49 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 31, 1954

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    Dr. A. A. Welsh delivers Baccalaureate sermon • Campus heads of 1954-1955 • Prizes awarded at alumni dinner • Beardwood ushers out prosperous year • Dorothy Ann Schulz named valedictorian of \u2754 class • Ursinus to send representatives to Y conference • Intramural re-cap of year • Dr. Hartzell to act as consultant on Britannica • Dr. G. P. Harnwell speaks at 84th commencement • Prizes awarded at commencement • Jean Hain to head \u2754 junior advisers • Dean\u27s office releases Summer school classes • Editorials: Some light on the Lantern problems; Good luck, Class of 1954 • Letters to the editor • 1955 Ruby staffs chosen • Dr. McClure greets alumni back to \u2784 • Mary McKerihan to rule over hall presidents • Collegeville-Trappe story: Collegeville and its people • Curtis II cops softball crown • Bears defeat explorers in late innings, 6-2 • Batsmen post best mark in UC history: Sluggers blast Drew, 13-3, to climax 12-4 campaign • Ruth\u27s 3-firsts in weights pace Bruin 87-38 FM win • Nine elects Ehlers captain; Trackmen select Donnelly • Cindermen tie Muhlenberg in 63-63 thriller • Varsity Club elects Aucott as \u2754-55 prexy • Courtmen drop LaSalle, 8-1, in net finale • Mason, Cross lead softball, tennis teams • Batbelles bow to Owls 3-2 for 3rd loss in 12 seasons • Weekly editors lay down law • Bear factshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1499/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 15, 1954

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    John Canady addresses art seminar group • Ursinus to participate in cultural olympics at U. of P. • Cheating case reviewed by MSGA on Tuesday • Teacher problems outlined for FTA by Mrs. Swavely • Griffin, Mathewson star in group play • Lit readings postponed • Civil liberties today is discussed by Backrack • Women\u27s Club to fete senior girls at coffee • University of Pennsylvania Band to give concert, Thursday • Editorials: Goodbye, my fancy • Exhibit in Library • Broadway tunes highlight WAA musical production • Dave Seay, Marshall Nixon tell of service hitches • Reporter clipped by barber of Brodbeck • Doctor tells symptoms of dread Spring fever disease • Gene Harris, Carl Smith new cage co-captains • Mermaids lose to Swarthmore • Basketball season ends; Shoes leads statistics • Undefeated Belles top E. Stroudsburg • Intramural night occurs tomorrow • Badminton team downs Rosemont • Curtis I tops Curtis II for intramural honors • Ralph Schumacher named to first all MAC team • Bowman, Cross to inherit Weekly sports editing • God of creation viewed at vespers program, Sundayhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1492/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 6, 1950

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    Kunkel tells IRC forum conditions in Europe good • MSGA proposes dorm government; Will ask approval • Students hear Yost read Frost\u27s poetry at Tuesday program • Popowich elected to MSGA • Englishman to discuss labor economy tonight • Record room opens • Newman Club to dine • Graf, Roberts get Curtain Club roles in Angel Street • Y Commission plans toy, clothing drive • Weekly adds seventeen to staff, nine freshmen • Como to give concert • Local sororities announce acceptance of 48 women • Wagner to speak Sunday at Trinity worship service • Rev. Harris to address Y association meeting • Juniors to choose heads of \u2752 Ruby during November • Approximately 150 castaways attend Juniors\u27 Shipwreck Ball • To conduct hymn sing • Editorial: Outlet for enthusiasm • Speaker and square dance to highlight annual World Student Service Drive • Miss Maroney is capable librarian • Do changing world conditions require new college courses? • Ruby show next weekend to reveal true nature of conditions in Hades • Saporoschenko reveals facts about red regime • Gunther writes Roosevelt in retrospect, revealing and unorthodox biography • Bruins to oppose Adelphi Panthers on Patterson Field • Basketball squad works out daily • Girls\u27 third team beats Temple 2-1 and ties Penn 2-2 • Belles win three in tournament; Vadner honored • Soccer team loses to Haverford, 8-1 • Fords down Bears in X-country • F & M routs Bears 39-0 as Lowder paces attack • To present German play • Rosicrucians to give teahttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1551/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 9, 1953

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    Palmer to speak on U.S. and India Wednesday night • Campus Chest opens contest • MSGA hears cheating case; WSGA meeting held Monday • A tradition dies, buried in snow • Newbury discusses Argentina in Ursinus class Wednesday • Barbershop quartet program postponed until November 13 • Group play deemed success by reviewer • Alumnus talks on anesthesia to pre-med society • Shades of indigo to be prom theme • Head of E. and R. Church is Founders Day speaker • IRC to hear guest speaker • Pledgees sign fraternity bids • Helena\u27s husband is group II presentation • 1955 Ruby editors are Dedekind, Belz • Chem society hears talk on Laminar chart • Pre-legal society to sponsor debate on red China in UN • 100 contribute to fill Ursinus bloodmobile quota • Editorials: Open letter to the Weekly staff • This week: Friday the 13th • Letters to the editor • Unexpected snow causes unusual weekend antics • I-F Council adopts new rule on rushing • Soccer team loses to Haverford, 3-2https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1482/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 2, 1953

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    Quartets to hold program Friday, Nov. 6 • Wagner to speak on Founders Day • Juniors to sponsor dance, Penthouse serenade, Nov. 7 • Model S.C. held at Penn State • Fraternities continue rushing week activity • Group production will be given Tuesday night • Thirty-eight accept bids from sororities, Saturday • Dramatic play to be enacted by thespians • Bloodmobile will be at Ursinus, Nov. 3 • Big-little sister party to be held in rec center • SWC visits Salvation Army; Many attend vespers, Sunday • Executive committee elected by frosh to plan for class • Editorials: Rushing can be improved • Needed: Cash! • Letters to the editor • New preceptresses at South, Fircroft, Clamer • Dr. Phillips reads story by O. Wilde • Cornstalk capers is theme of dance presented by sophs • Junior preceptress tells woes and worries of job • Campus landmark views all Ursinus • Fraternities at Ursinus have interesting history • Eleanor Marcon is golf champion • Spirit, skill aid soccer; Team holds .750 record • JVs win 1-0 on Lewis goal • Stadler, Dawkins score as Belles top Swarthmore 4-1 • Merrifield, Price make first All-College • Bears in fourth victory topple strong Wagner, 14-6 • U.C. leads in tourney games • Temple cops four first team slots • Belles win three; Beat Beaver, 4-0 • Bakermen lose to Swarthmore, 6-1https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1481/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 13, 1953

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    Committee selects YMCA nominees; Profs speak Wed. • May Day pageant has monthly theme • Ursinus entertains Hi-Y • Weekly staff hears C. Lee • Curtain Club prepares for Spring production • Dr. C. L. Chandler heard as speaker at IRC banquet • Fotine to play for Jr. dance • High class stuff to be given by junior class, April 17-18 • Candidates revealed for WSGA, WAA, YWCA • Iranian diplomat speaks to forum • Model UN held at Cornell; Dr. Miller advises committee • 35 students eligible to join Pi Gamma Mu • WAA card party tonight • Editorials: Procedure is important • Fry\u27s play well done by Curtain Club group • Dinner dances planned at sorority meetings • Boys\u27 quartet visits Temple • Letters to the editor • Mixed marriages • Juniors adopt new policies in prom plans • For all young lovers on rainy Spring days, suggested: Exciting tour through Pfahler Hall • Freidlin, Syvertsen elected basketball, swimming captains; Belles fall to Temple and defeat boys in thrillers • Kenny captains men\u27s tennis • Swett leads track team; Eshbach, Weaver return • Boyd and Rittenhouse captain girls\u27 tennis • Intramural wins to Derr, Ehlers • Baseball season opens; Veterans bolster team • Meistersingers give concert, plan program for April 23https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1516/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 28, 1952

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    Ruth Reed is prom queen; Cub and Key taps four • Girls elect class representatives to WSGA and WAA • Y plans retreat for this weekend • Students pick MSGA men for next year • Navy man to be here tomorrow • New presidents elected for WAA, WSGA and Y • Day study girls pick new officers • Audience enjoys laughs at show • French Club to hold banquet • Classes elect officers for coming year • Spirit Committee chooses Armstrong as new chairman • Norristown Chemical Society to sponsor April 28 program • Pi Gamma Mu holds banquet • Editorials: Suggestion; Spinoza and Truman; U.S. has war attitude • Letters to the editor • Professor evaluation plan aired by poll • Engagements • TV professors make camera debuts; Thus, the educated housewife • Attention, girls: This may be last leap year! • Anderson hits grand slam as Bears whip F&M 12-7 • Girls\u27 tennis team defeats Swarthmore • Large group out for softball squad • Haverford beats Ursinus behind hurling of Wurster • Brodbeck shares lead with Stine • Ursinus blanked by Bryn Mawr, 5-0 • Rain cancels two diamond contests • Intramural crown captured by 944 • Mud-splattered track and rain mars Penn relays • Girls\u27 net squad drops first match • Temple University alumni honors Lt. Gov. L. H. Wood April 26 • Dr. C. D. Yost honored by PA. college English group • Music Club thanks directorhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1542/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 23, 1953

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    Summer school subjects to be selected now • 6th foreign policy institute to be Friday • Women elect Ruth Reed as May queen; Janie Hopple as manager for May Day • Y rep attends Bible study conf. • Dr. Harmin to be speaker at FTA Tuesday night at 7 • Jones to show slides • Detweiler to speak on religion in life day, February 25 • Rev. Flynn to speak tonight • Dr. Yost reads short stories at second English lit reading • Debaters defeat Princeton • Play tryouts to be this week; Group two to give plays • $52.92 collected for flood relief • French Club to give play at Penn, Thurs. • Quartet to sing • Dr. Bartholomew discusses rural church with Chi Alpha • Editorials: Enthusiasm needed; What happened? • Engagements • Letters to the editor • Fraternities sign 54 men • Science majors offered atomic energy posts • Margie changes from practice teaching to teaching position • Students examine Kimberton farms teaching methods • Ursinus men on the rocks as sirens comb their locks • Drexel rallies in last period to triumph 62-52 • Belles topple Garnet 42-24 • Grapplers edged out by Fords in last bout, 18-15 • Dawkins wins but Bears drop 21-5 match to Bucks • Mermaids dunk Drexel; Lose to powerful Garnet • Blood disease sidelines Swett • Haverford edges Bears 81-77 despite late surge • Belles rally to beat I.C. 42-38https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1513/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 2, 1953

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    Sorority bids to be signed Friday noon • Group 2 plays well received • Mary Gillespie to read Burns\u27 poetry at Eng. lit. reading • Van de Putte, first Lorelei king • May Day pageant committee chosen • Dr. Harman speaks at FTA meeting • Cutting campus illegal • Frat council meets; Amends constitution • Library music room reopens • Juniors plan original show for April 17 & 18 • Rev. Bishop to be speaker at last seminar tonight • Forum hears Rev. Detweiler • Dr. Schmidt, pathologist, speaks to pre-med society • 450 college students attend 6th foreign policy institute • Y to show movie One God Sunday • 3 French Club members give play in cultural olympics • I.R.C. postpones program • Editorials: Give the campus a chance • Scribe describes literary magazine • Civil service jobs revealed • Weddings • Student librarians sprout gray hairs over daily duties • Advice given to those who ask for letters of recommendation from profs • P.M.C. routs Bears on final half splurge, 76-54 • Mermaids capture meet; Edge Bryn Mawr, 29-28 • Intramural night to be March 16 • Correction made in story on Swett • Parlee victor; Grapplers win • Belles win basketball, lose swimming eventhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1514/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 8, 1952

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    Second forum enjoys speech by diplomat • First forum hears Lord • Scribe praises Fall play • 15th annual Messiah performance to be Thursday night in Bomberger chapel • Y plans vespers, town-gown day Christmas party • Senior prom, party is this weekend • Marine speaks to students • Class to hear talk on southeast Asia • Pre-meds to hear Drs. Nye, Eger • Sororities go through informal initiations • Only $510 donated to Campus Chest • U. of P. student addresses IRC • French Club plans party • Editorials: So little time; Prom problem • Color trouble • GOP still split • Letters to the editor • Canterbury Club elects pres., holds meeting tonight at 7 • Weddings • Engagements • Reporter reveals sacred secrets of Weekly hole • Class of \u2753 gives birth to yearbook • Senior ball will feature Stars in the eyes theme • Inquirer relay to be held in January • Bears wallop Pharmacy in season opener, 97-48 • Mermaids begin practice; Sis Bosler is new coach • Kolp elected captain • Dick Glock paces Ursinus offense • Bob Swett tallies 75 as Bears split two decisionshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1508/thumbnail.jp