137 research outputs found

    The University and City Images for Migration of Nonresident Students: a Regional Case

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    The global digital transformation of the economy requires a new look at the information basis for making managerial decisions on the problem of uneven distribution of universities across Russian regions. It involves the creation of a data bank on key issues of Russian higher education. One of these indicators may be the subjective reasons for the attractiveness of territories for applicants/students/graduates in terms of the significance of images of the university and city of study, as well as factors influencing educational migration. The goal is to show, using the example of a separate case, the role played by the images of the university and the city in the choice of a university, adaptation and postgraduate migration of students from other cities (coming from Russian cities and villages). The theoretical framework of the study is built by synthesizing the theories of “spirals” about the third function of higher education, and the theory of the image of the territory in relation to educational migration. The analysis involves statistical data on the socio-economic situation in Russian regions that attract educational migrants, and the results of a survey of out-of-town students of Kazan Federal University.The study found that both the university and the city are equally important bases for educational strategies for the majority of applicants. During their studies, they, like those who came to study only because of the university or just because of the city, consolidate the image of Kazan as a student territory with rich infrastructure and quality life, a sense of belonging to the capital of Tatarstan, positive assessments and a desire to recommend it to friends for moving. However, the reasons for educational migration and the perception of Kazan do not affect the postgraduate plans of students. Regions that are able to attract applicants and retain students after graduation – Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk regions – benefit from Tatarstan due to the fact that they offer more favorable living conditions and a larger range of offers on the market work for young professionals.The practical significance of the work lies in the position on the importance of combining the policies of shaping the images of the university and the city, not only to attract talented youth, but also to improve the third mission of Russian universities in terms of their inclusion in the development of urban activities among students, the use of the intellectual potential of higher education for socio-economic development of territories

    Comparative associative analysis of the meanings of the Tatar and English linguistic cultures (on the example of the Lexemes Gaila and family)

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    The term "association" has gained extreme popularity in classical empirical psychology of consciousness by V. Vundt and became an integral part of our life. One word incentive may contain hundreds of thousands of words reactions resulting from the fact that each certain individual has associations with this or that word, it depends also on the environment, nationality in which countries the individual lives and his way of life, outlook etc. In this work we earned out the analysis of results of a free associative expenment on words incentives qaila (family) and family among speakers Tatar and English languages. The choice of these concepts was caused by the fact that the family represents one of the most important values of each individual. In most cases the person is born in a family, grows in it, receives education, to study, lives in a circle of relatives, despite a growing and temporary separation of people finds a family again, thus and during all life of people is connected with a family. Therefore the institute of a family is the major public institute at which the personality with all her individual qualities causing cultural, psychological and social adaptation of the person in specific linguacultural communities created. Entering cross-cultural communication with representatives of other sociocultural space, people estimate them from the point of view of those values and stereotypes which apprehended in own culture, first of all, in a family. Family values and stereotypes, being pledged in the childhood, are determining, though are exposed to changes throughout life. Relevance of our research is caused by the fact that in this article results of an associative experiment on words incentives are analyzed gaila both family in the Tatar and English languages. Such comparative studying of results of an associative experiment I gave the chance to reveal as common features of both people in understanding of value "family", and to find distinctions between their cultures, values and national peculiarities

    Professional pedagogical education quality management

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. The urgency of the issue stated in this article is caused by the need for effective educational practice in the effective management mechanisms of professional pedagogical education quality, which consider the specificity of educational process of teachers training and consistency of personal development of the future teacher. The aim of the article is to develop and describe the design principles of management system of personal-oriented pedagogical education quality in higher school. The leading method of study of this problem is the modeling method, which consists in the development and approbation of the local model of quality management system of professional pedagogical education, with due consideration of the individual peculiarities of subjective personality development of the future teacher. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the “education quality” concept on the basis of a synthesis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, social and economic approaches, provides rationalization for principles of multilevel monitoring of the educational process mobility in HEI of education, describes a model of professional pedagogical education quality management system and shows the results of its approbation in HEI of education. Materials of the article present practical utility to scientists, which study the questions of professional pedagogical education development, practicing teachers engaged in the training of teachers in higher school, as well as specialists in the sphere of professional education management

    Creation of Optimal Combinations of Biosorbents to Eliminate Excessive Amounts of Metals from the Human Body

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    © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Results of the development and evaluation of a sorption capacity of several polymer biosorbents combined with an inorganic matrix are provided. The potential use of whey to model sorption processes in an internal environment of the body is shown. Most effective combinations promoting selective elimination of an excess of accumulated metals from the body are proposed

    O lexema das roupas e dos toucados na lingvocultura tártara (sobre o material da diluição de M. Galau «Mut» e «Mukhadjiri»)

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    The article systematized the scientific literature on the history of the Tatar costume study. Such concepts as Tatar classical traditional and Tatar traditional costumes are used as a scientific apparatus. The work is the study of the costume detail functioning in the dilogy by Mahmut Galyau "Mut" ("Болганчык еллар") and "Muhajirs" ("Мөхәҗирләр"). The prospects of the Tatar costume study were proved based on the material of historical novels. "The language of the costume" is represented in the depiction of the hero social position, serves as the means of psychological characterization, allows a reader to form a reliable idea about the everyday life of the epoch. During the study they revealed that the Tatar clothing of the dilogy heroes included a shirt, trousers, a camisole, a kazakin, a jilan, a chaplet, a fur coat, three-lap fur coats, a sheepskin coat, trousers, a beshmet, ichigi, kavushi, shoes, caps, tuqyah, skullcaps. Some Mahmut Galyau's heroes are dressed in European costume. Clothing acts as a confessional marker in the dilogy. The following layers are represented in the vocabulary of clothing and hats, which are presented in the novel: 1) Common Türkic vocabulary; 2) the names of clothes and headgear, formed and used only in Tatar language; 3) borrowings.El artículo sistematizó la literatura científica sobre la historia del estudio del traje tártaro. Conceptos tales como los trajes clásicos tradicionales tártaros y los trajes típicos tártaros se utilizan como un aparato científico. El trabajo es el estudio del detalle del disfraz que funciona en la dilogía de Mahmut Galyau "Mut" ("Болганчык еллар") y "Muhajirs" ("Мөхәҗирләр"). Las perspectivas del estudio del traje tártaro se probaron en base al material de las novelas históricas. "El lenguaje del traje" está representado en la representación de la posición social del héroe, sirve como medio de caracterización psicológica, permite que el lector forme una idea confiable sobre la vida cotidiana de la época. Durante el estudio revelaron que la vestimenta tártara de los héroes dilogy incluía una camisa, un pantalón, una camisola, un kazakin, un jilan, una capucha, un abrigo de pieles, abrigos de pieles de tres vueltas, un abrigo de piel de oveja, pantalones, un beshmet, ichigi, kavushi, zapatos, gorras, tuqyah, calaveras. Algunos héroes de Mahmut Galyau están vestidos con trajes europeos. La ropa actúa como un marcador confesional en la dilogia. Las siguientes capas están representadas en el vocabulario de ropa y sombreros, que se presentan en la novela: 1) vocabulario común de Türk; 2) los nombres de ropa y artículos de sombrerería, formados y usados solo en lengua tártara; 3) préstamos.O artigo sistematizou a literatura científica sobre a história do estudo de costumes tártaros. Conceitos como trajes tradicionais tradicionais tártaros e tradicionais tártaros são usados como um aparato científico. O trabalho é o estudo do detalhe do traje que funciona na diluição por Mahmut Galyau "Mut" ("Болганчык еллар") e "Muhajirs" ("Мөхәҗирләр"). As perspectivas do estudo de costumes tártaros foram comprovadas com base no material de romances históricos. "A linguagem da fantasia" é representada na representação da posição social do herói, serve como meio de caracterização psicológica, permite ao leitor formar uma ideia confiável sobre a vida cotidiana da época. Durante o estudo, eles revelaram que as roupas tártaras dos heróis dilatistas incluíam uma camisa, calças, uma camisola, um kazakin, um jilan, um grinalda, um casaco de pele, casacos de pele de três voltas, um casaco de pele de carneiro, calças, um beshmet. ichigi, kavushi, sapatos, bonés, tuqyah, calotas cranianas. Alguns heróis de Mahmut Galyau estão vestidos com trajes europeus. A roupa age como um marcador confessional no dilogo. As seguintes camadas estão representadas no vocabulário de roupas e chapéus, que são apresentados no romance: 1) Vocabulário Türkic comum; 2) os nomes de roupas e chapelaria, formados e utilizados apenas na língua tártara; 3) empréstimos

    Optimized medium for the efficient production of bacillus intermedium glutamyl endopeptidase by the recombinant bacillus subtilis

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    A nutrient medium was elaborated for the efficient production of glutamyl endopeptidase by the recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain AJ73 bearing the Bacillus intermedius 3-19 glutamyl endopeptidase gene within a multicopy plasmid. Optimal concentrations of the main nutrients, peptone and inorganic phosphate, were found using a multifactor approach. To provide for active growth and efficient glutamyl endopeptidase production, the cultivation medium of the recombinant strain should be enriched in phosphorus, organic and inorganic nitrogen sources, and yeast extract. Complex protein substrates, such as casein and gelatin, enhanced the biosynthesis of glutamyl endopeptidase. At the same time, easily metabolizable carbon sources suppressed it. The production of glutamyl endopeptidase was stimulated by the bivalent cations Ca2+, Mg2+, and Co2+

    Biosynthesis and localization of glutamylendopeptidase from Bacillus intermedius strain 3-19

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    The biosynthesis of glutamylendopeptidase from Bacillus intermedius strain 3-19 and localization of the enzyme in the bacterial cells was studied. The synthesis of the enzyme was suppressed by easily metabolizable carbon sources. Inorganic phosphate and NH+ 4 ions stimulated the production of glutamylendopeptidase. Complicated organic substrates such as casein, gelatine, and haemoglobin did not affect the biosynthesis of the enzyme. The divalent metallic ions Ca2+, Mg2+, Co2+ increased the production of glutamylendopeptidase while Zn2+, Cu2+, and Fe2+ reduced the biosynthesis of proteinase. The rate of synthesis of the enzyme increased when the rate of the bacterial growth decreased. The maximum enzyme activity in the culture fluid was determined at the stationary phase of growth. In the cells glutamylendopeptidase was bound to the cytoplasmic membrane, and the maximal enzyme activity was detected in the stationary growth phase. The results facilitated the development of a medium which yielded the maximum glutamylendopeptidase production by B. intermedius strain 3-19

    Effect of nutrients on the accumulation of glutamyl endopeptidase in the culture liquid of bacillus intermedium 3-19

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    The effect of nutrients and growth conditions on the accumulation of glutamyl endopeptidase in the culture liquid of Bacillus intermedius 3-19 was studied. Glucose and other readily metabolizable carbon sources were found to suppress the production of the enzyme, while inorganic phosphate and ammonium cations enhanced it. Protein substrates, such as casein, gelatin, and hemoglobin, did not affect enzyme production. Some bivalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Co2+) increased the production of glutamyl endopeptidase, but others (Zn2+, Fe2+, Cu2+) acted in the opposite way. The rate of enzyme accumulation in the culture liquid increased as the growth rate of the bacterium decreased, so that the maximum enzyme activity was observed in the stationary growth phase. Based on the results of this investigation, an optimal medium for the maximum production of glutamyl endopeptidase by B. intermedius 3-19 was elaborated

    Effect of nutrients on the accumulation of glutamyl endopeptidase in the culture liquid of Bacillus intermedius 3-19

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    The effect of nutrients and growth conditions on the accumulation of glutamyl endopeptidase in the culture liquid of Bacillus intermedius 3-19 was studied. Glucose and other readily metabolizable carbon sources were found to suppress the production of the enzyme, whereas inorganic phosphate and ammonium cations enhanced it. Protein substrates, such as casein, gelatin, and hemoglobin, did not affect enzyme production. Some bivalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Co2+) increased the production of glutamyl endopeptidase, but others (Zn2+, Fe2+, Cu2+) acted in the opposite way. The rate of enzyme accumulation in the culture liquid increased as the growth rate of the bacterium decreased, so that the maximum enzyme activity was observed in the stationary growth phase. Based on the results of this investigation, an optimal medium for the maximum production of glutamyl endopeptidase by B. intermedius 3-19 was elaborated. © 2000 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    Optimization of cultivation medium for the production of Bacillus intermedius 3-19 glutamyl endopeptidase | Optimizatsiia sredy kul'tivirovaniia dlia produktsii glutamiléndopeptidazy Bacillus intermedius 3-19.

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    The effect of some components of cultivation medium on the growth of the streptomycin-resistant Bacillus intermedius strain 3-19 and on the production of glutamyl endopeptidase was investigated using factorial experimental design, which allowed the concentrations of peptone and inorganic phosphate to be optimized for the maximum production of the enzyme. Experiments with different peptones and casamino acids showed that the enzyme production is maximum with peptone 3 of plant origin. The addition of casamino acids or amino acids to the peptone-containing cultivation medium inhibited the production of glutamyl endopeptidase