113 research outputs found

    eManual Alte Geschichte: Quellenband: Krise, Gracchen

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    The Ursinus Weekly, February 23, 1953

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    Summer school subjects to be selected now • 6th foreign policy institute to be Friday • Women elect Ruth Reed as May queen; Janie Hopple as manager for May Day • Y rep attends Bible study conf. • Dr. Harmin to be speaker at FTA Tuesday night at 7 • Jones to show slides • Detweiler to speak on religion in life day, February 25 • Rev. Flynn to speak tonight • Dr. Yost reads short stories at second English lit reading • Debaters defeat Princeton • Play tryouts to be this week; Group two to give plays • $52.92 collected for flood relief • French Club to give play at Penn, Thurs. • Quartet to sing • Dr. Bartholomew discusses rural church with Chi Alpha • Editorials: Enthusiasm needed; What happened? • Engagements • Letters to the editor • Fraternities sign 54 men • Science majors offered atomic energy posts • Margie changes from practice teaching to teaching position • Students examine Kimberton farms teaching methods • Ursinus men on the rocks as sirens comb their locks • Drexel rallies in last period to triumph 62-52 • Belles topple Garnet 42-24 • Grapplers edged out by Fords in last bout, 18-15 • Dawkins wins but Bears drop 21-5 match to Bucks • Mermaids dunk Drexel; Lose to powerful Garnet • Blood disease sidelines Swett • Haverford edges Bears 81-77 despite late surge • Belles rally to beat I.C. 42-38https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1513/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 7, 1952

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    Members begin new duties on Weekly staff • New head waiters appointed • DeSola and Scott direct new drama • Bids for queen due April 18 • China subject of Forum talk • Ursinus student body favors Gen. Eisenhower for presidential post • Curtain group plays create startling effects • Group entertained at Norristown Y • Laura Bechtle announces chief May Day dancers • Committee picks WSGA, YWCA, WAA nominees • Players intensify Sari rehearsals • Cheating is topic at fireside chats • Bids circulated for MSGA, class officers • Seniors to contact Doughty if not measured for gowns • Women day students to hold sale of cakes for furniture • Editorials: Proud tradition; Good turnout; Truman withdrawal clears air • Baker and Miller discuss Taft • Singers to meet daily • Egg hunt to be held • Letters to the editor • Engagements • Dr. Yost reads from Alcott • Chemistry students attend Pittsburgh conference • Coed presents differences between Ursinus and an all girls\u27 college • Campus scribe writes letter to folks back home • Belles end season with easy win over Rosemont • Girls\u27 intramural semi-final tonight • Sal Parent new court captain • Girls\u27 court teams post near undefeated record • Track performers burning cinders • Cricket practice announced • Brodbeck captures intramural crown • Albright tilt washed out; Bears to open with Fords • Nine basketball letters awarded • Lantern deadline set • Ulbrich speaks at IRChttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1539/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 8, 1952

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    Second forum enjoys speech by diplomat • First forum hears Lord • Scribe praises Fall play • 15th annual Messiah performance to be Thursday night in Bomberger chapel • Y plans vespers, town-gown day Christmas party • Senior prom, party is this weekend • Marine speaks to students • Class to hear talk on southeast Asia • Pre-meds to hear Drs. Nye, Eger • Sororities go through informal initiations • Only $510 donated to Campus Chest • U. of P. student addresses IRC • French Club plans party • Editorials: So little time; Prom problem • Color trouble • GOP still split • Letters to the editor • Canterbury Club elects pres., holds meeting tonight at 7 • Weddings • Engagements • Reporter reveals sacred secrets of Weekly hole • Class of \u2753 gives birth to yearbook • Senior ball will feature Stars in the eyes theme • Inquirer relay to be held in January • Bears wallop Pharmacy in season opener, 97-48 • Mermaids begin practice; Sis Bosler is new coach • Kolp elected captain • Dick Glock paces Ursinus offense • Bob Swett tallies 75 as Bears split two decisionshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1508/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 9, 1953

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    Mrs. Pancoast to be speaker at Color Day • WAA gives show tonite • Curtain Club picks play; Reveals new raise system • Y invites new members to dinner Feb. 11 • Frosh to give dance Feb. 13 • Sororities schedule dinner dance dates • Alumni office hours posted • 17 new students, 10 men, 7 women, enroll at Ursinus • Thespians to give two plays, Feb. 24 • Bus. ads to hear co. pres • Frats enter rushing week • May Queen elections to be held next Mon. • Larry Miller\u27s orchestra chosen to play at Lorelei • Yost, Jones begin TV lectures on University of Air • Sixth annual foreign policy institute to be held Feb. 27 • Staiger receives doctor\u27s degree • Ruby sponsors movie series; Yearbook snapshots due Wed. • Pre-meds to hear doctor • Editorials: Idea behind the rule • Bridge tournament to be held in Day Study, Feb. 19 • French Club works on play • Letters to the editor • Scouts to present movie • Lantern deadline Feb. 15; Business manager needed • Jones reads at lit reading • Feb. 12, 22: Famous birthdays still celebrated on campus • Changes in school policy revealed in recent interview • Special day presents itself on Feb. 14 for Ig and Oog • Steward reveals kitchen statistics • Bears crushed by Drexel in league game, 74-50 • Harris sparks Bears to 78-75 win over P.M.C.: Ursinus applies pressure on leaders of Middle Atlantic Conference • Belles split Drexel games • Grapplers lose to Lafayette • Derr paces intramurals • Lehigh romps over Bears in very fast game, 97-52 • Girls play intramural games • Chem society to see filmshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1511/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 16, 1953

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    Dean\u27s Office reveals list of 76 students • Elections for May queen, scheduled for Wednesday • Frosh reps given charge on Color Day • Rules revealed for Alpha Psi • Male quartet to sing for PTA, February 19 • Rules clarified at senate meeting • Y dinner held; SRC to conduct seminar tonight • Janet Glaser crowned queen of freshman dance, Friday • Junior class begins casting for original musical show • Sororities choose dinner dance clubs • Seniors make plans for this weekend • Hudock tells pre-med society about heart ills • Sun Oil pres. speaks tonight • Music Club plans tour • Editorials: Plea to 57 students; Mountains out of molehills • WAA show merits good comments • Newman convention to be held • Letters to the editor • Canterbury Club holds dinner • Florida affords adventure for venturesome trekking trio • J. Alexander \u2701 is one of Boy Scout founders • An old Ursinus institution perpetuated by Grecian gods • Girls\u27 court team hands Beaver double defeat • Swarthmore upsets Bears despite Herb Knull\u27s 28 • Blue Hens defeat Bears with late surge, 83-52 • U. of P. defeats badminton team • Duryea and Hobson victorious • Wrestlers bounce Muhlenberg 21-9 • Delaware beats grapplers 24-8; Dawkins wins again • Music room closed • Chi Alpha to hear speaker • IRC to sponsor collection for flood reliefhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1512/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 12, 1953

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    Petitions for May queen to start Feb. 2 • Revised final exam schedule • 11 students to graduate this January • Over 200 people hear Earle Spicer sing ballads Wed. • Lucas, Scott join cast of Alpha Psi • Pettit discovers fire in Bomberger chapel • Library has new collection of great books of western world • Campus Chest total is $955.23 • Y commission holds vespers • Frosh class discusses plans; Sets tentative dance date • Chem group to hear speech • Turkish speaker addresses classes Tuesday morning • Frats hold meetings, set date for dances • Movie to be shown in S-12 • 32 girls invited to Rosie dessert • Ruby wants snaps brought to Hobson • New rules regulate use of Alumni office machines • Editorials: New year suggestion • Goodbye H.S.T. • Letters to the editor • Engagements • Weddings • What are ex-student-teachers doing with their free time? • January graduates reveal variety of future plans • Resolutions of eager frosh contrast to humble seniors • F&M routs Bears 90-65 with second half splurge • Grizzlies rally to smother alumni 96-75 for fifth • Belles drub Moravian 75-22; Kuhn scores 21 • Grapplers down Swarthmore team • Herb Knull tabs record 46 as Ursinus routs Fords • French Club gives moviehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1510/thumbnail.jp
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