135 research outputs found

    Photonic Jets and Single‐Photon Emitters

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    Photonic jets (PJs) obtained by illuminating a dielectric microsphere have recently shown to provide an efficient and cost-effective means of laser-writing and localizing single-photon emitters with sub-diffraction precision. The fabrication technique relies on the photoinduced formation of GaAsN quantum dots (QDs) that are self-aligned to the microsphere, which in turn enhances the collection efficiency of their emission. Similarly, the angular magnification introduced by a microsphere placed on top of two close emitters allows to detect and resolve their separation below the diffraction limit by analyzing their angular emission pattern in momentum space. Along with a brief review of the two methods, a systematic numerical study on the formation and properties of PJs to streamline the optimization of the fabrication process is presented

    Site-Controlled Quantum Emitters in Dilute Nitrides and their Integration in Photonic Crystal Cavities

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    We review an innovative approach for the fabrication of site-controlled quantum emitters (i.e., single-photon emitting quantum dots) based on the spatially selective incorporation and/or removal of hydrogen in dilute nitride semiconductors (e.g., GaAsN). In such systems, the formation of stable N-H complexes removes the effects that nitrogen has on the alloy properties, thus enabling the in-plane engineering of the band bap energy of the system. Both a lithographic approach and/or a near-field optical illumination—coupled to the ultra-sharp diffusion profile of H in dilute nitrides—allow us to control the hydrogen implantation and/or removal on a nanometer scale. This, eventually, makes it possible to fabricate site-controlled quantum dots that are able to emit single photons on demand. The strategy for a deterministic spatial and spectral coupling of such quantum emitters with photonic crystal cavities is also presented

    Imaging the Quantum Capacitance of Strained MoS2 Monolayers by Electrostatic Force Microscopy

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    We implemented radio frequency-assisted electrostatic force microscopy (RF-EFM) to investigate the electric field response of biaxially strained molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) monolayers (MLs) in the form of mesoscopic bubbles, produced via hydrogen (H)-ion irradiation of the bulk crystal. MoS2 ML, a semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide, has recently attracted significant attention due to its promising optoelectronic properties, further tunable by strain. Here, we take advantage of the RF excitation to distinguish the intrinsic quantum capacitance of the strained ML from that due to atomic scale defects, presumably sulfur vacancies or H-passivated sulfur vacancies. In fact, at frequencies fRF larger than the inverse defect trapping time, the defect contribution to the total capacitance and to transport is negligible. Using RF-EFM at fRF = 300 MHz, we visualize simultaneously the bubble topography and its quantum capacitance. Our finite-frequency capacitance imaging technique is non-invasive and nanoscale, and can contribute to the investigation of time and spatial-dependent phenomena, such as the electron compressibility in quantum materials, which are difficult to measure by other methods

    Proton-driven patterning of bulk transition metal dichalcogenides

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    At the few-atom-thick limit, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit a host of attractive electronic optical, and structural properties. The possibility to pattern these properties has a great impact on applied and fundamental research. Here, we demonstrate spatial control over the light emission, lattice deformation, and hydrogen storage in bulk TMDs. By low-energy proton irradiation, we create uniquely favorable conditions for the production and accumulation of molecular hydrogen just one or few monolayers beneath the crystal basal plane of bulk WS2, WSe2, WTe2, MoSe2, and MoS2 samples. H2 therein produced coalesces to form bubbles, which lead to the localized swelling of one X-M-X plane prevalently. This results eventually in the creation of atomically thin domes filled with molecular hydrogen at 10 atm. The domes emit light strongly well above room temperature and can store H2 indefinitely. They can be produced with the desired density, well-ordered positions, and size tunable from the nanometer to the micrometer scale, thus providing a template for the manageable and durable mechanical and electronic structuring of two-dimensional materials

    Imaging shape and strain in nanoscale engineered semiconductors for photonics by coherent x-ray diffraction

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    Coherent x-ray diffractive imaging is a nondestructive technique that extracts three-dimensional electron density and strain maps from materials with nanometer resolution. It has been utilized for materials in a range of applications, and has significant potential for imaging buried nanostructures in functional devices. Here, we show that coherent x-ray diffractive imaging is able to bring new understanding to a lithography-based nanofabrication process for engineering the optical properties of semiconducting GaAs1-yNy on a GaAs substrate. This technique allows us to test the process reliability and the manufactured patterns quality. We demonstrate that regular and sharp geometrical structures can be produced on a few-micron scale, and that the strain distribution is uniform even for highly strained sub-microscopic objects. This nondestructive study would not be possible using conventional microscopy techniques. Our results pave the way for tailoring the optical properties of emitters with nanometric precision for nanophotonics and quantum technology applications

    Localisation-to-delocalisation transition of moir\'{e} excitons in WSe2_2/MoSe2_2 heterostructures

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    Moir\'{e} excitons (MXs) are electron-hole pairs localised by the periodic (moir\'{e}) potential forming in two-dimensional heterostructures (HSs). MXs can be exploited, e.g.e.g., for creating nanoscale-ordered quantum emitters and achieving or probing strongly correlated electronic phases at relatively high temperatures. Here, we studied the exciton properties of a WSe2_2/MoSe2_2 HS from TT=6 K to room temperature using time-resolved and continuous-wave micro-photoluminescence, also under magnetic field. The exciton dynamics and emission lineshape evolution with temperature show clear signatures that MXs de-trap from the moir\'{e} potential and turn into free interlayer excitons (IXs) at TT\gtrsim120 K. The MX-to-IX transition is also apparent from the exciton magnetic moment reversing its sign when the moir\'{e} potential is not capable to localise excitons at elevated temperatures. Concomitantly, the exciton formation and decay times reduce drastically. Thus, our findings establish the conditions for a truly confined nature of the exciton states in a moir\'{e} superlattice with increasing temperature

    Extraordinary second harmonic generation modulated by divergent strain field in pressurized monolayer domes

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    The most prominent form of nonlinear optical (NLO) frequency conversion is second harmonic generation (SHG), where incident light interacts with a nonlinear medium producing photons at double the input frequency, which has vast applications in material and biomedical science. Emerging two-dimensional nonlinear optical materials led by transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have fascinating optical and mechanical properties and are highly anticipated to overcome the technical limitations imposed by traditional bulky NLO materials. However, the atomic scale interaction length and low conversion efficiency in TMD materials prevent their further implementation in NLO applications. While some uniaxial strain-engineering studies intensively investigated the anisotropic SHG response in TMDs, they did not realize giant SHG enhancement by exploiting the opto-mechanical characteristics. Herein, we employ proton (H+) irradiation to successfully fabricate large pressurized monolayer TMD domes (d ≥ 10 μm) and conduct a comprehensive investigation and characterization of their SHG performance enhancement. We show that the intensity of SHG is effectively enhanced by around two orders of magnitude at room temperature. Such giant enhancement arises from the distinct separation distance induced by capped pressurized gas and the hemi-spherical morphology, enabling constructive optical interference. Moreover, the unique divergent strain field in TMD domes promotes the first experimental study on the anisotropic nonlinear optical behavior based on biaxial strain conditions in terms of varying strain orientation and relative weights. Our work demonstrates a promising system with enhanced NLO performance and well-preserved biocompatibility, paving a way toward the future nano-scaled quantum optics design and biomedical applications

    Broadband enhancement of light-matter interaction in photonic crystal cavities integrating site-controlled quantum dots

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    The fabrication of integrated quantum dot (QD)-optical microcavity systems is a requisite step for the realization of a wide range of nanophotonic experiments (and applications) that exploit the ability of QDs to emit nonclassical light, e.g., single photons. Thanks to their similar to 20-nm positioning accuracy and to their proven potential for single-photon operation, the QDs obtained by spatially selective hydrogen irradiation of dilute-nitride semiconductors-such as Ga(AsN) and Ga(PN)-are uniquely suited for integration with photonic nanodevices. In the present work, we demonstrate the ability to deterministically integrate single, site-controlled Ga(AsN)/Ga(AsN):H QDs within a photonic crystal (PhC) cavity. The properties of the fabricated QD-PhC cavity systems are then probed by photon correlation-providing clear evidence of single-photon emission-and time-resolved microphotoluminescence spectroscopy. Detailed information on the dynamics of our integrated nanodevices can be inferred by comparing these experiments to the solutions of a rate-equations system, developed by taking into account all the main processes leading to the capture, relaxation, and recombination of carriers in and out of the QD. This allows us to follow the evolution of the relevant recombination rates in our system for varying energy detuning, Delta E, between the QD and the PhC cavity. When the QD exciton transition is nearly resonant with the cavity mode, a large (>tenfold) enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate is observed, in substantial agreement with Jaynes-Cummings (JC) theory. For intermediate detunings (Delta E similar to 1.5-3.5 meV), on the other hand, the observed enhancement is significantly larger than that predicted by JC theory, due to the important role played by acoustic phonons in mediating the QD-PhC cavity coupling in a solid-state environment. Apart from its fundamental interest, the observation of such phonon-mediated, broadband enhancement of light-matter interaction significantly relaxes the requirements for the realization of a large variety of cavity QED-based experiments and applications. These include many photonic devices for which the use of site-controlled Ga(AsN)/Ga(AsN):H QDs would be inherently advantageous, such as those based on the coupling between more than one QD and a single cavity mode (e.g., few-QD nanolasers and QD solids)

    Excitons and trions in WSSe monolayers

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    The possibility of almost linear tuning of the band gap and of the electrical and optical properties in monolayers (MLs) of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide (S-TMD) alloys opens up the way to fabricate materials with on-demand characteristics. By making use of photoluminescence spectroscopy, we investigate optical properties of WSSe MLs with a S/Se ratio of 57/43 deposited on SiO2_2/Si substrate and encapsulated in hexagonal BN flakes. Similarly to the "parent""parent" WS2_2 and WSe2_2 MLs, we assign the WSSe MLs to the ML family with the dark ground exciton state. We find that, in addition to the neutral bright A exciton line, three observed emission lines are associated with negatively charged excitons. The application of in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic fields allows us to assign undeniably the bright and dark (spin- and momentum-forbidden) negative trions as well as the phonon replica of the dark spin-forbidden complex. Furthermore, the existence of the single photon emitters in the WSSe ML is also demonstrated, thus prompting the opportunity to enlarge the wavelength range for potential future quantum applications of S-TMDs.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, +ES