61 research outputs found

    Formulation of the System of Isohydric Solutions

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    The isohydricity (pH constancy) as the property referred to mixtures of acids or bases, is illustrated on a simple example of the solutions: HL (C0, mol/L) and HL (C mol/L) mixed according to titrimetric mode (pH titration). A new derivation of the Michałowski formula 120 10 pKC C C expressing this property is presented, and its applicability for determi-nation of pK1 = – logK1 value is indicated. The principle of the isohydric method of pK1 determination is also outlined

    Especializaciones Farmacéuticas

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    A complete revision of the possibilities of pharmacists to acces to specialisation after graduation. The final degrees that can be obtained are referenced.Se hace una revisión de los mecanismos de especialización al que tienen acceso los farmacéuticos, haciendo especial referencia a la regulación oficial para obtener el título de especialista

    Los Halógenos ¿materia mineral farmaceútica?

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    In 1906 Henri Moissan was the first French person and first pharmacist to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. It was the end of a large and gold chapter in which through more than a century, Scheele (1774), Courtois (1813), Balard (1823) and Moissan (1886), all of them pharmacists, isolated chlorine, iodine, bromine and fluorine, respectively. That is the reason why the title figures as a question. The elucidation of the halogen’s nature demolished the Lavoisier’s acidity theory. Some aspects of the life of the discoverers are given. Moissan was able to isolate and study fluorine, that savage beast among the elements.Key Words: Halogens, discovery, history.En 1906 se otorga el Premio Nobel de Química a Henri Moissan, primer farmacéutico y primer francés en recibir tal distinción. Era el broche de oro de un largo capítulo en el que a través de más de cien años, Scheele (1774), Courtois (1813), Balard (1823) y Moissan (1886), todos ellos farmacéuticos, aíslan el cloro, iodo, bromo y flúor, respectivamente. Por esta razón se plantea el título del trabajo en clave de interrogante. La elucidación de su naturaleza demolió la teoría de la acidez de Lavoisier, y el descubrimiento del bromo contribuyó a aportar luz sobre la sistematización de los elementos químicos. Se aportan detalles de la vida de los descubridores y, de la concesión del Premio Nobel a Moissan, que realizó la proeza de domar a la bestia salvaje de los elementos químicos.Palabras clave: Halogenos, descubrimiento, historia

    Antioxidant Capacity of Anthocyanins and other Vegetal Pigments

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    Anthocyanins are the largest group of phenolic pigments, being effective hydrogen donors [...

    Calibración, comparación de métodos y estimación de parámetros en el análisis químico y farmacéutico (*)

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    Fitting straight lines with replicated observations is considered in this paper This topic is closely related to very basic operations, for example, calibration curves relating measured value of response to a property of materials, comparison of two analytical methods applied to a range of test materials, relationships in which time is the x-variate, and parameter estimation methods. The subject has a great interest in the field of chemical and physical measurements, which are widely applied in the pharmaceuticals and related sciences.En este trabajo se pasa revista a la problemática del ajuste de una línea recta cuando se realizan observaciones replicadas. Este tópico se encuentra estrechamente relacionado con cuestiones básicas, tales como curvas de calibrado relacionando el valor medido de una respuesta con la propiedad de un material, comparación de dos métodos analíticos aplicado a diferentes concentraciones de material, relaciones en las que el tiempo es la variable x, y estimación de parámetros. El tema reviste en adición un gran interés en el ámbito de las medidas físicas y químicas, de tanta aplicación en las Ciencias Farmacéuticas y afines

    Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Sevilla: implantación del espíritu ECTS propio del EEES

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    The implementation process of the ECTS concepts in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Seville is being studied. The main objectives of this Pilot Scheme can be summarized in two fundamental aspects: (i) training of the professors in the new education methodologies according to the EHEA concepts and (ii) obtaining of experimental results that make us possible to justify the adequate personal and infrastructures requirements. The obtained results are very promising; nevertheless, several actions have been detected in order to yield with the EHEA possibilities. These actions are related (i) to adequate the students / professors ratio, (ii) to establish coordination groups and (iii) to develop a tutorial action so as to improve the students implication.En este trabajo se aborda el estudio del proceso de implantación del Sistema de Transferencia de Créditos Europeos (ECTS), unidad fundamental del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), en la Titulación actual de Farmacia de la Universidad de Sevilla. Tras unas consideraciones previas, se establecen los objetivos fundamentales del Programa Piloto de implantación ECTS, que se resumen en dos aspectos básicos: (i) entrenamiento del profesorado de la Facultad en el nuevo modelo educativo propuesto por la Declaración de Bolonia y (ii) obtención de resultados experimentales que posibiliten justificar necesidades y exigencias, tanto personales como materiales, ante la próxima implantación de los nuevos planes de estudio según el crédito europeo. Los resultados son muy positivos, pero si se pretende aprovechar correctamente las posibilidades ofertadas por este nuevo sistema, señalan claramente (i) la necesidad de adaptar el número de estudiantes por grupo, tanto dotando del personal necesario para la docencia como adecuando las infraestructuras, (ii) la conveniencia de crear equipos de coordinación por curso y por titulación y (iii) crear acciones que promuevan el desarrollo de un sistema tutorial de orientación

    A Potentiometric Evaluation of Stability Constants of Two-Step Overlapping Equilibria via a Bilogarithmic Hyperbolic Cosine Method

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    A bilogarithmic hyperbolic cosine method for the evaluation of overlapping formation constants at varying (or fixed) ionic strength is devised in this paper and applied to data reported in the analytical literature, i.e. succinic acid system, Cu(II)-glycine system and Ag(I)-aminobutan -1-ol system. The method is based on the linearization of the formation function ñ = f(pH) or ñ = f(pL) data. A theoretical slope of unity should be obtained thus proving the correctness of the assumed equilibria. An additional advantage of the bilogarithmic method proposed is that it provides a closed scale representation of Y and X unlike other plots. This paper forms part of an investigation into the uses of bilo garithmic methods and hyperbolic functions in parameter estimation. Methods based on the application of spectrophotometric measurements have been the subject of recent studies

    State of the Art of Anthocyanins: Antioxidant Activity, Sources, Bioavailability, and Therapeutic Effect in Human Health

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    The antioxidant activity of anthocyanins in food is well known. Numerous antioxidant assays have been proposed to measure the capacity of anthocyanins to prevent the oxidation process that naturally occurs. Different solvents, temperatures, and pH levels are applied in each assay, and these factors should be taken into account in order to obtain useful and reproducible results. The concentration and the structure of these compounds are directly related to their antioxidant capacity and their environment. However, the effectiveness of the anthocyanin ingestion against diseases is also influenced by its bioavailability. Novel methodologies that simulate the digestion process have been developed in order to facilitate the current knowledge of anthocyanins bioavailability. Studies highlight the potential synergy effect between parent compounds and their derivatives (metabolites, conjugated products, and microbe-generated metabolites). The aim of this review is to provide an overview of advantages and disadvantages of the most common methods to determine the antioxidant activity of anthocyanins, chemical structure, and concentration of these compounds in different edible fruits, vegetables, and plants; their bioavailability after intake; as well as the main therapeutic effect described in the scientific literature

    Inflection points on some S-shaped curves

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    This paper refers to inflection point—the fundamental property of S-shaped curves. In this paper, the inflection points are related to pH titration curve pH = pH(V), and to the curve σ = σ(pH) in-volved with surface tension, σ

    Fitting Nonlinear Calibration Curves: No Models Perfect

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    The study of the calibration of a series of compounds of environmental concern (six perfluoroalkyl compounds (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and five perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids), three preservatives (methyl-, ethyl- and propylparabens) and the brominated flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane) by LC-MS/MS has been carries out, with a view to their simultaneous determination in samples of environmental interest. In some cases nonlinear calibration curves are obtained, but restricting the concentration range a linear model may be used to fit the data. Residual analysis has been performed in order to verify which models fit the data better, opting for a compromise decision given the apparent complexity of residuals plots. As Box states there are no perfect models (but models that work better than others)