7 research outputs found

    Estado de salud bucodental en el adulto mayor

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    Dental prosthesis and buccal lesions in the elderly

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    <strong>Fundament</strong>: Buccal lesions in the elderly are very frequent and they constitute a problem of health due to the consequences that cause. <strong><br />Objective</strong>: to describe the characteristics of the removable prosthesis used by the population of 60 and more years age and their relationship with the lesions of the oral mucosa. <strong><br />Methods</strong>: We carried out a study descriptive of cross section in 125 elderly with oral prosthesis. The characteristics of the removable prosthesis were described and their relationship with the lesions of the oral mucosa. The square chi tests and the analysis of relative risk were use to determine the association between the variables, also we used a logistical regression model to determine the independent relationship of each factor with the presence of the lesions. <strong><br />Results:</strong> We was a 12% of the people with stomatitis sub prosthesis, 8% presented lesions growth hyperplasic and 5,6% they were have angular queilitis. The lesions in the oral mucosa increased in people with prosthesis in not well state, bad hygiene this and in the female sex. <strong><br />Conclusion</strong>: the chronic lesions were the more prevalence in this study and they were very related with factors like: state of the conservation the prosthesis, time use, hygiene this and sex of the individual; but when determining the independent influence from each factor with the presence lesions, we established that only the state of conservation of the prosthesis and their hygiene affected of the important way to the old men of this study

    Funding of Scientific Research at the Universities of Medical Sciences of Cuba. Realities, Challenges and Legal Aspects.

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    Funding of scientific activity is essential for its development and in turn, for contributing to national development. There are many problems in both planning and executing that budget in the medical universities in Cuba, a situation that is similar in the rest of the centers of the National Health System. This paper draws attention to this issue and also presents a summary of the laws and resolutions in the country that allow proper planning and implementation of the budget to achieve scientific development. The legal issues should be responsibly considered by both researchers and decision-makers of the system

    Estado del Clima en Cuba 2019. Resumen ampliado

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    El presente informe realiza una descripción del estado del clima en Cuba durante el 2019 a partir del análisis del comportamiento de determinadas variables climáticas, así como de algunos factores que regulan la variabilidad del clima en la región y en Cuba. Resultó relevante el comportamiento de la temperatura media anual que fue la más alta desde 1951, al alcanzar un valor de 1.1 °C por encima de la media histórica del período 1961-1990. La temperatura media de la década más reciente (2010-2019) es también la más elevada de los registros, de manera tal que el 2019 clasificó como el año más cálido jamás registrado acentuando aún más la tendencia al incremento de la temperatura media anual en Cuba. En correspondencia se rompieron 33 nuevos récords de temperatura máxima y se estableció el récord nacional de temperatura máxima absoluta de Cuba con un valor de 39.1°C en el mes de junio. El fenómeno meteorológico más relevante fue el tornado que afectó la provincia de La Habana el 27 de enero, catalogado por sus daños como un EF4, según la escala de Fujita Pearson mejorada (vientos entre 267 y 322 kilómetros por hora). Este sistema estuvo precedido por una activa línea de tormentas en forma de arco por delante de un frente frío que cruzó sobre el occidente de Cuba en horas de la noche del 27 de enero. Durante el tránsito de la hondonada pre frontal se reportaron numerosas lluvias, que resultaron fuertes y con eventos de tiempo severo asociad