31 research outputs found

    Prunus Knotted-like genes. Genome-wide analysis, transcriptional response to Cytokinin in micropropagation, and rootstock transformation

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    Knotted1-like homeobox (KNOX) transcription factors are involved in plant development, playing complex roles in aerial organs. As Prunus species include important fruit tree crops of Italy, an exhaustive investigation of KNOX genes was performed using genomic and RNA-seq meta-analyses. Micropropagation is an essential technology for rootstock multiplication; hence, we investigated KNOX transcriptional behavior upon increasing 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) doses and the effects on GF677 propagules. Moreover, gene function in Prunus spp. was assessed by Gisela 6 rootstock transformation using fluorescence and peach KNOX transgenes. Based on ten Prunus spp., KNOX proteins fit into I-II-M classes named after Arabidopsis. Gene number, class member distribution, and chromosome positions were maintained, and exceptions supported the diversification of Prunus from Cerasus subgenera, and that of Armeniaca from the other sections within Prunus. Cytokinin (CK) cis-elements occurred in peach and almond KNOX promoters, suggesting a BA regulatory role in GF677 shoot multiplication as confirmed by KNOX expression variation dependent on dose, time, and interaction. The tripled BA concentration exacerbated stress, altered CK perception genes, and modified KNOX transcriptions, which are proposed to concur in in vitro anomalies. Finally, Gisela 6 transformation efficiency varied (2.6-0.6%) with the genetic construct, with 35S:GFP being more stable than 35S:KNOPE1 lines, which showed leaf modification typical of KNOX overexpression

    Plant Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology: Following Mariotti's Steps

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    This review is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Domenico Mariotti, who significantly contributed to establishing the Italian research community in Agricultural Genetics and carried out the first experiments of Agrobacterium-mediated plant genetic transformation and regeneration in Italy during the 1980s. Following his scientific interests as guiding principles, this review summarizes the recent advances obtained in plant biotechnology and fundamental research aiming to: (i) Exploit in vitro plant cell and tissue cultures to induce genetic variability and to produce useful metabolites; (ii) gain new insights into the biochemical function of Agrobacterium rhizogenes rol genes and their application to metabolite production, fruit tree transformation, and reverse genetics; (iii) improve genetic transformation in legume species, most of them recalcitrant to regeneration; (iv) untangle the potential of KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) transcription factors in plant morphogenesis as key regulators of hormonal homeostasis; and (v) elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the transition from juvenility to the adult phase in Prunus tree species

    Peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] KNOPE1, a class 1 KNOX orthologue to Arabidopsis BREVIPEDICELLUS/KNAT1, is misexpressed during hyperplasia of leaf curl disease

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    Class 1 KNOTTED-like (KNOX) transcription factors control cell meristematic identity. An investigation was carried out to determine whether they maintain this function in peach plants and might act in leaf curliness caused by the ascomycete Taphrina deformans. KNOPE1 function was assessed by overexpression in Arabidopsis and by yeast two-hybrid assays with Arabidopsis BELL proteins. Subsequently, KNOPE1 mRNA and zeatin localization was monitored during leaf curl disease. KNOPE1 and Arabidopsis BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP) proteins fell into the same phyletic group and recognized the same BELL factors. 35S:KNOPE1 Arabidopsis lines exhibited altered traits resembling those of BP-overexpressing lines. In peach shoot apical meristem, KNOPE1 was expressed in the peripheral and central zones but not in leaf primordia, identically to the BP expression pattern. These results strongly suggest that KNOPE1 must be down-regulated for leaf initiation and that it can control cell meristem identity equally as well as all class 1 KNOX genes. Leaves attacked by T. deformans share histological alterations with class 1 KNOX-overexpressing leaves, including cell proliferation and loss of cell differentiation. Both KNOPE1 and a cytokinin synthesis ISOPENTENYLTRANSFERASE gene were found to be up-regulated in infected curled leaves. At early disease stages, KNOPE1 was uniquely triggered in the palisade cells interacting with subepidermal mycelium, while zeatin vascular localization was unaltered compared with healthy leaves. Subsequently, when mycelium colonization and asci development occurred, both KNOPE1 and zeatin signals were scattered in sectors of cell disorders. These results suggest that KNOPE1 misexpression and de novo zeatin synthesis of host origin might participate in hyperplasia of leaf curl disease

    Insights into the Sesquiterpenoid Pathway by Metabolic Profiling and De novo Transcriptome Assembly of Stem-Chicory (Cichorium intybus Cultigroup "Catalogna")

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    Stem-chicory of the "Catalogna" group is a vegetable consumed for bitter-flavored stems. Type and levels of bitter sesquiterpene lactones (STLs) participate in conferring bitterness in vegetables. The content of lactucin-and lactucopocrin-like STLs was higher in "Molfettese" than "Galatina" landrace stalks, regardless of the cultivation sites, consistently with bitterness scores and gustative differences. The "Galatina" transcriptome assembly resulted in 58,872 unigenes, 77% of which were annotated, paving the way to molecular investigation of the STL pathway. Comparative transcriptome analysis allowed the identification of 69,352 SNPs and of 1640 differentially expressed genes that maintained the pattern independently of the site. Enrichment analyses revealed that 4 out of 29 unigenes were up-regulated in "Molfettese" vs "Galatina" within the sesquiterpenoid pathway. The expression of two germacrene A -synthase (GAS) and one -oxidase (GAO) genes of the costunolide branch correlated positively with the contents of lactucin-like molecules, supporting that STL biosynthesis regulation occurs at the transcriptional level. Finally, 46 genes encoding transcription factors (TFs) maintained a differential expression pattern between the two varieties regardless of the growth site; correlation analyses among TFs, GAS, GAO gene expressions and STLs contents suggest that one MYB and one bHLH may act in the pathway

    NMR-Metabolic Methodology in the Study of GM Foods

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    The 1H-NMR methodology used in the study of genetically modified (GM) foods is discussed. Transgenic lettuce (Lactuca sativa cv "Luxor") over-expressing the ArabidopsisKNAT1 gene is presented as a case study. Twenty-two water-soluble metabolites (amino acids, organic acids, sugars) present in leaves of conventional and GM lettuce were monitored by NMR and quantified at two developmental stages. The NMR spectra did not reveal any difference in metabolite composition between the GM lettuce and the wild type counterpart. Statistical analyses of metabolite variables highlighted metabolism variation as a function of leaf development as well as the transgene. A main effect of the transgene was in altering sugar metabolism

    ETS-related gene (ERG) undermines genome stability in mouse prostate progenitors via Gsk3β dependent Nkx3.1 degradation.

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    21q22.2-3 deletion is the most common copy number alteration in prostate cancer (PCa). The genomic rearrangement results in the androgen-dependent de novo expression of ETS-related gene (ERG) in prostate cancer cells, a condition promoting tumor progression to advanced stages of the disease. Interestingly, ERG expression characterizes 5-30% of tumor precursor lesions - High Grade Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (HGPIN) - where its role remains unclear. Here, by combining organoids technology with Click-chemistry coupled Mass Spectrometry, we demonstrate a prominent role of ERG in remodeling the protein secretome of prostate progenitors. Functionally, by lowering autocrine Wnt-4 signaling, ERG represses canonical Wnt pathway in prostate progenitors, and, in turn, promotes the accumulation of DNA double strand breaks via Gsk3β-dependent degradation of the tumor suppressor Nkx3.1. On the other hand, by shaping extracellular paracrine signals, ERG strengthens the pro-oxidative transcriptional signature of inflammatory macrophages, which we demonstrate to infiltrate pre-malignant ERG positive prostate lesions. These findings highlight previously unrecognized functions of ERG in undermining adult prostate progenitor niche through cell autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms. Overall, by supporting the survival and proliferation of prostate progenitors in the absence of growth stimuli and promoting the accumulation of DNA damage through destabilization of Nkx3.1, ERG could orchestrate the prelude to neoplastic transformation

    L'elogio di Anna Buzzacarini badessa di S. Benedetto Vecchio di Padova in un codice di etĂ  carrarese, con riproduzione fotografica del manoscritto e un contributo di Paola Barbierato

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    Il testo edito, in volgare padovano, risale al tardo Trecento; si tratta di una profilo della attività amministrativa e di committenza svolta in prima persona da Anna Buzzacarini, morta nel 1397, monaca e abbadessa di San Benedetto di Padova, esponente di una famiglia dell' élite cittadina, in quanto sorella di Fina, moglie del signore della città Francesco il Vecchio. L'eìidizone è accompagnata da un saggio storico (dovuto a G. Carraro) e da un saggio di storia linguistica (di P. Barbierato

    Phytochemicals in Asteraceae Leafy Vegetables

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    Knowledge about quantitative and qualitative characterization of phytochemical contents in Asteraceae leafy vegetables is continuously increasing due to the strong interest from scientists and consumers. This chapter deals with leafy vegetables of Lactuca sativa, Cichorium intybus and C. endivia species, given their relevance within the botanical family. It gives an overview of the wide differences occurring in genotype panels, in bioactive compound types and levels, focusing on phenolics, carotenoids and sesquiterpenes lactones. It also provides information on their biosynthesis pathways in plants together with health effects, bioaccessibility and bioavailability of diverse phytonutrient classes. Finally, it outlines the effects of the main pre-harvest and post-harvest factors affecting the amount and status of final products intended for dietary intake, and reports on some genetic aspects and biotechnologies aimed to biofortification of these species

    Hyperspectral image processing for automatic evaluation of Brassica rapa subsp. sylvestris (broccoli-raab/rabe) flower opening

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    In this work a methodological approach based on hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in the visible range (400-740 nm) was applied to monitor timing of Brassica rapa subsp. Sylvestris (broccoli-raab/rabe or “cime di rapa”). flower opening (anthesis) with the goal of developing tools useful to assess/predict optimal harvest times. A classification model based on partial least-squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was built to evaluate the anthesis of broccoli-raab plants. This preliminary lab-scale investigation showed that HSI is effective and reliable to monitor flower opening in an automatic and non-destructive way. Further studies will be devoted to the application of such strategy directly on the field