was sorted, counted and classified. Abundances were low at all sites. A total of 52 species were identified at vent habitats. The vent community was dominated by hard substrate generalists that also lived on bare basalt at ambient deep-sea temperature in the axial summit trough (AST generalists). Some vent species were restricted to a specific vent habitat (vent specialists), but others occurred over a wide range of physico-chemical conditions (vent generalists). Additionally, 35 species were only found on cold bare basalt (basalt specialists). At vent sites, species richness and diversity clearly increased with decreasing influence of vent fluid emissions from extreme flow sulfide chimney (no fauna), high flow pompei worm (S: 4-7, H-loge': 0.11-0.45), vigorous flow tubeworm (S: 8-23; H-loge': 0.44-2.00) to low flow mussel habitats (S: 28-31; H-loge': 2.34-2.60). Conclusions/Significance: Our data suggest that with increasing temperature and toxic hydrogen sulfide concentrations and increasing amplitude of variation of these factors, fewer species are able to cope with these extreme conditions. This results in less diverse communities in more extreme habitats. The finding of many species being present at sites with and without vent fluid emissions points to a non endemic deep-sea hydrothermal vent meiofaunal community. This is in contrast to a mostly endemic macrofauna but similar to what is known for meiofauna from shallow-water vents

    Exploring the ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in a metacommunity framework

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Frontiers in Marine Science 5 (2018): 49, doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00049.Species inhabiting deep-sea hydrothermal vents are strongly influenced by the geological setting, as it provides the chemical-rich fluids supporting the food web, creates the patchwork of seafloor habitat, and generates catastrophic disturbances that can eradicate entire communities. The patches of vent habitat host a network of communities (a metacommunity) connected by dispersal of planktonic larvae. The dynamics of the metacommunity are influenced not only by birth rates, death rates and interactions of populations at the local site, but also by regional influences on dispersal from different sites. The connections to other communities provide a mechanism for dynamics at a local site to affect features of the regional biota. In this paper, we explore the challenges and potential benefits of applying metacommunity theory to vent communities, with a particular focus on effects of disturbance. We synthesize field observations to inform models and identify data gaps that need to be addressed to answer key questions including: (1) what is the influence of the magnitude and rate of disturbance on ecological attributes, such as time to extinction or resilience in a metacommunity; (2) what interactions between local and regional processes control species diversity, and (3) which communities are “hot spots” of key ecological significance. We conclude by assessing our ability to evaluate resilience of vent metacommunities to human disturbance (e.g., deep-sea mining). Although the resilience of a few highly disturbed vent systems in the eastern Pacific has been quantified, these values cannot be generalized to remote locales in the western Pacific or mid Atlantic where disturbance rates are different and information on local controls is missing.LM was supported by NSF OCE 1356738 and DEB 1558904. SB was supported by the NSF DEB 1558904 and the Investment in Science Fund at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. MB was supported by the Austrian Science Fund grants P20190-B17 and P16774-B03. LL was supported by NSF OCE 1634172 and the JM Kaplan Fund. MN was supported by NSF DEB 1558904. Y-JW was supported by a Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) grant PM60210