13 research outputs found

    Dynamic protein methylation in chromatin biology

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    Post-translational modification of chromatin is emerging as an increasingly important regulator of chromosomal processes. In particular, histone lysine and arginine methylation play important roles in regulating transcription, maintaining genomic integrity, and contributing to epigenetic memory. Recently, the use of new approaches to analyse histone methylation, the generation of genetic model systems, and the ability to interrogate genome wide histone modification profiles has aided in defining how histone methylation contributes to these processes. Here we focus on the recent advances in our understanding of the histone methylation system and examine how dynamic histone methylation contributes to normal cellular function in mammals

    Section of the spermatic vein

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    Surgical treatment of varicocele can be carried out using different techniques. The laparoscopic approach [1-2] represent a new trend that we used to ligate and dissect the spermatic vein in 10 patients, 8 with monolateral left varicocele and 2 with bilateral varicocele. The average time for laparoscopic surgery has been 45 minutes for monolateral varicocele and 65 minutes in the bilateral one. The absence of important complications during and after the operation has allowed to dismiss all patients 48 hours after the surgical treatment. The preferential direction of laparoscopic approach to varicocele is represented by the bilateral form

    Bladder laparoscopic surgery

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    The advances made in laparoscopic surgery during the last five years have made possible the performance of a variety of bladder level procedures as suspension of the bladder neck, removal of bladder diverticulum and cystectomy. Laparoscopic bladder-neck suspension is purposed by different Authors as a minimally invasive procedure that can be provide efficacious results as like as open surgery, reducing post-operative disconfort. All different laparoscopic technique provide good results at short-term follow-up. A longer follow-up period is required for the evaluation of the effective efficacy of this treatment. In according with other authors, our experience with laparoscopic bladder diverticulectomy demonstrates the feasibility and the potentiality of this technique. Up to now this procedure has been employed in the treatment of diverticula involved in urinary infection or residual urine. At the beginning, laparoscopic cystectomy has been purposed in patients with begin disease; more recently, laparoscopy has been disease; more recently, laparoscopy has been employed for cystectomy in case of bladder cancer. The few cases described demonstrate that the technique is feasible but, until now, laparoscopic cystectomy has been reported just in female pati

    Experimental and clinical urinary diversion

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    In order to achieve an appropriate technical experience and explore clinical feasibility of laparoscopic urinary diversion, the authors planned a laboratory experiment. In ten male pigs weighing about 25 kilograms cystoprostatectomy was performed. Ureterocutaneostomy or ureterosigmoidostomy were carried out next. For ureterocutaneostomy a channel was bluntly dissected through the abdominal wall. The ureter was grasped by a clamp passed through the stroma, drawn outside and anstomosed to the skin. Operative time was about 30 minutes. For ureterosigmoidostomy a longitudinal incision of approximately 1 cm was made through the wall of the sigmoid colon in order to reach the mucosa. A very small opening in the angle of the incision was made. A suture was placed in the ureteral tip and secured to the colon wall. Finally, the ureter was covered in its bed with antireflux technique. Operative time was about 180 minutes. Laparoscopic ureterocutaneostomy was also successfully applied in a compromised patient to resolve a particular clinical situation

    Renal cysts resection

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    Six patients with inferior and middle polar renal cysts of 8-15 centimeters of diameter, underwent the resection of the cyst by laparoscopic technique. The operation required an average time of execution of two hours and the positioning of four trochars to consent an adequate access. The absence of important complications during and after the operation has allowed a quick dismission of the patients. The laparoscopic treatment of renal cysts represent a valid choice to traditional surgery and percutaneous needle aspiration

    Laparoscopic renal cyst excision

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    Renal cystic failure generally does not require any form of treatment except in cases where a secondary obstruction of the excreting tract occurs, for persistent hypertension, when symptomatic pain persists or is complicated by infection or haemorrhage. Laparoscopic treatment of a renal cyst has proved to be a safe and efficacious therapy. We report our transperitoneal and retroperi-toneal experience with laparoscopic resection of simple renal cysts, between January 1992 and June 1995. We employed a transperitoneal approach for 10 patients and in eight cases a retroperitoneal access. No intraoperative complications were encountered in this series. In all patients blood loss was less than 100cc. With both approaches patients can be discharged between 24 and 72 h after the operation. At 6 month follow up, one recurrence was observed in the group of patients treated transperitoneally. Retroperitoneoscopy seems to be safer and easier compared to the transperitoneal technique

    Renal cysts resection

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    Six patients with inferior and middle polar renal cysts of 8-15 centimeters of diameter, underwent the resection of the cyst by laparoscopic technique. The operation required an average time of execution of two hours and the positioning of four trochars to consent an adequate access. The absence of important complications during and after the operation has allowed a quick dismission of the patients. The laparoscopic treatment of renal cysts represent a valid choice to traditional surgery and percutaneous needle aspiration


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    The Authors illustrate their experience in the treatment of a case of left criptorchidism using laparoscopic technique associated with traditional surgery (Fowler-Stephens technique) without important complications during and after the procedure. The non palpable testis was located in the peritoneal cavity. The first step consists in a laparoscopic clip ligation of the spermatic vessels with the intent of improve the vasal collateral blood flow. After a 6 months interval, the patient underwent laparoscopic orchidopexy

    Urological laparoscopy : our preliminary results

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    From the beginning of urological applications of laparoscopy, this technique has found many clinical indications. In our center, after an experimental training in animals, we performed 48 operations using laparoscopy: 18 pelvic lymphadenectomies (15 for prostate cancer, 2 for bladder tumor and 1 for penis carcinoma), 11 ligatures of the spermatic vein (3 bilateral), 4 orchidopexies, 10 excisions of renal cysts, 4 nephrectomies and 1 adrenalectomy. For cryptorchidism, laparoscopy is a less invasive alternative to surgical exploration; in case of prostate cancer, laparoscopic pelvic node dissection has a lower incidence of complications and requires few days of hospitalisation. The excision of renal cysts by laparoscopy, in case of large symptomatic pathology, is an efficacious operation with low morbidity. In case of nephrectomy for small wrinkled kidneys or severe hydronephrosis, long execution time makes cost/benefit ratio somewhat debatable; adrenalectomy, instead, is easier than nephrectomy and offers many advantages in comparison with traditional surgical approach. All indications will be better evaluated at a later date, with the indispensable learning period and the continuous progress of technical equipment

    Laparoscopic cystectomy : an experimental model of urinary diversion

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    During our experimental trial we achieved laparoscopic cistectomies with urinary diversion to prove our manual capability with the reconstructive surgery. We executed, on male pigs, 10 cistectomies with urinary diversion using laparoscopic technique. We performed 5 ureterocutaneostomies on 5 pigs and, in the other ones, 5 ureterosigmoidostomies. During UCS the pigs laid in lateral position, and during USS in supine position. The average time of the operation is going to reduce in consideration of the overcoming of the initial techno-instrumental difficulties and is 60 minutes for cistectomy, 30 minutes for ureterocutaneostomy and 120 minutes for ureterosigmoidostomy