1,985 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional geometry, ore distribution and time-integrated mass transfer through the quartz-tourmaline-gold vein network of the Sigma deposit (Abitibi belt, Canada)

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    We present a reconstruction of the three-dimensional (3D) geometry and gold grade distribution of shear zone-hosted, Au-mineralized, quartz-tourmaline veins of the Sigma deposit (Abitibi belt). Host shears and veins form a network of anastomosing, steeply dipping structures associated with smaller subhorizontal extensional veins. Our reconstruction has been carried out using the exceptionally large geological database of the mine. From this database, we extracted the geometric position, thickness and gold grades of geometrically best-defined steep veins contained in a representative subvolume of the deposit. These data allowed the 3D representation of 53 veins, which have been constructed by fitting surfaces through the geometrical data and by contouring thickness and gold grade. The geometry of the network is mainly characterized by: (i) a few large segmented veins, with sinuous and helicoidal shape, and typical vertical dimension of >100 m; (ii) a large number of smaller vertical veins, some of which splay off the steep veins with high dip angles; (iii) subhorizontal extension veins (joints) located at, or close to, the tips of steep veins. The absolute thickness of the vertically short veins is the same as that of the large veins, suggesting that they formed simultaneously, but only a few of them interconnect to form vertically continuous bodies. Patchy, vertically elongated zones of high dilation are present in the large veins, and are poorly correlated with Au-rich zones. They presumably represent former high-permeability zones of the network. The highest gold grades occur at the interconnections between the large veins and small splays or subhorizontal joints. This indicates the important role of vein interconnection for fluid flow and gold precipitation within the network. Combining the calculation of the volume of the network with the estimation of tourmaline abundance in the veins, we calculate that 2.1 Ă— 106 m3 of tourmaline and 3.2 Ă— 106 m3 of quartz precipitated during Au deposition

    Geology of the Northern Apennines nappe stack on eastern Elba (Italy): new insights on the Neogene orogenic evolution of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea

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    We document the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of thrust nappes of the eastern island of Elba. The area exposes a natural cross section of the Northern Apennines hinterland, from the metamorphic basement units to the overlying continent- and ocean-derived nappes. We integrated mapping, analysis of structures and microstructures, and the interpretation of drill core logs with lithostratigraphic, metamorphic, and geochronological constraints, producing a novel geological map of eastern Elba (1:5’000 scale). We show that the area experienced polyphase Oligocene–Pliocene contractional tectonics marked by in-sequence and out-of-sequence thrusting accompanied by folding and overprinted by faulting in the Pliocene. Magmatism occurred during contraction with post-magmatic thrusting ultimately coupling HP-LT and LP-HT units. Drill core logs allow for the first time the reconstruction of the N-dipping character of the Zuccale Fault, which represents the youngest (late Miocene–early Pliocene) large-scale structure in the area

    Trapping of magnetic flux by the plunge region of a black hole accretion disk

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    The existence of the radius of marginal stability means that accretion flows around black holes invariably undergo a transition from a MHD turbulent disk-like flow to an inward plunging flow. We argue that the plunging inflow can greatly enhance the trapping of large scale magnetic field on the black hole, and therefore may increase the importance of the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) effect relative to previous estimates that ignore the plunge region. We support this hypothesis by constructing and analyzing a toy-model of the dragging and trapping of a large scale field by a black hole disk, revealing a strong dependence of this effect on the effective magnetic Prandtl number of the MHD turbulent disk. Furthermore, we show that the enhancement of the BZ effect depends on the geometric thickness of the accretion disk. This may be, at least in part, the physical underpinnings of the empirical relation between the inferred geometric thickness of a black hole disk and the presence of a radio jet.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. See http://www.astro.umd.edu/~chris/publications/movies/flux_trapping.html for animation

    Fluid-rock interaction, skarn genesis, and hydrothermal alteration within an upper crustal fault zone (Island of Elba, Italy)

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    The Terranera magnetite-hematite-pyrite deposit of the Island of Elba (Italy) is an historical skarn deposit hosted by a fault zone of regional importance (Zuccale Fault) and by its hanging wall rocks. We combine field observations with petrographic data, electron probe microanalyses (EPMA), XRPD data, fluid inclusion microthermometry, and element imaging by Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-TOFMS) to define the ore-forming process at Terranera. We show that in this location the fault is made of four levels of mineralized fault rocks having distinct mineral compositions. In these levels, a mineral association made of diopside, clinozoisite, and other Mg-rich minerals is replaced by magnetite, hematite, pyrite, Mg-hornblende, clinochlore, and other Mg-rich phyllosilicates. This paragenesis is overprinted by goethite and clay minerals. Chlorite-quartz geothermometry and fluid inclusion microthermometry show that ore precipitation occurred at 350–180 °C from fluids of distinct bulk salinities, but goethite and clay mineral overprinting progressed at lower T. We propose that Terranera is a magnesian Fe skarn formed due to the interaction between distinct hydrothermal fluids and a dolomitic protolith, which was preserved within the fault zone. These fluids mixed and cooled during protolith metasomatism, causing ore precipitation due to oxidation and desulfidation. A very similar process was described in a large deposit of Elba (Rio Marina). Argillic alteration was widespread within the fault but met permanently intermediate sulfidation conditions. Trace element composition of hematite shows that Terranera has features that overlap those of skarn and epithermal deposits. In particular, elements that are typical of epithermal deposits (Sb, Ga, Ge, As) occur at mass fractions (50–200 μg/g) that are either unreported or not typical of hematite from skarn deposits. These features identify Terranera as formed in an ore environment that was transitional between that of a skarn and of an epithermal deposit. These features are shared by other historical deposits located at Elba and in the massive pyritic ore district of south Tuscany (e.g., Gavorrano, Fenice Capanne). This indicates that a similar environment might have occurred during the Neogene beyond Elba, in a much larger ore district of south Tuscany

    Programma Nazionale Italiano per la raccolta di dati alieutici. Modulo H “Campionamento biologico delle catture” (CAMP-BIOL; Risorse demersali) GSA 16 (Stretto di Sicilia): rapporto finale

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    Il campionamento biologico delle catture/sbarchi commerciali, modulo H, (Camp-Biol Risorse Demersali), nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la Raccolta Dati Alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti ex Reg CE. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei, provenienti dalle catture/sbarchi commerciali, al fine di conoscere il prelievo e l’impatto dei diversi segmenti e dei diversi sistemi di pesca della flotta sulle principali specie commerciali, in termini di struttura di lunghezza ed età delle risorse

    Uncertainties in VS profiles from geophysical tests and their influence on seismic ground response analyses: results from the Interpacific blind test

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    The InterPACIFIC project is aimed at the assessment of the reliability of different geophysical methods (both invasive and non-invasive) for the estimation of shear wave velocity profiles. Blind tests have been performed in three different subsoil conditions. The observed variability in the results provided by several operators gives a representation of the uncertainties that has to be expected in site characterization. The implications of these uncertainties on ground response analyses are considered in the present paper

    Higher Right Hemisphere Gamma Band Lateralization and Suggestion of a Sensitive Period for Vocal Auditory Emotional Stimuli Recognition in Unilateral Cochlear Implant Children: An EEG Study

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    In deaf children, huge emphasis was given to language; however, emotional cues decoding and production appear of pivotal importance for communication capabilities. Concerning neurophysiological correlates of emotional processing, the gamma band activity appears a useful tool adopted for emotion classification and related to the conscious elaboration of emotions. Starting from these considerations, the following items have been investigated: (i) whether emotional auditory stimuli processing differs between normal-hearing (NH) children and children using a cochlear implant (CI), given the non-physiological development of the auditory system in the latter group; (ii) whether the age at CI surgery influences emotion recognition capabilities; and (iii) in light of the right hemisphere hypothesis for emotional processing, whether the CI side influences the processing of emotional cues in unilateral CI (UCI) children. To answer these matters, 9 UCI (9.47 ± 2.33 years old) and 10 NH (10.95 ± 2.11 years old) children were asked to recognize nonverbal vocalizations belonging to three emotional states: positive (achievement, amusement, contentment, relief), negative (anger, disgust, fear, sadness), and neutral (neutral, surprise). Results showed better performances in NH than UCI children in emotional states recognition. The UCI group showed increased gamma activity lateralization index (LI) (relative higher right hemisphere activity) in comparison to the NH group in response to emotional auditory cues. Moreover, LI gamma values were negatively correlated with the percentage of correct responses in emotion recognition. Such observations could be explained by a deficit in UCI children in engaging the left hemisphere for more demanding emotional task, or alternatively by a higher conscious elaboration in UCI than NH children. Additionally, for the UCI group, there was no difference between the CI side and the contralateral side in gamma activity, but a higher gamma activity in the right in comparison to the left hemisphere was found. Therefore, the CI side did not appear to influence the physiologic hemispheric lateralization of emotional processing. Finally, a negative correlation was shown between the age at the CI surgery and the percentage of correct responses in emotion recognition and then suggesting the occurrence of a sensitive period for CI surgery for best emotion recognition skills development
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