209 research outputs found

    Quiescent photometric modulations of two low-inclination cataclysmic variables KZGem and TWVir

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    The quiescent periodic photometric modulations of two low-inclination cataclysmic variables observed in Kepler K2 Campaigns 0 and 1, KZ Gem and TW Vir, are investigated. A phase-correcting method was successfully used to detect the orbital modulations of KZ Gem and TW Vir and improve their orbital periods. The light curve morphologies of both CVs were further analyzed by defining flux ratios and creating colormaps. KZ Gem shows ellipsoidal modulations with an orbital period of 0.22242(1) day, twice the period listed in the updated RK catalogue (Edition 7.24). With this newly determined period, KZ Gem is no longer a CV in the period gap, but a long-period CV. A part of the quiescent light curve of TW Vir that had the highest stability was used to deduce its improved orbital period of 0.182682(3) day. The flat patterns shown in the colormaps of the flux ratios for KZ Gem demonstrate the stability of their orbital modulations, while TW Vir show variable orbital modulations during the K2 datasets. In TW Vir, the single versus double-peaked nature of the quiescent orbital variations before and after superoutburst may be related to the effect of the superoutburst on the accretion disk.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, accepted by A&

    Resolving Gamma-Ray Burst 000301C with a Gravitational Microlens

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    The afterglow of the Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) 000301C exhibited achromatic, short time-scale variability that is difficult to reconcile with the standard relativistic shock model. We interpret the observed light curves as a microlensing event superimposed on power-law flux decays typical of afterglows. In general, a relativistic GRB shock appears on the sky as a thin ring expanding at a superluminal speed. Initially the ring is small relative to its angular separation from the lens and so its flux is magnified by a constant factor. As the ring grows and sweeps across the lens its magnification reaches a maximum. Subsequently, the flux gradually recovers its unlensed value. This behavior involves only three free parameters in its simplest formulation and was predicted theoretically by Loeb & Perna (1998). Fitting the available R-band photometric data of GRB 000301C to a simple model of the microlensing event and a broken power-law for the afterglow, we find reasonable values for all the parameters and a reduced chi^2/DOF parameter of 1.48 compared with 2.99 for the broken power-law fit alone. The peak magnification of ~2 occurred 3.8 days after the burst. The entire optical-IR data imply a width of the GRB ring of order 10% of its radius, similar to theoretical expectations. The angular resolution provided by microlensing is better than a micro-arcsecond. We infer a mass of approximately 0.5 M_Sun for a lens located half way to the source at z_s=2.04. A galaxy 2'' from GRB 000301C might be the host of the stellar lens, but current data provides only an upper-limit on its surface brightness at the GRB position.Comment: to appear in the ApJ Letters, 13 pages, 3 figures (one additional figure included); all data used for the fits available at ftp://cfa-ftp.harvard.edu/pub/kstanek/GRB000301C/ and through WWW at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cfa/oir/Research/GRB

    The mass of the neutron star in the binary millisecond pulsar PSR J1012+5307

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    We have measured the radial velocity variation of the white dwarf secondary in the binary system containing the millisecond pulsar PSR J1012 + 5307. Combined with the orbital parameters of the radio pulsar, we infer a mass ratio q (=M-1/M-2) = 10.5 +/- 0.5 OUT optical spectroscopy has also allowed us to determine the mass of the white dwarf companion by fitting the spectrum to a grid of DA model atmospheres: we estimate M-2 = 0.16 +/- 0.02 M., and hence the mass of the neutron star is 1.64 +/- 0.22 M., where the error is dominated by that of M-2. The orbital inclination is 52 +/- 4 deg. For an initial neutron star mass of similar to 1.4 M., only a few tenths of a solar mass at most has been successfully accreted over the lifetime of the progenitor low-mass X-ray binary. If the initial mass of the secondary was similar to 1 M., our result suggests that the mass transfer may have been non-conservative

    SweetSpot: Near-Infrared Observations of Thirteen Type Ia Supernovae from a New NOAO Survey Probing the Nearby Smooth Hubble Flow

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    We present 13 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) observed in the restframe near-infrared (NIR) from 0.02 < z < 0.09 with the WIYN High-resolution Infrared Camera (WHIRC) on the WIYN 3.5-m telescope. With only 1-3 points per light curve and a prior on the time of maximum from the spectrum used to type the object we measure an H-band dispersion of spectroscopically normal SNe Ia of 0.164 mag. These observations continue to demonstrate the improved standard brightness of SNe Ia in H-band even with limited data. Our sample includes two SNe Ia at z ~ 0.09, which represent the most distant restframe NIR H-band observations published to date. This modest sample of 13 NIR SNe Ia represent the pilot sample for "SweetSpot" - a three-year NOAO Survey program that will observe 144 SNe Ia in the smooth Hubble flow. By the end of the survey we will have measured the relative distance to a redshift of z ~ 0.05 to 1%. Nearby Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) observations such as these will test the standard nature of SNe Ia in the restframe NIR, allow insight into the nature of dust, and provide a critical anchor for future cosmological SN Ia surveys at higher redshift.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to Ap

    The Joint Efficient Dark-energy Investigation (JEDI): Measuring the cosmic expansion history from type Ia supernovae

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    JEDI (Joint Efficient Dark-energy Investigation) is a candidate implementation of the NASA-DOE Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM). JEDI will probe dark energy in three independent methods: (1) type Ia supernovae, (2) baryon acoustic oscillations, and (3) weak gravitational lensing. In an accompanying paper, an overall summary of the JEDI mission is given. In this paper, we present further details of the supernova component of JEDI. To derive model-independent constraints on dark energy, it is important to precisely measure the cosmic expansion history, H(z), in continuous redshift bins from z \~ 0-2 (the redshift range in which dark energy is important). SNe Ia at z > 1 are not readily accessible from the ground because the bulk of their light has shifted into the near-infrared where the sky background is overwhelming; hence a space mission is required to probe dark energy using SNe. Because of its unique near-infrared wavelength coverage (0.8-4.2 microns), JEDI has the advantage of observing SNe Ia in the rest frame J band for the entire redshift range of 0 < z < 2, where they are less affected by dust, and appear to be nearly perfect standard candles. During the first year of JEDI operations, spectra and light curves will be obtained for ~4,000 SNe Ia at z < 2. The resulting constraints on dark energy are discussed, with special emphasis on the improved precision afforded by the rest frame near-infrared data.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in SPIE proceeding

    BVRI Light Curves for 22 Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present 1210 Johnson/Cousins B,V,R, and I photometric observations of 22 recent type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia): SN 1993ac, SN 1993ae, SN 1994M, SN 1994S, SN 1994T, SN 1994Q, SN 1994ae, SN 1995D, SN 1995E, SN 1995al, SN 1995ac, SN 1995ak, SN 1995bd, SN 1996C, SN 1996X, SN 1996Z, SN 1996ab, SN 1996ai, SN 1996bk, SN 1996bl, SN 1996bo, and SN 1996bv. Most of the photometry was obtained at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory (FLWO) of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in a cooperative observing plan aimed at improving the data base for SN Ia. The redshifts of the sample range from czcz=1200 to 37000 km s1^{-1} with a mean of czcz=7000 km s1^{-1}.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journal, 41 pages, 8 figure

    Extraordinary Late‐Time Infrared Emission of Type IIn Supernovae

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    Near-infrared observations are presented for five Type IIn supernovae (SN 1995N, SN 1997ab, SN 1998S, SN 1999Z, and SN 1999el) that exhibit strong infrared excesses at late times (t \u3e 100 days). H- and K-band emission from these objects is dominated by a continuum that rises toward longer wavelengths. The data are interpreted as thermal emission from dust, probably situated in a preexisting circumstellar nebula. The IR luminosities implied by single-temperature blackbody fits are quite large, \u3e1041-1042 ergs s-1, and the emission evolves slowly, lasting for years after maximum light. For SN 1995N, the integrated energy release via IR dust emission was ≈0.5-1 × 1050 ergs. A number of dust heating scenarios are considered, the most likely being an infrared echo powered by X-ray and UV emissions from the shock interaction with a dense circumstellar medium

    The Luminosity of SN 1999by in NGC 2841 and the Nature of `Peculiar' Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present UBVRIJHK photometry and optical spectroscopy of the so-called 'peculiar' Type Ia supernova 1999by in NGC 2841. The observations began one week before visual maximum light which is well-defined by daily observations. The light curves and spectra are similar to those of the prototypical subluminous event SN 1991bg. We find that maximum light in B occurred on 1999 May 10.3 UT (JD 2,451,308.8 +/- 0.3) with B=13.66 +/- 0.02 mag and a color of B_max-V_max=0.51 +/- 0.03 mag. The late-time color implies minimal dust extinction from the host galaxy. Our photometry, when combined with the recent Cepheid distance to NGC 2841 (Macri et al. 2001), gives a peak absolute magnitude of M_B=-17.15 +/- 0.23 mag, making SN 1999by one of the least luminous Type Ia events ever observed. We estimate a decline rate parameter of dm15(B)=1.90 mag, versus 1.93 for SN 1991bg, where 1.10 is typical for so-called 'normal' events. We compare SN 1999by with other subluminous events and find that the B_max-V_max color correlates strongly with the decline rate and may be a more sensitive indicator of luminosity than the fading rate for these objects. We find a good correlation between luminosity and the depth of the spectral feature at 580 nm, which had been attributed solely to Si II. We show that in cooler photospheres the 580 nm feature is dominated by Ti II, which provides a simple physical explanation for the correlation. Using only subluminous Type Ia supernovae we derive a Hubble parameter of H_0=75 +12 -11 km/s Mpc, consistent with values found from brighter events.Comment: 36 preprint pages including 18 figures. Near-IR photometry of the SN has been added to the paper. Scheduled to appear in ApJ vol. 613 (September 2004). High-resolution version available from http://www.nd.edu/~pgarnavi/sn99by/sn99by.p