40 research outputs found

    el Mediterranisme catal脿 r貌tol "mesura de pes"

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    Tutejar i tuejar "parlar de tu"

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    Hom ha considerat l'aspecte sociol貌gic del tuteig i de la seva creixent extensi贸. El gal.licisme tutejar, amb la t铆pica reduplicaci贸 de tipus franc猫s, lluita amb la forma genu茂na tuejar, fins ara pobrament documentada. Ullada al castell脿 tutear, tamb茅 gal.licisme (com ho s贸n el portugu猫s tutear i l'itali脿 tuteggiare) que ha bandejat el genu铆 atuar, que t茅 la mateixa estructura que el portugu猫s atuar.The sociological aspect of the tuteig (use of the familiar form of the second person singular)is examined, along with its increasing use. The gallicism tutejar, with the reduplicationtypical of French, conflicts with the genuine form tuejar, poorly documented up to now.A consideration of the Spanish tutear, also a gallicism (like the Portuguese tutear and the Italiantuteggiare) which has replaced the genuine atuar, with the same structure as the Portugueseatuar

    Cat. Ant. Conglap, "Calamarsa"

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    Ramon Aramon i Serra 1908-2000

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    Una altra vegada "atovar" en el Curial e G眉elfa

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