16 research outputs found

    Adsorption efficiency of coconut shell-based activated carbons on colour of molasses, oils, dissolved oxygen and related parameters from industrial effluent

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    The adsorption efficiency of FeCl3, CaCl2 and K2CO3-activated carbon for the 500μm particle size produced from previously carbonized coconut shell on some adsorbates obtained from an industrial effluent and wastewaters as well as the colour of molasses has been studied. The adsorbates include oil and grease, dissolved oxygen (DO); biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved and suspended solids as well as total solids present in an industrial effluent sample. A colour comparator was used to determine the colour of the molassess, volumetric analysis was used to determine oxygen and related parameters while oil and grease were determined by gravimetry. The results showed that the activated carbons used in this study are capable of reducing the level of colour present in molasses and amount of oil/grease from a textile effluent. Ninety two and 97.4% of molasses and oil/grease respectively can be adsorbed onto 500μm particle size of ZnCl2 – activated carbon at room temperature. Out of the four activated carbons, (FeCl3-Ac, CaCl2-Ac, ZnCl2-Ac and K2CO3-Ac,) the FeCl3-Ac is most effective in adsorbing the dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved, suspended and total solid present in a sample of a textile effluent. The FeCl3-Ac is more effective in adsorbing the solid impurities than the oxygen demands but least effective in adsorbing dissolved oxygen. There is a high correlation coefficient between the oxygen parameters and solids present in the effluent. This shows that the greater the amount of solids in an effluent the more the amount of oxygen required for biochemical and chemical processes. ZnCl2-activated carbon most effectively adsorbed 92.2% colour of the molasses while the FeCl3-activated was most effective in adsorbing 94.3% of oil/grease, 46.2% of dissolved oxygen, 71.9% of BOD, 72.1% of COD and 96% each of dissolved solids (DS), suspended solids (SS) and total solids (TS). The coefficients of correlation found between each of DO, COD or BOD and DS, SS and TS adsorbed were 0.999, 0.907 and 0.763 respectively. Key words: Coconut shell, activated carbon, adsorption, oxygen demand, solids

    Syntheses of copper complexes of nicotinohydroxamic and isonicotinohydroxamic acids.

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    Nicotinohydroxamic acid (NHA) and isonicotinohydroxamic acid (INHA) were synthesized, characterized by electronic and spectral studies,magnetic measurements and their pKa determined spectrophotometrically as 8.68 ± 0.02 in aqueous medium of 0.1mol dm-3 I=ionic strength. The composition of the complexes was determined by Job’s plot. The ratios of Cu2+ to ligands under investigation were ML2. The formation constants obtained and the possible binding modes for the complexes in solid states are discussed. Spectral studies of the isolated complexes indicate tetragonally distorted octahedral geometry via (O,O) and (N,O) coordination modes. The magnetic moments obtained for the complexes are in the range 1.57-1.79B.M. Microbial sensitivity test carried out on the ligands and their isolated complexes showed no activity on the microorganisms under investigation. Keywords: Nicotinohydroxamic acid, isonicotinohydroxamic acid, IR spectra, ionic strength, Job’s plot, pKa, microbial sensitivity

    Effects of pH and total organic carbon (TOC) on the distribution of trace metals in Kubanni dam sediments, Zaria, Nigeria

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    The determination of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn in the exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn-oxides, organic matter and residual sediment chemical fractions of Kubanni Dam during dry and raining seasons was carried out using the spectrophotometric method after Tessiers’ sequential scheme for speciation had been carried out. The pH and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) of the sediment samples were also determined to study their effects on the distribution of metals. The results indicate that pH influenced the release or adsorption of each metal in the different sediment fractions. At low average pH of 5.21 recorded during dry season, desorption of metals from the reducible sediment fraction into the water column occurred, which may have effect on aquatic organisms. Due to increased metal complexation at high pH, total extractable fractions of metals generally increased. Higher TOC levels during the rainy season indicated larger adsorption surfaces for Cr (19.92%) Pb (19.97%) and Zn (21.14%) on the organic matter fraction, which, under oxidizing condition, these metals may be remobilized into the aquatic environment. Cu correlated positively with the organic carbon content of the sediment samples. The positive correlation of Pb, Cd and Cr with sediment pH may reflect the tendency of cation adsorption to increase at high pH. Key words: pH, TOC, Trace metals, Distribution, Sediment

    Phytochemical and proximate analysis of Aspillia kotschyi (Sch. bipex, hochst) Oliv

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    The phytochemical and proximate composition of Aspillia Kotschyi belonging to Compositae family which is commonly used as medicinal plant in Nigeria was determined on both the Methanolic and Petroleum spirit extracts of the plant material The Methanolic extract of the plant revealed the presence of carbohydrates, cardiac glyscosides, flavonoids, triterpene, and alkaloids. The Petroleum sprit extract showed the presence of only carbohydrates and alkaloid. Proximate composition analysis shows moisture content of 5.7%, total ash of 4.03%, crude protein 10.39%, fibre 9.06%,Fat value 0.83%,and Nitrogen free extract of 70.19%. The results of this study suggest some merit in the popular use of Aspillia kotschi in herbal medicine.Keywords: Aspillia kotschyi, Phytochemical, Proximate compositio

    Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) of Senna occidentalis Linn

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    Senna occidentalis Linn was subjected to neutron activation analysis (NAA) in order to assess its major, minor, trace and ultra-trace contents. The results indicated that Al, Ca, Fe, Na and K have the highest concentration followed by Mn, Zn and Rb while Co, Rb, La, Sc, Sm and Th were in traces. The presence of toxic metals (such as As) in the plant at low levels and absence of others (e.g Cd and Pb) indicates that the plant can be consumed but bearing in mind that long consumption of the plant may lead to their bioaccumulation. The pattern of bioaccumulation of the elements did not follow any particular trend among the different parts of the plant. Key words: Senna occidentalis Linn and NAA

    Amino acid composition and proximate analysis in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) fish from dams and rivers in Zamfara State, Nigeria

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    Twelve pieces of Tilapia mossambicus fish samples of 28 cm average length and 52 g average weight, two from each of the six sampling locations were analyzed for Amino Acid composition using Applied Biosystems PTH Amino Acid Analyzer as described by standard methods. A proximate analysis of the fish samples was also carried out. Result showed that Glutamic acid and Aspartic acid are the most concentrated amino acid present in the fish which ranged between 11.96 to 15.14 g/100g protein and 7.69 to 9.42 g/100g protein respectively. The essential amino acid and protein composition of the fish were higher in the dams than in the rivers. The composition of the amino acid analyzed were within standard regulatory agency limits. For the proximate composition, moisture content varied between 71.05% - 77.71% while ash composition was 10.20%. The crude fat composition ranged between 8.59 – 11.67% during the dry season. The values obtained for the proximate composition where within the reported ranges with higher percentage in the case of ash. The concentration of the proximate components in the fish samples are within the reference value of FAO/WHO for Humans. Special attention is needed in monitoring gold mining activities which largely contribute to the reduction and pollution of the nutritional qualities of the fishes from the rivers.Keywords: amino acid, proximate composition, tilapia fish, water bodie

    Chelating ligands: enhancers of quality and purity of biogas

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    The quality of biogas depends largely on the percentage of methane and hydrogen sulphide gas present. High concentration of hydrogen sulphide results in low quality biogas. This work employed the use of chelating ligands in scrubbing hydrogen sulphide gas while improving the yield of methane gas. Experimental analyses were carried out using Biogas 5000 analyser, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and other classical analytical tools. Results from the analyses showed a 12 to 15 % improvement in the methane gas yield and reduction in the concentration of hydrogen sulphide gas from 80 to 30%. All digesters recorded pH within the optimum values. The cow dung (CD) digester shows significantly low volatile fatty acids concentrations which contributed to the increased methane gas yield. Trace metals like Iron, Cobalt and Nickel, found to be present within the digesters; reacted with the chelating ligands to form metal chelates which increased the bioavailability of essential nutrients; promoting the growth and stability of methanogens thus, improving methane production. The metal chelates equally undergoing a redox reaction with the hydrogen sulphide gas, produced elemental sulphur with the release of H+ ions; thereby reducing the concentration of hydrogen sulphide. Generally, addition of ligands to substrate digesters increased methane production and significantly decreased hydrogen sulphide concentration.Keywords: Biogas, Volatile fatty acids, Methane, Hydrogen sulphide and Ligand

    Heavy metals content in water and crops in golding mining vicinity on major dams in Zamfara State, Nigeria

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    The concentrations of heavy metals in water and food crops (tomatoes and cassava) grown around the three major dams in Zamfara State were gold mining are usually done were determined using standard methods. The concentration of heavy metal determined in water and food crops were generally high during the dry season with exception of Hg which recorded its highest concentration in year 2015. Zn and Cr levels in the water and food crops were within international safe limits while Cd, Pb and Hg levels were far above (0.01, 0.01 and 0.001mg/l) WHO and USEPA limits respectively. In this work, the concentration of the analyzed heavy metals in mg/l was in the order of Hg> Pb >Cd > Cr > Zn. Correlation analysis showed a significant and positive relationship for Cd and Zn and Hg and Cr during the wet season and a significant positive at the (p>0.05) relationship for Cr and Zn in the dry season. The pollution index value of the water samples across all the three dams indicated that there is need for immediate intervention to ameliorate pollution particularly in the dry season.Keywords: Dams, Heavy metals, food crops, gold minin

    Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analysis (EDXRF) on Corchorus tridens Linn

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    Analyses were carried on Corchorus tridens Linn in order to ascertain its elemental composition using neutron activation analysis (NAA) and energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis (EDXRF). Nineteen (19) of the detected and determined elements were either essential, trace or heavy (Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Mn, Na Rb, Sm, Sc, Th, V and Zn) while ten (10) others (As, Cs, Dy, Eu, Lu, Mg, Ta, Ti, U and Yb ) were found at below detection limit (BDL) levels. Variations of the elemental concentrations from the two techniques and the different parts of the plant were compared using student’s t – test and ANOVA test. Translocation factor of the elements and their concentrations in the different parts of the plant were compared with normal concentrations in plants and recommended daily allowance (RDA) values. It was found that for some of the elements, pattern of distribution is in the order of roots > stems > leaves while for others there is no regular pattern of distribution. Also, the amounts of certain essential elements in C. tridens L. show that the plant can serve as a means of supplementation of required minerals for man and his animals.Keywords: NAA, EDXRF, C. tridens L., translocation factor and bioaccumulatio