40 research outputs found

    Innovative multifunctional materials with low environmental impact for energy saving, comfort and health of indoor environment

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    L’esigenza di un’elevata efficienza energetica degli edifici porta ad avere strutture isolate con limitati ricambi d’aria. Di conseguenza ci può essere un peggioramento della qualità dell’aria interna con aumento delle concentrazioni degli inquinanti aereo-dispersi e conseguenti ambienti confinati caratterizzati da una scarsa qualità dell’aria. Si spende molto tempo in ambienti confinati come uffici, residenze, scuole e altre strutture pubbliche che devono necessariamente avere un microclima sano e confortevole. Ristagni di umidità e concentrazioni elevate di inquinanti aereodispersi possono avere severe e gravi conseguenze sullo stato di salute degli occupanti degli edifici come la ben nota Sindrome da Edificio Malato (Sick Building Syndrom, SBS). Da qui nasce l’esigenza di sviluppare tecnologie che passivamente riescano a migliorate la qualità dell’aria indoor senza andare a inficiare sul conteggio energetico dell’edificio stesso. Lo scopo della ricerca è quello di sviluppare malte e/o finiture multifunzionali innovative che, senza ulteriori dispendi energetici, riescano a garantire un elevato comfort e la salubrità degli ambienti indoor. L’obiettivo sarà raggiunto impiegando nelle miscele preparate con diversi leganti (cemento, cemento fotocatalitico, calce idraulica naturale con e senza agente fotocatalitico) aggregati/filler non convenzionali con elevate capacità adsorbenti anche tramite l’utilizzo di sottoprodotti industriali. Le finiture multifunzionali potranno così adsorbire gli inquinanti aereodispersi in un reattore a micro-nano scala dove verranno rimossi, mantenendo nel tempo un’elevata efficienza. Dai risultati ottenuti si è dimostrato come le malte innovative multifunzionali, oltre a soddisfare i requisiti ordinari, sono in grado di migliorare passivamente la qualità dell’aria di ambienti confinati. In particolare le finiture garantiscono elevata traspirabilità, sono buoni tamponi igroscopici e hanno un’elevata capacità disinquinante.Recent European laws and directives are stricter in terms of energy efficiency of buildings. Constructions are currently built up more sealed and air changing is not enough. This condition leads to a greater risk of unhealthy indoor environments. Due to the changing in lifestyle, people are nowadays spending indoor mostly of their time, so, indoor air quality (IAQ) is becoming a critical issue. Mortars, plasters and finishes can have an active role to improve IAQ. This study focused on innovative and multifunctional mortars to be used as finishes, able to improve IAQ, without wasting energy. The action of different binders (cement, photocatalytic cement, natural hydraulic lime with and without photocatalytic agents) was studied as well as the effects of adsorbent materials used as unconventional aggregates/fillers. The effect of using biomass waste materials was also investigated, to the aims of sustainability. In particular, multifunctional finishes can adsorb airborne pollutants in micro-nano-scale where they will be removed ensuring enough efficiency during time. The results show that the innovative multifunctional mortars for finishes, besides fulfilling the ordinary requirements, are able to improve passively IAQ, for the health and comfort of occupants, in terms of permeability, moisture buffering ability and depolluting activity

    An Overview of the Sustainable Recycling Processes Used for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    first_pagesettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessReview An Overview of the Sustainable Recycling Processes Used for Lithium-Ion Batteries by Daniele Marchese 1,*ORCID,Chiara Giosuè 2,*ORCID,Antunes Staffolani 3,4,5ORCID,Massimo Conti 6,Simone Orcioni 6,Francesca Soavi 3,4,5ORCID,Matteo Cavalletti 1 andPierluigi Stipa 2ORCID 1 MIDAC S.p.A., Via Alessandro Volta 2, Soave, 37038 Verona, Italy 2 Department of Science and Engineering of Matter, Environment and Urban Planning (SIMAU), Polytechnic University of Marche, INSTM Research Unit, 60131 Ancona, Italy 3 Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician”, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy 4 ENERCube, Centro Ricerche Energia, Ambiente e Mare, Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Industriale Fonti Rinnovabili, Ambiente, Mare ed Energia (CIRI-FRAME)—Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Viale Ciro Menotti, 48, 48122 Marina di Ravenna, Italy 5 National Reference Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage (GISEL)—INSTM, Via G. Giusti 9, 50121 Firenze, Italy 6 Department of Information Engineering (DII), Polytechnic University of Marche, INSTM Research Unit, 60131 Ancona, Italy * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Batteries 2024, 10(1), 27; https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries10010027 Submission received: 25 November 2023 / Revised: 21 December 2023 / Accepted: 6 January 2024 / Published: 11 January 2024 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Toward Next-Generation Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries: Current Status and Future Prospects) Downloadkeyboard_arrow_down Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) can play a crucial role in the decarbonization process that is being tackled worldwide; millions of electric vehicles are already provided with or are directly powered by LIBs, and a large number of them will flood the markets within the next 8–10 years. Proper disposal strategies are required, and sustainable and environmental impacts need to be considered. Despite still finding little applicability in the industrial field, recycling could become one of the most sustainable options to handle the end of life of LIBs. This review reports on the most recent advances in sustainable processing for spent LIB recycling that is needed to improve the LIB value chain, with a special focus on green leaching technologies for Co-based cathodes. Specifically, we provide the main state of the art for sustainable LIB recycling processes, focusing on the pretreatment of spent LIBs; we report on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies on the usage of acids, including mineral as well as organic ones; and summarize the recent innovation for the green recovery of valuable metals from spent LIBs, including electrochemical methods. The advantage of using green leaching agents, such as organic acids, which represent a valuable option towards more sustainable recycling processes, is also discussed. Organic acids can, indeed, reduce the economic, chemical, and environmental impacts of LIBs since post-treatments are avoided. Furthermore, existing challenges are identified herein, and suggestions for improving the effectiveness of recycling are defined

    The expression analysis of mouse interleukin-6 splice variants argued against their biological relevance

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    Alternative splicing generates several interleukin-6 (IL-6) isoforms; for them an antagonistic activity to the wild-type IL-6 has been proposed. In this study we quantified the relative abundance of IL-6 mRNA isoforms in a panel of mouse tissues and in C2C12 cells during myoblast differentiation or after treatment with the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, the AMP-mimetic AICAR and TNF-alpha. The two mouse IL-6 isoforrns identified, IL-6 delta 5 (deletion of the first 58 bp of exon 5) and IL-6 delta 3 (lacking exon 3), were not conserved in rat and human, did not exhibit tissue specific regulation, were expressed at low levels and their abundance closely correlated to that of full-length IL-6. Species-specific features of the IL-6 sequence, such as the presence of competitive 3' acceptor site in exon 5 and insertion of retrotransposable elements in intron 3, could explain the production of IL-6 delta 5 and IL-6 delta 3. Our results argued against biological significance for mouse IL-6 isoforms

    Innovative multifunctional materials with low environmental impact for energy saving, comfort and health of indoor environment

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    L’esigenza di un’elevata efficienza energetica degli edifici porta ad avere strutture isolate con limitati ricambi d’aria. Di conseguenza ci può essere un peggioramento della qualità dell’aria interna con aumento delle concentrazioni degli inquinanti aereo-dispersi e conseguenti ambienti confinati caratterizzati da una scarsa qualità dell’aria. Si spende molto tempo in ambienti confinati come uffici, residenze, scuole e altre strutture pubbliche che devono necessariamente avere un microclima sano e confortevole. Ristagni di umidità e concentrazioni elevate di inquinanti aereodispersi possono avere severe e gravi conseguenze sullo stato di salute degli occupanti degli edifici come la ben nota Sindrome da Edificio Malato (Sick Building Syndrom, SBS). Da qui nasce l’esigenza di sviluppare tecnologie che passivamente riescano a migliorate la qualità dell’aria indoor senza andare a inficiare sul conteggio energetico dell’edificio stesso. Lo scopo della ricerca è quello di sviluppare malte e/o finiture multifunzionali innovative che, senza ulteriori dispendi energetici, riescano a garantire un elevato comfort e la salubrità degli ambienti indoor. L’obiettivo sarà raggiunto impiegando nelle miscele preparate con diversi leganti (cemento, cemento fotocatalitico, calce idraulica naturale con e senza agente fotocatalitico) aggregati/filler non convenzionali con elevate capacità adsorbenti anche tramite l’utilizzo di sottoprodotti industriali. Le finiture multifunzionali potranno così adsorbire gli inquinanti aereodispersi in un reattore a micro-nano scala dove verranno rimossi, mantenendo nel tempo un’elevata efficienza. Dai risultati ottenuti si è dimostrato come le malte innovative multifunzionali, oltre a soddisfare i requisiti ordinari, sono in grado di migliorare passivamente la qualità dell’aria di ambienti confinati. In particolare le finiture garantiscono elevata traspirabilità, sono buoni tamponi igroscopici e hanno un’elevata capacità disinquinante.Recent European laws and directives are stricter in terms of energy efficiency of buildings. Constructions are currently built up more sealed and air changing is not enough. This condition leads to a greater risk of unhealthy indoor environments. Due to the changing in lifestyle, people are nowadays spending indoor mostly of their time, so, indoor air quality (IAQ) is becoming a critical issue. Mortars, plasters and finishes can have an active role to improve IAQ. This study focused on innovative and multifunctional mortars to be used as finishes, able to improve IAQ, without wasting energy. The action of different binders (cement, photocatalytic cement, natural hydraulic lime with and without photocatalytic agents) was studied as well as the effects of adsorbent materials used as unconventional aggregates/fillers. The effect of using biomass waste materials was also investigated, to the aims of sustainability. In particular, multifunctional finishes can adsorb airborne pollutants in micro-nano-scale where they will be removed ensuring enough efficiency during time. The results show that the innovative multifunctional mortars for finishes, besides fulfilling the ordinary requirements, are able to improve passively IAQ, for the health and comfort of occupants, in terms of permeability, moisture buffering ability and depolluting activity

    Combined Use of Shrinkage Reducing Admixture and CaO in Cement Based Materials

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    The combined addition of a Shrinkage-Reducing Admixture (SRA) with a CaObased expansive agent (CaO) has been found to have a synergistic effect to improve the dimensional stability of cement based materials. In this work, aimed to further investigate the effect, mortar and self-compacting concrete specimens were prepared either without admixtures, as reference, or with SRA alone and/or CaO. Their performance was compared in terms of compressive strength and free shrinkage measurements. Results showed that the synergistic effect in reducing shrinkage is confirmed in the specimens manufactured with SRA and CaO. In order to clarify this phenomenon, the effect of SRA on the hydration of CaO as well as cement was evaluated through different techniques. The obtained results show that SRA induces a finer microstructure of the CaO hydration products and a retarding effect on the microstructure development of cement based materials. A more deformable mortar or concrete, due to the delay in microstructure development by SRA, coupled with a finer microstructure of CaO hydration products could allow higher early expansion, which might contribute in contrasting better the successive drying shrinkage

    Stainless and Galvanized Steel, Hydrophobic Admixture and Flexible Polymer-Cement Coating Compared in Increasing Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures

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    The use of stainless or galvanized steel reinforcements, a hydrophobic admixture or a flexible polymer-cement coating were compared as methods to improve the corrosion resistance of sound or cracked reinforced concrete specimens exposed to chloride rich solutions. The results show that in full immersion condition, negligible corrosion rates were detected in all cracked specimens, except those treated with the flexible polymer-cement mortar as preventive method against corrosion and the hydrophobic concrete specimens. High corrosion rates were measured in all cracked specimens exposed to wet-dry cycles, except for those reinforced with stainless steel, those treated with the flexible polymer-cement coating as restorative method against reinforcement corrosion and for hydrophobic concrete specimens reinforced with galvanized steel reinforcement

    Il vallone Unerzio, territorio di passaggio e di presidio in età moderna

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    Il Vallone Unerzio rappresenta un territorio poco interessato dagli insediamenti antropici, ma ripetutamente coinvolto nelle vicende militari di epoca moderna: se infatti pochi e minuti insediamenti rurali hanno occupato questa conca di origine glaciale, per contro trovano ancora luogo numerose opere difensive, lacerti diffusi e testimonianze di una storia moderna, disvelata anche dalle cartografie e dal materiale d’archivio. Il vallone si colloca alla sommità della Valle Maira, in provincia di Cuneo, e si estende sulla destra orografica del torrente Macra, in prossimità di Acceglio; alla sommità si apre il piano di Prato Ciorliero: da qui incursioni nemiche provenienti dal fondovalle, o in discesa dal colle della Scaletta lungo il percorso dell’Oronaye, potevano salire all’altopiano della Gardetta valicando l’omonimo passo. Ne deriva il ruolo di rilievo assunto da questo territorio negli scenari di conflitto, quale area in quota a cavallo tra le Valli Maira, Stura, Grana e i territori oltre confine

    Waste materials in the production of traditional building ceramics: effect of GRP dust waste addition on properties of fired bricks

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    The total amount of end-of-life and production waste generated by glass thermo-set composites market in Europe reaches 304,000 tonnes (2015) triggering interest in optimizing Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) waste recovery. Now, landfill as non hazardous waste remains the most popular solution to manage GRP waste for the difficulty of separating the different parts, its intrinsic thermo-set composite nature and the insufficient knowledge on recycling options. Recently, GRP dust (GRPd) waste in cementitious matrix has been investigated to improve performances. Effects of GRPd waste addition in the production of bricks can also be considered. The polymeric part in GRPd will burn during cooking: additional porosity can be left in the matrix improving final lightness; the glass fibers in GRPd waste can reinforce the ceramic matrix decreasing fragility and increasing the bricks bending strength

    Non-destructive testing for the in situ assessment of the ionic flux in cementitious materials

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    none4noTittarelli, Francesca; Pierpaoli, Mattia; Giosuè, Chiara; Letizia Ruello, MariaTittarelli, Francesca; Pierpaoli, Mattia; Giosue', Chiara; Ruello, Maria Letizi