3 research outputs found
Experimental substantiation of bachelor student's general and special physical training methods.
On the base of two–year examinations and investigations of students physical culture program for the first–year students of the Police Academy and its' methodical structure had been prepared, approved and put into practice. In the program for the general physical training 58 hours are allotted (for development of tenacity – 32,2 percent, for development of force – 22,4 percent, for development of quickness – 20,7 percent, for development of dexterity and flexibility – 20,7 percent). For special physical training 94 hours are allotted (for punching and blocking acts – 14,9 percent of the total time, for defense against punches – 42,6 percent, for releasing, throwing, helping acts – 23,3 percent, for keeping off and checking – 19,2 percent). The first and the most important task of pedagogues of physical culture in the Police Academy is upbringing the conscious need of the students to have high-level physical readiness, to evaluate changes of physical state and to determine ways of it correction. The second task is to teach them to be in training systematically, to improve their professional and conditional preparation, to develop certain skills, deterring tined movements, improving physiological power taking into account particularities of the profession.
Physical training of students of Police Academy is versatile and complicated process consisting of interdependent components: learning of physical exercises, development of physical particularities, formation of professional skills and creative application of them in professional activities of policeman. The presented methodic, will help the professional apprehension of the essence of physical training of students of the Police Academy, influence of physical exercises upon health and development of students.Šiandien žmogui būdinga fizinė inteligencija, jis pats rūpinasi savo sveikata, fizine galia, dvasinio ir fizinio kūno grožio vienove. Sistemingos kūno kultūros pratybos, žmogaus fizinis pajėgumas tampa ypač svarbūs profesinei veiklai. Geriausiai tam tinka parinkta pagal profesiją kūno kultūra ir sportas. Tokiu atveju visas kūno kultūros priemonių kompleksas peržiūrimas ir vertinamas atsižvelgiant į profesinius reikalavimus, t. y. kūno kultūros priemonės kryptingai parenkamos pagal darbo specifiką, siekiant, kad jos būtų maksimaliai taikomos konkretaus darbuotojų kontingento darbingumui kelti, sveikatai stiprinti.
Keletą metų dirbdami su Lietuvos teisės universiteto studentais mes gilinomės ir tyrėme Teisės universiteto studentų profesinį fizinį pasirengimą, kartu su bendraautoriais išleidome šešis mokomuosius leidinius, parengėme studentų fizinio ugdymo programą, nustatėme ir įvertinome kūno kultūros ir sporto specifiką policininko profesijoje. Šiuo straipsniu tikimasi atskleisti mokslinių darbų esmę ir pateikti kai kuriuos tyrimų rezultatus
Physical Training of Statutory Officers
The article deals with the methods of physical and combatant training of statutory officers, as well as their physical and functional fitness. The aim of the research was to work out the organization and administration methods of special physical training and special normative evaluation criteria of physical fitness of officers and would-be workers at juridical institutions by means of experimental research. The experimental research evaluated physical development and fitness, and functional fitness of officers – students, analyzed the aspects of the application of professional skills in practical situations, and worked out the evaluation criteria of the level of physical fitness. The research participants were 90 officers – part-time students, who were divided into the experimental group, working according to a special program, and a control group. The research showed that during the experiment the police officers’ abdominal press and the strength of trunk and arms significantly increased (p<0.05), and slight increase was noticed in the indices of maximum oxygen consumption, and Rufje index, as well as the complex psychomotor reaction. It appeared that 69.7 % of officers used their practical self-defense skills defending themselves from assailants. On the basis of the received data the table of the evaluation of physical fitness was worked out. It would allow evaluating the level of physical fitness of statutory officers
Specific of the methods of physical development and physical training of the law university students
Vienas iš esminių studentų fizinio ugdymo trūkumų yra jo atotrūkis nuo bendros būsimų profesionalų rengimo sistemos. Konstruojant fizinių pratybų turinį būtina atsižvelgti į būsimos profesijos reikalavimus ir parinkti kūno kultūros priemones bei būdus, kurie padėtų formuoti būsimo profesionalo psichofizinius gabumus, galias, asmenybės charakterio bruožus. Tyrimo tikslas - eksperimentinio tyrimo būdu parengti moksliškai pagrįstą Lietuvos teisės universiteto bakalaurų studijų studentų fizinio ugdymo metodiką. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti Lietuvos teisės universiteto studentų fizinį pasirengimą ir funkcinį pajėgumą. 2. Nustatyti studentų fizinio pasirengimo ir funkcinio pajėgumo dinamiką. 3. Sudaryti studentų fizinio rengimo programą, atsižvelgiant į būsimos profesinės veiklos ypatumus. 1999-2001 mokslo metais buvo atlikti I-IV kursų studentų fizinio pasirengimo ir funkcinio pajėgumo tyrimai. Tyrimuose dalyvavo 200 studentų, buvo sudarytos keturios eksperimentinės grupės, kurios dirbo pagal specialią bendrojo ir specialaus fizinio rengimo programą, ir viena kontrolinė grupė. Visose grupėse kūno kultūros pratybų krūvis per mokslo metus sudarė 200 vai. Mokomoji medžiaga buvo suskirstyta į tris dalis pagal etapus: rudens, žiemos ir pavasario. Kiekvienai fizinei savybei ugdyti buvo sudaryta programa, numatytos priemonės ir atlikimo metodai.On the basis of two-year observation and investigation of students physical training program for the first-year students of the Law University and its' methodical structure the present methodic has been prepared, approved and put into practice. The program for a general physical training covers 58 hours (development of tenacity - 32,2%, development of force - 22,4%, development of quickness' - 20,7%, and development of dexterity and flexibility - 20,7% of total). 94 hours are allotted for a special physical training (punching and blocking acts covers 14,9%, defense against punches -42,6%, releasing, thriving, and helping acts - 23,3%, keeping off and checking - 19,2% of the total time). Based on the results of the research the normative basis of the physical training has been analyzed, the specific features of the development of the indexes of quickness, power, tenacity, and flexibility of each student and the group as a whole has been assessed, as well as the criteria for the evaluation of these indexes has been set. The dynamics of the development of the above indexes suggests that the physical training classes and individual training are essential in increasing the powers of the basic functions of a body. The first and the most important task of the teacher of physical training in the Law University is upbringing the conscious need of the students to have a high-level physical readiness, evaluating of the changes of a physical state and determining the ways of its correction. The second task is to teach the students to train themselves systematically, to improve their professional and conditional preparation, to develop certain skills and determined movements as well as to improve psycho-physiological power taking into account particularities of the profession. Taking into consideration the specific features applied to this profession, it is proposed to develop the following skills of a student to train the physical powers: to increase a maximal and dynamic power of leg muscles that are very important in the acts of defense; to develop an explosive and cyclic (frequency) powers that are important in producing the act of a punch or series of such acts; to improve the tenacity of dynamic power that is important in making movements or changing position; to develop a static tenacity of muscles (especially the muscles of back) that is important in wrestling and restraining a competitor. To develop the quickness it is necessary: to evaluate a situation adequately; to define a type of an action and fulfill the action in an optimal way; to alternate the exercises for quickness making conditions more difficult; to develop a motor reaction employing group actions with some elements of contest; to train a student to differentiate the micro intervals of time to respond to punches adequately. To improve the quickness of psychological processes the following skills of a student shall be trained: ability to catch a sight (after a turn or a twirl) of a single object or several objects that appear in turn or simultaneously in different places; to notice the movements that hint at a certain action quickly and precisely; to improve the abilities of a student to process the information received in a precise manner and take decision promptly in response to the intended actions of a competitor. Physical training of the students of Law University is versatile and complicated process consisting of interdependent components: learning of physical exercises, development of physical features, formation of professional skills and creative application of all the above in professional activities of policeman