780 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal spectral analysis of a forced cylinder wake

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    The wake of a circular cylinder performing rotary oscillations is studied using hydrodynamic tunnel experiments at Re=100Re=100. Two-dimensional particle image velocimetry on the mid-plane perpendicular to the axis of cylinder is used to characterize the spatial development of the flow and its stability properties. The lock-in phenomenon that determines the boundaries between regions of the forcing parameter space were the wake is globally unstable or convectively unstable is scrutinized using the experimental data. A novel method based on the analysis of power density spectra of the flow allows us to give a detailed description of the forced wake, shedding light on the energy distribution in the different frequency components and in particular on a cascade-like mechanism evidenced for a high amplitude of the forcing oscillation. In addition, a calculation of the drag from the velocity field is performed, allowing us to relate the resulting force on the body to the wake properties.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Centrifugal instability of Stokes layers in crossflow: the case of a forced cylinder wake

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    The wake flow around a circular cylinder at Re100Re\approx100 performing rotatory oscillations has been thoroughly discussed in the literature, mostly focusing on the modifications to the natural B\'enard-von K\'arm\'an vortex street that result from the forced shedding modes locked to the rotatory oscillation frequency. The usual experimental and theoretical frameworks at these Reynolds numbers are quasi-two-dimensional, since the secondary instabilities bringing a three-dimensional structure to the cylinder wake flow occur only at higher Reynolds numbers. In the present paper we show that a three-dimensional structure can appear below the usual three-dimensionalization threshold, when forcing with frequencies lower than the natural vortex shedding frequency, at high amplitudes, as a result of a previously unreported mechanism: a pulsed centrifugal instability of the oscillating Stokes layer at the wall of the cylinder. The present numerical investigation lets us in this way propose a physical explanation for the turbulence-like features reported in the recent experimental study of D'Adamo et al. (2011).Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. To appear in Proc. Roy. Soc. A. For supplementary video material, see http://vimeo.com/12315202

    A model for the symmetry breaking of the reverse Benard-von Karman vortex street produced by a flapping foil

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    The vortex streets produced by a flapping foil of span-to-chord aspect ratio of 4:1 are studied in a hydrodynamic tunnel experiment. In particular, the mechanisms giving rise to the symmetry breaking of the reverse B\'enard-von K\'arm\'an vortex street that characterizes fish-like swimming and forward flapping flight are examined. Two-dimensional particle image velocimetry measurements in the mid-plane perpendicular to the span axis of the foil are used to characterize the different flow regimes. The deflection angle of the mean jet flow with respect to the horizontal observed in the average velocity field is used as a measure of the asymmetry of the vortex street. Time series of the vorticity field are used to calculate the advection velocity of the vortices with respect to the free-stream, defined as the phase velocity UphaseU_{phase}, as well as the circulation Γ\Gamma of each vortex and the spacing ξ\xi between consecutive vortices in the near wake. The observation that the symmetry breaking results from the formation of a dipolar structure from each couple of counter-rotating vortices shed on each flapping period serves as starting point to build a model for the symmetry breaking threshold. A symmetry breaking criterion based on the relation between the phase velocity of the vortex street and an idealized self-advection velocity of two consecutive counter-rotating vortices in the near wake is established. The predicted threshold for symmetry breaking accounts well for the deflected wake regimes observed in the present experiments and may be useful to explain other experimental and numerical observations of similar deflected propulsive vortex streets reported in the literature.Comment: 10 page

    Effect of the Schmidt number on the diffusion of axisymmetric pancake vortices in a stratified fluid

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    International audienceAn asymptotic analysis of the equations for quasi-two-dimensional flow in stratified fluids is conducted, leading to a model for the diffusion of pancake-like vortices in cyclostrophic balance. This analysis permits one to derive formally the model for the diffusion of an axisymmetric monopole proposed by Beckers et al. [J. Fluid Mech. 433, 1 (2001)], and to extend their results. The appropriate parameter for the perturbation analysis is identified as the square of the vertical Froude number Fv = U/LvN, where U is the horizontal velocity scale, N is the Brunt-Väisälä frequency, and Lv the vertical length scale. The physical mechanisms involved in the vortex decay are examined under the light of the asymptotic analysis results. In particular we discuss the effects of the Schmidt number, Sc, which measures the balance between the diffusion of momentum and the diffusion of the stratifying agent. Remarkably, the vertical transport due to the slow cyclostrophic adjustment is shown to slowdown the velocity decay when Sc is larger than unity whereas it accelerates it when Sc is smaller than unity. © 2003 American Institute of Physics

    Propagating waves in bounded elastic media: a transition from standing wave motion to anguilliform kinematics

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    Waves propagating in confined geometries usually evolve into spatially stationary patterns, built from the interference between the waves that have been reflected upon hitting the boundaries. However, a recent study on bio-locomotion [1] has reported that traveling wave kinematics can naturally emerge in a forced elastic rod, even with boundary conditions involving significant reflections. It has been shown that this particular behavior is observed only in the presence of strong damping. Based on those observations, we aim at giving a quantitative description of the mechanism involved to prevent the built-up of standing waves and establish traveling fish-like kinematics (that optimizes the global swimming efficiency). The question is discussed here in the framework of hand-made artificial swimmers as an example of practical application. REFERENCE [1] Ramananarivo, S., Godoy-Diana, R., Thiria, B. Passive elastic mechanism to mimic fish-muscle action in anguilliform swimming. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2013, 10(88), 20130667

    Insect and insect-inspired aerodynamics: unsteadiness, structural mechanics and flight control

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    Flying insects impress by their versatility and have been a recurrent source of inspiration for engineering devices. A large body of literature has focused on various aspects of insect flight, with an essential part dedicated to the dynamics of flapping wings and their intrinsically unsteady aerodynamic mechanisms. Insect wings flex during flight and a better understanding of structural mechanics and aeroelasticity is emerging. Most recently, insights from solid and fluid mechanics have been integrated with physiological measurements from visual and mechanosensors in the context of flight control in steady airs and through turbulent conditions. We review the key recent advances concerning flight in unsteady environments and how the multi-body mechanics of the insect structure — wings and body — are at the core of the flight control question. The issues herein should be considered when applying bio-informed design principles to robotic flapping wings

    On the fluid dynamical effects of synchronization in side-by-side swimmers

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    In-phase and anti-phase synchronization of neighboring swimmers is examined experimentally using two self-propelled independent flexible foils swimming side-by-side in a water tank. The foils are actuated by pitching oscillations at one extremity-the head of the swimmers-and the flow engendered by their undulations is analyzed using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry in their frontal symmetry plane. Following recent observations on the behavior of real fish, we focus on the comparison between in-phase and anti-phase actuation by fixing all other geometric and kinematic parameters. We show that swimming with a neighbor is beneficial for both synchronizations tested, as compared to swimming alone, with an advantage for the anti-phase synchronization. We show that the advantage of anti-phase synchronization in terms of swimming performance for the two-foil "school" results from the emergence of a periodic coherent jet between the two swimmers.Fil: Godoy Diana, Ramiro. Sorbonne University; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. PSL Research University; FranciaFil: Vacher, Jérôme. Sorbonne University; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. PSL Research University; FranciaFil: Raspa, Veronica Diana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Thiria, Benjamin. Sorbonne University; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. PSL Research University; Franci