22 research outputs found


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    Sustainability starts from the idea that human activities are dependent on environment and resources. Health, social security and economic stability of society are essential in defining quality of life. Sustainable development subsumes and puts in relation the economic development of a territory and human development. Sustainable development argues that, first, development is made for people and it implies people’s participation in obtaining economic results and in the fair distribution of income.natural capital, human development index, territorial management,ecological system.


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    The issue of pollution is an important contemporary issue. Within the last 20 years, there have been global studies on how to stop global warming. The European Union is the world leader in concrete measures undertaken in this respect. The introduction of the cap-and-trade system, begun in 2005 with the carbon emission certificate trade mechanism is considered a a modest succes that needs perfecting. The new EU directives of 2009, that come into effect in 2013, test member countries in the area of conventional and renewable energy strategies which have to be adapted to the national environmental protection strategies.market failure, cap-and-trade, emission certificates, carbon market


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    This paper will present the general principles of cooperation ininternational criminal matters, crimes that are usually the cause of collaboration betweenstates by their nature and. The chosen practical case presents a situation that is unfortunatelytoo common in Romania, namely, a criminal group organized in Romania that forced anumber of women to practice prostitution on the territory of other states throughmanipulation, threats and violence

    Implications of Human Trafficking on the Romanian Society

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    In order to raise awareness of the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings among different institutions (law enforcement, child protection, NGOs) and to improve the measures they can take, the article aims to identify how severe is the phenomenon of human trafficking in Romania. We also want to identify the repercussions of this phenomenon as well as to identify the solutions at political and legislative level in order to reduce or even combat this phenomenon

    The use of Structural Funds and European Investments (ESI) in order to develop the Member States. Examples of good practice in the use of ESI funds

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    Multiannual financial framework of the European Union (EU) for the period 2014-2020 enables implementation of the new generation of EU spending programs since 1 January 2014. EU Member States provide, through the Structural Funds and European Investment Funds or ESI, financial resources to support them in order to develop continuously. This paper discusses disclosure of such funds and a number of issues that need to be known by potential beneficiaries in the Member States

    Simulating the Need of Working Capital for Decision Making in Investments

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    Simulation is one of the main instruments within the financial techniques of modeling decisions in condition of risk. The paper compares a couple of simulation methods for Sales and their impact on the need of short term financing. For simulating the need of working capital, the original software implementation is based on the data analysis and statistical facilities of a common spreadsheet program. The case study aims at proving the utility of the software for furnishing results with three of the main known simulation methods and helping the decisional process

    Bounded Rationality Through the Filter of the Lisbon Objectives

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have created best conditions for grows of knowledge societies. An emerging global information society serves to building global knowledge societies as source for further development. Conventional paradigms of sciences starts to be more blemish and prone to redefinition of there foundations, understood as scientific knowledge. The perspective of knowledge and ideals of rationality are both heavily influenced by a new contemporary scientific thinking, through tools, inherent of autonomy and uncertainty. A new understanding of the world in terms of open dynamic heterogeneous uncertain systems is needed. Among the conclusions: classical rational reasoning is mainly aiming at effectiveness, not at uncertain knowledge processing, because of its temporality (mainly its ineffectiveness in dealing with future events); a bounded-rationality approach enables both, better economic models and better modelling, being based on trends in economic modelling as well as on agent-oriented software engineering

    Evaluation of hotel quality attribute importance through fuzzy correlation coefficient

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    An indirect method of calculation of the importance of attributes as the fuzzy correlation between the performance of attributes and the overall satisfaction was proposed in a recent paper. We apply the method to the results of a survey with respect to the quality of hotel services in Oradea (Romania). Different representations of the answers as triangular fuzzy numbers, as well as distinct analyzes to compare the hierarchies of the attributes with respect to the experience with the hotel and the motivation of the travel are considered. First published online: 30 Mar 201

    Prudent decisions to estimate the risk of loss in insurance

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    The directive 2009/138/EC „Solvency II”, provides the determination of insurance capital requirements based either on a standard formula or an internal model built by the company and approved by the regulatory authority. The build of an internal model involves the determination of an extreme quantile from the empirical distribution of portfolio. An estimate of this quantile, with a 99.5% confidence level, requires a large number of simulations, each taking into account different scenarios as: insufficient reserves, unfavourable developments of financial assets, etc. The present paper proposes to argue the necessity of the extreme value theory approach in order to estimate the risk of loss for the insurance issue, in accordance with European Directive „Solvency II”, from the perspective of making prudent decisions for the assessment of insurance capital requirements

    Data Analytics for Optimizing and Predicting Employee Performance

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    The need to increase employee performance and productivity has become vital in most companies nowadays, considering the number of changes that processes and people have faced during recent years in many organizations. This becomes even more important as it can sustain the growth of the company, as well as the competitiveness. This work will present multiple methods and comparisons between them for the process of building a machine learning algorithm to predict performance scores for employees in one organization; these methods include pre-processing the data, selecting the best variables, building the best algorithms for the available data, and tuning their hyperparameters. The current research aims to conclude on a collection of practices that will determine the best predictions for the given variables, so that human opinion can become less influential in employee appraisal, increasing objectivity and overall productivity