7 research outputs found

    A Review of Microfluidic Chips Applications in Biological Diagnosis

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    Recent advances in science and technology caused the Revolution in many different fields of science and Industry. The term lab on a chip or performing difficult analyses only in a short time and in a small space is an expression which becomes very common in recent years. Today, the things which were wishes in the past, are becoming real and inserted in the real life of humankind. In this article, it is tried to study and discuss a special kind of lab on a chip technology, which is called microfluidic (or microchannel). Although this is a vast technology, and it was inserted in many branches of Science and Industry, but here, we have discussed only the applications of this technology in medical and biological diagnostic fields. In this article, we have especially surveyed the devices which were made based on this technology for DNA analysis, devices for detection based on separation, devices for cell sorting and handling and devices for protein-based applications

    Isolation and Identification of Pyrene-degrading Bacteria from Soils around Landfills in Shiraz and Their Growth Kinetic Assay

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    Background & Objectives: Pyrene is a kind of carcinogen hydrocarbon in environment and one of the top 129 pollutants as ranked by the U.S.Environmental Pretection Agency (USEPA). Today's commodious method that is considered by many researchers is the use of microorganisms to degrade these compounds from the environment. The goal of this research is separation and identification of the indigenous bacterias which are effective in decomposition of Pyrene hydrocarbon from soils around Shiraz Landfills. Isolated bacteria growth in the presence of different concentrations of the aforesaid organic pollutant was evaluated. Materials & Methods: Taking samples from Landfills were done after transportation them to the laboratory. The numbers of the bacterias were counted in a medium including Pyrene 0.6 g/l and in another medium without Pyrene. The isolated bacterias were separated by the enriched medium of hydrocarbon Pyrene and were recognized accordance with standards methods (specialty of colony, microscopic properties, fermentation of sugars and biochemical test).The kinetic growth of the separated bacterias was evaluated every 12 hours during 7 successive days. Results: It was reported that the numbers of the bacterias in the medium without Pyrene is more than those with Pyrene (cfu/g). The separated bacterias were included Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Micrococcus spp., Mycobacterium spp. These four isolated bacterias showed the best growth with Pyrene 0.6 g/l during third and fourth days. Conclusion: The separating bacterias, effecting in decomposition of PAH, make this possibility that the modern methods with more efficiency to be created for removing the carcinogen organic polluters from the environment. Moreover, the separated bacterias (relating to this research) can be applied to develop the microbial population in the areas that polluted with Pyrene

    The study of the frequency of dyes used in food products delivered at Fasa restaurants using Thin Layer Chromatography and spectrophotometric methods in 1397

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    Background & Objective: Today, in order to maintain or improve the appearance, composition, flavor and nutritional value for food, compounds called additive are added, that they lead to complications in the human body, which the colors are only one of these substances. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of consuming colors in saffron foods in Fasa in 1397 by thin layer chromatography and spectrophotometry methods. Materials & Methods: This is a type of Experimental study that was conducted by a cross-sectional study in Fasa. A total of 64 samples of food were collected from restaurants and after color extraction with Hydrochloric acid and purification, the color analysis was performed using thin-layer chromatography and spectrophotometry. The Data were analyzed using Excel software. Results: Out of 64 samples, 36 samples (56.2%) of natural color and 28 samples (43.8%) of artificial color were used. Of this amount, artificial color (57.1%) was non‐permitted artificial color (16 samples) and 42.9% of permitted artificial color (12 samples). Also, 75% of the natural colors used were saffron type. Conclusion: Considering the high level of artificial colors found in the samples of this study, preventive measures are essential because the high consumption of non-edible and edible color in foods and their adverse effects on health, raising the level of awareness of manufacturers and consumers about the complications, the amount of consumption or lack of use of these substances is necessary

    Association of IL18 gene polymorphisms (positions -656 G/T, -137 G/C and +105A/C) with Kala-Azar

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    Background & Objective: Host resistance to Leishmania infection is mediated by cellular immune responses leading to macrophage activation and parasite killing. IL-18 known as interferon-γ inducing factor, stimulate IFN-γ production by T-cells. According to the important role of IL-18 in defense against VL and known effect of IL-18 gene polymorphisms on its production, the aim of this study was to investigate the probable relation between IL-18 gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to VL in Iranian patients. Materials & Methods: The study groups included 118 pediatric patients suffered from VL and 156 non-relative healthy persons from the same endemic area as the patients. In both study groups IL-18 gene polymorphisms at positions -656 G/T, -137 G/C and +105A/C (codon 35/3) were analyzed by PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fregment Length Polymorphism). Results: The result showed that the frequency of T allele at position -656 was significantly higher in the controls compared to that in the patients (P=0.047). But in none of the genotypes of IL-18 there was significant difference between patients and controls. In addition, the distribution of ATG haplotype and AGG/ATG haplo-genotype were significantly higher in the controls compared to that in patients with VL (P=0.043and P=0.044, respectively). Furthermore a strong LDs (P<0.001) were detected between the -607, -137 and codon 35/3 SNPs. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study showed that the frequency of T allele at position -656 and ATG haplotype and AGG/ATG haplogenotype (positions +105, -656 and -137) were significantly higher in the controls. To the best of our knowledge no study has been conducted on IL-18 gene polymorphisms and VL in other countries, therefore, we were not able to compare our results with other investigations, so it seems that more researches in this field on other populations will be worthy

    The Effects of Ecologic Condition on Antimicrobial Activity of Endemic Herbal Extracts in Fars Province

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    Background & Objectives: Ecologic conditions affect production of effective pharmaceutical products. We evaluate the effect of ecologic conditions on antibacterial effects of herbal plants in Fars. Materials & Methods: We collected eight plant species including Trachyspermum copticum, Withania somnifera, Laurus nobilis, Carum carvi, Thymus, Rosemary, Zataria multiflora, and Lavandula in Fasa and Sepidan.. Their antibacterial effects were studied by disk diffusion method, well assay method, and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). Ecological and weather conditions were derived from internet. Results: Comparing with standard antibacterial indexes the following results were achieved. Fasa herbs including Trachyspermum copticum, Zataria multiflora, Laurus nobilis, and Rosemary had the most effect on Staphylococcus aureus, while Carum carvi had the least effect. This effect in Sepidan herbs was the most in Trachyspermum copticum, Zataria multiflora, and Rosemary, while Carum carvi had the least effect. Surveying the effects against E.coli among Fasa herbs, Zataria multiflora had the most and Carum carvi and Lavandula had the least effects. On the other hand, among Sepidan herbs, Trachyspermum had the highest and Carum carvi, Lavandula, and Laurus nobilis had the lowest effects on E.coli. Antibacterial effects of Fasa herbs against Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most in Zataria multiflora and Thymus and the least in Carum carvi. In Sepidan herbs, it was the highest in Zataria multiflora and the lowest in Carum carvi.Conclusion: Considering the differences in antibacterial effects of the herbs in two ecologic conditions, we suggest other researchers to pay attention to the mentioned effects in their studies

    Effect of Olanzapine on Pituitary –Gonad Axis and Spermatogenesis in Adult Male Rats

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    Bakground & Objective: Since Olanzapine is used in the treatment of psychosis and schizophrenia, the aim of this investigation was to assess the effect of Olanzapine on the pituitary –gonad axis and spermatogenesis in adult male rats.   Materials & Methods: In the present research, 50 male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups of 10, including control, sham, and experimental groups I, II, and III, which orally received 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg Olanzapine solution for 28 days, respectively. Twenty-four hours after the last treatment, all the rats were weighed and anesthetized. Blood samples were obtained from the heart and were centrifuged; the sera were thereafter evaluated for concentrations of LH, FSH, testosterone, and prolactin via the RIA method.   Results: The results show that there was a significant increase in the body weight of the group receiving 20 mg/kg Olanzapine solution. In addition, the results of hormone assay demonstrated that the serum concentrations of LH and FSH were comparable between the experimental groups, while there was a significant increase in prolactin and significant decrease in testosterone in the group receiving 20 mg/kg Olanzapine solution.   Conclusion: The changes observed in the subjects were due to the presence of compounds in the Olanzapine solution, especially Benzodiazepine, which affected the body weight and serum concentration of prolactin and testosterone in the groups receiving 20 mg/kg Olanzapine solution

    Surveying the Effect of the Phenol Compounds on Antibacterial Activity of Herbal Extracts: In vitro Assessment of Herbal Extracts in Fasa-Fars Province

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    Background & Objectives: Due to increase in&nbsp; bacterial drug resistance, discovering new antibacterial compounds is really important. The objective of this study is to evaluate the phenol compounds effect on antibacterial activity of herbal extracts of Fasa-Fars province in vitro. Materials & Methods: The antibacterial activity of 26 plants was studied by disk diffusion, well, and MIC methods in compare with 13 standard antibiotics against S. aureus and E. coli as control bacteria. Measurement of phenol compounds were performed by Seevers and Daly colorimetric methods using Folin-ciocalteu indicator. Results: Inhibition zone of bacterial growth&nbsp; against S. aureus in well and disk methods were 32 and 22 mm in using Zataria multiflora, respectively .And there were 23 and 16 mm against E. coli in Zataria multiflora, respectively. Less effects and inhibition zones, less than 15mm on both strains, were seen in using&nbsp; Saturina hortensis, Cinamomum zeylanicum, &shy;Artemisia absinthium, &shy;Urtica dioica, Carum carvi L. cyminum Cuminum, Achillea fragrantissimia, Marticaria chamomilla, Zingiber officinale, Origanum majorana, and Plantago psyllium. Most effective MIC results, 7.8 &micro;g/ml, were related to the extracts of Zataria multiflora, Carum copticum L. Rosmarinus officinalis L., and Laurus nobilis L. Phenol compound amounts were approximately between 66.51&plusmn;1.9 and 233.15&plusmn;5.1 mg/gr extract in Zataria multiflora and Plantago psyllium, respectively. Conclusion: Results of antibacterial activity of extracts and relation with phenol compound amounts indicate the antibacterial effect of phenol compounds in herbal extracts