23 research outputs found

    Shear-induced structure and dynamics of hydrophobically modified hydroxy ethyl cellulose (hmHEC) in the presence of SDS

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    The interaction between hydrophobically modified hydroxyethyl cellulose (hmHEC), containing approximately 1 wt% side-alkyl chains of C-16, and an anionic sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) surfactant was investigated. For a semi-dilute solution of 0.5 wt% hmHEC, the previously observed behaviour of a maximum in solution viscosity at intermediate SDS concentrations, followed by a drop at higher SDS concentrations, until above the cmc of surfactant when the solution resembles that of the unsubstituted polymer, was confirmed. Additionally, a two-phase region containing a hydrogel phase and a water-like supernatant was found at low SDS concentrations up to 0.2 wt%, a concentration which is akin to the critical association concentration, cac, of SDS in the presence of hmHEC. Above this concentration, SDS molecules bind strongly to form mixed micellar aggregates with the polymer alkyl side-chains, thus strengthening the network junctions, resulting in the observed increase in viscosity and elastic modulus of the solution. The shear behaviour of this polymer-surfactant complex during steady and step stress experiments was examined in great detail. Between SDS concentrations of 0.2 and 0.25 wt%, the shear viscosity of the hmHEC-polymer complex network undergoes shear-induced thickening, followed by a two-stage shear-induced fracture or break-up of the network. The thickening is thought to be due to structural rearrangement, causing the network of flexible polymers to expand, enabling some polymer hydrophobic groups to be converted from intra- to inter-chain associations. At higher applied stress, a partial local break-up of the network occurs, while at even higher stress, above the critical or network yield stress, a complete fracture of the network into small microgel-like units, is believed to occur. This second network rupture is progressive with time of shear and no steady state in viscosity was observed even after 300 s. The structure which was reformed after the cessation of shear is found to be significantly different from the original state

    A spectroscopic study of polyelectrolyte solutions under shear

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    The chain segment orientation of the polyelectrolyte poly(styrene sulfonate), PSS, in glycerol solutions under shear have been studied using a novel Ultra Violet rheo-optic technique. The extinction coefficient of the polyelectrolyte in solution, E, was measured using unpolarised light perpendicular to the direction of flow and is shown to decrease upon the application of shear. When the incident light was polarised with the direction of shear the reduced change in extinction coefficient of the polyelectrolyte became more negative with shear. For light polarised perpendicular to the shear direction the reduced change in extinction coefficient of the polyelectrolyte increased, became more positive, with the application of shear. There was no shear-induced change in the reduced change in extinction coefficient of the polyelectrolyte backbone for light polarised at 67 degrees to the direction of shear. All shear-spectroscopic behaviour may be explained by the alignment of the polarised PSS monomer units in the direction of shear. The maximum dichroic ratio for the polyelectrolyte chain is related to the chain polarisability and was predicted from the angular dependence of the change in extinction measurements to be approximately 2.35. Crown Copyright (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Agriculture in central Tibet: an assessment of climate, farming systems, and strategies to boost production

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    In the south of the Tibet Autonomous Region of China there is a network of valleys where intensive agriculture is practiced. Although considered highly productive by Tibetans, farm incomes in the region are low, leading to a range of government initiatives to boost grain and fodder production. However, there is limited information available on current farming practices, yields, and likely yield constraints. The present paper uses available data and farmer interviews to describe the agro-climate and current systems of crop and livestock production, and considers possible strategies to boost production. Although winters in Tibet are cold and dry, summer and autumn provide ideal conditions for crop growth. Cropping systems are characterised by heavy tillage, frequent irrigation, high seeding rates and fertiliser applications, some use of herbicides, and little stubble retention or mechanisation. Spring barley and winter wheat are the predominant crops, followed by rapeseed, winter barley, and minor fodder and vegetable crops. Average yields for the main grain crops are around 4.0 t/ha for spring barley and 4.5 t/ha for winter wheat, significantly lower than should be possible in the environment. Farmers typically keep five or six cattle tethered near the household. Cattle are fed diets based on crop residues but are generally malnourished and rarely produce beyond the needs of the family. It is suggested that research and extension in the areas of crop nutrition, weed control, irrigation, seeding technology, and crop varieties should enable significant increases in grain yield. Increases in cattle production will require increases in the supply of good quality fodder. Cereal/fodder intercrops or double crops sown using no-till seed drills might enable the production of useful amounts of fodder in many areas without jeopardising food grain supply, and allow more crop residues to be retained in fields for improved soil health.Nicholas Paltridge, Jin Tao, Murray Unkovich, Alessandra Bonamano, Alexandra Gason, Samantha Grover, John Wilkins, Nyima Tashi and David Coventr

    Evaluation of a multi-disease carrier screening programme in Ashkenazi Jewish high schools

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    C1 - Journal Articles RefereedA screening programme for Tay Sachs disease (TSD) carrier status was introduced in high schools in Victoria, Australia in 1997, and was expanded to screen for six other genetic conditions common in the Ashkenazi Jewish population in 2008. The aim of this study was to evaluate the current programme and compare it with an evaluation of the programme when screening was offered for TSD alone. All students from Jewish high schools in Melbourne who offered the programme in 2009 were invited to participate in the study. A purpose-designed questionnaire explored the following domains: knowledge (disease and genetics), reasons for screening, anxiety, and predicted negative feelings if found to be a carrier. Two hundred and seventy-three students were offered screening, and 272 (99.6%) completed the questionnaire. Only two students chose not to have screening. Two hundred and seventy-one students were in the penultimate year of high school (99.6%) and 222 were of Ashkenazi Jewish descent (82.5%). The main reasons for choosing screening were the desire to know carrier status and convenience. Knowledge level decreased and negative feelings increased in the current cohort compared to that when screening was offered for TSD alone. We conclude that the current programme is efficient, although increasing the number of conditions resulted in a decrease in knowledge and increase in predicted negative feelings if found to be a carrier of one of the conditions. This has implications for multi-disease screening programmes that will increase in frequency as more conditions can be screened for and costs diminish

    Use of community genetic screening to prevent HFE-associated hereditary haemochromatosis

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    HFE-associated hereditary haemochromatosis is a recessive, iron-overload disorder that affects about one in 200 north Europeans and that can be easily prevented. However, genetic screening for this disease is controversial, and so we assessed whether such screening was suitable for communities. Cheek-brush screening for the Cys282Tyr HFE mutation was offered to individuals in the workplace. Outcomes were assessed by questionnaires before and after testing. 11307 individuals were screened. We recorded no increase in anxiety. in individuals who were homozygous for the Cys282Tyr mutation or non-homozygous. Self-reported tiredness before testing was significantly higher in homozygous participants than in non-homozygous participants (chi(2) test, p=0.029). Of the 47 homozygous individuals identified, 46 have taken steps to treat or prevent iron accumulation. Population genetic screening for HFE-associated hereditary haemochromatosis can be practicable and acceptable

    A targeted population carrier screening program for severe and frequent genetic diseases in Israel

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    A national carrier screening program targeted at communities in which severe genetic diseases are present with a frequency higher than 1/1000 live births, has been in existence in Israel since 2002. Within the communities at risk, carrier screening is voluntary whereas genetic counseling and testing is provided free of charge. During the first 5 years of the program more than 13 000 tests were performed, and at the end of 2007 it was offered in 35 different localities/communities for a total of 36 diseases. Many of the couples identified to be at risk opted for prenatal diagnosis and in two cases an affected pregnancy was terminated. In some cases the couples declined prenatal diagnosis and two of those families gave birth to an affected child. Based on the experience learnt from this targeted screening program it appears that a knowledge-based, voluntary screening program operated within the community is an effective way to provide genetic services and test referrals. The community program directed toward couples in their reproductive period does not seem to have led to stigmatization at either the individual or the community level