5 research outputs found

    Osjetljivost bakterija Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus izdvojenih iz pilića u Maiduguri (Nigerija) prema betalaktamskim antibioticima

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    Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus species though opportunist pathogens, are becoming a global clinical problem in both human and veterinary medicine. This study was designed to determine the antibiotic susceptibility patterns of β-lactamase-producing E. coli serotypes and S. aureus strains isolated from chickens in the Maiduguri Arid zone, Nigeria. Various tissue samples from apparently healthy and diseased chickens were collected and examined for the presence of E. coli and S. aureus. Isolates were identified by relevant biochemical tests. β-lactamase-producing strains of the isolates were determined by the chromogenic cephalosporin method, using nitrocefin-impregnated sticks and cephalosporin (nitrocefin) solution. The antibiotics susceptibility patterns of the isolates were determined for ten antibiotics (ampicillin, chloramphenicol, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin, lincomycin, doxycycline, tetracycline, tylosin, tylosin tartrate and penicillin) by the micro-broth dilution method. E. coli was isolated in 805 and S. aureus in 660 of 1300 tissue samples examined; from which 89 (11.1%) and 58 (8.8%) were β-lactamase-positive isolates respectively. Out of 540 E. coli isolates serotyped, 57 (10.6%) serogroups were identified from which 17 (29.8%) were serogroups O1, 5 (8.8%) were O2, and 2 (3.5%), 9 (15.8%), 6 (10.5%) and 18 (31.6%) were serogroups O26, O78, O86 and O141 respectively, whilst, 483 (89.4%) isolates were not typable with the available sera. Serogroups O141, O1 and O78 were more frequently isolated and serogroups O1 and O78 were more prevalent in sick chickens than in healthy chickens. E. coli exhibited high resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, lincomycin, penicillin and tylosin with MIC values >8.0 μg/mL, as did S. aureus to all the antibiotics tested with MIC values >8.0 μg/mL. In conclusion, the study has demonstrated the presence of E. coli serotypes and S. aureus in various tissues of chickens and their antibiotic susceptibility patterns, clearly demonstrating multiple drug resistance.Premda uvjetno patogene vrste Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus predstavljaju globalni klinički problem u humanoj i veterinarskoj medicini. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je sa svrhom određivanja osjetljivosti prema antibioticima serovarova E. coli i izolata S. aureus izdvojenih iz pilića u sušnom području Maiduguri u Nigeriji. Različiti uzorci tkiva od naizgled zdravih te od bolesnih pilića bili su pretraženi na prisutnost bakterija E. coli i S. aureus. Izolati su bili identificirani različitim biokemijskim testovima. Sojevi što su proizvodili β-laktamazu bili su identificirani kromogen cefalosporinskom metodom uz uporabu nitrocefinom impregniranih stikova i otopine cefalosporina (nitrocefina). Osjetljivost spomenutih bakterija bila je određivana mikrodilucijskom metodom na 10 antibiotika (ampicilin, kloramfenikol, cefaleksin, ciprofloksacin, linkomicin, doksiciklin, tetraciklin, tilozin, tilozin tartarat i penicilin). E. coli je bila izdvojena iz 805, a S. aureus iz 660 od 1300 pretraženih uzoraka tkiva od čega je 89 (11,1%) izolata E. coli i 58 (8,8%) izolata S. aureus bilo pozitivno na β-laktamazu. Od 540 serološki tipiziranih izolata E. coli identificirano je bilo 57 (10,6%) seroloških skupina od čega je 17 (29,8%) pripadalo serološkoj skupini O1, 5 (8,8%) serološkoj skupini O2, 2 (3,5%) skupini O26, 9 (15,8%) skupini O78, 6 (10,5%) skupini O86 i 18 (31,6%) serološkoj skupini O141, dok se 483 (89,4%) izolata nisu mogla tipizirati raspoloživim antiserumima. Najčešće su bile izdvojene serološke skupine O141, O1 i O78 s time da su serološke skupine O1 i O78 prevladavale u bolesnih pilića. E. coli je bila vrlo otporna na ampicilin, kloramfenikol, tetraciklin, linkomicin, penicilin i tilozin s vrijednostima minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije >8,0 μg/mL. I S. aureus je bio otporan prema svim pretraživanim antibioticima s minimalnim inhibitornim vrijednostima >8,0 μg/mL. U istraživanju je dokazana prisutnost serovarova E. coli i vrste S. aureus u različitim tkivima pilića te njihova osjetljivost na antibiotike s jasno dokazanom multiplom rezistencijom

    Dexamethasone uses in humans and animals: public health and socio-economic implications

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    The importance of dexamethasone is demonstrated by its wide uses in human and veterinary medical practice. Unfortunately, dexamethasone use is prone to abuse. Health authorities have emphasized the importance of increasing knowledge of benefits and potential harmful effects of synthetic glucocorticoids use as a guide to responsible and judicious use of the pharmaceutical. This review provides an overview of the uses of dexamethasone and its consequences on public health visa vie socio–economy. Methodology: Source of Data: The review is based on literature searches using PubMed and MeSH and authors' personal manuscript/abstract files and citations of known references. Study selection: The selection of articles reflects the authors' opinion as to originality and importance in the context of the review. The review included human and some aspects of animal study. Data extraction: The electronic searches were scrutinized and full manuscripts of all quotes considered relevant to the study were obtained. All the articles whose abstracts were not available were excluded. Results: Dexamethasone is still one of the most prescribed medicines in human and veterinary medical practice despite over 4-decades of use and its attendant negative consequences. Recently non-medical uses of the drug are also on the increase which greatly contributed to the problems. Conclusion: Dexamethasone use has consequences on public health visa vie socio-economy. Its indispensability is not unconnected with its broad spectrum pharmacological actions and cost effectiveness. Due to rampant abuses and the attendant adverse effects of dexamethasone, it is recommended that the drug be enlisted as controlled drug

    Livestock management practices and mortality profile in animal husbandry in north-eastern Nigeria

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    Livestock development is one of the key economic indices of Nigeria and livestock management is aimed to enhance animal health and welfare. The present study investigated management practices and mortality profile in livestock husbandry in northeastern Nigeria. The survey instrument was a close-and open-ended Questionnaire designed to retrieve information from livestock farmers relative to farmer/animal demographics, livestock management practices and livestock mortality. The questionnaire was used in face – to – face interviews carried out between March and December 2013. Data collected were entered into a personal computer and analyzed using an SPSS data package software version 16.0 for windows, for descriptive statistic. Results indicated that Total confinement (54.5%), housing more than one species of animals under same housing area (32%), use of water tank for multiple animals (52%), use of ground water as source of drinking water for animals (41%), hand-cleaning of animal manure (32%), and regular vaccination (51%) were the most common livestock management practices observed amongst farmers, while mortality was observed more often in female than male animals (58%). In conclusion, the findings in this study revealed that farmers in north-eastern Nigeria managed male animals very well than female animals, possibly for their economic benefits. The practice of housing more than one type of animal species in the same housing unit observed in this study may influence the use of antimicrobials, as well as promoting cross-transfer of diseases between different species.Keywords: Livestock, husbandry, management, mortality, northeast Nigeri