11 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Ecological indicators are that are affected by, and indicate effects of, anthropogenic environmental stress or disturbance on ecosystems. Some anuran species constitute valuable biological indicators of certain types of habitat disruptions. This study aims to evaluate the level of disturbance or conservation of Banco National Park (BNP), a West African rain forest, using anuran assemblage. The standardized transects technique, based on acoustic and visual surveys, was used. We identified 28 species, 13 genera and 8 families in BNP. Typology based on environmental variables and anuran assemblage permit to identify four habitats groups according to disturbance and wetland gradients. IndVal index allowed isolation of 15 indicator species from the 28 species identified. Taxa indicators conserved closed canopy habitats types were, in order of relative importance, Phrynobatrachus liberiensis, P. ghanensis, P. phyllophilus, Morerella cyanophthalma and Aubria subsigillata. Disturbed open habitats were characterized by Ptychadena mascareniensis, P. pumilio, Hyperolius guttulatus, Afrixalus dorsalis, Hoplobatrachus occipitalis, Phrynobatrachus latifrons, Amietophrynus maculatus, Hyperolius fusciventris, Amietophrynus regularis, Hylarana albolabris in order of relative importance. These results showed that BNP was well preserved so far, except for the central clearing and the forest edges which were altered by human activities


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    ABSTRACT The diet of Phrynobatrachus latifrons, an invasive frog species of the Banco National Park, was carried out in the park fish farm area from March 2004 to February 2005. The prey composition was determined from stomach contents of 60 voucher specimens (30 males and 30 females) with respect to sexes and seasons in order to have a better understanding of the species' ecology. Our results revealed that P. latifrons consumed various prey items ranging from insects, crustaceans, annelids, arachnids, molluscs, millipedes to plant parts. However, at sex level males mainly preferred ants and in addition spiders while ants especially were the major prey of females. With respect to seasons, this anuran preferred mostly preying on winged ants predominantly in the rainy season, and wingless ants and spiders as dominant prey in the dry season. Further surveys should document if the plant parts found in the frog's stomach contents are devoured deliberately or not


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    Istraživanje se usredotočilo na raznolikost ihtiofaune te njen status očuvanja i osjetljivosti u slatkovodnoj laguni Aghien (jugoistočno od Obale Slonovače). Za prikupljanje podataka o ribama korištena su dvapristupa uzorkovanja: eksperimentalni i tradicionalni ribolov. Kao rezultat, 80 vrsta zabilježenih u laguni raspoređeno je u 55 rodova, 27 porodica i 10 redova. Najčešće zastupljeni redovi su Perciformes, Siluriformes, Osteoglossiformes, Characiformes, Cyprusinodontiformes i Pleuronectiformes. Cichlidae, Mormyridae i Clupeidae predstavljale su najraznolikije porodice. Sa pojavnošćuod 100%, najčeste vrste su bile: Brycinus longipinnis, Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, Pellonula leonensis, Schilbe intermedius i S. mandibularis. U ukupnoj ribljoj populaciji, aprema IUCN crvenoj listi, četiri vrste su opisane kao „skoro ugrožene“ (Coptodon walteri, Marcusenius furcidens, Galeoides decadactylus i Cynoglossus senegalensis), četiri su zabilježene kao „osjetljive“ (B. brevis, Rhexipanchax nimbaensis, Enteromius raimbaulti i Tilapia busumana) i jedna vrsta kao „ugrožena“ (Pseudotolithus senegalensis).Kategorije vrsta koje imaju interes za očuvanje prema IUCN crvenoj listi predstavljaju 10,26% od cjelokupne populacije. Populacija ribe u Aghien laguni podijeljena je u sedam klasa u rasponu od „niske“ do „vrlo visoke“ osjetljivosti, u pogledu osjetljivosti na stres i ribolovni pritisak.This study focused on the diversity of fish fauna, its conservation status and its vulnerability in the Aghien freshwater lagoon (southeast of Côte d\u27Ivoire). For the fish data collection, two sampling approaches were used: experimental fishing and artisanal fishing. As a result, 80 species observed in this lagoon are distributed into 55 genera, 27 families and 10 orders. The best represented orders are the Perciformes, Siluriformes, Osteoglossiformes, Characiformes, Cyprinodontiformes and Pleuronectiformes. The Cichlidae, Mormyridae and Clupeidae represented the best diversified family. With an occurrence of 100%, the most frequent species are: Brycinus longipinnis, Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, Pellonula leonensis, Schilbe intermedius and S. mandibularis. In the whole fish population, according to IUCN red list, four species where described as Near Threatened (Coptodon walteri, Marcusenius furcidens, Galeoides decadactylus and Cynoglossus senegalensis), four as Vulnerable (B. brevis, Rhexipanchax nimbaensis, Enteromius raimbaulti and Tilapia busumana)and one as Endangered species (Pseudotolithus senegalensis). These categories of species that have a conservation interest according to theIUCN Red List represent respectively 10.26% of the whole population. Fish population of the Aghien Lagoon are divided into seven classes ranging from "low" to "very high" vulnerability, regarding the vulnerability to stress due to fishing pressure

    Genetic identification of hybrids between two autochthonous tilapia species,

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    Tilapia species are able to hybridize in captivity or in natural conditions following introduction of alien species. Here, we report a case of hybridization between two (and perhaps three) autochthonous species, Tilapia zillii and T. guineensis, resulting from a modification of their environment due to human activities. The man-made dam Ayamé (Côte d'Ivoire) transformed the River Bia into a lake (Lake Ayamé, area: 197 km2). In this new environment, both tilapia species have hybridized. In order to study hybridization along the Bia System, 25 allozyme loci have been screened in 470 specimens from ten locations. Two loci LDH-1 and PGI-2 were diagnostic between the two different species and can be used to identify hybrids in each sampling location of the River Bia basin. The percentage of pure T. zillii individuals in Lake Ayamé varied from 18.1% in Ebikro to 4.2% in Kétesso while percentage of pure T. guineensis varied from 81.3% in Yaou to 50.0% in Ebikro. The proportions of hybrids varied from 8.3% in Yaou to 31.9% in Ebikro. The existence of private alleles observed in tilapia from Lake Ayamé compared to what has been observed in both reference populations, T. zillii and T. guineensis led to the hypothesis that a third species could have been engaged in this hybridization. This third species is likely to be T. busumana, formerly present in the lake but now rarely observed. If this natural hybridization is due to the dam construction and the correlated ecological changes, then other hybridizations could result since many dams have been constructed within the range of these species in Côte d'Ivoire

    Utilisation des ressources en eaux, assainissement et risques sanitaires dans les quartiers précaires de la commune de Port-Bouët (Abidjan; Côte d’Ivoire)

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    The sanitation, water sources and utilizations, and the health status of the population about malaria (SPP) and diarrhea (SD) have been evaluated in 6 precarious area (Abattoir, Adjouffou, Derrière wharf, Tofiato, Vridi canal et Zimbabwe) at Port-Bouet in Côte d’Ivoire. An overall of 567 concessions were checked and the population were about 9 741. Human excreta in these areas are dumped in self-sanitation systems (septic tank, unsewered public toilets and family latrines) (8-69%), but 3 to 42% of the inhabitant dumped their excreta in the nature. The clustering of these precarious areas upon sanitation gave 2 groups: Derrière wharf, Adjouffou, Zimbabwe, Tofiato and Vridi canal composed the first group and Abattoir the second one. The discrimination of Abattoir from the others precarious area could be explained by the best sanitation of excreta and rainwater. But, domestic water is dumped on the soil surface (73-100%) in all of the precarious area. Only a few portion of the wastewater is dumped in a septic tank (1-22%). The inhabitants have both access to the potable water distributed by SODECI (99%). This water is essentially used for drinking. The second source of water (well water) in the precarious areas is used as supplement for washing, bathing and as dishwater. The clustering of the precarious area upon water utilization gave 2 groups: Derrière wharf, Tofiato, Adjouffou and Vridi canal composed the first group, and the second one is composed by Abattoir and Zimbabwe. The first group uses more well water than the potable one of SODECI, although in the second group, the potable water is essentially used for all of the duties. The health statues of the inhabitants is worrying, as about 64% are ill, with 45% of SPP and 19% of SD. Children ([0-8 age]) are the most concerned, with 70% of illness, composed of 32% of SPP and of 48% SD

    Reproductive biology of Chromidotilapia guntheri (Sauvage, 1882) (Cichlidae, Perciformes) in four coastal rivers (Ehania, Noé, Soumié and Eholié) of Côte d’Ivoire in West Africa

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    The reproductive activities of a small Cichlid Chromidotilapia guntheri were investigated from July 2003 to March 2005 in four coastal rivers (Ehania, Eholié, Noé and Soumié), in the southeast of Côte d’Ivoire. Trends in gonadosomatic indices and reproductive stages of development suggested that C. guntheri is a multiple (fractional) spawner and breeds all year round with little fluctuation in spawning intensity. However, spawning activities were more intensive in August and September. The estimated mean standard length at first maturity did not differ significantly between rivers. It was, in the overall population, 85.53 mm SL for males and 100.13 mm SL for females. In general, the sex ratio differed from 1:1 with the predominance of the males in rivers, standard length classes, seasons and the entire population. Absolute fecundity (F) varied from a minimum of 70 to a maximum of 470 eggs. The range of variation in the relative fecundity was from 3066 to 9135 eggs per kilogram of fish in the total population. Fecundity did not differ extensively between rivers. The absolute fecundity relations to fish standard length (SL) and eviscerated weight (We) were best described in the whole population by the following equations: F = 0.00069 × SL2.72 and F = 2.54 × We1.15, respectively. Moreover, there was no relationship between absolute fecundity and oocyte diameter

    Reproductive biology of

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    The reproductive activities of a small Cichlid Chromidotilapia guntheri were investigated from July 2003 to March 2005 in four coastal rivers (Ehania, Eholié, Noé and Soumié), in the southeast of Côte d’Ivoire. Trends in gonadosomatic indices and reproductive stages of development suggested that C. guntheri is a multiple (fractional) spawner and breeds all year round with little fluctuation in spawning intensity. However, spawning activities were more intensive in August and September. The estimated mean standard length at first maturity did not differ significantly between rivers. It was, in the overall population, 85.53 mm SL for males and 100.13 mm SL for females. In general, the sex ratio differed from 1:1 with the predominance of the males in rivers, standard length classes, seasons and the entire population. Absolute fecundity (F) varied from a minimum of 70 to a maximum of 470 eggs. The range of variation in the relative fecundity was from 3066 to 9135 eggs per kilogram of fish in the total population. Fecundity did not differ extensively between rivers. The absolute fecundity relations to fish standard length (SL) and eviscerated weight (We) were best described in the whole population by the following equations: F = 0.00069 × SL2.72 and F = 2.54 × We1.15, respectively. Moreover, there was no relationship between absolute fecundity and oocyte diameter

    Spatio-temporal patterns of fish assemblages in coastal West African rivers: a self-organizing map approach

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    We investigated spatio-temporal patterns of fish assemblages in four small coastal rivers in South-East Ivory Coast. The samples were collected between July 2003 and March 2005 at 8 sampling sites (2 per river: 1 upstream and 1 downstream). A total of 59 fish species belonging to 39 genera, 23 families and 11 orders were captured. Perciforms (30% of the families and 33% of the species), followed by Siluriforms (22% and 22%), Osteoglossiforms (13% and 17%), Characiforms (9% and 10%) and Pleuronectiforms (9% and 3%) were the most abundant orders. Among the families sampled, Cichlidae (20% of the species), Mormyridae (13%), Clariidae (10%), Cyprinidae (10%) and Characidae (8%) were largely represented. Among the 59 fish species captured, we identified fifteen marine/brackish species and two introduced species. To analyse patterns of fish assemblages, we used a non-linear clustering technique, the self-organizing map (SOM). Using SOM, samples were classified into 4 clusters, mainly related to the spatial location of the sampling sites. Except for the distance from the source of the river, environmental variables (width, depth, current velocity) did not show a clear distribution gradient on the SOM map. This pattern was explained by the abundance of estuarine/marine species (i.e. 25% of the species) characterizing the lower course of the rivers studied. Such a distribution of estuarine/marine species colonizing the lower and middle course of the rivers was explained by the absence of dams and contrasts with the patterns observed in more fragmented rivers of Ivory Coast. Therefore, we suggest that these small streams should be preserved in order to permit estuarine/marine species to migrate between streams and the Aby lagoon, thus allowing their large distribution and their reproduction in favourable habitats. We suggest particular attention be given to the Soumié River basin which represents the only preserved stream ecosystem within the Bia River basin

    Morerella cyanophthalma Rödel, Kosuch, Grafe, Boistel, Assemian, Kouamé, Tohé, Gourène, Perret, Henle, Tafforeau & Pollet, 2009, sp. nov.

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    <i>Morerella cyanophthalma</i> sp. nov. Rödel, Assemian, Kouamé, Tohé & Perret <p>Figs 1–8</p> <p> <b>Holotype</b>. MHNG 2131.44, adult male, Banco National Park, N 05°25', W 04°03', Ivory Coast, 1980, coll. Jean-Luc Perret.</p> <p> <b>Paratypes</b>. MHNG 2131.36-43, 45-55, 17 adult males, two adult females, other data as holotype; SMNS 11939 adult male, Banco National Park, near forest school, N 05°23’.104’’, W 04°03.072’’, Ivory Coast, 4 September 2003, coll. N.E. Assemian, N.G. Kouamé, B. Tohé & M.-O. Rödel; SMNS 11940, adult male, stained and cleared, other data as SMNS 11939; ZFMK 82796, adult male, same data as SMNS 11939; ZMB 71565 (GenBank accession numbers: 16S: FJ594100; 12S: FJ594106; Cytb: FJ594111), adult male, same data as SMNS 11939; ZMB 71566, adult male, stained and cleared, same data as SMNS 11939; ZMB 71588- 71590, 73271, four adult males, Banco National Park, swampy forest with shallow puddles near river and open area near fish culture ponds, N 05°25’, W 04°03’, Ivory Coast, 23 September 2004, coll. N.E. Assemian, N.G. Kouamé, B. Tohé & M.-O. Rödel.</p> <p> <b>Additional material.</b> ZMB 71591, 23 tadpoles (Gosner stage 23–41) and six metamorphs from captive breeding (parents from type locality); ZFMK 42351-42355, 42390, two males, four females, wet primary rainforest, Azagny National Park, Ivory Coast, 22 February to 9 May 1984, coll. K. Henle.</p> <p> <b>Description of the holotype</b> (measurements in mm). The holotype is an adult male in reproductive status. Slender body (SUL 30.1); comparatively flat head; slightly pointed snout; head width (9.7) approaches one third of SUL; inter-orbital-distance (3.8) equals diameter of large and protruding eyes (4.0); pupil horizontal oval; tympanum small (1.3) but distinct, reaches only about one third of eye diameter; internarial-distance is 2.4; naris much closer to snout tip (0.6) than to eye (2.7); loreal region very slightly convex; canthus rostralis present and rounded; large granular gular gland (7.8 x 6.5) stretching from middle of the throat onto anterior part of breast (Fig. 1); no dilatable skin beneath or around gular gland; upper mandible with minute teeth; prevomerine teeth absent; tongue heart shaped, slightly notched posteriorly, more than two thirds free; dorsal surfaces with minute spines, largest spines densely on lower and outer part of hind feet; ventral surfaces granular; femur length (14.3) and tibia length (15.7) reach about half SUL; foot incl. longest toe (21.2) reaches about two thirds of SUL; finger and toe tips enlarged to round discs; finger formula: 1<2<4<3; only traces of webbing between fingers; one subarticular tubercle on fingers 1, 2 and 3, 2 subarticular tubercles on finger 3; small plamar tubercle (Fig. 2); toe formula: 1<2<3=5>4; toe 2, 3 and 5 with two subarticular tubercles, toe one with one tubercle, toe 4 with three tubercles; small elongate inner metatarsal tubercle; lower side of feet densely beset with flattened tubercles; webbing formula: 1 (1), 2 i /e (1-0.5), 3 i /e (1-0.5), 4 i /e (1), 5</p> <p> <b>Color of holotype in preservative</b>. Dorsal surfaces dark reddish brown with irregular black spots on back, lower arm and lower leg; thighs dorsally uniform red brown; dark canthal stripes; lips whitish with brown spots; throat with brownish spots; gular gland yellowish beige; flanks clear brown dorsally, almost white ventrally; belly whitish; toe and finger tips slightly darker than rest of hand and feet; lower side of feet grey; lower parts of thighs uniform pinkish brown in anterior half, posterior half with many darker spots, ventral part of lower leg uniform pinkish.</p> <p> <b>Variation</b>. Morphologically the type series is similar to the holotype. Both sexes may reach a maximum SUL of 34–35 mm. However, adult males were significantly smaller than adult females (Mann-Whitney- <i>U</i> test, <i>Z</i> = -3.515, <i>p</i> = <0.001; N= 88). Morphological measures are summarized in Tab. 4. Females lack the gular gland and spines. In live animals dorsal and ventral skin surfaces of both sexes were always granular. In preservation dorsal skin appears smooth in most males. In contrast female skin is still granular. The gular gland is already present in male frogs exceeding 23 mm SUL. Gland size varies considerably (Fig. 1) but generally increases with body size (Spearman rank correlation between SUL and gular gland surface, <i>r s</i> = 0.518, <i>p</i> = 0.016, N= 21). While calling the gland is slightly bulged to a small semisphere, also comprising the anterior part of the breast.</p> <p>males females</p> <p> Although <i>M. cyanophthalma</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> is morphologically invariable, the colour pattern varies (Fig. 3). The sexes are dichromatic. The females have a uniform brownish red, red-beige or bright orange-red dorsum, including extremities and toe and finger discs. Their throat and belly is colored whitish yellow to orange, the ventral parts of hind limbs are bright yellow or orange. The iris of females is grayish blue to bright blue. The iris of males varies from porcelain white in bright sunlight to grayish or yellowish brown in darker surroundings. Male dorsal surfaces including extremities vary between dark brown or almost black, to clear beige. Males’ backs can be either uniform or covered with smaller blackish and/or yellowish spots. In daytime retreats some males change to almost female orange coloration. At night the basic color of males changes to a clear yellow. Males almost always have dark canthal stripes (not visible in very dark individuals), that sometimes is bordered dorsally by a narrow yellowish stripe. The latter often continues behind the eyes as a dorsolateral band, which however, almost always breaks into spots and vanishes just dorsal to the forearm origin. Males’ throats and gular glands are whitish yellow to yellow. The bellies are white, rarely yellow, the lower surfaces of hind limbs are dark grey, in rare cases orange like in females. Breasts and the ventral parts of males’ forearms are flesh-colored, possibly indicating pectoral and humeral glands. Toe and finger tips exhibit the coloration of the back or are grey. In preservation most males are identical to the holotype. Dorsolateral bands remain visible in preservation, few males have almost uniform brown backs. Females in preservation are uniform brown dorsally and uniform clear pinkish ventrally or almost uniform clear beige with minute small black points.</p> <p> <b>Osteology</b>. Skull slightly longer than broad; snout rounded in dorsal and ventral view (Fig. 4); surfaces of skull almost smooth; nasals triangular, not in contact with each other, canthal area rounded; sphenethmoid not visible dorsally; ventroanterior portion of sphenethmoid unfused, consisting of two elements; frontoparietal large and rectangular; quadratojugal narrow, contacts maxilla anteriorly; maxilla and premaxilla with minute teeth, prevomerine teeth absent; columella present; thyrohyal bones on cartilaginous stalks; posterolateral process of hyoid absent; anteriormost portion of the anterior horn of hyoid absent, hence horn composed of an anteromedial and a lateral process (staining and microtomography revealed slight differences in the shape of the lateral element of the anterior horn; Fig. 5); vertebrae diplasiocoelous; neural arches non-imbricate, not completely roofing the spinal canal; transverse processes of eighth vertebra not angled markedly forward (Fig. 6); pectoral girdle firmisternal; medial margins of coracoids entire; omosternum greatly forked, space between arms more than twice width of one arm; sternum ratio of caudal margin to anterior margin is 2.3; sternum completely ossified (microtomography results showed a more compressed sternum compared to staining and clearing, Fig. 6 a & b); terminal phalanges slender, slightly curved and peniform; intercalary elements between ultimate and penultimate phalanges of fingers and toes present and completely mineralized (Fig. 2).</p> <p> <b>Vocalization</b>. The advertisement call was a tonal note typically repeated 2–3 times (Fig. 7). Calls were short in duration (83 <i>±</i> 7 ms, range 76–90 ms, N= 3). Intervals between calls within a call group averaged 174 <i>±</i> 8 ms (range = 122–236 ms, N= 3). Dominant frequency of calls was 2.40 <i>±</i> 0.02 kHz (range = 2.38–2.41 kHz, N= 3).</p> <p> <b>Tadpole description</b>. Exotrophic, lentic tadpoles; Gosner stage 25– 28 larvae with: body elongate ovoid in dorsal, slightly depressed in lateral view (Fig. 8), sides of body almost parallel; small eyes, positioned dorsolaterally; nares large, positioned dorsally, approximately equal distance to eyes and snout-tip; oral apparatus in anteroventral position; dorsal lip wide and smooth, with anterior gap of marginal papillae; ventral lip with large, biserial marginal papillae; submarginal papillae absent; upper jaw sheath is a narrow smooth arc; lower jaw sheath u-shaped; labial tooth row formula in young stages just after hatching: 0/0; stage 25 tadpoles and older have a labial tooth row formula of 1/1+1:2; supra-angular labial teeth row on bulging lip; infra-angular labial teeth rows on separate dermal lobes (Fig. 8); few labial teeth unidenticulate (most on upper lip); most labial teeth multidenticulate (Fig. 8); vent tube dextral; spiracle sinistral; very long tail axis (> 2 times body length); tail axis height almost equals height of dorsal fin; dorsal fin originates dorsal to tail body junction, highest point is anterior to mid point of tail; ventral fin narrower than tail axis, almost parallel to tail axis; tail tip rounded. Body clear brownish dorsally, a band stretching between eyes from tail body junction anteriorly to level of nares slightly clearer brown, bordered by reddish brown line, lateral and ventral body parts almost translucent; three pairs of silverish spots caudal to eyes, converging towards mid body; tail axis cream with a narrow dorsal brown stripe, tail fins hyaline.</p> <p> Freshly hatched tadpoles have very large yolk sacs; a body length of 2.3 mm and a total length of 5.6 mm. Shortly before metamorphosis (Gosner stages 37–41) tadpoles reach body lengths of 10.18–11.78 mm (<i>x</i> = 11.12 mm ± 0.67 <i>sd</i>; N= 4) and total lengths of 37.37–40.73 mm (<i>x</i> = 38.55 mm ± 1.58 <i>sd</i>; N= 4). Snouturostyle length of froglets with four limbs and no or only short tails ranged from 9.75–13.31 mm (<i>x</i> = 11.45 mm ± 1.14 <i>sd</i>; N= 6).</p> <p> <b>Natural history</b>. The type locality of <i>M. cyanophthalma</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> is a water filled rill (1 m width, about 50 cm deep; clear; slow-flowing water; submerged vegetation) that is situated between a clearing and swampy rainforest (1–5 m apart; see Fig. 7 in Assemian <i>et al.</i> 2006). On 4 September 2003 we recorded about 15 males and one female (16–21 hours; 25 man-hours), all calling from the forest side of the rill. The type locality is situated in the centre of Banco National Park. This area consists of the Banco River, very swampy forest and a large clearing with many stagnant pools that are used to breed <i>Tilapia</i> species. <i>M. cyanophthalma</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> was also recorded from a few other forest sites in Banco National Park, however, all close to the type locality. Other frog species recorded near the type locality (forest and clearing) were: <i>Amietophrynus maculatus</i> (Hallowell, 1854), <i>Amietophrynus regularis</i> (Reuss, 1833), <i>Hoplobatrachus occipitalis</i> (Günther, 1858), <i>Aubria subsigillata</i> (Duméril, 1856), <i>Hylarana albolabris</i> (Hallowell, 1856), <i>Ptychadena mascareniensis</i> (Duméril & Bibron, 1841), <i>Phrynobatrachus ghanensis</i> Schiøtz, 1964, <i>P. liberiensis</i> Barbour & Loveridge, 1927, <i>Arthroleptis</i> spp., <i>Leptopelis spiritusnoctis</i> Rödel, 2007, <i>Afrixalus dorsalis</i> (Peters, 1875), <i>Hyperolius concolor</i> (Hallowell, 1844), <i>H. picturatus</i> Peters, 1875, <i>H. guttulatus</i> Günther, 1858, <i>H. fusciventris lamtoensis</i> Schiøtz, 1967.</p> <p> <i>M. cyanophthalma</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> is a nocturnal tree-frog, becoming active when darkness falls (18:00–19:00 hours). Calling peaked in the field between 20:00 and 21:00 hours. After 01:00 hours in the morning, calls are uttered only very rarely. Males and females sit at heights of 0.4–1.8 m on leaves of herbs and shrubs in swampy areas close to creeks and rivers. During daytime they sometimes hide in the leaf litter, but usually between leaves of herbs and shrubs. In the lab (12/12 light cycle) the frogs spend the day well hidden in leaf axils. Calling activity started later than in the field, sometimes not before midnight. On very hot and humid days, males also called during daytime. We only once discovered a clutch deposited shortly after noon. Most clutches seemed to have been deposited at night. Eggs were usually attached in groups to the dorsal surface of leaves or roots, mostly 2–15 cm above water (N> 10). In a few cases we found eggs attached to a root just below water surface (N= 2) or in the water (N= 2). Eggs that were covered with water did not develop. We often observed frogs sitting on the lower side of leaves just above the clutches, but we are uncertain whether this constitutes parental care. Egg numbers ranged from 30– 144 eggs (<i>x=</i> 73.8 ± 39.3 <i>sd;</i> N= 8). The mean germ size of the black and white eggs was 1.53 mm (± 0.08 mm <i>sd</i>; N= 9). Mean size of the eggs with jelly was 4.69 mm (± 1.00 mm <i>sd;</i> N= 9). Tadpoles hatched after 8–10 days with a large, bulging yolk sac, external gills, mouth still closed. One day after hatching tadpoles were free swimming. The mouth of eight day old tadpoles started opening; upper and lower jaw sheets became visible as narrow arches. The tadpoles still had external gills. Tadpoles lost the external gills after eleven days when they started feeding. Further development in captivity was very slow and most tadpoles died of unknown reasons. Embryos only developed and hatched successfully in slightly acid water (pH 6–6.5) and very low conductivity. In captivity we recorded the first clutch on 11 May 2004 (egg count not possible). The same female deposited further clutches on 17 June (59 eggs) and 23 July 2004 (97 eggs), respectively. On 9 October 2006 the first F 1 female deposited a clutch of more than 100 eggs. Developmental time under natural conditions is unknown.</p> <p> The <i>Morerella</i> specimens from Azagny National Park were collected in wet to swampy primary forest with comparatively low canopy (18 m) and <i>Raphia</i> palms. They were sitting in low heights, but always above 1.5 m. These places where often above water or floating herbs. Their morphology clearly characterizes them as members of the new genus. Future research is needed to discern if this population is conspecific with <i>M. cyanophthalma</i> or if they represent another new species of this genus.</p> <p> <b>Distribution</b>. So far the new species is known from a few sites within Banco National Park, Ivory Coast. Additional frogs possibly conspecific with the new species have been recorded by us (K. Henle) in the Azagny National Park, 100 km west of Abidjan (see non-type material). K.E. Linsenmair (pers. comm.) took a picture of a morphologically similar looking frog (although completely yellow) in southern Taï National Park, 350 km from the type locality.</p> <p> <b>Etymology</b>. The species name is based on the Greek and refers to the bright blue [blue = cyano] color of the females’ eyes [eye = ophthalmos].</p> <p> <b>Conservation status</b>. According to the IUCN Red List categories and criteria <i>M. cyanophthalma</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> is Critically Endangered (Baillie <i>et al.</i> 2004). This categorization is based on the fact that the extent of occurrence is less than 100 km ² and the area of occupancy is less than 10 km ². A population decline, by habitat loss and/or reduced habitat quality, can be inferred by the close proximity to Abidjan. If the records from Azagny and/or Taï National Park would be conspecific with <i>M. cyanophthalma</i> <b>sp. nov.</b>, the species’ status should be changed to Endangered or Vulnerable, respectively.</p>Published as part of <i>Rödel, Mark-Oliver, Kosuch, Joachim, Grafe, Ulmar, Boistel, Renaud, Assemian, Emmanuel, Kouamé, N'Goran G., Tohé, Blayda, Gourène, Germain, Perret, Jean-Luc, Henle, Klaus, Tafforeau, Paul & Pollet, Nicolas, 2009, A new tree-frog genus and species from Ivory Coast, West Africa (Amphibia: Anura: Hyperoliidae), pp. 23-45 in Zootaxa 2044</i> on pages 29-37, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/186394">10.5281/zenodo.186394</a&gt

    Morerella Rödel, Kosuch, Grafe, Boistel, Assemian, Kouamé, Tohé, Gourène, Perret, Henle, Tafforeau & Pollet, 2009, gen. nov.

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    <i>Morerella</i> gen. nov. Rödel, Kosuch, Grafe, Boistel & Veith <p> <b>Comparative diagnosis</b>. This monotypic genus is characterized as follows: medium-sized tree-frogs with slender body and large protruding eyes; pupil horizontally oval (<i>Acanthixalus, Afrixalus, Arlequinus, Callixalus, Kassina, Kassinula, Opisthothylax, Paracassina, Phlyctimantis, Semnodactylus</i>, <i>Tachycnemis</i> have rhomboidal square or vertical pupils); tympanum small but distinct (absent in <i>Acanthixalus, Callixalus, Chrysobatrachus</i>, <i>Opisthothylax,</i> absent or indistinct in most <i>Hyperolius</i> and <i>Afrixalus</i>); males with medium sized, medioposterior gular gland (gland shared among males of all hyperoliid species); no thin dilatable skin beneath and around gular gland (only shared with <i>Opisthothylax</i> and <i>Tachycnemis,</i> all other hyperoliid genera with differing gular glands); males with small spines on back and on extremities (spines on back and/or extremities are also present in male <i>Acanthixalus, Afrixalus, Alexteroon obstetricans, Arlequinus, Chlorolius</i>, some <i>Hyperolius,</i> all other hyperoliids without spines); sphenethmoid not visible dorsally (similar in: <i>Acanthixalus, Afrixalus, Callixalus, Chrysobatrachus, Opisthothylax, Paracassina, Kassina senegalensis ruandae, Heterixalus</i> and many <i>Hyperolius</i>; sphenethmoid dorsally visible to some extent: <i>Crypthothylax, Kassina, Kassinula, Semnodactylus, Phlyctimantis, Tachycnemis</i>, some <i>Hyperolius</i>); ventroanterior portion of sphenethmoid unfused, consisting of two elements (a single bony plate in some <i>Kassina, Semnodactylus</i>, some <i>Phlyctimantis, Paracassina</i>); non-imbricate neural arches that do not completely roof the spinal canal (imbricate, concealing the spinal canal in <i>Cryptothylax, Kassina, Paracassina, Phlyctimantis, Semnodactylus</i>); transverse processes of eighth vertebra not angled markedly forward (markedly angled forward in some <i>Afrixalus,</i> some <i>Hyperolius</i>, some <i>Kassina, Semnodactylus, Kassinula, Opisthothylax</i>); a greatly forked omosternum, where the space between arms is more than twice the width of one arm (omosternum unforked or forked in a way that the space between arms is less than twice the width of one arm: <i>Callixalus</i>, some <i>Hyperolius</i>, <i>Paracassina</i>); a thyrohyal that is positioned on a cartilaginous stalk (shared with all other hyperoliid genera); form of anterior horn of hyoid shared with most other hyperoliids (with exception of some <i>Kassina,</i> some <i>Hyperolius,</i> and <i>Paracassina</i>); posterolateral process of hyoid absent (present in <i>Acanthixalus, Cryptothylax, Heterixalus, Semnodactylus</i> and <i>Tachycnemis</i>); sternum completely ossified (at least partly cartilaginous in all other hyperoliid genera); discs on finger and toe tips round (broader than long in <i>Acanthixalus</i>, <i>Arlequinus</i>); intercalary elements of phalanges completely mineralized (at least centre cartilaginous in <i>Acanthixalus, Callixalus, Chrysobatrachus, Opisthothylax</i>); third carpal bone on foot free, not fused with fourth and fifth (family character); sexes dichromatic (this applies, as in other hyperoliid genera, to adults only; similar in coloration in: <i>Acanthixalus, Afrixalus, Alexteroon, Arlequinus, Callixalus, Chlorolius, Chrysobatrachus, Kassina, Kassinula, Opisthothylax, Paracassina, Phlyctimantis, Semnodactylus,</i> some <i>Hyperolius</i> and <i>Heterixalus</i>); short advertisement call that is tonal, grouped, and not pulsed (principle characters shared with <i>Alexteroon, Kassinula</i> and <i>Opisthothylax; Acanthixalus</i>, <i>Arlequinus</i> and <i>Callixalus</i> are believed to be mute; however, an outstanding bell-like sound from <i>Acanthixalus spinosus</i> was reported by Amiet 1989; other genera with differing characters of advertisement call or call unknown; Tab. 3); arboreal eggs and aquatic larval stages (reproductive modes of <i>Callixalus, Chrysobatrachus, Kassinula</i> and <i>Tachycnemis</i> not known; arboreal egg deposition shared with <i>Acanthixalus</i>, <i>Afrixalus, Alexteroon, Arlequinus</i>, possibly <i>Chlorolius</i>, some <i>Hyperolius</i> that live in forest environments, and <i>Opisthothylax</i>); eggs deposited exposed on leaves or small branches (terrestrial clutches of other hyperoliid species are often protected by being folded into or covered by leaves, many <i>Afrixalus</i> and some <i>Hyperolius</i>, e.g. <i>concolor, viridistriatus</i>; foam: <i>Opisthothylax</i>, or egg guarding: <i>Alexteroon</i>); cytochrome <i>b</i>, 16S and 12S rDNA sequences different to the nine other hyperoliid genera with known genetic sequences (see above). Based on its genetic characters and the gular glands in males, <i>Morerella</i> <b>gen. nov.</b> is clearly defined as a member of the family Hyperoliidae. The type species is described below.</p> <p> <b>Etymology</b>. The genus is dedicated to Jean-Jacques Morère who first discovered these frogs.</p> <p> by -. Genera that contain species with both high and low values are indicated by +/-; * = formerly <i>Nesionixalus</i>.</p>Published as part of <i>Rödel, Mark-Oliver, Kosuch, Joachim, Grafe, Ulmar, Boistel, Renaud, Assemian, Emmanuel, Kouamé, N'Goran G., Tohé, Blayda, Gourène, Germain, Perret, Jean-Luc, Henle, Klaus, Tafforeau, Paul & Pollet, Nicolas, 2009, A new tree-frog genus and species from Ivory Coast, West Africa (Amphibia: Anura: Hyperoliidae), pp. 23-45 in Zootaxa 2044</i> on pages 28-29, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/186394">10.5281/zenodo.186394</a&gt