40 research outputs found

    Vidaus kontrolės sistemos elementų raiška: grafinis vaizdavimas

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    The results of the analysis of scientific literature showed that scientists disagree and do not share the same opinion on the expression of the elements of the internal control system. That is the situation that determines the transformation of internal control system models, its speed and variety. Thus, the analysis of the expression of graphical annotations of the internal control systems, provided in the scientific literature, allows to state that the internal control system can be depicted as a table with four legs, where each of them represents an element of the internal control system, whose existence is equivalent to the functioning of the internal control system. Another often found graphical annotation of the internal control system is the representation of its five elements in the form of an umbrella, which aims to demonstrate the precedence of the control environment over the other elements, i.e. the control environment encloses and protects the other four elements: risk assessment, control procedures, information and its transmission, and control monitoring. Meanwhile, the most common way to present the internal control system in the scientific literature is showing it in the form of a triangular pyramid, which clearly shows that the internal control system is based on the environment of the control. Therefore, to summarize all the internal control system models, provided in the scientific literature, it can be said that the company's system of internal control is designed to manage the risks, associated with the business environment; it is constantly changing and as a result must be continuously monitored and improved. It should be noted, that the analysis of the internal control models allow to state that the offered models are still not only very different from each other, but also do not specify any particular sequence of internal control effectiveness’ assessment; they only identify certain guidelines for the assessment, as a result, a new principal structurogram of the internal control effectiveness’ assessment model has been created. It should be stressed that the latter newly includes the coordination element, which was lacking in the identified models, presented in the scientific literature. It should be emphasized that the coordination of all the factors of employees is required in order to properly use the available resources and to save them, to guarantee high quality of products and services, to reduce all kinds of expenses, to obtain the best possible financial results.Egzistuojant sąlyginai didelei verslo konkurencijai šalies rinkoje, kuomet daugelis įmonių akcentuoja vidaus kontrolės svarbą, vis aktualesne problematika tampa aiškaus ir paprasto vidaus kontrolės modelio poreikis. Vidaus kontrolės sistema straipsnyje pateikiama kaip visuma koordinuotų būdų ir priemonių, naudojamų įmonės numatytiems tikslams pasiekti, todėl tyrimui iškelta vidaus kontrolės sistemos elementų skaičiaus ir jų grafinio vaizdavimo problema. Reikia pažymėti, kad remiantis pateikiamais įvairių autorių ir profesinių organizacijų sukurtais vidaus kontrolės sistemų paveikslais, rodančiais didelę jų įvairovę, sudarytas rekomenduojamas originalus vidaus kontrolės modelis oktagramos pavidalu, kurį sudaro septyni elementai: išorės aplinka, informacijos sistema, kontrolės veiksmai, vidaus aplinka, kontrolės procedūrų stebėsena, koordinavimas

    Įmonių bankroto ir jo proceso tyrimas

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    The article examines the companies’ bankruptcy, its procedure and the course of the latter, taking into account the fact that the problem of completion of the bankruptcy procedure has been encountered recently in Lithuania – only one third of the initiated bankruptcy procedures are finished. Such results of the done analysis of statistical data allow stating that the procedure of the companies’ bankruptcy requires for new researches. The main areas of bankruptcy procedure, which have to be improved, were determined and new assessment directions of it were provided. Thus the practical study was conducted in the article in order to learn the course of the bankruptcy procedure and the areas, which need improvement, in Lithuania, and for this purpose the analysis of statistical data and theoretical review of the companies’ bankruptcy were done.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas įmonių bankrotas ir jo procesas. Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje susiduriama su bankroto proceso baigimo problema – pradėtų bankroto procesų užbaigiama vos trečdalis. Tokie atliktos statistinių duomenų analizės rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad įmonių bankroto procesas reikalauja naujų tyrimų. Nustatytos esminės tobulintinos bankroto proceso sritys, numatytos ir naujos jo vertinimo kryptys. Atliktas empirinis tyrimas siekiant išsiaiškinti bankroto proceso eigą bei jo tobulintinas sritis Lietuvoje, tam tikslui pasitelkiant statistinių duomenų analizę ir įmonių bankroto teorinę apžvalgą

    Prof. Vlado Jurgučio įžvalgų apie pinigus analizė ir jų plėtotė lietuvių autorių darbuose

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    Be pinigų negali egzistuoti nei viena valstybė, nei viena įmonė, nei vienas žmogus. Pinigų įvairius aspektus nagrinėjo daugybė pasaulio mokslininkų. Dabartiniu metu, kai nuolat kalbama ir rašoma apie euro įvedimo galimybes Lietuvoje svarbu prisiminti ir panagrinėti žymiausio Lietuvos pinigų sistemos kūrėjo prof. Vlado Jurgučio įžvalgas apie pinigus. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama prof. V. Jurgučio nuomonė ir mokslinių tyrimų išvados apie pinigų sampratą, funkcijas, savybes, vertę, infliaciją ir kt. Pateikiama V. Jurgučio įžvalgų apie pinigus plėtotė lietuvių autorių darbuose.It should be noted that the name of professor V. Jurgutis was written into history for the long year’s research activities – he was one of the most distinguished Lithuanian financiers. Professor submitted interesting opinion about the money, its stability and circulation in his main scientific works: “The essence of the science of finance” (1938), “The money” (1938) and “Banks” (1940). It should be mentioned that the theories about money circulation and its management is very important because he had possibility to implement his theoretical ideas into practice. Analysis of Vladas Jurgutis researches showed that the aim of public finance management is to guarantee the stability of state finance, whereas managing state finance a  significantly  broader  goal  appears  –  to  guarantee “the nation’s welfare”, which includes: stability  of  the  financial  system  of  the  residents; stability of the companies’ finance and balancing of the public finance. Several Lithuanian economists have written papers on the issues of monetary policy and theory. Mainly they were the supporters of banking theory and were praising the stability of the currency parity.  &nbsp

    Įmonių veiklos rizikų valdymo ir vertinimo modelis

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    It should be noted that in this article the enterprise‘s activity risk management and evaluation problem is defined. The risk classification is defined in these criteries: coming way, effect, activity‘s area, time, probability of result, probability of management, importance and misuses. The model of evaluation of enterprise risk management is recommended. The model consists of these stages of risk management and evaluation: 1) identification of enterprise activity internals, 2) identification of risk determinants, 3) risk identification, 4) evaluation of risk level, 5) evaluation of risk consequence, 6) system of risk management tools, 7) evaluation of costs of risk management, 8) choice of strategy of risk management, 9) evaluation of results.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama įmonių veiklos rizikų valdymo ir vertinimo problema. Pateikiama rizikų klasifikacija pagal šiuos požymius: atsiradimo būdą, poveikį, veiklos sritis, laiką, rezultato tikimybę, valdymo galimybę, reikšmingumą, piktnaudžiavimus. Rekomenduojamas įmonių veiklos rizikų valdymo ir vertinimo modelis, kurį sudaro šie rizikos valdymo ir vertinimo etapai: 1) įmonės veiklos ypatybių nustatymas, 2) riziką lemiančių veiksnių nustatymas, 3) rizikos identifikavimas, 4) rizikos lygio įvertinimas, 5) rizikos pasekmių vertinimas, 6) rizikos valdymo priemonių sistema, 7) rizikos valdymo priemonių išlaidų naudos įvertinimas, 8) rizikos valdymo strategijos pasirinkimas, 9) rezultatų vertinimas ir stebėsena. &nbsp

    Įmonės bankroto priežasčių klasterizavimas

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    Bankruptcies of enterprises are among the most common events in the market economy. They cause a lot of negative effects not only for the company and its employees, but also for other companies and institutions, the state and society. Although the researchers have examined the reasons for bankruptcy, there is no list of the signs clearly indicating the likelihood of bankruptcy. Or such list is impossible due to the fact that causes of bankruptcy are related to the complex and constantly changing external environment of the company. That is why various features are only the symptoms pointing to the fact that the company is in danger of going bankrupt. It should be mentioned that some signs indicate that the company may face a number of difficulties, including bankruptcy, if the company’s management will not take appropriate action to eliminate causes of bankruptcy or to adjust to them. Reasons for bankruptcy can be divided into: 1) internal, 2) external. External reasons are such reasons that cannot be affected by company’s executives because they do not depend on the executives’ will. Internal reasons are such reasons that depend on the company’s executives and their level of professionalism, initiative, and ability to lead and to make the right decisions. In order to take the lowest risk, company’s analysts should monitor and investigate all internal and external causes. As it has been already mentioned, there are many internal and external reasons for companies’ bankruptcy but it is not clear which are the most important ones. To answer this question the authors of this article, on the basis of Lithuanian and foreign scientific research, have compiled a theoretical list and the tree of the internal and external causes of bankruptcy. The tree and its components are improved with clusters of reasons for bankruptcy of enterprises.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos įmonių vidaus ir išorės bankroto priežasčių išskyrimo ir grupavimo teorinės nuostatos tam pasitelkiant daugiamatės analizės metodus. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad konkurencinės aplinkos sąlygomis spartėja ūkio subjektų kūrimosi ir likvidavimosi procesai, o dėl to formuojasi itin platus bankroto priežasčių spektras, kuriame kokybinės analizės būdu išskiriamos tokių priežasčių grupės. Objektyvioms bankroto priežasčių grupėms – klasteriams formuoti šį kelią racionalu papildyti kiekybiniais tyrimais

    Research on the Relation between Conceptions of the State's Economic and Financial Security: Theoretical Aspect

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    The article analyses conceptions of both, the economic security and financial security of the state, in respect to a recent increase of attention given to assuring the state’s economic security while emphasizing mostly the financial factor. Therefore, a thorough analysis on the two conceptions, as well as, on their interrelation, based on scientific literature, revealed that state’s financial security and stability can reflect the economic security of the state only to some extent. The performed scientific practical research verified the hypothesis, which emerged during theoretical research, that financial security and stability cannot fully ensure the economic stability of the state

    Evaluation of a Set of Measures to Stimulate the Country's Economy After the Exposure to the COVID-19 Virus: Lithuanian case

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    In the wake of the economic changes brought about by the global COVID-19 pandemic, both states and organizations unifying them, have taken urgent action to mitigate the socio-economic impact and support economic recovery. Nevertheless, not all designed and implemented emergency measures have achieved the desired results. The purpose of the research is therefore to examine the effectiveness of these measures. Due to the limited amount of data, time period, and other conditions, only Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis was used to achieve the goal. Summarizing the results of the study, it can be stated that the biggest influence on the country's economy in the short term was the choice of measures to stimulate the country's economy after COVID-19 virus, rather than the restriction of movement or the number of COVID-19 patients. However, the wage subsidy used by most countries in the world has been identified as the best means of stabilizing the economy in the short term

    A Comparison on Leading Methodologies for Bankruptcy Prediction: The Case of the Construction Sector in Lithuania

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    Different economic environments differ in their characteristics; this prevents the usage of the same bankruptcy prediction models under different conditions. Objectively, the abundance of bankruptcy prediction models gives rise to the idea that these models are not in compliance with the changing business conditions in the market and do not meet the increasing complexity of business tasks. The purpose of this study is to assess the suitability of existing bankruptcy prediction models and the possibilities to increase the effectiveness of their application. In order to analyze theoretical aspects of the application of bankruptcy forecasting models and frame the research methodology, a systemic comparative and logical analysis of the scientific literature and statistical data, graphic data representation, induction, deduction and abstraction are employed. Results of the analysis confirm research hypotheses that bankruptcy prediction models based on macroeconomic variables are effective in identifying the number of corporate bankruptcies in a country and that the application of the model created on the grounds of macroeconomic indicators together with the traditional bankruptcy prediction model can improve the reliability of bankruptcy prediction. However, it was identified that models which are not specially adapted to companies in the construction sector are also suitable for forecasting their bankruptcies

    Assessment of Factors Causing Bias in Marketing-Related Publications

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    The present paper aims at revealing and ranking the factors that most frequently cause bias in marketing-related publications. In order to rank the factors causing bias, the authors employed the Analytic Hierarchy Process method with three different scales representing all scale groups. The data for the study were obtained through expert survey, which involved nine experts both from the academia and scientific publishing community. The findings of the study confirm that factors that most frequently cause bias in marketing related publications are sampling and sample frame errors, failure to specify the inclusion and exclusion criteria for researched subjects and non-responsiveness

    Finansų kontrolė ir auditas: teorija ir praktika

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    Viena iš esminių sėkmingos veiklos prielaidų yra disponavimas patikima informacija apie įmonių finansinę būklę, veiklos rezultatus, pinigų srautus, siekiant objektyviai įvertinti jų vietą rinkoje ir konkurencines galimybes. Tokią informaciją suteikia įmonių parengtos metinės finansinės ataskaitos. Tačiau ne visada finansinės ataskaitos būna teisingos ir tenkina vidaus ir išorės vartotojų poreikius. Todėl vis didesnė reikšmė teikiama įvairių rūšių kontrolei ir auditui. Auditoriai, atlikdami auditą, objektyviai įvertina įmonių finansinę padėtį ir patvirtina įmonių finansinės būklės teisingumą, šitaip mažindami informacijos iškraipymo riziką. Vadovėlyje nagrinėjama finansų kontrolės ir audito samprata, reikšmė, tikslai, reglamentavimo aspektai, audito įrodymų turinys, jų rinkimo būdai ir procedūros, audito planavimo ypatumai, duomenų atrankos ir analizės, vidaus kontrolės ir rizikos vertinimo metodai, dokumentavimo, auditoriaus išvados ir ataskaitos rašymo subtilybės, finansinių ataskaitų pagrindinių elementų praktiniai audito aspektai, apimantys ilgalaikio ir trumpalaikio turto, mokėtinų sumų ir įsipareigojimų, pajamų ir sąnaudų, nuosavo kapitalo apskaitos sritis. Vadovėlis skiriamas Mykolo Romerio universiteto finansų valdymo, veiklos audito ir viešojo sektoriaus ekonomikos magistrantūros studijų programų studentams, kitų studijų programų studentams, taip pat auditoriams ir auditorių padėjėjams, vidaus auditoriams bei visiems, besidominantiems šia mokslo ir praktikos sritimi