6 research outputs found

    Stimulation of growth and development of Rhododendron deciduous plants in vivo using of emplacement of illumination on the basis of light-emitting diodes

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    The results of trials of the created pre-production model of a light-emitting diode lamp as well as comparative analysis of efficiency of use of light installations with different type of lamps for in vivo germination, growth and development stimulation of two investigated populations of Rhododendron luteum (L.) sweet are presented. Authentic influence of used lightemitting diode lamp type on germination increase is established. Authentic (in most cases, at Р < 0.01) increase in height of sprouts is revealed at use of the created lightemitting diode lamp. The three-factorial dispersive analysis has established authentic (in most cases, at Р < 0.01) influence of lamps type, of age and genotype of sprouts on variability of three analyzed traits

    Analysis of variability of quantitative traits at regenerants of Vaccinium corymbosum in vitrounder the actionof phytosteroids

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    Results of the comparative analysis of variability of 8 quantitative traits at regenerants of Northland and Patriot cultivars of highbush blueberry in vitro on nutrient, agarized mediums for rooting, with organic compounds, on macro- and micro- salt basis of ½ WPM differing on composition of phytohormonal steroids in a combination with IAA in 15 variants of experience are given in the present article. Usage of phytohormones in comparison with control led to authentic increase in indicators of regenerants height in 1.2–1.8 times; lengths of the third interstice in 1.2–1.4 times; the quantities of shoots, weight of regenerants and quantities of leaves in 1.2–1.3 times; explants viability in 1.2–1.5 times. In overwhelming majority of cases the presence of phytohormonal steroids – EB or EK – leads to authentic, essential rooting reduction in 1.2–5.7 times at both investigated cultivars. It is established the authentic (in most cases at P < 0.01) influence of a genotype on variability of all analyzed traits, as well as the authentic at P < 0.01 influence of phytohormonal structure of medium on variability of practically all traits (except for weight of regenerants)

    Biochemical muscle composition of rainbow trout twoyears bions from population of «Bogushevski» fish farm

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    The paper provides the data on biochemical composition (content of dry substance), moisture, fat, protein and minerals in the muscles of two years bions of trout. There is described the variability of the said indicators of the representative sampling, there is shown the comparison of the data obtained with rated standards. Using Spearmen’s rank order correlation there was ascertained the interrelation of some biochemical indicators with fish mass and Foolton’s coefficients of condition.В статье представлены данные по биохимическому составу (содержанию сухого вещества), влаги, жира, протеина и минеральных веществ мышцах двухлетков форели. Дана характеристика изменчивости указанных показателей репрезентативной выборки, проведено сравнение полученных данных с нормативными показателями. С помощью коэффициента ранговой корреляции Спирмэна установлена взаимосвязь некоторых биохимических показателей с массой рыбы и коэффициентами упитанности Фультона

    Morphometrical indicators of trout underyearlings of various origin

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    There is provided a description of exterior morphometrical properties of trout underyearlings taken from two populations imported from the Russian Federation and France at the phase of impregnated row. There were discovered the differences between the underyearlings of various origin in terms of absolute and relative properties.Представлена характеристика экстерьерных морфометрических признаков сеголетков форели из двух популяций, завезенных на стадии оплодотворенной икры из России и Франции. Установлены различия сеголетков разного происхождения по ряду абсолютных и относительных признаков

    Comparison characteristics of interior properties of Belarussian trout breeding Populations replacement

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    There were presented the comparison results of relative weights of trout females and males body parts from two populations adapted to the conditions of Belarus generated from the genetic material imported to Belarus.Представлены результаты сравнения относительных масс частей тела самок и самцов форели из двух популяций, адаптированных к условиям Беларуси, сформированных из завезенного в республику генетического материала

    Reproductive properties сharacteristics of trout spawners from Belarussian genetic pool

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    It was ascertained that the brood material of rainbow trout available in the Republic of Belarus represents the valuable genetic material adapted to the conditions of fish breeding farms of Belarus quite capable of producing proper offspring. There are defined reproductive properties of selected ensemble (25 females) of rainbow trout. There was ascertained the correlation dependence between a female body weight and its industrial fecundity.Определено, что имеющийся в республике племенной материал радужной форели представляет собой ценный генетический материал, прошедший адаптацию к условиям рыбоводных хозяйств Беларуси, способный давать полноценное потомство. Дана характеристика воспроизводительных качеств выборочной совокупности (25 самок) радужной форели. Установлена корреляционная зависимость между массой тела самки и ее рабочей плодовитостью