1 research outputs found

    Efficient and economical protection of wheat harmful biological agents

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    Pšenica je usev koji se seje na površini između 450.000 i 650.000 ha u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Prinosi variraju od 3 do 8 tona / ha ( prosek je 3,5 tone/ha ). Kao i za druge useve tako i kod pšenice primena blagovremene i stručne tehnologije je obavezna mera. Pšenicu treba u toku proizvodnje održavati bez prisustva korova, štetočina i patogena kako bi se potigao maksimalan prinos. Prisustvo štetnih agenasa pored umanjenja prinosa dolazi i do smanjivanja kvaliteta proizvoda – zrna pšenice i povećavaju troškove žetve i povećanje vlage u vreme žetve. Prognoza pojave štetnih agenasa je prvi i osnovni zadatak kao i kontrola i terapija koja se preduzima tokom vegetacije. Na tržištu postoji dovoljan broj preparata iz grupe herbicida, zoocida i fungicida koji blagovremenom primenom po preporuci stručnjaka iz Poljoprivrednih stručnih službi i po uputstvu proizvođača pesticida omoguđavaju proizvodnju zdravog useva uz postizanje maksimalnih prinosa.Wheat is a crop that is sown on the surface of between 450,000 and 650,000 ha in recent years. Yields range from 3 to 8 tons / ha (average is 3.5 tons / ha). As with other crops of wheat and timely implementation of the technology and expertise required measures. Wheat production should be maintained during the absence of weeds, pests and pathogens to achieved maximum yields. The presence of harmful agents in addition to yield reduction leads to the reduction of the quality of the product - wheat harvest and increase the cost and increase the moisture content at harvest time. Predicting the harmful agents is the first and foremost task as well as control and treatment undertaken during the growing season. On the market there are a sufficient number of agents from the group of herbicides, fungicides zoocides and timely implementation of the recommendation of experts in agricultural extension services and the pesticide manufacturer’s instructions cas producing healthy crops to achieve maximum yields