5 research outputs found

    Organizational Culture Versus Work Motivation for the Academic Staff in a Public University

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    AbstractThe paper presents the results of a research study that aimed to identify the type of the organizational culture existent in a Romanian state university, the way it is perceived by the employees, and identifying the type of the organizational culture wanted by the employees. We also evaluated the work motivation. The research sample included 102 university teachers, aged between 25 and 57. We used ESA Questionnaire for the work motivation, and Organizational Culture Questionnaire. The the main organizational culture existent was the power type and that the employees hope for a support type. Teachers had a high self- actualization motivation


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    The last decade has witnessed an exponential growth of interest in organizational learning and Knowledge Management. This comes as a natural consequence of the ever more widespread understanding of the knowledge-based economy as a revolutionary change in the global economy. The rise of the service economy, the increasingly flow of global information, and the growing recognition of the importance of intellectual capital are turning knowledge into a key critical resource and a source of competitive advantage in the global economy, making from KM an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary development.knowledge management, knowledge workers, learning organization

    Training of Transversal Competences Involved in Success in Career

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    AbstractThe paper presents the results of a research study that aimed to validate a transversal competences training program, which applies techniques specific to humanistic psychotherapies. The first two steps were to develop an Assessment Scale with Behavioral Anchors for evaluating the technical and contextual performance and a competence-profile the graduated young person needs in order to attain success in career, in the context of Romanian organizational environment. The research sample included a number of 120 young adults with no basic qualification, aged between 18 and 20. We used three measures: California Personality Inventory (6 scales: sociability, responsibility, communality, achievement via independence, intellectual efficiency, and flexibility), Revised NEO Personality Inventory, and Assessment Scale with Behavioral Anchors. The transversal competences training program for young adults with no basic qualification targets the personal development of the individual, its personal growing, by adapting its life philosophy to the requests of the organizational environment; these achievements have the quality of motivating the young adult to go back to school and achieve a professional qualification