4 research outputs found

    Long-time simulation of LHC beam propagation in electron clouds

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    In this report we show the simulation results of single-bunch instabilities caused by interaction of a proton beam with an electron cloud for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) using the code QuickPIC [1]. We describe three new results: 1) We test the effect of the space charge of the beam on itself; 2) we add the effect of dispersion in the equation of motion in the x direction, and 3) we extend previous modeling by an order of magnitude (from 50ms to 500ms) of beam circulation time. The effect of including space charge is to change the emittance growth by less than a few percent. Including dispersion changes the plane of instability but keeps the total emittance approximately the same. The longer runs indicate that the long term growth of electron cloud instability of the LHC beam cannot be obtained by extrapolating the results of short runs

    3-D Parallel Simulation Model of Continuous Beam-Electron Cloud Interactions

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    A 3D Particle-In-Cell model for continuous modeling of beam and electron cloud interaction in a circular accelerator is presented. A simple model for lattice structure, mainly the Quadruple and dipole magnets and chromaticity have been added to a plasma PIC code, QuickPIC, used extensively to model plasma wakefield acceleration concept. The code utilizes parallel processing techniques with domain decomposition in both longitudinal and transverse domains to overcome the massive computational costs of continuously modeling the beam-cloud interaction. Through parallel modeling, we have been able to simulate long-term beam propagation in the presence of electron cloud in many existing and future circular machines around the world. The exact dipole lattice structure has been added to the code and the simulation results for CERN-SPS and LHC with the new lattice structure have been studied. Also the simulation results are compared to the results from the two macro-particle modeling for strong head-tail instability. It is shown that the simple two macro-particle model can capture some of the physics involved in the beam- electron cloud interaction qualitatively

    Effect of Lattice and Electron Distribution in Electron-Cloud Instability Simulations for the CERN SPS and LHC

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    Several simulation codes have been adapted so as to model the single-bunch electron-cloud instability including a realistic variation of the optical functions with longitudinal position. In addition, the electron cloud is typically not uniformly distributed around the ring, as frequently assumed, but it is mainly concentrated in certain regions with specific features, e.g., regions which give rise to strong multipacting or suffer from large synchrotron radiation flux. Particularly, electrons in a dipole magnet are forced to follow the vertical field lines and, depending on the bunch intensity, they may populate two vertical stripes, symmetrically located on either side of the beam. In this paper, we present simulation results for the CERN SPS and LHC, which can be compared with measurements or analytical predictions