103 research outputs found

    Initial Considerations Before Designing a Promoter Construct.

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    Before designing a synthetic promoter, it can be helpful to think about its final application. Is the study purely an in vitro exercise in monitoring short-term promoter activity from an episomal vector, or does the promoter eventually need to be permanently active and be integrated into the genome or perhaps even to function in vivo? The final application will have a bearing on promoter design and vector of choice from the start of the study. In this chapter I highlight some of the vector attributes to consider and features that should be thought about

    Microneedle array delivered recombinant coronavirus vaccines: Immunogenicity and rapid translational development

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    Background: Coronaviruses pose a serious threat to global health as evidenced by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and COVID-19. SARS Coronavirus (SARS-CoV), MERS Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and the novel coronavirus, previously dubbed 2019-nCoV, and now officially named SARS-CoV-2, are the causative agents of the SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 disease outbreaks, respectively. Safe vaccines that rapidly induce potent and long-lasting virus-specific immune responses against these infectious agents are urgently needed

    Influenza A H5N1 and HIV co-infection: case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The role of adaptive immunity in severe influenza is poorly understood. The occurrence of influenza A/H5N1 in a patient with HIV provided a rare opportunity to investigate this.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>A 30-year-old male was admitted on day 4 of influenza-like-illness with tachycardia, tachypnea, hypoxemia and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Influenza A/H5N1 and HIV tests were positive and the patient was treated with Oseltamivir and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Initially his condition improved coinciding with virus clearance by day 6. He clinically deteriorated as of day 10 with fever recrudescence and increasing neutrophil counts and died on day 16. His admission CD4 count was 100/μl and decreased until virus was cleared. CD8 T cells shifted to a CD27<sup>+</sup>CD28<sup>- </sup>phenotype. Plasma chemokine and cytokine levels were similar to those found previously in fatal H5N1.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The course of H5N1 infection was not notably different from other cases. Virus was cleared despite profound CD4 T cell depletion and aberrant CD8 T cell activation but this may have increased susceptibility to a fatal secondary infection.</p

    Influenza A (H1N1) in Victoria, Australia: A Community Case Series and Analysis of Household Transmission

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    We characterise the clinical features and household transmission of pandemic influenza A (pH1N1) in community cases from Victoria, Australia in 2009.Questionnaires were used to collect information on epidemiological characteristics, illness features and co-morbidities of cases identified in the 2009 Victorian Influenza Sentinel Surveillance program.The median age of 132 index cases was 21 years, of whom 54 (41%) were under 18 years old and 28 (21%) had medical co-morbidities. The median symptom duration was significantly shorter for children who received antivirals than in those who did not (p = 0.03). Assumed influenza transmission was observed in 63 (51%) households. Influenza-like illness (ILI) developed in 115 of 351 household contacts, a crude secondary attack rate of 33%. Increased ILI rates were seen in households with larger numbers of children but not larger numbers of adults. Multivariate analysis indicated contacts of cases with cough and diarrhoea, and contacts in quarantined households were significantly more likely to develop influenza-like symptoms.Most cases of pH1N1 in our study were mild with similar clinical characteristics to seasonal influenza. Illness and case features relating to virus excretion, age and household quarantine may have influenced secondary ILI rates within households

    Likely Correlation between Sources of Information and Acceptability of A/H1N1 Swine-Origin Influenza Virus Vaccine in Marseille, France

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    BACKGROUND: In France, there was a reluctance to accept vaccination against the A/H1N1 pandemic influenza virus despite government recommendation and investment in the vaccine programme. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We examined the willingness of different populations to accept A/H1N1 vaccination (i) in a French hospital among 3315 employees immunized either by in-house medical personnel or mobile teams of MDs and (ii) in a shelter housing 250 homeless persons. Google was used to assess the volume of enquiries concerning incidence of influenza. We analyzed the information on vaccination provided by Google, the website of the major French newspapers, and PubMed. Two trust Surveys were used to assess public opinion on the trustworthiness of people in different professions. Paramedics were significantly more reluctant to accept immunisation than qualified medical staff. Acceptance was significantly increased when recommended directly by MDs. Anecdotal cases of directly observed severe infections were followed by enhanced acceptance of paramedical staff. Scientific literature was significantly more in favour of vaccination than Google and French newspaper websites. In the case of the newspaper websites, information correlated with their recognised political reputations, although they would presumably claim independence from political bias. The Trust Surveys showed that politicians were highly dis-trusted in contrast with doctors and pharmacists who were considered much more trustworthy. CONCLUSIONS: The low uptake of the vaccine could reflect failure to convey high quality medical information and advice relating to the benefits of being vaccinated. We believe that the media and internet contributed to this problem by raising concerns within the general population and that failure to involve GPs in the control programme may have been a mistake. GPs are highly regarded by the public and can provide face-to-face professional advice and information. The top-down strategy of vaccine programme management and information delivered by the Ministry of Health could have aggravated the problem, because the general population does not always trust politicians

    A green fluorescent protein-expressing murine tumour but not its wild-type counterpart is cured by photodynamic therapy

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    The ideal cancer treatment should both destroy the primary tumour and at the same time educate the immune system to recognise the tumour as foreign so that distant metastases will also be eradicated. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves the i.v. administration of photosensitisers followed by illumination of the tumour with red light producing reactive oxygen species that eventually cause vascular shutdown and tumour cell death by apoptosis and necrosis. Anti-tumour immunity is stimulated after PDT due to the acute inflammatory response, generation of tumour-specific antigens, and induction of heat-shock proteins. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is used as an optical reporter to noninvasively image the progression of mouse tumours, and in addition, may act as a foreign (jellyfish) antigen. We asked whether GFP-expressing tumours could be used to monitor the response of tumour-bearing mice to PDT, and whether the tumour response differed when a nonimmunogenic tumour cell line was transduced with GFP. We injected RIF-1 or RIF-1 EGFP (stably transduced with a retroviral vector) cells in the leg of C3H/HeN mice and both the cells and tumour grew equally well. We used PDT with benzoporphyrin derivative and a short drug-light interval. There were complete cures and 100% mouse survival of RIF-1 EGFP while RIF-1 wild-type tumours all recurred. Cured mice were resistant to rechallenge with RIF-1 EGFP cells and a rechallenge with wild-type RIF-1 cells grew significantly slower. There was also slower RIF-1 EGFP rechallenge growth but no rejection when RIF-1 EGFP tumours were surgically removed. There was a low rate of PDT cure of tumours when RIF-1 cells were transduced with an empty retroviral vector. The presence of antibodies against EGFP in mouse serum suggests EGFP can act as a foreign antigen and PDT can then stimulate a long-term memory immune response

    A Canadian Critical Care Trials Group project in collaboration with the international forum for acute care trialists - Collaborative H1N1 Adjuvant Treatment pilot trial (CHAT): study protocol and design of a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Swine origin influenza A/H1N1 infection (H1N1) emerged in early 2009 and rapidly spread to humans. For most infected individuals, symptoms were mild and self-limited; however, a small number developed a more severe clinical syndrome characterized by profound respiratory failure with hospital mortality ranging from 10 to 30%. While supportive care and neuraminidase inhibitors are the main treatment for influenza, data from observational and interventional studies suggest that the course of influenza can be favorably influenced by agents not classically considered as influenza treatments. Multiple observational studies have suggested that HMGCoA reductase inhibitors (statins) can exert a class effect in attenuating inflammation. The Collaborative H1N1 Adjuvant Treatment (CHAT) Pilot Trial sought to investigate the feasibility of conducting a trial during a global pandemic in critically ill patients with H1N1 with the goal of informing the design of a larger trial powered to determine impact of statins on important outcomes.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A multi-national, pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) of once daily enteral rosuvastatin versus matched placebo administered for 14 days for the treatment of critically ill patients with suspected, probable or confirmed H1N1 infection. We propose to randomize 80 critically ill adults with a moderate to high index of suspicion for H1N1 infection who require mechanical ventilation and have received antiviral therapy for ≤ 72 hours. Site investigators, research coordinators and clinical pharmacists will be blinded to treatment assignment. Only research pharmacy staff will be aware of treatment assignment. We propose several approaches to informed consent including a priori consent from the substitute decision maker (SDM), waived and deferred consent. The primary outcome of the CHAT trial is the proportion of eligible patients enrolled in the study. Secondary outcomes will evaluate adherence to medication administration regimens, the proportion of primary and secondary endpoints collected, the number of patients receiving open-label statins, consent withdrawals and the effect of approved consent models on recruitment rates.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Several aspects of study design including the need to include central randomization, preserve allocation concealment, ensure study blinding compare to a matched placebo and the use novel consent models pose challenges to investigators conducting pandemic research. Moreover, study implementation requires that trial design be pragmatic and initiated in a short time period amidst uncertainty regarding the scope and duration of the pandemic.</p> <p>Trial Registration Number</p> <p><a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN45190901">ISRCTN45190901</a></p
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