18 research outputs found

    Ricerca sulla 'patologia' fondiaria ed aziendale nell'agricoltura piemontese

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    - Indice #5- Caratteri e problemi della proprietà #15- La "Patologia" fondiaria a livello nazionale #55- I rapporti tra impresa e proprietà #175- Il riordino fondiario ed aziendale #19

    Piano provinciale di Alessandria: rapporto Ires sull'agricoltura della provincia di Alessandria

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    Quaderno; n.36- Indice #7- Analisi spaziale dell'agricoltura alessandrina #13- L'irrigazione in provincia di Alessandria #63- Strutture produttive e commerciali, bilanci produzione-consumo e industrie trasformatrici dei prodotti agricoli in provincia di Alessandria #115- Conclusioni #14

    Long-term home ventilation of children in Italy: A national survey.

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    BACKGROUND: Improved technology, as well as professional and parental awareness, enable many ventilator-dependent children to live at home. However, the profile of this growing population, the quality and adequacy of home care, and patients' needs still require thorough assessment. OBJECTIVES: To define the characteristics of Italian children receiving long-term home mechanical ventilation (HMV) in Italy. METHODS: A detailed questionnaire was sent to 302 National Health Service hospitals potentially involved in the care of HVM in children (aged <17 years). Information was collected on patient characteristics, type of ventilation, and home respiratory care. RESULTS: A total of 362 HMV children was identified. The prevalence was 4.2 per 100,000 (95% CI: 3.8-4.6), median age was 8 years (interquartile range 4-14), median age at starting mechanical ventilation was 4 years (1-11), and 56% were male. The most frequent diagnostic categories were neuromuscular disorders (49%), lung and upper respiratory tract diseases (18%), hypoxic (ischemic) encephalopathy (13%), and abnormal ventilation control (12%). Medical professionals with nurses (for 62% of children) and physiotherapists (20%) participated in the patients' discharge from hospital, though parents were the primary care giver, and in 47% of cases, the sole care giver. Invasive ventilation was used in 41% and was significantly related to young age, southern regional residence, longer time spent under mechanical ventilation, neuromuscular disorders, or hypoxic (ischemic) encephalopathy. CONCLUSIONS: Care and technical assistance of long-term HMV children need assessment, planning, and resources. A wide variability in pattern of HMV was found throughout Italy. An Italian national ventilation program, as well as a national registry, could be useful in improving the care of these often critically ill children

    Esperimento di piano agricolo zonale (nei comuni di Belveglio, Bruno, Castelnuovo Belbo, Cortiglione, Incisa Scapaccino, Maranzana, Mombaruzzo, Vaglio Serra e Vinchio in provincia di Asti)

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    - Indice #13- Definizione e contenuto di piano agricolo zonale #19- L'esperimento condotto in un'area dell'Astigiano #43- Appendice #11

    La programmazione regionale. Il caso del Piemonte. Il rilancio dell'agricoltura piemontese

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    Riflessioni e dibattito sulla programmazione regionale piemontese e rapporti con l'agricoltura piemontese a metà anni settanta.- Sommario #4- Presentazione #5- Intervento di Giuseppe Maspoli #7- Intervento di Gianfranco Tamietto 23#- Intervento di Bruno Ferraris #29- Sintesi del dibattito #3

    Prime indicazioni sui problemi della difesa idrogeologica nel Piemonte

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    - Indice #13- I problemi idrogeologici della regione piemontese #39- L'intervento pubblico per la difesa idrogeologica #75- Il finanziamento delle opere di difesa idrogeologica #137- Ticino e affluenti Lago Maggiore #211- Dora Baltea e Chiusella #327- Stura di Lanzo, Ceronda, Malone #345- Dora Riparia #367- Chisone e Pellice #411- Po #443- Scrivia #619- Bacini imbriferi del Monferrato e della bassa Langa #66

    Prime indicazioni sui problemi della difesa idrogeologica nel Piemonte

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