4,250 research outputs found

    Just Transitions in a Public School Food System: The Case of Buffalo, New York

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    This article examines the public school food system in Buffalo, New York, for a just transition (Movement Generation, n. d.). School food programs built on just transition characteristics democratize engagement, decentralize decision-making, diversify the economy, decrease consumption, and redistribute resources and power

    From Prenatal Through Childhood: What Infant Wellness is All About at Nationwide Children’s Hospital

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    This study aims to measure perceptions of family centered care among expectant mothers in Columbus while assessing potential racial differences in order to improve prenatal outcomes. In order to do this, surveys were distributed to pregnant women at 10 clinics providing prenatal care in Columbus and sleep sacks were provided to women who completed the survey. There was a total of 401 surveys collected between August 2019 and January 2020. The conclusion being that one in five women report not receiving family centered care during their prenatal appointments, however there was no racial difference for family centered care

    Horizontal transfer of OC1 transposons in the Tasmanian devil

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    BACKGROUND There is growing recognition that horizontal DNA transfer, a process known to be common in prokaryotes, is also a significant source of genomic variation in eukaryotes. Horizontal transfer of transposable elements (HTT) may be especially prevalent in eukaryotes given the inherent mobility, widespread occurrence, and prolific abundance of these elements in many eukaryotic genomes. RESULTS Here, we provide evidence for a new case of HTT of the transposon family OposCharlie1 (OC1) in the Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii. Bioinformatic analyses of OC1 sequences in the Tasmanian devil genome suggest that this transposon infiltrated the common ancestor of the Dasyuridae family ~17 million years ago. This estimate is corroborated by a PCR-based screen for the presence/absence of this family in Tasmanian devils and closely-related species. CONCLUSIONS This case of HTT is the first to be reported in dasyurids. It brings the number of animal lineages independently invaded by OC1 to 12, and adds a fourth continent to the pandemic-like pattern of invasion of this transposon. In the context of these data, we discuss the evolutionary history of this transposon family and its potential impact on the diversification of marsupials.The authors would like to acknowledge the following organizations for funding portions of this work: NIH-R01 GM077582 (CF), M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust (SS) and NSF-MCB-1150213 (SS

    Development of the Oxford AstaZeneca Covid Vaccine

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    The 2014 outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa, chiefly in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia, but with cases spreading to other countries highlighted the lack of preparedness for combating infectious disease outbreaks. The virus was first identified in 1976, but vaccine development had proceeded slowly and no candidate vaccines had progressed further than phase I trials. In 2014 two new candidate vaccines entered rapid clinical development with encouraging early results, but efficacy trials were slow to start. Ebola is only one of many known viruses with the potential to cause outbreaks, and with the support of the WHO in identifying a list of priority pathogens, and the formation of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI) to provide funding, vaccine development was initiated with the aim of having vaccines available in readiness for future disease outbreaks. The last pathogen to be added to the list was ‘Disease X’, to represent a disease caused by a previously unknown pathogen, which would require rapid response employing a well characterised platform technology. In the first days of 2020, the first ‘Disease X’ outbreak, caused by a virus later named SARS-CoV-2 occurred. Vaccine developers found ourselves attempting to put into place plans that were at an early stage of development, had not been funded and had not therefore been tested. Rather than working to produce a vaccine which could then be deployed in the ‘outbreak area’ we found ourselves attempting to develop a vaccine against a novel pathogen that was causing a pandemic whilst we ourselves were in the grip of that pandemic with every aspect of our work affected

    Portraits of Participation: Exploring the Relationship between Social Motivators and Facets of Participation in a Twitter-based Community

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    Twitter is a platform where people can coalesce around a common interest, signaled by a hashtag, and form a community of practice. As with all online initiatives, questions remain about what motivates people to follow and contribute to communities, and why they participate in varying degrees. This paper explores social motivations for participation in the Twitter-based community of practice, #hcsmca (Healthcare Social Media Canada), formed in 2010 to discuss issues in healthcare within a Canadian context. Analysis of 24 semi-structured interviews identified three important social motivations: tapping into a social network of people with a common interest, developing personal and professional relationships, and the community ethos. Portraits of participation based on three facets of participation, length of time as a community member, depth of engagement in the community, and frequency of participation, were developed to describe community members’ motivations at varying levels of participation.

    Veiling with Abjection: Carson McCullers\u27 Reflections in a Golden Eye

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    I will argue that in Reflections of a Golden Eye, Private Williams is a projection of McCullers, due to his being a representation of the abject desire that McCullers experienced for women, and that the abjection is the very reason why his character comes off as strange, impersonal, and uncanny. Opposing critics would say that Williams’ impersonal nature disqualifies him from being McCullers’ representation; however, while McCullers purposefully uses the uncanny feelings she creates around Williams to distance herself from him, we should see through this

    The Nature of Success and Failure in Television Journalism and the Role of Education

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    This qualitative study used interviews and participant observations of practicing television journalists. The on-the-job successes and failures were studied in order to understand the divide between educational training and professional practice. The findings of this study should help educators better understand the nature of on-the-job success and failure as articulated by working television journalists. In turn, educators can use that knowledge to develop educational strategies that will better prepare students for entry into the profession. In constructing a definition of success, the informants identified the following elements: success is in all levels; success is relative to a journalist\u27s age; success is never a finale; success is moving forward, working forward; success is being accurate; success is having a positive impact as a professional; and success means avoiding preventable on-air mistakes. Additional individual characteristics were identified. According to the informants, failure means a lack of certain characteristics, such as being factually incorrect or biased, not accomplishing the core purposes of TV news, stubbornness for producers, and not finding the story for reporters and anchors. The informants were ambivalent about their prior education. They felt it was necessary to learn about the theory of journalism in their educational training. However, they did not feel their education prepared them sufficiently for industry expectations. The theoretical framework of organizational socialization was used as a lens to analyze the findings. By clarifying the elements of the socialization process, new graduates may have a better idea what to expect in the early stages of their careers. Educators can find ways to enhance their teaching by introducing students to the tacit practices and conventions of the industry. By doing so, interns and new graduates may be better equipped for the transition points in the socialization phases of news work
